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So no collusion.
Quote: @Zanary said:
@A1Janitor said:
Keep your eye on the rats turning on each ofher ... Lynch and Comey are blaming each other, as are Comey and Brennan.
The rats within and without the treason clubs are already backbiting, and it's gonna be murderous and cannibalistic.

It'd be funny as hell if it weren't inevitably on our dime.
Finally we agree.  

Seth Rich.  

Quote: @A1Janitor said:
@KingBash said:
@A1Janitor said:
LOL what was Alabama thinking passing laws without the blessing of ZanJohnsonsteinLGBQT.

Go piss in whatever toilet you want in California ya weirdo.

Please let’s bring this back to Russia Hoax.  Stop riling the libs. 
Since you love to divert to Hillary so much, were you one of the ones that were furious over the personal email account scandal?
She deleted 33k government emails that were related to her Secretary of State position after a subpoena.  

1.  A private server is illegal for a reason ... it hides what she is doing. 

2.  Deleting government property is a crime - obstruction of justice.  

3.  It is apparent she was involved in oay to play schemes while secretary of state.  We need to see those emails. 

I predict we will find out the Russia Hoax was started chiefly to cover up the role of the deep state in her email scam and to tie up Trump from learning the truth and prosecuting her and them.  

Keep your eye on Biden’s kid and Ukraine and China.  

Keep your eye on the rats turning on each ofher ... Lynch and Comey are blaming each other, as are Comey and Brennan.
Except there's nothing on the 33,000 emails dingbat.  The FBI recovered the deleted emails in 2015, are you seriously not aware this already happened years ago?

My brother has Top Secret security clearance and works for the DOD and literally works in cybersecurity.  Are you not aware the NSA and other agencies can look at anyone's emails, private server or not?  Otherwise why wouldn't every criminal have their own private server? 

Because morons  like A1 assume nobody else can see emails on a private server, not even the NSA can see them?  LOLOLOLOL

And are you still not aware that unlike Trump, the Clintons have unveiled 30 years of tax returns plus all the financials for their charity?  They've been investigated and audited doofus and FOUND NOTHING.  

Watching you desperately cling to yet another debunked conspiracy theory is just sad but completely predictable at this point.  


So why did she illegally delete them, stupid?

Aftera subpoena, stupid. 

It is not her personal property, stupid. 

Keep watching.  Stupid. 

Quote: @A1Janitor said:
So why did she illegally delete them, stupid?

Aftera subpoena, stupid. 

It is not her personal property, stupid. 

Keep watching.  Stupid. 
Ah yes I'm stupid .... from the doorknob who just learned 10 minutes ago the FBI already recovered Hillary's emails almost 4 years ago


Keep it up, it's like watching a vine loop of a trainwreck crashing over and over again.  

You're pure comedy gold, never seen anyone so damn proud of how mis-informed and ignorant they are, and yet you just keep going & going no matter how many times you get swatted with facts by me. 

At least Havoc had the common sense to tuck his tail and hide after his bold predictions of his "facts" blew up in his face.  But you sir ... you have no dignity, no shame, no sense of embarrassment, it's pretty amazing actually.  It's like you're channeling Trump himself. 

Let me take a wild guess:  white male, 50's-60's, no college education, lives in rural America?  



The FBI uncovered her emails!  HA! 

You really are a stupid motherfucker.  

Google list of FBI and DOJ employees fired.  

Well, it's all about the GOP caring about women!

Oh, wait...

Boy you are an idiot.  One republican punches his wife, they all must.  

Please, back to the hoax.  We need to concentrate on the Obama spying.  Without all of the noise from the libtardtarian, who wants to pee in the girls bathroom.  

Quote: @A1Janitor said:
Boy you are an idiot.  One republican punches his wife, they all must.  

Please, back to the hoax.  We need to concentrate on the Obama spying.  Without all of the noise from the libtardtarian, who wants to pee in the girls bathroom.  
Funny, you claimed one doctor marginalizing transgenders was "science"...but hey, you've been junk throughout the thread.  Grunt some orange man stupidity, as that's your jam.

I just found the topic and timing to be pretty interesting.  I could go hunt for all the links to the GOP's countless ignorant quotes on women,'s not like that's news.

Anyway, the collusion chaos now has our prez scrambling to deny access to people/information regarding the "hoax" (always the work of an innocent cheeto!) while he and Pelosi show their ongoing resolve to flush our tax dollars while accomplishing nothing!

Quote: @A1Janitor said:

The FBI uncovered her emails!  HA! 

You really are a stupid motherfucker.  

Google list of FBI and DOJ employees fired.  

yep, all fired by the guy they were investigating ... some picked by Trump himself.

What's even more hilarious, watching you back pedal.  Still doesn't change the fact you didn't even know the FBI had Hillary's emails 4 years ago.  


But I'm the stupid motherfucker, because I happen to keep up with current events while you're so hopelessly embedded with stupidity you literally have no idea what's happened in the real world. Hate crimes down under Trump, for the blogger told me so!  Wait til they find Hillary's emails! 


I'd be surprised if they allow you to hold the broom at work.  Did they at least get you to stop drinking out of the mop bucket?



Pay attention to why there is denial.  19 Hillary donors, all angry democrats, got millions of documents, unfettered access to everything.  THEY said Trump didn’t collude with Russia.  THEY couldn’t prosecute for obstruction.  

The dems are searching for a crime.  That isn’t how it is done.  Name the crime.  He has been exonerrated by the AG for obstruction and by SC for Russia collusion.

Time has run out.  We need to see why Obama was spying.  It wasn’t Russia.  And we can figure out the Tarnac meeting and those emails.  Bu an honest prosecutor.  

I still don’t want Confused Zanary peeing in the public bathroom  where women pee. Ya weirdo.  

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