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Most political poster...and the award goes to.....
Quote: @Sir Viking Bob VWO said:
@"BarrNone55" said:
@savannahskol said:
Middle of the Viking season, and his last 11 posts re: politics.  Unprecedented.

Count em.  Wink
And here I thought Sir Viking Bob TWO stalking me on two other boards was creepy. 
Says the creep that would brag about climbing up on GV roof and look into the windows to see his wife.  
Says the guy that stalked me on Facebook 
Says the guy that stalked Viking Horn under fake account names and screen shot threads so he could report us and get us shut down. Hahahahah. How did that go for you Fuck head??
stick to the TMZ shit you P1 wannabe 
And this will be enough on this from both of you.

Don't envy your job on this one Jimmy.
This thread has me embarrassed.

Quote: @suncoastvike said:
Don't envy your job on this one Jimmy.
This thread has me embarrassed.
I never want to delete threads,  because I think even the shit ones could serve as a reminder for what we dont want to be,  but without the ability to lock a thread I may have to do that.

I think it's time to use the thread ban feature more quickly and without warning.   That should make the PMs fun to read!


Not sure how to post twitter link from Ann Coulter:

Reminder No. 3 for Americans listening to the hysteria about our beloved allies, the Kurds, on the Sunday political shows: 
Where were they when Obama abandoned our allies (including the beloved Kurds) by pulling every last troop out of Iraq?   Oh, yeah: Cheering!

I am very much not concerned. I was out working last weeks game for our site. 

i played along for a while. Likely my only postings here will be political from now on.

Meanwhile I pay the fucking bills. So kiss my ass if you don’t like what I post.

You choose to post here and I allow you to. That's the arrangement. 

Also do you really REALLY want me to dig up stats on past postings to show who has posted more political bullshit? Really? Because you’d be the biggest damn fraud on here. Don’t come at me with this bullshit. It makes you look like a fucking idiot.

Quote: @A1Janitor said:

Not sure how to post twitter link from Ann Coulter:

Reminder No. 3 for Americans listening to the hysteria about our beloved allies, the Kurds, on the Sunday political shows: 
Where were they when Obama abandoned our allies (including the beloved Kurds) by pulling every last troop out of Iraq?   Oh, yeah: Cheering!
I forgot about Obama doing it to benefit his two towers in Turkey. But yes many people did bemoan the way we left Iraq. On both sides. There are many things people on the left will vilify him for. Him being cozy to corporations is one. His surveillance methods and usage is another as is his use of drones. So yeah you can find common ground on these matters. The truth is the president just fucked over our allies and people are dying because of it. Warm the cockles of your heart that Obama did something at some point. It doesn't change the fact that the president is a damned traitor. Right Now. Haul Obama's ass into the hague for all I care. Find him guilty of whatever you want. It doesn't change a damn thing about right now.

LMAO The president is a damned traitor?  

One of our allies is Turkey.

Damned traitor?  LMAO.  

That is rich. Have you seen the intelligence?  

Spying by Obama?  Let’s wait and see the FISA report to determine how bad these criminals behaved.  Bottom line - Obama spied on the Trump campaign and created the Russian hoax as an insurance policy after Hillary lost.  

And let’s get to the bottom of the Syrian nightmare.  We sold weapons through enemies in Syria through Benghazi.  And I suspect the deleted emails were deleted because it shows those crimes.  It wasn’t a video.  

Let’s wait for the truth to come out.  After all, we rushed to judgment 15 minutes after he was sworn in calling for impeachment.  Russia hoax failed.  The Schiff “whistleblower” scam failed.  And now Syria makes him a damn traitor before we have the facts.  


I still think we are going to find out some very bad shit about Obama et al - that these fake indignations are merely talking points because it will be bad. 

Sure A1 sure.... tell me more.

It really was the microwaves right?

Quote: @Mike Olson said:
Sure A1 sure.... tell me more.

It really was the microwaves right?
Cute Mike. 

Hide behind your bullshit.  

Wait and see.  

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