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8/3 was an awful day in this country....
Quote: @KingBash said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@KingBash said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@KingBash said:
@pumpf said:

The El Paso shooter may have been a Trump supporter.  But you know what else he was?  The product of a broken family.  Like the vast majority (26/27 in 2018) of mass shooters, his parents got divorced when he was young.  Over 90% of inmates come from broken homes... as well as 75% of rapists.  There are other stats I could post, but I'm too lazy to do it now.  

Divorce is the one, single thing that the vast majority of shooters have in common.  The Ohio shooter was a staunch Democrat... and an atheist / Satan worshiper.  But- strangely- that didn't get mentioned.  (By the way, his parents were still married, making him the exception to the rule).  But he did commit various "crimes" while in HS that should've not only warned his parents to do something... but also precluded him from being able to buy a gun.

As usual, it APPEARS that the only reason some people care about shooting victims... is to further their political ideology (i.e. "win" a fight).  That is REALLY sad.

Suncoast is correct: it is a mental health issue.  Obviously divorce has a terribly profound- and negative- impact on children.  Not every child who comes out of a divorced family is going to go on a shooting rampage... just as not every Sunday School student (from an intact family) grows up to be a saint.  But clearly there is a correlation here... one that no one wants to confront, because it would mean that our choices- as adults- matter... and can negatively impact our future children.  Acknowledging that would mean that we have- perhaps unintentionally- contributed to these terrible events.  And since no one wants that on their conscience, it is much easier to blame the big, bad orange man.  
You're such a fake Christian. You'll support separating children from their parents at the border because, as you said, laws are laws. But when a right-wing fuck shoots up a public place, you find out he's a Trump supporter and go on the defensive.

Fuck you, man.
once again with the lack of civility.   i thought you were done with this place?  apparently your self imposed time off wasnt effective.   keep it civil or you will be gone.
You've got me there, it's tough to stay logged out when you're proven right time and again. Unfortunately, I have to remind simple people like yourself how correct I am and have been over a mass shooting.

Lack of civility? Certainly. It's come to that. Time to call out this phony Christian conservative nonsense for what it is. 
so you are saying you cant be adult and civil?   thats what I am getting here,  you are not willing to follow the rules of the board?
I'm talking to other adults. If bad language upsets another adult, that's on them.
you wont be talking to anybody here if you cant be civil.  if your speech in a civil manner offends others,  thats to bad for them,  but if you are being offensive in an abusive or uncivil manner you are done here.

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@KingBash said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@KingBash said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@KingBash said:
@pumpf said:

The El Paso shooter may have been a Trump supporter.  But you know what else he was?  The product of a broken family.  Like the vast majority (26/27 in 2018) of mass shooters, his parents got divorced when he was young.  Over 90% of inmates come from broken homes... as well as 75% of rapists.  There are other stats I could post, but I'm too lazy to do it now.  

Divorce is the one, single thing that the vast majority of shooters have in common.  The Ohio shooter was a staunch Democrat... and an atheist / Satan worshiper.  But- strangely- that didn't get mentioned.  (By the way, his parents were still married, making him the exception to the rule).  But he did commit various "crimes" while in HS that should've not only warned his parents to do something... but also precluded him from being able to buy a gun.

As usual, it APPEARS that the only reason some people care about shooting victims... is to further their political ideology (i.e. "win" a fight).  That is REALLY sad.

Suncoast is correct: it is a mental health issue.  Obviously divorce has a terribly profound- and negative- impact on children.  Not every child who comes out of a divorced family is going to go on a shooting rampage... just as not every Sunday School student (from an intact family) grows up to be a saint.  But clearly there is a correlation here... one that no one wants to confront, because it would mean that our choices- as adults- matter... and can negatively impact our future children.  Acknowledging that would mean that we have- perhaps unintentionally- contributed to these terrible events.  And since no one wants that on their conscience, it is much easier to blame the big, bad orange man.  
You're such a fake Christian. You'll support separating children from their parents at the border because, as you said, laws are laws. But when a right-wing fuck shoots up a public place, you find out he's a Trump supporter and go on the defensive.

Fuck you, man.
once again with the lack of civility.   i thought you were done with this place?  apparently your self imposed time off wasnt effective.   keep it civil or you will be gone.
You've got me there, it's tough to stay logged out when you're proven right time and again. Unfortunately, I have to remind simple people like yourself how correct I am and have been over a mass shooting.

Lack of civility? Certainly. It's come to that. Time to call out this phony Christian conservative nonsense for what it is. 
so you are saying you cant be adult and civil?   thats what I am getting here,  you are not willing to follow the rules of the board?
I'm talking to other adults. If bad language upsets another adult, that's on them.
you wont be talking to anybody here if you cant be civil.  if your speech in a civil manner offends others,  thats to bad for them,  but if you are being offensive in an abusive or uncivil manner you are done here.
Ban me, I don't give a shit. It's just fun to pop in from time to time and remind you Trump voters how wrong you are. 

Quote: @KingBash said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@KingBash said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@KingBash said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@KingBash said:
@pumpf said:

The El Paso shooter may have been a Trump supporter.  But you know what else he was?  The product of a broken family.  Like the vast majority (26/27 in 2018) of mass shooters, his parents got divorced when he was young.  Over 90% of inmates come from broken homes... as well as 75% of rapists.  There are other stats I could post, but I'm too lazy to do it now.  

Divorce is the one, single thing that the vast majority of shooters have in common.  The Ohio shooter was a staunch Democrat... and an atheist / Satan worshiper.  But- strangely- that didn't get mentioned.  (By the way, his parents were still married, making him the exception to the rule).  But he did commit various "crimes" while in HS that should've not only warned his parents to do something... but also precluded him from being able to buy a gun.

As usual, it APPEARS that the only reason some people care about shooting victims... is to further their political ideology (i.e. "win" a fight).  That is REALLY sad.

Suncoast is correct: it is a mental health issue.  Obviously divorce has a terribly profound- and negative- impact on children.  Not every child who comes out of a divorced family is going to go on a shooting rampage... just as not every Sunday School student (from an intact family) grows up to be a saint.  But clearly there is a correlation here... one that no one wants to confront, because it would mean that our choices- as adults- matter... and can negatively impact our future children.  Acknowledging that would mean that we have- perhaps unintentionally- contributed to these terrible events.  And since no one wants that on their conscience, it is much easier to blame the big, bad orange man.  
You're such a fake Christian. You'll support separating children from their parents at the border because, as you said, laws are laws. But when a right-wing fuck shoots up a public place, you find out he's a Trump supporter and go on the defensive.

Fuck you, man.
once again with the lack of civility.   i thought you were done with this place?  apparently your self imposed time off wasnt effective.   keep it civil or you will be gone.
You've got me there, it's tough to stay logged out when you're proven right time and again. Unfortunately, I have to remind simple people like yourself how correct I am and have been over a mass shooting.

Lack of civility? Certainly. It's come to that. Time to call out this phony Christian conservative nonsense for what it is. 
so you are saying you cant be adult and civil?   thats what I am getting here,  you are not willing to follow the rules of the board?
I'm talking to other adults. If bad language upsets another adult, that's on them.
you wont be talking to anybody here if you cant be civil.  if your speech in a civil manner offends others,  thats to bad for them,  but if you are being offensive in an abusive or uncivil manner you are done here.
Ban me, I don't give a shit. It's just fun to pop in from time to time and remind you Trump voters how wrong you are. 
you basically just are here to stir shit then.  I am not going to ban you but I think you have certainly shown that you should not have access to this place based on what it was created for.

Quote: @MaroonBells said:
@pumpf said:

The El Paso shooter may have been a Trump supporter.  But you know what else he was?  The product of a broken family.  Like the vast majority (26/27 in 2018) of mass shooters, his parents got divorced when he was young.  Over 90% of inmates come from broken homes... as well as 75% of rapists.  There are other stats I could post, but I'm too lazy to do it now.  

Divorce is the one, single thing that the vast majority of shooters have in common.  The Ohio shooter was a staunch Democrat... and an atheist / Satan worshiper.  But- strangely- that didn't get mentioned.  (By the way, his parents were still married, making him the exception to the rule).  But he did commit various "crimes" while in HS that should've not only warned his parents to do something... but also precluded him from being able to buy a gun.

As usual, it APPEARS that the only reason some people care about shooting victims... is to further their political ideology (i.e. "win" a fight).  That is REALLY sad.

Suncoast is correct: it is a mental health issue.  Obviously divorce has a terribly profound- and negative- impact on children.  Not every child who comes out of a divorced family is going to go on a shooting rampage... just as not every Sunday School student (from an intact family) grows up to be a saint.  But clearly there is a correlation here... one that no one wants to confront, because it would mean that our choices- as adults- matter... and can negatively impact our future children.  Acknowledging that would mean that we have- perhaps unintentionally- contributed to these terrible events.  And since no one wants that on their conscience, it is much easier to blame the big, bad orange man.  
Unbelievable. So you just LEAVE OUT the part where he talks about the hispanic invasion of Texas, building the wall, defending Trump...and blame it on...divorce? Man, you are a piece of work. 

I'm a piece of work?  You blame Trump for the El Paso shooter... and COMPLETELY IGNORE the Ohio shooter.  Why is that?  
As for the El Paso shooter being a Trump supporter (and racist): so what?  If you think that his allegiance to Trump was the reason for his rampage... then you ought to be saying the same things about other shooters (identifying their political allegiances).  But I have NEVER seen you- or any of the other liberals here- comment on the political leanings of any other evil-doer... EXCEPT those who were Trump supporters.  That tells me that you don't give a rip about the victims.  You only care about attacking Trump (which, I think, has been proven time and time again).  

Yeah, I am a piece of work.  Instead of trying to score political points, I'm actually trying to identify the REAL causes of these things, so that- maybe- they can be prevented in the future.

Now, would you care to argue the facts... or just attack the messenger?

Quote: @KingBash said:
@pumpf said:

The El Paso shooter may have been a Trump supporter.  But you know what else he was?  The product of a broken family.  Like the vast majority (26/27 in 2018) of mass shooters, his parents got divorced when he was young.  Over 90% of inmates come from broken homes... as well as 75% of rapists.  There are other stats I could post, but I'm too lazy to do it now.  

Divorce is the one, single thing that the vast majority of shooters have in common.  The Ohio shooter was a staunch Democrat... and an atheist / Satan worshiper.  But- strangely- that didn't get mentioned.  (By the way, his parents were still married, making him the exception to the rule).  But he did commit various "crimes" while in HS that should've not only warned his parents to do something... but also precluded him from being able to buy a gun.

As usual, it APPEARS that the only reason some people care about shooting victims... is to further their political ideology (i.e. "win" a fight).  That is REALLY sad.

Suncoast is correct: it is a mental health issue.  Obviously divorce has a terribly profound- and negative- impact on children.  Not every child who comes out of a divorced family is going to go on a shooting rampage... just as not every Sunday School student (from an intact family) grows up to be a saint.  But clearly there is a correlation here... one that no one wants to confront, because it would mean that our choices- as adults- matter... and can negatively impact our future children.  Acknowledging that would mean that we have- perhaps unintentionally- contributed to these terrible events.  And since no one wants that on their conscience, it is much easier to blame the big, bad orange man.  
You're such a fake Christian. You'll support separating children from their parents at the border because, as you said, laws are laws. But when a right-wing fuck shoots up a public place, you find out he's a Trump supporter and go on the defensive.

Fuck you, man.
Really?  PLEASE show me where I defended the guy.  DO IT, I dare you.  But, of course, you can't... because I never did any such thing.  But don't let that get in the way of your hatred for Trump.  Just be careful to wipe the blood of the victims off your shoes when you're done stepping over them to attack Trump.

Who's the real fake here, Bash?  I am pointing out a FACT about shooters, with the goal of educating... and hoping to prevent these kinds of things from happening in the future.  Meanwhile, like the other liberals here, you ignored the other mass shooting that happened on the exact same day... because it didn't give you the opportunity to blame Trump.  But, please, do tell me again how I'm the fake Christian... and you really care about the victims.  

Quote: @pumpf said:
@KingBash said:
@pumpf said:

The El Paso shooter may have been a Trump supporter.  But you know what else he was?  The product of a broken family.  Like the vast majority (26/27 in 2018) of mass shooters, his parents got divorced when he was young.  Over 90% of inmates come from broken homes... as well as 75% of rapists.  There are other stats I could post, but I'm too lazy to do it now.  

Divorce is the one, single thing that the vast majority of shooters have in common.  The Ohio shooter was a staunch Democrat... and an atheist / Satan worshiper.  But- strangely- that didn't get mentioned.  (By the way, his parents were still married, making him the exception to the rule).  But he did commit various "crimes" while in HS that should've not only warned his parents to do something... but also precluded him from being able to buy a gun.

As usual, it APPEARS that the only reason some people care about shooting victims... is to further their political ideology (i.e. "win" a fight).  That is REALLY sad.

Suncoast is correct: it is a mental health issue.  Obviously divorce has a terribly profound- and negative- impact on children.  Not every child who comes out of a divorced family is going to go on a shooting rampage... just as not every Sunday School student (from an intact family) grows up to be a saint.  But clearly there is a correlation here... one that no one wants to confront, because it would mean that our choices- as adults- matter... and can negatively impact our future children.  Acknowledging that would mean that we have- perhaps unintentionally- contributed to these terrible events.  And since no one wants that on their conscience, it is much easier to blame the big, bad orange man.  
You're such a fake Christian. You'll support separating children from their parents at the border because, as you said, laws are laws. But when a right-wing fuck shoots up a public place, you find out he's a Trump supporter and go on the defensive.

Fuck you, man.
Really?  PLEASE show me where I defended the guy.  DO IT, I dare you.  But, of course, you can't... because I never did any such thing.  But don't let that get in the way of your hatred for Trump.  Just be careful to wipe the blood of the victims off your shoes when you're done stepping over them to attack Trump.

Who's the real fake here, Bash?  I am pointing out a FACT about shooters, with the goal of educating... and hoping to prevent these kinds of things from happening in the future.  Meanwhile, like the other liberals here, you ignored the other mass shooting that happened on the exact same day... because it didn't give you the opportunity to blame Trump.  But, please, do tell me again how I'm the fake Christian... and you really care about the victims.  
The left-leaning douchebag is a product of Republican gun legislation and the political climate in general. Fuck him too, I'm not giving him any free-passes.

All I've done is point out how Trump's rise to power has emboldened psychos. Most of them are white nationalists, but of course he's stoked the flames enough that even left-leaning psychos are acting out.

You're making excuses for a Trump supporter is what you're doing. 

Go ahead, offer more thoughts and prayers (because that matters) instead of supporting actual legislation that would matter.

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
Trump is proposing tying stricter gun laws to stricter border control on immigration.   I would do this deal as a conservative.   How about the libs,  would expanded back ground checks to cover all gun transactions (including private and guns shows) be enough of a move to get the left to get on board with stronger border control including a wall?
Deal.  I'd do it.  You can do a expanded background check.  If you want a waiting period I'm good with that too. 

Quote: @KingBash said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@KingBash said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@KingBash said:
@pumpf said:

The El Paso shooter may have been a Trump supporter.  But you know what else he was?  The product of a broken family.  Like the vast majority (26/27 in 2018) of mass shooters, his parents got divorced when he was young.  Over 90% of inmates come from broken homes... as well as 75% of rapists.  There are other stats I could post, but I'm too lazy to do it now.  

Divorce is the one, single thing that the vast majority of shooters have in common.  The Ohio shooter was a staunch Democrat... and an atheist / Satan worshiper.  But- strangely- that didn't get mentioned.  (By the way, his parents were still married, making him the exception to the rule).  But he did commit various "crimes" while in HS that should've not only warned his parents to do something... but also precluded him from being able to buy a gun.

As usual, it APPEARS that the only reason some people care about shooting victims... is to further their political ideology (i.e. "win" a fight).  That is REALLY sad.

Suncoast is correct: it is a mental health issue.  Obviously divorce has a terribly profound- and negative- impact on children.  Not every child who comes out of a divorced family is going to go on a shooting rampage... just as not every Sunday School student (from an intact family) grows up to be a saint.  But clearly there is a correlation here... one that no one wants to confront, because it would mean that our choices- as adults- matter... and can negatively impact our future children.  Acknowledging that would mean that we have- perhaps unintentionally- contributed to these terrible events.  And since no one wants that on their conscience, it is much easier to blame the big, bad orange man.  
You're such a fake Christian. You'll support separating children from their parents at the border because, as you said, laws are laws. But when a right-wing fuck shoots up a public place, you find out he's a Trump supporter and go on the defensive.

Fuck you, man.
once again with the lack of civility.   i thought you were done with this place?  apparently your self imposed time off wasnt effective.   keep it civil or you will be gone.
You've got me there, it's tough to stay logged out when you're proven right time and again. Unfortunately, I have to remind simple people like yourself how correct I am and have been over a mass shooting.

Lack of civility? Certainly. It's come to that. Time to call out this phony Christian conservative nonsense for what it is. 
so you are saying you cant be adult and civil?   thats what I am getting here,  you are not willing to follow the rules of the board?
I'm talking to other adults. If bad language upsets another adult, that's on them.
If you're so "adult" then how about you actually debate the facts that I presented?  You claim to be "right", but all you've offered is the opinion: that anyone who disagrees with you is wrong.  But FACTS are what win arguments, not opinions.  And the fact is that the ONE THING that the vast majority of shooters- 97% (and inmates-90%... and rapists-73%... and drug abusers-71%... and people living below the poverty line... and lower academic scores... and suicide rates...) have in common: is that they come out of "broken" homes.  Those are DOJ stats, not opinions.

Not every shooter is a conservative.  Not every shooter is a liberal.  Not every shooter is a Christian.  Not every shooter is an atheist.  But 97% of them are men who grew up in homes that didn't have a father present.  That couldn't possibly have anything to do with it, could it?  I GUARANTEE you that- if 97% of the shooters were conservatives... or called themselves "Christians"- you would ABSOLUTELY blame that for the shootings.  You know you would.  So why do you have such a hard time recognizing that these "homes" have something to do with the mental problems that these shooters have?    



Quote: @Zanary said:
I want to know if either of these asshats is on antidepressants and/or other psychopharmacology elements.  There has been something of a pattern.... 
They might be, but it seems like half of America is on some for of them. 

Quote: @suncoastvike said:
@JimmyinSD said:
Trump is proposing tying stricter gun laws to stricter border control on immigration.   I would do this deal as a conservative.   How about the libs,  would expanded back ground checks to cover all gun transactions (including private and guns shows) be enough of a move to get the left to get on board with stronger border control including a wall?
If they thought it was an even trade. I doubt it though. Chances are they counter offer. Magazine limits and assault style bans. Which the right would consider just as lopsided. So nothing happens. By the way I feel the expanded background checks should be done already. Including guns shows. I'm sure those even more liberal then me would find your trade offering insulting.
So you're suggesting we ban scary looking guns or all semi autos?  I could care less what a gun looks like but dang near every gun (except a pump action shotgun) is semi auto. 

I'd give up scary looking, magazine size and expanded background checks for a wall.  If you said ALL semi auto it would be a no deal from me because that'd be dang near all guns in America. 

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