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Trump's racism no longer in question
Quote: @KingBash said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@KingBash said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@KingBash said:
@MaroonBells said:
@purplefaithful said:
My thinking about this era is evolving...More disturbing to me than The Cheetoh is actually the # of people that voted for him and will vote Red again.

Much as I'd like a viable, 3rd party candidate, The Blue party better get it right this time..I told my wife that nominating Hilda Beast pretty much handed the White House to The Donald.
I can't believe 60 people were swindled into voting for this conman, let alone 60M. That will be studied for centuries. I keep coming back to video where Trump tells us 24 things "nobody" does better than him. "Nobody loves the Bible more than I do." 

If a potential candidate came into my office and told me that "nobody" was a better designer than him, I would probably ask how he got past HR before showing him the door. All of us would. If a Viking coaching candidate told the public that "nobody knows offenses the way I do," every single one of us would think he was full of shit. And yet 60 million people decided this was the kind of person they wanted leading their country. 

It doesn't matter who the dems nominate (hoping for Buttigieg), that person will become the target of every Russian-borne Facebook meme, odious internet conspiracy theory and flat out false Fox smear just like Hillary was.

We'll see if the country falls for it again. 

They will.

There's a reason I've gotten so nasty on this board. These people need to be shouted down and spit on at this point. No more, "Well, look at it from their point of view." Enough is enough. Their point of view is wrong, and they need to be told that repeatedly.
spit on... really?   you are a  piece of work.    I think you agreed to a certain level of respect and civility when you wanted access to this board.  making reference to shouting down and spitting on those of an opposing view point hardly shows either.
Furthermore, you're upset about words on a message board from a nobody, words I don't mean literally. Words to show my disgust toward people supporting Trump... but you won't condemn what he says, what he does, his presidency, this administration. You'd rather burn calories on that, than admitting, "Wow, that's some pretty divisive language he's using that damages the country."

Your morals and priorities are fucked.
So his words are  offensive but yours are just words.... got it.
Yeah, there's no difference between a random guy on a message board and THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!

You're laughable.
No more so than you getting your panties twisted by his talk when yours is just as vile to those that are in this community.  Remember respect and civility as the cornerstones of this forum. 

Neither you nor I can control what trump says, but you can control how you act towards others and you cant help but cross that line repeatedly and then condemn others for for their transgressions?  Who is the laughable one again?

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@KingBash said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@KingBash said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@KingBash said:
@MaroonBells said:
@purplefaithful said:
My thinking about this era is evolving...More disturbing to me than The Cheetoh is actually the # of people that voted for him and will vote Red again.

Much as I'd like a viable, 3rd party candidate, The Blue party better get it right this time..I told my wife that nominating Hilda Beast pretty much handed the White House to The Donald.
I can't believe 60 people were swindled into voting for this conman, let alone 60M. That will be studied for centuries. I keep coming back to video where Trump tells us 24 things "nobody" does better than him. "Nobody loves the Bible more than I do." 

If a potential candidate came into my office and told me that "nobody" was a better designer than him, I would probably ask how he got past HR before showing him the door. All of us would. If a Viking coaching candidate told the public that "nobody knows offenses the way I do," every single one of us would think he was full of shit. And yet 60 million people decided this was the kind of person they wanted leading their country. 

It doesn't matter who the dems nominate (hoping for Buttigieg), that person will become the target of every Russian-borne Facebook meme, odious internet conspiracy theory and flat out false Fox smear just like Hillary was.

We'll see if the country falls for it again. 

They will.

There's a reason I've gotten so nasty on this board. These people need to be shouted down and spit on at this point. No more, "Well, look at it from their point of view." Enough is enough. Their point of view is wrong, and they need to be told that repeatedly.
spit on... really?   you are a  piece of work.    I think you agreed to a certain level of respect and civility when you wanted access to this board.  making reference to shouting down and spitting on those of an opposing view point hardly shows either.
Furthermore, you're upset about words on a message board from a nobody, words I don't mean literally. Words to show my disgust toward people supporting Trump... but you won't condemn what he says, what he does, his presidency, this administration. You'd rather burn calories on that, than admitting, "Wow, that's some pretty divisive language he's using that damages the country."

Your morals and priorities are fucked.
So his words are  offensive but yours are just words.... got it.
Yeah, there's no difference between a random guy on a message board and THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!

You're laughable.
No more so than you getting your panties twisted by his talk when yours is just as vile to those that are in this community.  Remember respect and civility as the cornerstones of this forum. 

Neither you nor I can control what trump says, but you can control how you act towards others and you cant help but cross that line repeatedly and then condemn others for for their transgressions?  Who is the laughable one again?

Still you.

Quote: @SFVikeFan said:
@pumpf said:
@SFVikeFan said:
For your reading enjoyment pump, since you and Savannah are such big fans of Ted Cruz:

“If you’re a faithful person, if you believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins, emerged from the grave three days later and gives eternal life, and you’re supporting Donald Trump,” a new book quotes Ted Cruz saying to friends, “I think there’s something fundamentally wrong with you.”

He's just telling it like it is ...
I didn't vote for Trump.
Brilliant defense, one that St. Peter will surely take into consideration.

Glad that's all it takes for you to have a clear conscious. 

It must be awesome to go through life thinking that the God who created the universe agrees with every political opinion you have.  No wonder you're such a happy guy all the time.
Seriously, though... it really is interesting that you (and other liberal "Christians") will go to GREAT lengths to make your political beliefs known.  But I have NEVER seen any of you write something that had to do with the salvation of souls.  Funny thing about Jesus; He actually cares about eternal lives, not just earthly (political) ones.  That's why He died.  That's also why He gave His followers the command to go and tell other people about Him.  But the only thing that you guys ever say about Jesus is that He is on your side... and that He is against everyone that you are against.

So all your theological accusations ring pretty hollow.  But, by all means, keep on "judging" me.  It's the only judgment that I'll ever have to face.  Why?  Because Jesus suffered the judgments that I deserved- in my place- and set me free to love Him and serve others: all out of a joyful response of gratefulness to Him.  I don't have to try to earn my way into heaven, which is good, because I'd never be able to do it.  But I have been crucified with Christ.  And now, by faith, His righteousness (right standing with God) is my own. 

Quote: @MaroonBells said:
For those who think it's not racist, go into work tomorrow and tell one of your non-white co-workers that he should go back to where he came from. See what HR says.
What if he came from Bemidji?  Are you assuming that all non-white workers are foreigners?  NOW who's the racist?   :p

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@SFVikeFan said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@SFVikeFan said:
For your reading enjoyment pump, since you and Savannah are such big fans of Ted Cruz:

“If you’re a faithful person, if you believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins, emerged from the grave three days later and gives eternal life, and you’re supporting Donald Trump,” a new book quotes Ted Cruz saying to friends, “I think there’s something fundamentally wrong with you.”

He's just telling it like it is ...
Can a person support policies without liking the man behind them...I think we can.  I wouldn't hang with Trump,  but i do appreciate some of his policies and positions better than what we would have gotten from the other choice.  
So apparently all that stuff about the concern for the "dignity of the office" when Bill Clinton was under impeachment from the GOP 20 years ago for lying about a blowjob no longer matters to the GOP and their supporters.  

Because now times have changed for the party of family values, and conservatives are now cool with a wife-cheating, tax-evading, pro-Russian, xenophobic racist in office  ... who they wouldn't have a beer with - I mean c'mon that's asking too much - but as long as he supports their policies you'll vote for him.

Kinda what I figured, but appreciate the honesty.

RIP Republican Party

So you wanted Clinton impeached back then for his trump like antics?  Or did his blue tie give him a pass in your eyes?

I think they are both pieces of shit as humans,  but one was making policies that hurt the US and the other is making policies that fix those fuck ups. 

Rip Clintons NAFTA  
1994 - 2018
What of Clinton's Trump-like antics?

The 10,000 lies?
The temper tantrums, behaving like a petulant child?
The demeaning, degrading, petty insults and name calling?
The non-stop rallies?
The hateful, racist speeches aimed at minorities and Muslims?
The xenophobia fear mongering?
The bullying of allies?
The lavish praise heaped on enemies?
The cheating on all 3 wives?

Oh, they both had an affair ... other than that yes totally alike.  LOL!

Clinton:  budget balanced
Trump:  $1.2 trillion dollar budget deficit 

Ooops!  Not so alike ....

 You think NAFTA was worse than Trump's tariff war with China?


Pure comedy ... trying to equate the two Presidents and their policies.  Trump hasn't accomplished a fucking thing that helps ANY US citizens other than fucking over the Middle Class while giving tax breaks to the rich.

Trump's "new deal" Mexico is hardly some vast improvement over the existing one.

Quote: @pumpf said:
@SFVikeFan said:
@pumpf said:
@SFVikeFan said:
For your reading enjoyment pump, since you and Savannah are such big fans of Ted Cruz:

“If you’re a faithful person, if you believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins, emerged from the grave three days later and gives eternal life, and you’re supporting Donald Trump,” a new book quotes Ted Cruz saying to friends, “I think there’s something fundamentally wrong with you.”

He's just telling it like it is ...
I didn't vote for Trump.
Brilliant defense, one that St. Peter will surely take into consideration.

Glad that's all it takes for you to have a clear conscious. 

It must be awesome to go through life thinking that the God who created the universe agrees with every political opinion you have.  No wonder you're such a happy guy all the time.
Seriously, though... it really is interesting that you (and other liberal "Christians") will go to GREAT lengths to make your political beliefs known.  But I have NEVER seen any of you write something that had to do with the salvation of souls.  Funny thing about Jesus; He actually cares about eternal lives, not just earthly (political) ones.  That's why He died.  That's also why He gave His followers the command to go and tell other people about Him.  But the only thing that you guys ever say about Jesus is that He is on your side... and that He is against everyone that you are against.

So all your theological accusations ring pretty hollow.  But, by all means, keep on "judging" me.  It's the only judgment that I'll ever have to face.  Why?  Because Jesus suffered the judgments that I deserved- in my place- and set me free to love Him and serve others: all out of a joyful response of gratefulness to Him.  I don't have to try to earn my way into heaven, which is good, because I'd never be able to do it.  But I have been crucified with Christ.  And now, by faith, His righteousness (right standing with God) is my own. 
Oh dear, I didn't realize you had been crucified with Christ.  I mean who can top that one?

Sounds like Ted Cruz was right and it struck a nerve.  Millions of misguided evangelicals are in desperate need of some soul searching.  It's like all of you missed the big picture of "Love thy neighbor" ... so sorry if the shoe fits.

As for Trump and his actions, rhetoric and policies - I've seen you defend it plenty, don't care who you voted for.  But when it comes to Trump and his obvious impact on dividing this country with his hateful ignorance ...

You can spin it, you can deny it, you can marginalize it, you can rationalize it, you can normalize it, you can explain it away, you can claim "but what about so and so  ..."

But none of it is WWJD.

And the "Christians" who applaud it or silently accept it are complicit in the evil they're encouraging and allowing Trump to spread by refusing to speak up and speak out against it when you of all people should know better.

Tonight—dozens of congressmen were asked if they had ever been told to “go back to their country”. Virtually every minority Congressman said yes—and every white congressman said no.  I am baffled why posters on this board will torture logic just to defend this petty, stupid bully.  He’s not a Republican or a Conservative (if thats what you call yourself) He’s an amoral, vicious little grifter. You have two choices: admit he is not the man you hoped he would be and disavow him, or continue to support this lying cheat and embrace his racism and mendacity as your own. 

Quote: @Caactorvike said:
Tonight—dozens of congressmen were asked if they had ever been told to “go back to their country”. Virtually every minority Congressman said yes—and every white congressman said no.  I am baffled why posters on this board will torture logic just to defend this petty, stupid bully.  He’s not a Republican or a Conservative (if thats what you call yourself) He’s an amoral, vicious little grifter. You have two choices: admit he is not the man you hoped he would be and disavow him, or continue to support this lying cheat and embrace his racism and mendacity as your own. 
I've wracked my brain on this. I think people hate being wrong. They'd rather go down with the ship on this one. They hated Obama/Democrats/Hillary so much that they clung to anything that was the opposite.

Well, this is the opposite. A simple-minded, narcissistic, spoiled brat who's made a career out of lies. Except he sold himself as an alpha-male (not sure how they fell for that one) patriot and a business genius. It's gotta be tough to swallow to realize you got duped by this boob. But I have a lot more respect for people that say, "Hey... I wanted change. I thought he'd bring it. Boy, was I wrong, and we can do better."

But no. Most of the posters on this board are so mentally weak they'd rather retreat further and continue to double down. Just wait... soon, he'll create a catastrophe and refuse to leave office if he loses. And they'll go along with it.

Quote: @Caactorvike said:
Tonight—dozens of congressmen were asked if they had ever been told to “go back to their country”. Virtually every minority Congressman said yes—and every white congressman said no.  I am baffled why posters on this board will torture logic just to defend this petty, stupid bully.  He’s not a Republican or a Conservative (if thats what you call yourself) He’s an amoral, vicious little grifter. You have two choices: admit he is not the man you hoped he would be and disavow him, or continue to support this lying cheat and embrace his racism and mendacity as your own. 
Before you tell Trump supporters what our two options are, when most of us are cheering his real accomplishments ...

Why not let’s talk about the fucking pedophiles in Hollywood.  Take your moral high ground and stick up your fucking hypocritical ass.  

You and Hollywood are a bigger problem than Donald Trump.  


Quote: @KingBash said:
@Caactorvike said:
Tonight—dozens of congressmen were asked if they had ever been told to “go back to their country”. Virtually every minority Congressman said yes—and every white congressman said no.  I am baffled why posters on this board will torture logic just to defend this petty, stupid bully.  He’s not a Republican or a Conservative (if thats what you call yourself) He’s an amoral, vicious little grifter. You have two choices: admit he is not the man you hoped he would be and disavow him, or continue to support this lying cheat and embrace his racism and mendacity as your own. 
I've wracked my brain on this. I think people hate being wrong. They'd rather go down with the ship on this one. They hated Obama/Democrats/Hillary so much that they clung to anything that was the opposite.

Well, this is the opposite. A simple-minded, narcissistic, spoiled brat who's made a career out of lies. Except he sold himself as an alpha-male (not sure how they fell for that one) patriot and a business genius. It's gotta be tough to swallow to realize you got duped by this boob. But I have a lot more respect for people that say, "Hey... I wanted change. I thought he'd bring it. Boy, was I wrong, and we can do better."

But no. Most of the posters on this board are so mentally weak they'd rather retreat further and continue to double down. Just wait... soon, he'll create a catastrophe and refuse to leave office if he loses. And they'll go along with it.
Keep talking, stupid.  

We actually listen to what Trump actually said ... and don’t rely on the fucking MSM and their fucked partners in Hollywood ... to take ot out of context.  

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