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Trump's racism no longer in question
Don't you on the Left ever get tired of calling people racists?  It's particularly strange when you defend people that have made direct racist and anti-semitic comments.  As I said in the other racial thread, I get it...Obama made it cool to call people racist again.  What an incredible waste.  The first black President had the opportunity to put issues of race behind us once and for all...and instead used race for political gain.  Disagree with him on economic policy or healthcare or...and Obama was all too happy to make it about race.  Obama would chime in on the Harvard professor, Trayvon, Ferguson, Freddie Gray....almost always on the wrong side of the actual facts....all to consolidate and charge his base.  Obama's legacy should have been about this Country finally seeing people as people...and not judging by the color of their skin...a legacy that would have been amazing.  Instead, his legacy will be that he likely set the Country back 40 years in race relations.  I volunteer at the local shelter several times a week mostly working with people of color.  The level of distrust Obama caused between races (and the police) is truly shameful.  The number of times I was called a racist in my 58 years on the planet prior to Obama taking  After Obama was elected, literally hundreds...the racist accusations come easy for the Left even when there's no merit. 

The Left now sees only color in every situation.  You can't question people of color or LGBTQ people or...on the merits of their ideas or their actions....because race, sexual orientation is all the Left sees.  The so called squad has a bad history of some fairly vile anti-white and anti-semitic comments yet here we are with the Left defending them...because they can't possibly be questioned...because they're black..or Hispanic...and Rapinoe can't be questioned for not singing the anthem...because she's gay. 

Stop with the dog whistle crap and worry about what really matters.  You want to make a difference?  Get out there and actually do something about helping minorities and the disadvantaged...instead of this nonsense.

Quote: @badgervike said:
Don't you on the Left ever get tired of calling people racists?  It's particularly strange when you defend people that have made direct racist and anti-semitic comments.  As I said in the other racial thread, I get it...Obama made it cool to call people racist again.  What an incredible waste.  The first black President had the opportunity to put issues of race behind us once and for all...and instead used race for political gain.  Disagree with him on economic policy or healthcare or...and Obama was all too happy to make it about race.  Obama would chime in on the Harvard professor, Trayvon, Ferguson, Freddie Gray....almost always on the wrong side of the actual facts....all to consolidate and charge his base.  Obama's legacy should have been about this Country finally seeing people as people...and not judging by the color of their skin...a legacy that would have been amazing.  Instead, his legacy will be that he likely set the Country back 40 years in race relations.  I volunteer at the local shelter several times a week mostly working with people of color.  The level of distrust Obama caused between races (and the police) is truly shameful.  The number of times I was called a racist in my 58 years on the planet prior to Obama taking  After Obama was elected, literally hundreds...the racist accusations come easy for the Left even when there's no merit. 

The Left now sees only color in every situation.  You can't question people of color or LGBTQ people or...on the merits of their ideas or their actions....because race, sexual orientation is all the Left sees.  The so called squad has a bad history of some fairly vile anti-white and anti-semitic comments yet here we are with the Left defending them...because they can't possibly be questioned...because they're black..or Hispanic...and Rapinoe can't be questioned for not singing the anthem...because she's gay. 

Stop with the dog whistle crap and worry about what really matters.  You want to make a difference?  Get out there and actually do something about helping minorities and the disadvantaged...instead of this nonsense.
Yes, you've said this before. I'd be curious to know why you were called a racist. Was it because you went to a tea party rally and held a sign showing Obama with a bone through his nose? Or a sign that said "go back to Kenya?" Or any number of several hundred things that showed up at those rallies I don't even want to repeat on this board? Or is it just because you didn't vote for him?

I think some of us consider racism just about the worst thing in the world. Others seem to be just OK with it. Gerson said it well: " This evil — the evil of white supremacy, resulting in dehumanization, inhumanity and murder — is the worst stain, the greatest crime, of U.S. history. It is the thing that nearly broke the nation. It is the thing that proved generations of Christians to be vicious hypocrites. It is the thing that turned normal people into moral monsters."

Yeah, it's a pretty bad thing. We HAVE TO call it out where it exists. If we don't, it will destroy us. I've never called you, or anyone else on this board, a racist. But if someone did, I would imagine it's because of this sort of INSISTENCE to ignore it, to sweep it under the rug and blame something else. It's like Pumpf's post. Kid writes about how he hates the Hispanic invasion of Texas, drives 600 miles to a border town Walmart and shoots up the place....and Pumpf thinks we need to talk about divorce. WTF, man!! Why not just say he's a racist piece of shit and racism has no place in America? Can you even say that? Is that so hard? You have to look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself, why is it so hard to call out racism where it exists? Divorce???!! The fuck man...

Quote: @MaroonBells said:
@badgervike said:
Don't you on the Left ever get tired of calling people racists?  It's particularly strange when you defend people that have made direct racist and anti-semitic comments.  As I said in the other racial thread, I get it...Obama made it cool to call people racist again.  What an incredible waste.  The first black President had the opportunity to put issues of race behind us once and for all...and instead used race for political gain.  Disagree with him on economic policy or healthcare or...and Obama was all too happy to make it about race.  Obama would chime in on the Harvard professor, Trayvon, Ferguson, Freddie Gray....almost always on the wrong side of the actual facts....all to consolidate and charge his base.  Obama's legacy should have been about this Country finally seeing people as people...and not judging by the color of their skin...a legacy that would have been amazing.  Instead, his legacy will be that he likely set the Country back 40 years in race relations.  I volunteer at the local shelter several times a week mostly working with people of color.  The level of distrust Obama caused between races (and the police) is truly shameful.  The number of times I was called a racist in my 58 years on the planet prior to Obama taking  After Obama was elected, literally hundreds...the racist accusations come easy for the Left even when there's no merit. 

The Left now sees only color in every situation.  You can't question people of color or LGBTQ people or...on the merits of their ideas or their actions....because race, sexual orientation is all the Left sees.  The so called squad has a bad history of some fairly vile anti-white and anti-semitic comments yet here we are with the Left defending them...because they can't possibly be questioned...because they're black..or Hispanic...and Rapinoe can't be questioned for not singing the anthem...because she's gay. 

Stop with the dog whistle crap and worry about what really matters.  You want to make a difference?  Get out there and actually do something about helping minorities and the disadvantaged...instead of this nonsense.
Yes, you've said this before. I'd be curious to know why you were called a racist. Was it because you went to a tea party rally and held a sign showing Obama with a bone through his nose? Or a sign that said "go back to Kenya?" Or any number of several hundred things that showed up at those rallies I don't even want to repeat on this board? Or is it just because you didn't vote for him?

I think some of us consider racism just about the worst thing in the world. Others seem to be just OK with it. Gerson said it well: " This evil — the evil of white supremacy, resulting in dehumanization, inhumanity and murder — is the worst stain, the greatest crime, of U.S. history. It is the thing that nearly broke the nation. It is the thing that proved generations of Christians to be vicious hypocrites. It is the thing that turned normal people into moral monsters."

Yeah, it's a pretty bad thing. We HAVE TO call it out where it exists. If we don't, it will destroy us. I've never called you, or anyone else on this board, a racist. But if someone did, I would imagine it's because of this sort of INSISTENCE to ignore it, to sweep it under the rug and blame something else. It's like Pumpf's post. Kid writes about how he hates the Hispanic invasion of Texas, drives 600 miles to a border town Walmart and shoots up the place....and Pumpf thinks we need to talk about divorce. WTF, man!! Why not just say he's a racist piece of shit and racism has no place in America? Can you even say that? Is that so hard? You have to look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself, why is it so hard to call out racism where it exists? Divorce???!! The fuck man...
seems to me that Pumpf is noting a pretty significant trend in these types that commit these atrocities.  Shouldnt looking for ways to identify the shooter before he/she can take action merit discussion?  or is it only 1 thing that is possibly driving these people to action?   there are all kinds of racists out there,  many more than I could even imagine,  but how many of them are going to pick up a gun and take action?   seems to me that narrowing that group to prevent future incidents is exactly the conversation that should be taking place.  but if it makes you feel better to try and put the blame or take out your rage on somebody not involved at all... go ahead.

Quote: @MaroonBells said:
@badgervike said:
Don't you on the Left ever get tired of calling people racists?  It's particularly strange when you defend people that have made direct racist and anti-semitic comments.  As I said in the other racial thread, I get it...Obama made it cool to call people racist again.  What an incredible waste.  The first black President had the opportunity to put issues of race behind us once and for all...and instead used race for political gain.  Disagree with him on economic policy or healthcare or...and Obama was all too happy to make it about race.  Obama would chime in on the Harvard professor, Trayvon, Ferguson, Freddie Gray....almost always on the wrong side of the actual facts....all to consolidate and charge his base.  Obama's legacy should have been about this Country finally seeing people as people...and not judging by the color of their skin...a legacy that would have been amazing.  Instead, his legacy will be that he likely set the Country back 40 years in race relations.  I volunteer at the local shelter several times a week mostly working with people of color.  The level of distrust Obama caused between races (and the police) is truly shameful.  The number of times I was called a racist in my 58 years on the planet prior to Obama taking  After Obama was elected, literally hundreds...the racist accusations come easy for the Left even when there's no merit. 

The Left now sees only color in every situation.  You can't question people of color or LGBTQ people or...on the merits of their ideas or their actions....because race, sexual orientation is all the Left sees.  The so called squad has a bad history of some fairly vile anti-white and anti-semitic comments yet here we are with the Left defending them...because they can't possibly be questioned...because they're black..or Hispanic...and Rapinoe can't be questioned for not singing the anthem...because she's gay. 

Stop with the dog whistle crap and worry about what really matters.  You want to make a difference?  Get out there and actually do something about helping minorities and the disadvantaged...instead of this nonsense.
Yes, you've said this before. I'd be curious to know why you were called a racist. Was it because you went to a tea party rally and held a sign showing Obama with a bone through his nose? Or a sign that said "go back to Kenya?" Or any number of several hundred things that showed up at those rallies I don't even want to repeat on this board? Or is it just because you didn't vote for him?

I think some of us consider racism just about the worst thing in the world. Others seem to be just OK with it. Gerson said it well: " This evil — the evil of white supremacy, resulting in dehumanization, inhumanity and murder — is the worst stain, the greatest crime, of U.S. history. It is the thing that nearly broke the nation. It is the thing that proved generations of Christians to be vicious hypocrites. It is the thing that turned normal people into moral monsters."

Yeah, it's a pretty bad thing. We HAVE TO call it out where it exists. If we don't, it will destroy us. I've never called you, or anyone else on this board, a racist. But if someone did, I would imagine it's because of this sort of INSISTENCE to ignore it, to sweep it under the rug and blame something else. It's like Pumpf's post. Kid writes about how he hates the Hispanic invasion of Texas, drives 600 miles to a border town Walmart and shoots up the place....and Pumpf thinks we need to talk about divorce. WTF, man!! Why not just say he's a racist piece of shit and racism has no place in America? Can you even say that? Is that so hard? You have to look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself, why is it so hard to call out racism where it exists? Divorce???!! The fuck man...
The accusations of racism are usually indirect MB...much like you did here.
The Tea Party stuff is laughable.  I attended exactly one Tea Party rally in my life.  It was during the ACT 10 Union protests in Madison.  The Tea Party had their annual Tax Day Rally at the Capitol.  They had applied for their permits long before the protests at the Capitol started.  I went down because I figured it would be an interesting dynamic with all those people down there.  The ACT 10 protesters came armed with megaphones and noise makers to try to drown the speakers out.  The Left storms around the Capitol for two months and can't let the Tea Party people talk about smaller government for two hours?  That's messed up.  I did see a guy at the Rally with a "Niggars go home sign".  I talked to him for a little while.  I asked him what he was doing there.  He said he was there to support his fellow racists...he kept slipping into us and was pretty clear it was a guy on the Left just trying to paint the Tea Party as racist.  The funny thing is that he misspelled the word...and was talking to me in a faux southern accent...evidently he wanted to prove the Tea Party guys are both racists...and ignorant...and a southern accent helps with that.  I did see CNN interview him...don't know if it actually made the air as I was down there.  It was pretty obviously a put on....not dissimilar to the MAGA wearing Nigerians that attacked Jussie Smullett.
I did see very clear racism that day...but not from where you would have expected.  As we were leaving, there were some ACT 10 protesters standing on a retaining wall with their bullhorns.  One of my friends that went with me is black.  As we were leaving, they were screaming "Uncle Tommmm, Uncle Tommm" into the megaphones.  Like you, I find racism intolerable...and it was your buddies on the Left that hurled the racial taunts.  The funny thing is that my friend is from Suriname....and had no idea what the Uncle Tom reference  was all about. 

So...I'm guessing many of those horrific signs you see actually were plants based on my sampling of one. 

Like you, I think racism and discrimination is are false accusations of racism.  I noticed you haven't called out the squad members for directly racist and anti-semetic comments yet you're all too eager to call others out for what you deem indirect racism.

Quote: @MaroonBells said:
@badgervike said:
Don't you on the Left ever get tired of calling people racists?  It's particularly strange when you defend people that have made direct racist and anti-semitic comments.  As I said in the other racial thread, I get it...Obama made it cool to call people racist again.  What an incredible waste.  The first black President had the opportunity to put issues of race behind us once and for all...and instead used race for political gain.  Disagree with him on economic policy or healthcare or...and Obama was all too happy to make it about race.  Obama would chime in on the Harvard professor, Trayvon, Ferguson, Freddie Gray....almost always on the wrong side of the actual facts....all to consolidate and charge his base.  Obama's legacy should have been about this Country finally seeing people as people...and not judging by the color of their skin...a legacy that would have been amazing.  Instead, his legacy will be that he likely set the Country back 40 years in race relations.  I volunteer at the local shelter several times a week mostly working with people of color.  The level of distrust Obama caused between races (and the police) is truly shameful.  The number of times I was called a racist in my 58 years on the planet prior to Obama taking  After Obama was elected, literally hundreds...the racist accusations come easy for the Left even when there's no merit. 

The Left now sees only color in every situation.  You can't question people of color or LGBTQ people or...on the merits of their ideas or their actions....because race, sexual orientation is all the Left sees.  The so called squad has a bad history of some fairly vile anti-white and anti-semitic comments yet here we are with the Left defending them...because they can't possibly be questioned...because they're black..or Hispanic...and Rapinoe can't be questioned for not singing the anthem...because she's gay. 

Stop with the dog whistle crap and worry about what really matters.  You want to make a difference?  Get out there and actually do something about helping minorities and the disadvantaged...instead of this nonsense.
Yes, you've said this before. I'd be curious to know why you were called a racist. Was it because you went to a tea party rally and held a sign showing Obama with a bone through his nose? Or a sign that said "go back to Kenya?" Or any number of several hundred things that showed up at those rallies I don't even want to repeat on this board? Or is it just because you didn't vote for him?

I think some of us consider racism just about the worst thing in the world. Others seem to be just OK with it. Gerson said it well: " This evil — the evil of white supremacy, resulting in dehumanization, inhumanity and murder — is the worst stain, the greatest crime, of U.S. history. It is the thing that nearly broke the nation. It is the thing that proved generations of Christians to be vicious hypocrites. It is the thing that turned normal people into moral monsters."

Yeah, it's a pretty bad thing. We HAVE TO call it out where it exists. If we don't, it will destroy us. I've never called you, or anyone else on this board, a racist. But if someone did, I would imagine it's because of this sort of INSISTENCE to ignore it, to sweep it under the rug and blame something else. It's like Pumpf's post. Kid writes about how he hates the Hispanic invasion of Texas, drives 600 miles to a border town Walmart and shoots up the place....and Pumpf thinks we need to talk about divorce. WTF, man!! Why not just say he's a racist piece of shit and racism has no place in America? Can you even say that? Is that so hard? You have to look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself, why is it so hard to call out racism where it exists? Divorce???!! The fuck man...
Call it out where it exists.  Everywhere it exist.  Even if it means goring the sacred ox of the left, abortion. 

Go ahead, just call it out.  Abortion is evil.  And racist. 

I'll be waiting.

Quote: @badgervike said:
@MaroonBells said:
@badgervike said:
Don't you on the Left ever get tired of calling people racists?  It's particularly strange when you defend people that have made direct racist and anti-semitic comments.  As I said in the other racial thread, I get it...Obama made it cool to call people racist again.  What an incredible waste.  The first black President had the opportunity to put issues of race behind us once and for all...and instead used race for political gain.  Disagree with him on economic policy or healthcare or...and Obama was all too happy to make it about race.  Obama would chime in on the Harvard professor, Trayvon, Ferguson, Freddie Gray....almost always on the wrong side of the actual facts....all to consolidate and charge his base.  Obama's legacy should have been about this Country finally seeing people as people...and not judging by the color of their skin...a legacy that would have been amazing.  Instead, his legacy will be that he likely set the Country back 40 years in race relations.  I volunteer at the local shelter several times a week mostly working with people of color.  The level of distrust Obama caused between races (and the police) is truly shameful.  The number of times I was called a racist in my 58 years on the planet prior to Obama taking  After Obama was elected, literally hundreds...the racist accusations come easy for the Left even when there's no merit. 

The Left now sees only color in every situation.  You can't question people of color or LGBTQ people or...on the merits of their ideas or their actions....because race, sexual orientation is all the Left sees.  The so called squad has a bad history of some fairly vile anti-white and anti-semitic comments yet here we are with the Left defending them...because they can't possibly be questioned...because they're black..or Hispanic...and Rapinoe can't be questioned for not singing the anthem...because she's gay. 

Stop with the dog whistle crap and worry about what really matters.  You want to make a difference?  Get out there and actually do something about helping minorities and the disadvantaged...instead of this nonsense.
Yes, you've said this before. I'd be curious to know why you were called a racist. Was it because you went to a tea party rally and held a sign showing Obama with a bone through his nose? Or a sign that said "go back to Kenya?" Or any number of several hundred things that showed up at those rallies I don't even want to repeat on this board? Or is it just because you didn't vote for him?

I think some of us consider racism just about the worst thing in the world. Others seem to be just OK with it. Gerson said it well: " This evil — the evil of white supremacy, resulting in dehumanization, inhumanity and murder — is the worst stain, the greatest crime, of U.S. history. It is the thing that nearly broke the nation. It is the thing that proved generations of Christians to be vicious hypocrites. It is the thing that turned normal people into moral monsters."

Yeah, it's a pretty bad thing. We HAVE TO call it out where it exists. If we don't, it will destroy us. I've never called you, or anyone else on this board, a racist. But if someone did, I would imagine it's because of this sort of INSISTENCE to ignore it, to sweep it under the rug and blame something else. It's like Pumpf's post. Kid writes about how he hates the Hispanic invasion of Texas, drives 600 miles to a border town Walmart and shoots up the place....and Pumpf thinks we need to talk about divorce. WTF, man!! Why not just say he's a racist piece of shit and racism has no place in America? Can you even say that? Is that so hard? You have to look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself, why is it so hard to call out racism where it exists? Divorce???!! The fuck man...
The accusations of racism are usually indirect MB...much like you did here. it's all in your head. I sort of suspected that. 

Quote: @greediron said:
@MaroonBells said:
@badgervike said:
Don't you on the Left ever get tired of calling people racists?  It's particularly strange when you defend people that have made direct racist and anti-semitic comments.  As I said in the other racial thread, I get it...Obama made it cool to call people racist again.  What an incredible waste.  The first black President had the opportunity to put issues of race behind us once and for all...and instead used race for political gain.  Disagree with him on economic policy or healthcare or...and Obama was all too happy to make it about race.  Obama would chime in on the Harvard professor, Trayvon, Ferguson, Freddie Gray....almost always on the wrong side of the actual facts....all to consolidate and charge his base.  Obama's legacy should have been about this Country finally seeing people as people...and not judging by the color of their skin...a legacy that would have been amazing.  Instead, his legacy will be that he likely set the Country back 40 years in race relations.  I volunteer at the local shelter several times a week mostly working with people of color.  The level of distrust Obama caused between races (and the police) is truly shameful.  The number of times I was called a racist in my 58 years on the planet prior to Obama taking  After Obama was elected, literally hundreds...the racist accusations come easy for the Left even when there's no merit. 

The Left now sees only color in every situation.  You can't question people of color or LGBTQ people or...on the merits of their ideas or their actions....because race, sexual orientation is all the Left sees.  The so called squad has a bad history of some fairly vile anti-white and anti-semitic comments yet here we are with the Left defending them...because they can't possibly be questioned...because they're black..or Hispanic...and Rapinoe can't be questioned for not singing the anthem...because she's gay. 

Stop with the dog whistle crap and worry about what really matters.  You want to make a difference?  Get out there and actually do something about helping minorities and the disadvantaged...instead of this nonsense.
Yes, you've said this before. I'd be curious to know why you were called a racist. Was it because you went to a tea party rally and held a sign showing Obama with a bone through his nose? Or a sign that said "go back to Kenya?" Or any number of several hundred things that showed up at those rallies I don't even want to repeat on this board? Or is it just because you didn't vote for him?

I think some of us consider racism just about the worst thing in the world. Others seem to be just OK with it. Gerson said it well: " This evil — the evil of white supremacy, resulting in dehumanization, inhumanity and murder — is the worst stain, the greatest crime, of U.S. history. It is the thing that nearly broke the nation. It is the thing that proved generations of Christians to be vicious hypocrites. It is the thing that turned normal people into moral monsters."

Yeah, it's a pretty bad thing. We HAVE TO call it out where it exists. If we don't, it will destroy us. I've never called you, or anyone else on this board, a racist. But if someone did, I would imagine it's because of this sort of INSISTENCE to ignore it, to sweep it under the rug and blame something else. It's like Pumpf's post. Kid writes about how he hates the Hispanic invasion of Texas, drives 600 miles to a border town Walmart and shoots up the place....and Pumpf thinks we need to talk about divorce. WTF, man!! Why not just say he's a racist piece of shit and racism has no place in America? Can you even say that? Is that so hard? You have to look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself, why is it so hard to call out racism where it exists? Divorce???!! The fuck man...
Call it out where it exists.  Everywhere it exist.  Even if it means goring the sacred ox of the left, abortion. 

Go ahead, just call it out.  Abortion is evil.  And racist. 

I'll be waiting.
That's great, Greed. Makes perfect sense to compare the gunning down of innocent people because of their skin color to ending an unintended pregnancy, a procedure at least half of Americans don't have a problem with. That you consider them comparable says a lot. 

Quote: @MaroonBells said:
@greediron said:
@MaroonBells said:
@badgervike said:
Don't you on the Left ever get tired of calling people racists?  It's particularly strange when you defend people that have made direct racist and anti-semitic comments.  As I said in the other racial thread, I get it...Obama made it cool to call people racist again.  What an incredible waste.  The first black President had the opportunity to put issues of race behind us once and for all...and instead used race for political gain.  Disagree with him on economic policy or healthcare or...and Obama was all too happy to make it about race.  Obama would chime in on the Harvard professor, Trayvon, Ferguson, Freddie Gray....almost always on the wrong side of the actual facts....all to consolidate and charge his base.  Obama's legacy should have been about this Country finally seeing people as people...and not judging by the color of their skin...a legacy that would have been amazing.  Instead, his legacy will be that he likely set the Country back 40 years in race relations.  I volunteer at the local shelter several times a week mostly working with people of color.  The level of distrust Obama caused between races (and the police) is truly shameful.  The number of times I was called a racist in my 58 years on the planet prior to Obama taking  After Obama was elected, literally hundreds...the racist accusations come easy for the Left even when there's no merit. 

The Left now sees only color in every situation.  You can't question people of color or LGBTQ people or...on the merits of their ideas or their actions....because race, sexual orientation is all the Left sees.  The so called squad has a bad history of some fairly vile anti-white and anti-semitic comments yet here we are with the Left defending them...because they can't possibly be questioned...because they're black..or Hispanic...and Rapinoe can't be questioned for not singing the anthem...because she's gay. 

Stop with the dog whistle crap and worry about what really matters.  You want to make a difference?  Get out there and actually do something about helping minorities and the disadvantaged...instead of this nonsense.
Yes, you've said this before. I'd be curious to know why you were called a racist. Was it because you went to a tea party rally and held a sign showing Obama with a bone through his nose? Or a sign that said "go back to Kenya?" Or any number of several hundred things that showed up at those rallies I don't even want to repeat on this board? Or is it just because you didn't vote for him?

I think some of us consider racism just about the worst thing in the world. Others seem to be just OK with it. Gerson said it well: " This evil — the evil of white supremacy, resulting in dehumanization, inhumanity and murder — is the worst stain, the greatest crime, of U.S. history. It is the thing that nearly broke the nation. It is the thing that proved generations of Christians to be vicious hypocrites. It is the thing that turned normal people into moral monsters."

Yeah, it's a pretty bad thing. We HAVE TO call it out where it exists. If we don't, it will destroy us. I've never called you, or anyone else on this board, a racist. But if someone did, I would imagine it's because of this sort of INSISTENCE to ignore it, to sweep it under the rug and blame something else. It's like Pumpf's post. Kid writes about how he hates the Hispanic invasion of Texas, drives 600 miles to a border town Walmart and shoots up the place....and Pumpf thinks we need to talk about divorce. WTF, man!! Why not just say he's a racist piece of shit and racism has no place in America? Can you even say that? Is that so hard? You have to look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself, why is it so hard to call out racism where it exists? Divorce???!! The fuck man...
Call it out where it exists.  Everywhere it exist.  Even if it means goring the sacred ox of the left, abortion. 

Go ahead, just call it out.  Abortion is evil.  And racist. 

I'll be waiting.
That's great, Greed. Makes perfect sense to compare the gunning down of innocent people because of their skin color to ending an unintended pregnancy, a procedure at least half of Americans don't have a problem with. That you consider them comparable says a lot. 
You said racism.  Not murder.  Killing innocent people because of their color, because of a handicap, because of their sex, because of their inconvenience is murder.  Go ahead, call it out.  It isn't hard.
Probably the greatest evil of our time.

Quote: @greediron said:
@MaroonBells said:
@greediron said:
@MaroonBells said:
@badgervike said:
Don't you on the Left ever get tired of calling people racists?  It's particularly strange when you defend people that have made direct racist and anti-semitic comments.  As I said in the other racial thread, I get it...Obama made it cool to call people racist again.  What an incredible waste.  The first black President had the opportunity to put issues of race behind us once and for all...and instead used race for political gain.  Disagree with him on economic policy or healthcare or...and Obama was all too happy to make it about race.  Obama would chime in on the Harvard professor, Trayvon, Ferguson, Freddie Gray....almost always on the wrong side of the actual facts....all to consolidate and charge his base.  Obama's legacy should have been about this Country finally seeing people as people...and not judging by the color of their skin...a legacy that would have been amazing.  Instead, his legacy will be that he likely set the Country back 40 years in race relations.  I volunteer at the local shelter several times a week mostly working with people of color.  The level of distrust Obama caused between races (and the police) is truly shameful.  The number of times I was called a racist in my 58 years on the planet prior to Obama taking  After Obama was elected, literally hundreds...the racist accusations come easy for the Left even when there's no merit. 

The Left now sees only color in every situation.  You can't question people of color or LGBTQ people or...on the merits of their ideas or their actions....because race, sexual orientation is all the Left sees.  The so called squad has a bad history of some fairly vile anti-white and anti-semitic comments yet here we are with the Left defending them...because they can't possibly be questioned...because they're black..or Hispanic...and Rapinoe can't be questioned for not singing the anthem...because she's gay. 

Stop with the dog whistle crap and worry about what really matters.  You want to make a difference?  Get out there and actually do something about helping minorities and the disadvantaged...instead of this nonsense.
Yes, you've said this before. I'd be curious to know why you were called a racist. Was it because you went to a tea party rally and held a sign showing Obama with a bone through his nose? Or a sign that said "go back to Kenya?" Or any number of several hundred things that showed up at those rallies I don't even want to repeat on this board? Or is it just because you didn't vote for him?

I think some of us consider racism just about the worst thing in the world. Others seem to be just OK with it. Gerson said it well: " This evil — the evil of white supremacy, resulting in dehumanization, inhumanity and murder — is the worst stain, the greatest crime, of U.S. history. It is the thing that nearly broke the nation. It is the thing that proved generations of Christians to be vicious hypocrites. It is the thing that turned normal people into moral monsters."

Yeah, it's a pretty bad thing. We HAVE TO call it out where it exists. If we don't, it will destroy us. I've never called you, or anyone else on this board, a racist. But if someone did, I would imagine it's because of this sort of INSISTENCE to ignore it, to sweep it under the rug and blame something else. It's like Pumpf's post. Kid writes about how he hates the Hispanic invasion of Texas, drives 600 miles to a border town Walmart and shoots up the place....and Pumpf thinks we need to talk about divorce. WTF, man!! Why not just say he's a racist piece of shit and racism has no place in America? Can you even say that? Is that so hard? You have to look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself, why is it so hard to call out racism where it exists? Divorce???!! The fuck man...
Call it out where it exists.  Everywhere it exist.  Even if it means goring the sacred ox of the left, abortion. 

Go ahead, just call it out.  Abortion is evil.  And racist. 

I'll be waiting.
That's great, Greed. Makes perfect sense to compare the gunning down of innocent people because of their skin color to ending an unintended pregnancy, a procedure at least half of Americans don't have a problem with. That you consider them comparable says a lot. 
You said racism.  Not murder.  Killing innocent people because of their color, because of a handicap, because of their sex, because of their inconvenience is murder.  Go ahead, call it out.  It isn't hard.
Probably the greatest evil of our time.
I don't believe ending an unintended pregnancy IS murder. I don't believe life begins at conception. Many, if not most people, in fact, don't believe this. Personally, I am against abortion. But, like adultery (another thing I am personally against), I don't think I should tell my neighbor what choice she must make and throw her in jail if she disagrees with me. Ultimately, it's her decision. And a terrible one at that. Y'see, that's what being pro-choice is about. I've always felt you pro-lifers have never fully understood this issue. 

Quote: @MaroonBells said:
@greediron said:
@MaroonBells said:
@greediron said:
@MaroonBells said:
@badgervike said:
Don't you on the Left ever get tired of calling people racists?  It's particularly strange when you defend people that have made direct racist and anti-semitic comments.  As I said in the other racial thread, I get it...Obama made it cool to call people racist again.  What an incredible waste.  The first black President had the opportunity to put issues of race behind us once and for all...and instead used race for political gain.  Disagree with him on economic policy or healthcare or...and Obama was all too happy to make it about race.  Obama would chime in on the Harvard professor, Trayvon, Ferguson, Freddie Gray....almost always on the wrong side of the actual facts....all to consolidate and charge his base.  Obama's legacy should have been about this Country finally seeing people as people...and not judging by the color of their skin...a legacy that would have been amazing.  Instead, his legacy will be that he likely set the Country back 40 years in race relations.  I volunteer at the local shelter several times a week mostly working with people of color.  The level of distrust Obama caused between races (and the police) is truly shameful.  The number of times I was called a racist in my 58 years on the planet prior to Obama taking  After Obama was elected, literally hundreds...the racist accusations come easy for the Left even when there's no merit. 

The Left now sees only color in every situation.  You can't question people of color or LGBTQ people or...on the merits of their ideas or their actions....because race, sexual orientation is all the Left sees.  The so called squad has a bad history of some fairly vile anti-white and anti-semitic comments yet here we are with the Left defending them...because they can't possibly be questioned...because they're black..or Hispanic...and Rapinoe can't be questioned for not singing the anthem...because she's gay. 

Stop with the dog whistle crap and worry about what really matters.  You want to make a difference?  Get out there and actually do something about helping minorities and the disadvantaged...instead of this nonsense.
Yes, you've said this before. I'd be curious to know why you were called a racist. Was it because you went to a tea party rally and held a sign showing Obama with a bone through his nose? Or a sign that said "go back to Kenya?" Or any number of several hundred things that showed up at those rallies I don't even want to repeat on this board? Or is it just because you didn't vote for him?

I think some of us consider racism just about the worst thing in the world. Others seem to be just OK with it. Gerson said it well: " This evil — the evil of white supremacy, resulting in dehumanization, inhumanity and murder — is the worst stain, the greatest crime, of U.S. history. It is the thing that nearly broke the nation. It is the thing that proved generations of Christians to be vicious hypocrites. It is the thing that turned normal people into moral monsters."

Yeah, it's a pretty bad thing. We HAVE TO call it out where it exists. If we don't, it will destroy us. I've never called you, or anyone else on this board, a racist. But if someone did, I would imagine it's because of this sort of INSISTENCE to ignore it, to sweep it under the rug and blame something else. It's like Pumpf's post. Kid writes about how he hates the Hispanic invasion of Texas, drives 600 miles to a border town Walmart and shoots up the place....and Pumpf thinks we need to talk about divorce. WTF, man!! Why not just say he's a racist piece of shit and racism has no place in America? Can you even say that? Is that so hard? You have to look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself, why is it so hard to call out racism where it exists? Divorce???!! The fuck man...
Call it out where it exists.  Everywhere it exist.  Even if it means goring the sacred ox of the left, abortion. 

Go ahead, just call it out.  Abortion is evil.  And racist. 

I'll be waiting.
That's great, Greed. Makes perfect sense to compare the gunning down of innocent people because of their skin color to ending an unintended pregnancy, a procedure at least half of Americans don't have a problem with. That you consider them comparable says a lot. 
You said racism.  Not murder.  Killing innocent people because of their color, because of a handicap, because of their sex, because of their inconvenience is murder.  Go ahead, call it out.  It isn't hard.
Probably the greatest evil of our time.
I don't believe ending an unintended pregnancy IS murder. I don't believe life begins at conception. Many, if not most people, in fact, don't believe this. Personally, I am against abortion. But, like adultery (another thing I am personally against), I don't think I should tell my neighbor what choice she must make and throw her in jail if she disagrees with me. Ultimately, it's her decision. And a terrible one at that. Y'see, that's what being pro-choice is about. I've always felt you pro-lifers have never fully understood this issue. 
Well, like your take on racism, I think it needs called out.  It has made us "into moral monsters".  Like your take on racism, it is because of the apathy of many that we have lost our way.  Some may feel like you do in regards to race (not me, and not justifying it) so what makes you different?  Honestly?
Those of African decent were called partially human, less than human, property.  They were denied rights based on a faulty assumption that their life wasn't worth as much.  Much like the pro-choice crowd.  The anti-science stance of acting oblivious to facts, ignoring the pain they feel, ignoring that it is selfishness, not choice.  Your straw man aside, taking a life, is wrong.  Just as it is wrong to hate someone because of the color of their skin.  See, it isn't hard to condemn anger, hatred, selfishness and murder.
So go on riding your high horse of moral superiority because you condemn racism.  But until you value all life, it is hypocrisy.

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