Quote: @Zanary said:
It appears that asking a Trump supporter to actually explain/defend one of his bigger blunders without immediately changing the subject to something years gone on Obama's watch was too much to ask.
I'm a "mehh" on Trump but I'll take a swing. Was your question about protecting elections? That seems to be your last question that I could find?
There are certainly things the federal government could do to "secure" elections. They could work to get international money out of elections. They could pass laws to undo Citizens United. They could pass term limits for congress critters. They could pass a national ID program. The problem is no elected offical on the right or left wants this done because it cuts off the golden goose.
OR they could supply money to the States to raise their game. It seems to me that most of the actual election integrity and vote counting on election day are done on a state by state basis and there in lies the problem. You've got 50 different systems (plus DC & territories) held by 50 different standards. Without some sort normalization of the process I'm not sure what the Feds could do for election day without just throwing money at it.
As far as what could be done prior to elections? I'm not sure I want my .gov telling facebook etc what is "propaganda" and what isn't. That seems to be the rub this last time right?
Trump did do an executive order that gave authority to levee sanctions on individuals who meddle in the election process. I'm not sure if its worth the paper its written on but its something?
Trump’s New Executive Order Is a Positive Step for Securing Electionshttps://www.heritage.org/election-integrity/commentary/trumps-new-executive-order-positive-step-securing-elections