Like a cat playing with a half dead mouse.
Quote: @A1Janitor said:
Like a cat playing with a half dead mouse.
Barr has got us on offense, hasn't he?
(You know what's crazy? Sessions was pivotal to Trump to win the GOP primary(s) in the South --that's when I knew Trump was gonna
beat Cruz--. But damn, did Sessions let Trump down as AG)
Speaking of Barr... and the GoNadler (
liberal Georgetown Professor Jonathon Turley warning his Dem compatriots on Capitol Hill today... they'd
be "in a world of hurt" pursuing this contempt citation further.
Turley and Mark Penn and Dershowitz (I've cited them all) are sane liberals, that fellow liberals need to start paying attention to. jmo.
BTW, Nancy coulda arrested Barr today. He invited it. lol
GoNadler walking back impeachment today.
So... won't arrest or impeach, after all. lmfao.
Quote: @AGRforever said:
Come on. You and everyone out there knows darn well that rape and incest are just red herring talking points. Its no different then the NY deal where you can “abort” a baby after its born full term. Both are talking point meant to get their bases worked up so the masses keep donating and voting.
I personally believe that a pre birth baby deserves their right to life luberty and the pursuit of happiness. I see it more as a “whats right” rather then a religious/political issue which is what its been turned into.
I have no idea where to find statistics but on rape. Id dare say most rape victums know they were raped prior to 43 days after the fact. As for incest? Good luck finding statistics on that lol. I can only imagine that were talking an almost meaningless number when it boils right down to it. BUT dont let a good talking point get away from you.
Holy shit...that's both the stupidest and potentially most horrible post I've ever seen on this site.
As someone holding a degree in behavioral science...I'm just amazed that anyone could dismiss acts that are violent, controlling, wildly damaging on every conceivable level, and among the worst acts humans can commit on one another.
Truly fucking terrible. I don't know if your parents or society failed, but that's the post of a truly shitty person.
As for what a "pre birth baby" deserves...and I find the topic of abortion to be brutal from all angles...the dismissal of the massive collection of events that a woman goes through during pregnancy is mind- blowing. Similarly, treating women's bodies as state property (which these measures do, by any intelligent consideration) is at least as appalling as cancelling a young life. As much as the GOP claims to be about "saving babies" and "family"...well, it's up there with the rest of the party's hypocrisy including the desire for "smaller government" (har! they want departments of morality police in our bedrooms).
The Deep South is reminding everyone why they're seen as so challenged, in so many ways.
This wasn't about morality, or about's all about a truly horrifying kind of power-mongering.
Spare everyone the "sactuary states for tiny people" fiction, given that the same people screaming about pro-life support laws that try to deny parental/marital rights to same-sex couples (ooooh, A1J is gonna be less-than-fresh about that topic), act to cut social programs (including ones that help to feed, clothe, educate, and medicate children), and support legally harassing people of color on the basis that they might "look illegal".
Meanwhile, the "smaller government party" thinks they should have use/refuse rights on women's wombs...effectively making their reproductive organs property of the state.
Truly fucking horrible...and people actually defend this shit. 1984 was a warning, not an instruction manual....
Quote: @Zanary said:
@ KingBash said:
@ Zanary said:
@ KingBash said:
My hope is that, slowly but surely, enough new voters will become active and see through this dope. His base will dwindle and we can go back to laughing at to these fringe voters behind their backs and not taking them seriously anymore. Then we'll elect some shitty Democrat that will be wildly uninspiring, the normal level of corrupt, and it'll be business as usual for awhile.
That already sounds like biz as usual. "Well, if we can get the skidmark from trashpile A out, we can get a skidmark from trashpile B elected".
I cannot begin to fathom how anyone supports this. Seriously, it's horrifying.
What exactly do you propose? We get it: you're the "everything is shit" enlightened guy. I'm not disagreeing, but that perfect candidate you want not only doesn't exist, but they wouldn't win even if they were running.
Having said that, one party understands that climate change is a major threat, that obsessing over abortions is a huge waste of time, and that our current idiot is so hated on the national stage that he's weakening our national security because of popularity alone.
First: don't tell me my mind/opinion, that spineless bitch bullshit is worthless. If we'd known each other, personally, for'd begin to have some credence.
Who, Trump? I don't follow this necessarily.
Secondly, it's not about "perfect", it's about...getting out of the two-party shitstorm of stupidity. I campaigned for Gary Johnson twice because he successfully built/ran a business and then was a very successful governor in New Mexico...which generally voted for the other party. He also pushed for national legalization of marijuana and to streamlined government operations; his approaches actually had New Mexico (a seriously cash-poor state) running in the black during his time as governor.
I was a very big fan of a lot of what Gary Johnson had to say. Not all of it, but - kind of like my thoughts on Bernie (in 2016 at least) - I think his ideals were in the right place despite his politics being pretty unrealistic in our political climate. My rationale for supporting both was that checks, balances, public opinion, etc. would keep their wacky ideas in check.
Naturally, his successor (Clinonista Bill Richardson) had the state in the red again, pretty much instantly.
So, as he didn't have decades of quoted stupidity, fraud charges, smashed hard drives, screaming hypocrisy, and full-on lies to his credit...I felt he was a far superior choice to either of the shit-shows that were in the run-off. I can't imagine, seriously, why people supported two candidates that were full-on dumpster fires from the get-go in comparison.
... so far we're not disagreeing. I hated both almost equally during the election. I promise that - I didn't see Hillary as any better at that time. Now having seen how much of a little child Trump is though, other politicians and nations would have at least respected Hillary more because she'd be better at being an absolute criminal. Trump is just retarded and does shit in plain sight, which for whatever reason emboldens his supporters.
Gary, unlike A1J's obsession Jill Stein, was on ballots nationwide and wasn't the center of FBI investigations.
A1 likes Jill Stein?! She was my protest vote in CA just to prove my ultra-liberal friends wrong that I didn't like Hillary because she's a woman.
It's not about perfect, it's about the complete junk that the "main" parties duped millions of Americans into supporting while a better candidate that actually would have been a real change was available.
140+ million people voted per habit and/or panic despite visible, viable information proving that their candidates were complete shit.
THAT is a national emergency.
Yeah, but what can be done? I actually ask that honestly. I pretty much agree with most of what you're saying although I was being condescending earlier when I called you Mr. Enlightened. But we differ in that Trump is just as bad as other politicians. The majority are shit as well, but I can't think of one who's as annoying as this fuck. He's mentally ill, he sucks at his job, his entire LIFE is built on a lie since he took Daddy's money and lost it all...
In blue... obviously.
Quote: @savannahskol said:
@ KingBash said:
Having said that,
one party understands that climate change is a major threat
obsessing over abortions is a huge waste of time
our current idiot is so hated on the national stage
he's weakening our national security because of popularity alone.
"fake...fake...fake...fake" =)
Go learn something. Please. Turn off Fox and try to learn something.
Quote: @SFVikeFan said:
Meanwhile Alabama just passed a bill outlawing abortions after 6 weeks, with no exceptions for rape or incest.
So when pedophiles rape and impregnate their own children, they get to force their daughters to conceive ... just to traumatize the victims all over again.
Brought to you by the state and GOP party who supported a known pedophile in Roy Moore for Senate.
Republicans war on women and Roe vs. Wade is going to get them destroyed in 2020.
Aren't you glad Republicans are burning calories on the important stuff?
Sorry (pumpf), anybody who gives a shit about abortions has retarded priorities. Just don't have one. I'm not even disagreeing it's immoral, I'm arguing there are many more things to give a shit about before this. Like rapes, pedophiles, etc.
Religious people are obsessed with sex. That's the real issue.
The same libtards that want abortion are the same ones that accept pedophilia.
Quote: @A1Janitor said:
The same libtards that want abortion are the same ones that accept pedophilia.
2 words: Roy Moore.
Known pedophile, endorsed by Trump for Senate.
Glad you think rape, incest and pedophilia are worth of a laughing emoji. You seriously belong on a watchlist for law enforcement, I wouldn't let you near my kids.
And AGR red herring my ass, go fucking read the bill. NO EXCEPTIONS FOR RAPE OR INCEST. 6 weeks, barely enough time to miss one period.
So when your teen daughter is raped, not only is she forced to have the rapist's baby, the fucking rapist can apply for custody/visitation rights.
And none of you are Pro-Life, strictly pro birth. You seem okay with kids in cages because their parents illegally crossed, you don't care about welfare or cutting CHIP health insurance for children. The second that kid is born you don't give two shits about it, just like you never gave a fuck about the mother to begin with.
Christian taliban at work forcing sharia law and their religious beliefs on others, turning USA into a 3rd world country of cavemen with women as property. Fucking sick.
Quote: @A1Janitor said:
I thought abortion was no longer needed now that the looney left agreed to live moral lives and not have sex anymore.
You're not even funny, just plain sick.
Quote: @savannahskol said:
And you'd rather the violence continue to the women and babies via abortion?
End the cycle of violence, bro.
Not all of us are so lucky to have fortunate conditions of conception. Don't be a conceptionist.
That is the most disgusting, fucked up thing I've ever read in my life.
I pray you don't have daughters or granddaughters.
So if your little girl was raped as a 12 yr old, you'd push her to have the child. Then what? You know the rapist has rights too. Do you invite him over for Christmas and Thanksgiving? Pat him on the back, tell your daughter she must accept him as the father because we can't all be so lucky to have fortunate conceptions?
Holy fucking shit.