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OT. And you wonder why we don’t trust the media.

@SFVikeFan said:
@pumpf said:
@SFVikeFan said:
@pumpf said:
@SFVikeFan said:
Savannah I watched the speech.

"This country is doing better than it's ever done before, economically," Trump said at the Veterans of Foreign Wars National Convention in Kansas City, Mo. "But it's all working out. Just remember: What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening."

"Don't believe the crap you see from these people, the fake news," Trump said, repeating a favored attack of his while pointing to where members of the press were gathered. 

Among other economic matters he discussed in Missouri, Trump claimed that farmers would be the "biggest beneficiary" of his escalating trade disputes. 

He is literally saying that Savannah.  Don't believe the media and what they write about my tariffs.  Then he goes on to brag how the farmers are the biggest beneficiaries?

Are you fucking high?  

Don't believe the media, but believe me when I say that tariffs are working, and farmers are reaping the benefits?

I don't know if you're pulling our leg, you can't be this dense.  
You... calling Savannah dense?  Wow.  That'd be like an ant calling Andre the Giant, "small".

If you think that Savannah is wrong, why not just prove it by posting some proof (you know, like HE does)?  Or are insults all you have (y'know, besides "Orange Man bad")?
Pumpf, if I have to explain to you how tariffs are not benefiting farmers, I'm going to need a lot of crayons.  

What do I need to show you to prove to common knowledge of current events - that tariffs are killing farmers right now?  The record number of bankruptcies?  The $25 billion in bailouts by Trump?  The destruction of the soybean market?  Do you not read any fucking news?  I have to post articles to bring your wholly uninformed ass into reality?

You're on the internet for fuck's sakes, are you this helpless that you dont understand how google works??  Might as well ask for proof water is wet. 

Oh, I know how google works.  They filter out the results that they show so that a certain political / ideological viewpoint will be pushed.  What does that have to do with the assertion you're making (without any links)?

By the way: I live in a very farm-centric area.  Almost always have.  And I know that farmers have had struggles for years.  My father's farm went bankrupt back in the 90's.  But you know what?  We didn't blame Clinton for it.  We recognized that there are alot of complex issues that going into the economics of farming (not to mention the various issues that affect the prices of crops).  While you've studied economic theory (I'll have to take your word for it), I doubt that you have any real, first-hand knowledge about "farming" (no, vineyards in Sonoma don't count).  And I'm guessing that that's why you haven't posted any links: because you're arrogant enough to think that your opinion IS fact.  So you don't need to "prove it" to anyone.

I've been honest about the fact that I'm no economic scholar.  But I can tell you this: the farmers that I know... blame HIGH TAXES on their property as the #1 reason for their financial struggles... not Trump.
I grew up on a farm in SE MN outside of Fairmont off I-90.  My father was a farmer, soybeans and corn.  Ditto my uncle.  My grandfather was a farmer.  He started the very first family farm corporation in southern MN, we had the first large-scale grain elevator in the county.  My great-grandfather was a farmer, as was my great-great grandfather after he arrived from Sweden.

You're seriously not aware of he plummeting price of soybeans?  That China bought about half of our soybean crop, and then dumped us like a hot potato for Brazil and S. America when Trump tariffs hit.  When our buyers disappeared, the market plummeted and farmers were left with crops they couldn't sell.  

Are you seriously saying you are on the internet, you live in a farming community, and yet you don't know that due to the tariifs, Trump has had to give two bailouts: last year $10 billion, this year $15 billion?

And search engines are based on algorithms based on YOUR browser history, not some nefarious liberal biased article generation - funny, because that's what dumbass Trump thinks too, so I get where you old geezers get this shit from.  

But still, it takes all of 10 seconds to do a tiny bit of research.
10 second google search results....

soybeans have been falling for 7 years,  they reached over $17 in 2012 and have been steadily declining ever since.   They are currently trading around $8 which is only marginally lower than they were prior to the trade wars.   all the crying about the price of beans is political.... sure they would like it if it were better, but its simply a matter of supply and demand.  China can claim the reason they are going elsewhere is due to tariffs, but they have bailed on US ag products in the past.

you can spout all the rhetoric you want,  but the biggest problem for the farmer is the farmer.  they all want to grow big money crops and will pay out the ass for genetics that will make corn and beans grow in the desert,  and then when the rest of the world gets their hands on the same genetics (at a fraction of the price) they no longer have a market because its flooded with 3rd world crops.   if they hadnt turned that grassland into crop land and then paid out the ass for all the big money genetics those agronomy giants would have never invested in the technology and those third world countries would still be struggling to grow a crop.  

Agreed Jimmy, corporate farms are a big issue.

Quote: @savannahskol said:
@SFVikeFan said:
@StickyBun said:
Oy. have to have more of a life than this. You are EVERYWHERE defending Trump. Its mind boggling. 
It's frightening... watching reasonable people do extreme mental gymnastics to excuse and figure out how to explain away nearly every lie, horrible decision, and bizarre statements from this trainwreck administration - knowing full well if it was the other side saying stupid shit like this they'd be losing their collective minds.

He said it.  We know what he meant. And yes it's basically 1984, combined with Animal Farm.

And the sheer irony of the OP ... slamming "fake news media" while proving just how gullible and eager they are to regurgitate   their side's actual fake news, is beyond hilarious. 

God help save this country from the brainwashed masses.

Mental gymnastics excuses?  Gotta be kiddin' me. 

Sticky posted a meme with the money-shot conclusion "Trump asks his supporters to ignore their senses, and instead place blind faith in him"

I posted the ACTUAL speech, where it was clear Trump said/intimated no such thing.  
Trump, in fact, was clearly warning  to NOT BELIEVE THE MEDIA REPORTING.  (not their own senses)
"and instead place blind faith in me".... LOL.   Not said. EVER.  In that speech...or EVER.    
If Trump would ACTUALLY ever say such a thing, I'd be the first to abandon.  

It's cool you and Sticky don't like Trump.  Posting more cogent reasons why, might garner ya'll a few converts.  

(BTW, thanks...brutha pumpf, et al  Smile  ) 

Yes, Trump is just so virtuous, who can't see it?

Quote: @SFVikeFan said:
That article says that soybean exports to China have fallen (by 74%, if I'm not mistake).  But that would be expected in a "trade-war".  What it does not say is the overall, net economic effect that this has had on soybean prices.  The only comment that I could find was that it has lowered prices "by as much as 25%".  Well, that's not real specific.  That sounds like an estimate... or, possibly, the lowest price on one particular day.  

Rather than posting a biased opinion article about what someone's view of the effect of tariffs, why not just post the raw data? 
According to THIS website...
the price of soybeans in July '18 was 377.17 (which was down from 439.07, just 3 months before).  So, according to that chart, the price of soybeans was tumbling even BEFORE Trump announced tariffs in July of 2018.  Now, you could make the argument that the "trade war" began months before, when Trump brought up the idea of tariffs.  But, even then, one could easily argue that soybeans had hit their peak in April and would've begun to go down sharply (just as the prices had risen sharply in the preceding months).  That is the pattern. 

However, it is clear that the prices have gone down below the place they were when they first began their precipitous rise.  Could that be the result of tariffs?  Maybe.  But prices were also that low back in 2015.  I'm not an expert in soybean prices... but I think it's safe to say that Trumps tariffs weren't to blame for the low prices back then.

By the way, according to that chart, prices have begun to rise again.  As far as I know, Trumps tariffs haven't expired or been rescinded.  So... is it possible that the rising and falling of prices have to do with more than just one external factor?  I don't doubt that the tariffs might have an effect.  But I would guess that there are other businesses that have experience growth / rising prices due to tariffs.  Wouldn't that be true in any "free" market economy?  Like I said, I'm no expert on these things.

Quote: @greediron said:
Agreed Jimmy, corporate farms are a big issue.
Ive had this chat with all my farmer friends. What is a corporate farm today?  Is it any LLC or corporation tax identification on a farm?  If its that simple dang near all modern farms are (family farms included) There are very few farms anymore that arent held inside some sort of trust, corp, llc etc.

Is it revenue based?  Acres run?  Number of employees? Everyone blames “corporate farms” because its become a buzz word.  But what does that mean when there really arent many sole proprietor farms (from a taxation label) out there. 

Quote: @AGRforever said:
@greediron said:
Agreed Jimmy, corporate farms are a big issue.
Ive had this chat with all my farmer friends. What is a corporate farm today?  Is it any LLC or corporation tax identification on a farm?  If its that simple dang near all modern farms are (family farms included) There are very few farms anymore that arent held inside some sort of trust, corp, llc etc.

Is it revenue based?  Acres run?  Number of employees? Everyone blames “corporate farms” because its become a buzz word.  But what does that mean when there really arent many sole proprietor farms (from a taxation label) out there. 
True it may be a buzz word and may not be the best description, but IMO, those run by a corp, not run by the family are part of the issue.  Even some family run farms fall under that issue.  Those that would roundup their wheat to make sure it is all ready to harvest at once.  Those that don't give a shit about the land because they serve the dollar and will move on once it is no longer profitable.  That is what corporate farms means to me.

Quote: @StickyBun said:
@savannahskol said:
@SFVikeFan said:
@StickyBun said:
Oy. have to have more of a life than this. You are EVERYWHERE defending Trump. Its mind boggling. 
It's frightening... watching reasonable people do extreme mental gymnastics to excuse and figure out how to explain away nearly every lie, horrible decision, and bizarre statements from this trainwreck administration - knowing full well if it was the other side saying stupid shit like this they'd be losing their collective minds.

He said it.  We know what he meant. And yes it's basically 1984, combined with Animal Farm.

And the sheer irony of the OP ... slamming "fake news media" while proving just how gullible and eager they are to regurgitate   their side's actual fake news, is beyond hilarious. 

God help save this country from the brainwashed masses.

Mental gymnastics excuses?  Gotta be kiddin' me. 

Sticky posted a meme with the money-shot conclusion "Trump asks his supporters to ignore their senses, and instead place blind faith in him"

I posted the ACTUAL speech, where it was clear Trump said/intimated no such thing.  
Trump, in fact, was clearly warning  to NOT BELIEVE THE MEDIA REPORTING.  (not their own senses)
"and instead place blind faith in me".... LOL.   Not said. EVER.  In that speech...or EVER.    
If Trump would ACTUALLY ever say such a thing, I'd be the first to abandon.  

It's cool you and Sticky don't like Trump.  Posting more cogent reasons why, might garner ya'll a few converts.  

(BTW, thanks...brutha pumpf, et al  Smile  ) 

Yes, Trump is just so virtuous, who can't see it?
12- 16 lies, per day.  

Well, crap.
 I'm properly chastened.  I thought it was only 3-4 lies per day...tops.  But in reality, it was 12-16? 
 I thought he golfed, all day?  

My gosh, if you subtract his golf days, that number of lies grows even more phenomenally.  Right?  


Here's what happens... when Trump haters bring their bull-shit to court.  When serious litigators get to weigh in.  
The hata's get dismissed, with prejudice.  Ala Mueller.


Quote: @savannahskol said:
@StickyBun said:
@savannahskol said:
@SFVikeFan said:
@StickyBun said:
Oy. have to have more of a life than this. You are EVERYWHERE defending Trump. Its mind boggling. 
It's frightening... watching reasonable people do extreme mental gymnastics to excuse and figure out how to explain away nearly every lie, horrible decision, and bizarre statements from this trainwreck administration - knowing full well if it was the other side saying stupid shit like this they'd be losing their collective minds.

He said it.  We know what he meant. And yes it's basically 1984, combined with Animal Farm.

And the sheer irony of the OP ... slamming "fake news media" while proving just how gullible and eager they are to regurgitate   their side's actual fake news, is beyond hilarious. 

God help save this country from the brainwashed masses.

Mental gymnastics excuses?  Gotta be kiddin' me. 

Sticky posted a meme with the money-shot conclusion "Trump asks his supporters to ignore their senses, and instead place blind faith in him"

I posted the ACTUAL speech, where it was clear Trump said/intimated no such thing.  
Trump, in fact, was clearly warning  to NOT BELIEVE THE MEDIA REPORTING.  (not their own senses)
"and instead place blind faith in me".... LOL.   Not said. EVER.  In that speech...or EVER.    
If Trump would ACTUALLY ever say such a thing, I'd be the first to abandon.  

It's cool you and Sticky don't like Trump.  Posting more cogent reasons why, might garner ya'll a few converts.  

(BTW, thanks...brutha pumpf, et al  Smile  ) 

Yes, Trump is just so virtuous, who can't see it?
12- 16 lies, per day.  

Well, crap.
 I'm properly chastened.  I thought it was only 3-4 lies per day...tops.  But in reality, it was 12-16? 
 I thought he golfed, all day?  

My gosh, if you subtract his golf days, that number of lies grows even more phenomenally.  Right?  


Here's what happens... when Trump haters bring their bull-shit to court.  When serious litigators get to weigh in.  
The hata's get dismissed, with prejudice.  Ala Mueller.

This is the ridiculousness of which I speak: finding links on the internet are easy, for either 'side'. It proves little to nothing. Its an exercise in futility. You can find something online to support your thoughts regardless of the topic. Its the fervor in which people do it that's amusing, like somehow it means anything. I can find links that show there was no Holocaust, the landings on the moon never happened and that the Earth is flat. 

Its why I said people have to have better things to do than defend or chastise Trump endlessly and waste their time. It's zealotry.

Quote: @StickyBun said:
@savannahskol said:
@StickyBun said:
@savannahskol said:
@SFVikeFan said:
@StickyBun said:
Oy. have to have more of a life than this. You are EVERYWHERE defending Trump. Its mind boggling. 
It's frightening... watching reasonable people do extreme mental gymnastics to excuse and figure out how to explain away nearly every lie, horrible decision, and bizarre statements from this trainwreck administration - knowing full well if it was the other side saying stupid shit like this they'd be losing their collective minds.

He said it.  We know what he meant. And yes it's basically 1984, combined with Animal Farm.

And the sheer irony of the OP ... slamming "fake news media" while proving just how gullible and eager they are to regurgitate   their side's actual fake news, is beyond hilarious. 

God help save this country from the brainwashed masses.

Mental gymnastics excuses?  Gotta be kiddin' me. 

Sticky posted a meme with the money-shot conclusion "Trump asks his supporters to ignore their senses, and instead place blind faith in him"

I posted the ACTUAL speech, where it was clear Trump said/intimated no such thing.  
Trump, in fact, was clearly warning  to NOT BELIEVE THE MEDIA REPORTING.  (not their own senses)
"and instead place blind faith in me".... LOL.   Not said. EVER.  In that speech...or EVER.    
If Trump would ACTUALLY ever say such a thing, I'd be the first to abandon.  

It's cool you and Sticky don't like Trump.  Posting more cogent reasons why, might garner ya'll a few converts.  

(BTW, thanks...brutha pumpf, et al  Smile  ) 

Yes, Trump is just so virtuous, who can't see it?
12- 16 lies, per day.  

Well, crap.
 I'm properly chastened.  I thought it was only 3-4 lies per day...tops.  But in reality, it was 12-16? 
 I thought he golfed, all day?  

My gosh, if you subtract his golf days, that number of lies grows even more phenomenally.  Right?  


Here's what happens... when Trump haters bring their bull-shit to court.  When serious litigators get to weigh in.  
The hata's get dismissed, with prejudice.  Ala Mueller.

This is the ridiculousness of which I speak: finding links on the internet are easy, for either 'side'. It proves little to nothing. Its an exercise in futility. You can find something online to support your thoughts regardless of the topic. Its the fervor in which people do it that's amusing, like somehow it means anything. I can find links that show there was no Holocaust, the landings on the moon never happened and that the Earth is flat. 

Its why I said people have to have better things to do than defend or chastise Trump endlessly and waste their time. It's zealotry.

This next election is going to be brutal...I am saddened at how the extremists on both sides have polarized the country. Not hard to believe 2020 will further divide the nation - sides are dug-in, entrenched. 

Probably take a fucking war to unite the country again.

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