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So no collusion.
Quote: @AGRforever said:
Pumpf, the Republicans are just as criminal in their giving money to voters as the Democrats.  The parties just have a different list of folks they "gift" it to.  There no longer is a "spend less" party. 
That's fair.  And they are ALSO complicit in the abortion holocaust, as they did nothing (when they had the chance) to stem that tide of evil.  j
Although- "true" conservatives (which are becoming more and more rare in this era of Idiocracy) DO believe in smaller gov't- which, in turn, should lead to less taxes.  One could also say that the tax "gifts" they give to corporations are meant to stimulate the economy, not "just" buy votes.

But, Yes: in the day and age in which we live... politicians now must give money away, because Americans (overall) demand it.  The concern for "what's best for America" is long gone.

Quote: @KingBash said:
@greediron said:
@KingBash said:
@greediron said:
@KingBash said:
@pumpf said:
@KingBash said:
@pumpf said:
Hahaha you're just wrong. What's not factual in that?!

This is scary that so much of the country is doing this. 
These are not "facts":

Trump lied about his knowledge and involvement with Russia.  He sided with Putin's word over our own US intelligence agencies, that is also a fact.  He had 2 Chiefs of Staff, both military generals, resign, one who admitted he quit because of his pro-Russian stances.  All publicly known facts.

The smoking gun of did Trump coordinate all this with Russia couldn't be proven beyond a reasonable doubt.  But sweet Jesus that doesn't change the facts of Trump lying about meeting Russians, of Trump Jr. accepting an invitation to get dirt on an opponent from a hostile nation, and Trump's campaign manager meeting with a Russian to give polling information to.  

I realize you boys are taking a vixtory lap because your Trump appointed lapdog AG says he reviewed 700 pages of a report in 48 hours and found no evidence, but not all of us fell off the turnip truck yesterday. 

Regardless of lack of charges doesn't mean Trump wasn't doing some extremely shady, unethical shit that if the Democrats had done, you'd all be losing your minds right now and you all fucking know it.

But hey, let's have a cheer for Betsy Devos cutting funds for the Special Olympics because we needed to prioritize the millionaires getting tax cuts to make America great again.  Yipeee!

Those are pretty obviously opinions.  As for Trump taking sides with Russia, it appears that they may have been more trustworthy than our own intelligence community.  Have you read anything about how all this process got started... and the lengths that the DOJ / FBI went to (at the end of the Obama administration) to protect / shield Clinton for HER illegal activities?  If so, then you'd understand how- after just taking over as president- Trump might not have trusted US intelligence, especially when there was a coordinated effort ON THEIR PART to tilt the election in one direction.  Is that better (more ethical) than the Russians doing it?  Yeah, I guess so... but considering their own positions, they're not exactly "clean".

And remind me again, which president was it who said- under his breath (and presumably off the record) that he'd have more "flexibility" to work with the Russians once he was re-elected?

And remind me again which political party went crazy when a Republican candidate for president warned that Russia was a "problem"?

I've always considered you to be pretty straightforward and intellectually honest about things.  In fact, I've admired your willingness to speak truth- no matter how uncomfortable it might be for others to hear.  But with these comments, you seem to have lost your skeptical, open-mindedness... to go full "in-the-tank" for the Democrats.  Oh well...
Likewise. You've lost it completely. I'm not full "in-the-tank" for the Democrats. Just calling out a complete farce in office. That has nothing to do with Obama/Hillary/the Democrats.
actually, this had everything to do with them.  You recall Trump was running against Hillary.  2 years of Democrats trying to prove that Trump cheated Hillary out of the presidency.  An investigation that started with Obama's FBI. 
Would really like to see the report instead of Trumper Barr summarizing 2 years of research into 4 pages and then McConnell and Nunnes demanding nobody ever see it.

Yeah, totally on the up and up.

But as you've made very, very clear when the Democrats are in office: you're all about the truth. So I'm glad you agree with me!

I am for truth no matter which side is in power.  I probably was more vigilant when Bush was in office because he had many conservatives fooled into thinking he was conservative.  I railed against his power grabs and executive orders more than I did against Obama. 

As to the report, are you telling me you are going to read and understand 300 pages of legal mumbo jumbo? 

The democrat narratives are so hilarious.  "just wait until..." Manfort is arrested, oh boy Trump is done.  and then next guy, oh boy Trump is finished.  "wait until Mueller gives his report"  the walls are closing in.  Then Mueller sez no collusion.  Oh wait Barr has the final word.  No collusion.  "Mueller is an idiot and Barr is protecting the prez."

You actually think that seeing the whole report would change the narrative?  Pay attention.  The Mueller investigation which was what every Dem pinned their hopes and fantasies on wasn't what they wanted.  It stated exactly the opposite of what they said for 2 years. 
Every legal interpretation I've seen was that Mueller concluded that there wasn't enough evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that the president committed a crime. He also went on to say that it doesn't exonerate him. Stop twisting his words.

So now, as predicted, TRUMP-APPOINTED William Barr, who 9 months ago basically promised the president he'd be safe, did his job just as King Baby had hoped. And now the Republicans will do everything they can that would look bad for him. 

Am I going to read it? No, of course not. Just like you didn't read the Ken Starr report. I'll let watchdog groups, who LOVE doing this and do it for a living, go through and pull the stuff that the American people should know. (Although it's probably already stuff most people know, but people like you should pay attention to.)

Which leads me to my last bolded point: says who?! You didn't read it either! You're going off what Trump says as he walks around yelling out, "See?! No collusion!" because he stacked the deck with henchmen Republican lawmakers. 

On a more personal note, I just did my taxes. Fuck Trump.
So wait? Which one of these "legal interpretations" was conducted by someone who has seen the Mueller report?  Barr and his office has seen it.  I can't imagine that Barr came to completley different opinion then what the Mueller report said because we all know eventually we'll see a large percentage (after legally required redactions) of the original report. 

Quote: @medaille said:
@pumpf said:

  1. ...
  2. Why can't we come to a bi-partisan agreement to give tax-payer money to clinics that do everything for women- except abortions?  Planned Parenthood would still be able to operate- and women would have access to every other form of "help" that they need / want.  Why does the money HAVE to go to PP?
This is what I find weird about the planned parenthood conversation.  Abortion is a huge dealbreaker for some people.  The amount of people that support contraception and general supportive services for women is probably a strong majority.  Why is there this need to lump something super controversial with things generally well supported.  It seems if you split up the two services, you aren't forcing people to spend their tax dollars on things they despise.

It just seems like we could make so much more progress in politics if we just focused on the things that we all overwhelmingly agree on, rather than trying to stuff as much pork into bills as we can get away with.  Like if you have a bill that contains things that 80% of the people agree on, but a few dealbreakers, why not just pass the 80% and let the 20% not make it.  Why do we have to reject the whole thing?
See thats what I don't get....other then it makes for great identity politics.  I'm fine with 100% of all services PP does except for abortions and baby part "relocation services".  I want women to be healthy.  I'm even ok in providing FREE contraception to all females in the USA.  I'm in favor of FREE std testing.  FREE mammograms.  Pretty much if there's a way to save money long term by providing upfront cost effective means I'm for it. 

However, when it comes to baby killing.  I believe in the child's right to life and its pursuit of happiness.  Murder is murder is murder in my book. 

Quote: @AGRforever said:
@medaille said:
@SFVikeFan said:

17.5 years ago, 9/11 happened.  I watched with my own two eyes, the shitshow where supposedly 2 planes hit the twin towers, 1 plane hit the pentagon, 3 buildings that were designed to not fall down after being hit by planes all fell down looking exactly like a controlled demolition in their own footprint.  Then they made up some theory (pancake theory) because they needed a reason to explain what happened.  A theory that has never happened before or after.  The 3rd building that collapsed wasn't even hit by a plane, it just magically started on fire and collapsed.  Our government didn't send up any fighter jets, they just let them hit us.  They took all the evidence and destroyed it.  There was thermite at the bottom of the rubble burning for months.  I watched the video where the BBC reported that WTC7 collapsed, while it was still standing in the background.  I watched the media just parrot whatever the Bush administration wanted them to say.  No investigative journalism was done.

9/11 opened my eyes to the truth that the media and the government worked together to shape a narrative that was sold to the people.  The story that was sold about 9/11 had so many holes in it that it was impossible to believe.  I watched us invade Iraq, who had nothing to do with 9/11, so that we can steal their oil.  I watched us invade Afganistan, and you can look up poppy farm production, when the taliban controlled Afghanistan, and when we controlled Afghanistan.  Taliban, no poppies.  America, poppies.

Then you watch the US through history arming "rebels" to fight against our enemy and then a few years later we're fighting against them.  You have Prescott Bush funding Nazi Germany.  You have Clinton proclaiming to have balanced the budget, when he just took money from social security to use for the general budget.  You have us tearing through latin america installing puppet dictatorships.  You have Arkancide, where people close to the Clintons mysteriously die, often before they're about to testify in court against the Clintons.  You have this weird bizarre monetary system, where the banks get to loan you money they don't have and then charge you interest, where no one knows how much a dollar is worth because it's constantly changing.  How much is your house worth?  But we'll give you a loan for half your life and you can pay us 3 times what the house is worth in interest payments.  You've got the rotating door between being a director of a multinational corporation and then being on some political entity that regulates the people that paid you a boat load.  You've got no president trying to stop the exportation of all jobs to Mexico and China.  Just pure free trade.
I feel like I could just keep going on an on.  The politicians, the media, the 3 letter agencies.  They've been very questionable for my entire adult life.  I've never voted Democrat or Republican, because I don't support this non-sense sham of a government we've had during my life.

If all these people hate Trump, I feel like I only have two options:  1)  Trump's the real deal (or controlled by people who are the real deal), and they're actually fighting each other.  2)  Everyone's in on it in an even bigger conspiracy theory, and this whole things a sham.

Russia?  Who cares about Russia?  Someone needs to drain the swamp.  If it's Trump, great.  If it's someone that comes after Trump, also great.  People all over the world are causing troubles for their sham political leaderships.  It's not just here.
I want it to be clear that you don't have to agree with the 9-11 conspiracy theory in this post to be on the "right" side of the aisle.  I hate the media for their lies as much as the next guy but I do think 9-11 was caused by jets and crazy dudes bent on destruction.  That day changed the world.  It was the single most influential day in my lifetime.  The shit storm we've had since then has taught me that the terrorists won that day. 
I think the more someone gets into conspiracy theories, the
less partisan they get.  It seems almost
laughable to me that someone could believe that either the left or the right is
exclusively “good” and the other is exclusively “bad”.  If one party was more likely to believe in
9/11 conspiracy theories, it should be those leaning left, as Bush was
President during the event and it’s aftermath.

I also think that you don’t have to buy into the whole 9/11
story.  You can definitely believe in
just parts of it.  You can believe that
the Taliban performed the attack on 9/11, but that our government tried to use
the event to get into Iraq and to ram through a bunch of other stuff it was
trying to do.

My post was mainly in response to SFVikeFans take that America
was just gravy before Trump and that all it took was one celebrity businessman
to overturn all the trust we had in them. 
America’s been corrupt for the longest time.  The media was fake news before Trump got
here.  He was just willing to point it
out.  The CIA has been doing horrible,
horrible stuff to both our own citizens and other countries.  Our military has been stationed in many
different countries perpetually for so many years now.  There’s clearly been a different set of
standards for elite rich law breakers and everyone else, even before Smollet.  It should be clear to anyone paying attention
that the politicians spend most of their public conversations on the few topics
that rile everybody up, and then will go pass a banking bill or homeland
security under the cover of darkness or when half of congress went home for a
holiday break or something.

What we are seeing now is a world in which the momentum has
shifted, and that people are seeing the corrupt where they are, and not
accepting it.  It’s a sword that cuts
both ways.  You can’t just pin it on 1
bad person or 1 bad party.  The swamp is
deep and wide.


Quote: @medaille said:
@AGRforever said:
@medaille said:
@SFVikeFan said:

17.5 years ago, 9/11 happened.  I watched with my own two eyes, the shitshow where supposedly 2 planes hit the twin towers, 1 plane hit the pentagon, 3 buildings that were designed to not fall down after being hit by planes all fell down looking exactly like a controlled demolition in their own footprint.  Then they made up some theory (pancake theory) because they needed a reason to explain what happened.  A theory that has never happened before or after.  The 3rd building that collapsed wasn't even hit by a plane, it just magically started on fire and collapsed.  Our government didn't send up any fighter jets, they just let them hit us.  They took all the evidence and destroyed it.  There was thermite at the bottom of the rubble burning for months.  I watched the video where the BBC reported that WTC7 collapsed, while it was still standing in the background.  I watched the media just parrot whatever the Bush administration wanted them to say.  No investigative journalism was done.

9/11 opened my eyes to the truth that the media and the government worked together to shape a narrative that was sold to the people.  The story that was sold about 9/11 had so many holes in it that it was impossible to believe.  I watched us invade Iraq, who had nothing to do with 9/11, so that we can steal their oil.  I watched us invade Afganistan, and you can look up poppy farm production, when the taliban controlled Afghanistan, and when we controlled Afghanistan.  Taliban, no poppies.  America, poppies.

Then you watch the US through history arming "rebels" to fight against our enemy and then a few years later we're fighting against them.  You have Prescott Bush funding Nazi Germany.  You have Clinton proclaiming to have balanced the budget, when he just took money from social security to use for the general budget.  You have us tearing through latin america installing puppet dictatorships.  You have Arkancide, where people close to the Clintons mysteriously die, often before they're about to testify in court against the Clintons.  You have this weird bizarre monetary system, where the banks get to loan you money they don't have and then charge you interest, where no one knows how much a dollar is worth because it's constantly changing.  How much is your house worth?  But we'll give you a loan for half your life and you can pay us 3 times what the house is worth in interest payments.  You've got the rotating door between being a director of a multinational corporation and then being on some political entity that regulates the people that paid you a boat load.  You've got no president trying to stop the exportation of all jobs to Mexico and China.  Just pure free trade.
I feel like I could just keep going on an on.  The politicians, the media, the 3 letter agencies.  They've been very questionable for my entire adult life.  I've never voted Democrat or Republican, because I don't support this non-sense sham of a government we've had during my life.

If all these people hate Trump, I feel like I only have two options:  1)  Trump's the real deal (or controlled by people who are the real deal), and they're actually fighting each other.  2)  Everyone's in on it in an even bigger conspiracy theory, and this whole things a sham.

Russia?  Who cares about Russia?  Someone needs to drain the swamp.  If it's Trump, great.  If it's someone that comes after Trump, also great.  People all over the world are causing troubles for their sham political leaderships.  It's not just here.
I want it to be clear that you don't have to agree with the 9-11 conspiracy theory in this post to be on the "right" side of the aisle.  I hate the media for their lies as much as the next guy but I do think 9-11 was caused by jets and crazy dudes bent on destruction.  That day changed the world.  It was the single most influential day in my lifetime.  The shit storm we've had since then has taught me that the terrorists won that day. 
I think the more someone gets into conspiracy theories, the
less partisan they get.  It seems almost
laughable to me that someone could believe that either the left or the right is
exclusively “good” and the other is exclusively “bad”.  If one party was more likely to believe in
9/11 conspiracy theories, it should be those leaning left, as Bush was
President during the event and it’s aftermath.

I also think that you don’t have to buy into the whole 9/11
story.  You can definitely believe in
just parts of it.  You can believe that
the Taliban performed the attack on 9/11, but that our government tried to use
the event to get into Iraq and to ram through a bunch of other stuff it was
trying to do.

My post was mainly in response to SFVikeFans take that America
was just gravy before Trump and that all it took was one celebrity businessman
to overturn all the trust we had in them. 
America’s been corrupt for the longest time.  The media was fake news before Trump got
here.  He was just willing to point it
out.  The CIA has been doing horrible,
horrible stuff to both our own citizens and other countries.  Our military has been stationed in many
different countries perpetually for so many years now.  There’s clearly been a different set of
standards for elite rich law breakers and everyone else, even before Smollet.  It should be clear to anyone paying attention
that the politicians spend most of their public conversations on the few topics
that rile everybody up, and then will go pass a banking bill or homeland
security under the cover of darkness or when half of congress went home for a
holiday break or something.

What we are seeing now is a world in which the momentum has
shifted, and that people are seeing the corrupt where they are, and not
accepting it.  It’s a sword that cuts
both ways.  You can’t just pin it on 1
bad person or 1 bad party.  The swamp is
deep and wide.

The Patriot Act was a huge power grab by the Bush administration.  Reminds me of the clintonesque "never waste a crisis".  And the WMD of Iraq was a sham.

Quote: @medaille said:
@AGRforever said:
@medaille said:
@SFVikeFan said:

17.5 years ago, 9/11 happened.  I watched with my own two eyes, the shitshow where supposedly 2 planes hit the twin towers, 1 plane hit the pentagon, 3 buildings that were designed to not fall down after being hit by planes all fell down looking exactly like a controlled demolition in their own footprint.  Then they made up some theory (pancake theory) because they needed a reason to explain what happened.  A theory that has never happened before or after.  The 3rd building that collapsed wasn't even hit by a plane, it just magically started on fire and collapsed.  Our government didn't send up any fighter jets, they just let them hit us.  They took all the evidence and destroyed it.  There was thermite at the bottom of the rubble burning for months.  I watched the video where the BBC reported that WTC7 collapsed, while it was still standing in the background.  I watched the media just parrot whatever the Bush administration wanted them to say.  No investigative journalism was done.

9/11 opened my eyes to the truth that the media and the government worked together to shape a narrative that was sold to the people.  The story that was sold about 9/11 had so many holes in it that it was impossible to believe.  I watched us invade Iraq, who had nothing to do with 9/11, so that we can steal their oil.  I watched us invade Afganistan, and you can look up poppy farm production, when the taliban controlled Afghanistan, and when we controlled Afghanistan.  Taliban, no poppies.  America, poppies.

Then you watch the US through history arming "rebels" to fight against our enemy and then a few years later we're fighting against them.  You have Prescott Bush funding Nazi Germany.  You have Clinton proclaiming to have balanced the budget, when he just took money from social security to use for the general budget.  You have us tearing through latin america installing puppet dictatorships.  You have Arkancide, where people close to the Clintons mysteriously die, often before they're about to testify in court against the Clintons.  You have this weird bizarre monetary system, where the banks get to loan you money they don't have and then charge you interest, where no one knows how much a dollar is worth because it's constantly changing.  How much is your house worth?  But we'll give you a loan for half your life and you can pay us 3 times what the house is worth in interest payments.  You've got the rotating door between being a director of a multinational corporation and then being on some political entity that regulates the people that paid you a boat load.  You've got no president trying to stop the exportation of all jobs to Mexico and China.  Just pure free trade.
I feel like I could just keep going on an on.  The politicians, the media, the 3 letter agencies.  They've been very questionable for my entire adult life.  I've never voted Democrat or Republican, because I don't support this non-sense sham of a government we've had during my life.

If all these people hate Trump, I feel like I only have two options:  1)  Trump's the real deal (or controlled by people who are the real deal), and they're actually fighting each other.  2)  Everyone's in on it in an even bigger conspiracy theory, and this whole things a sham.

Russia?  Who cares about Russia?  Someone needs to drain the swamp.  If it's Trump, great.  If it's someone that comes after Trump, also great.  People all over the world are causing troubles for their sham political leaderships.  It's not just here.
I want it to be clear that you don't have to agree with the 9-11 conspiracy theory in this post to be on the "right" side of the aisle.  I hate the media for their lies as much as the next guy but I do think 9-11 was caused by jets and crazy dudes bent on destruction.  That day changed the world.  It was the single most influential day in my lifetime.  The shit storm we've had since then has taught me that the terrorists won that day. 
I think the more someone gets into conspiracy theories, the
less partisan they get.  It seems almost
laughable to me that someone could believe that either the left or the right is
exclusively “good” and the other is exclusively “bad”.  If one party was more likely to believe in
9/11 conspiracy theories, it should be those leaning left, as Bush was
President during the event and it’s aftermath.

I also think that you don’t have to buy into the whole 9/11
story.  You can definitely believe in
just parts of it.  You can believe that
the Taliban performed the attack on 9/11, but that our government tried to use
the event to get into Iraq and to ram through a bunch of other stuff it was
trying to do.

My post was mainly in response to SFVikeFans take that America
was just gravy before Trump and that all it took was one celebrity businessman
to overturn all the trust we had in them. 
America’s been corrupt for the longest time.  The media was fake news before Trump got
here.  He was just willing to point it
out.  The CIA has been doing horrible,
horrible stuff to both our own citizens and other countries.  Our military has been stationed in many
different countries perpetually for so many years now.  There’s clearly been a different set of
standards for elite rich law breakers and everyone else, even before Smollet.  It should be clear to anyone paying attention
that the politicians spend most of their public conversations on the few topics
that rile everybody up, and then will go pass a banking bill or homeland
security under the cover of darkness or when half of congress went home for a
holiday break or something.

What we are seeing now is a world in which the momentum has
shifted, and that people are seeing the corrupt where they are, and not
accepting it.  It’s a sword that cuts
both ways.  You can’t just pin it on 1
bad person or 1 bad party.  The swamp is
deep and wide.

Sign me up for a whole helping of the bolded.  I think .gov probably had an idea a major attack was coming and it worked out well for them to have it happen to get into Iraq and Afganistan.  You're spot on in the poppy argument.  The military industrial complex will end up bankrupting us.  Hopefully not for quite awhile.  I just want to live....but eventually somebody is going to pay the piper and its going to suck badly. 

Quote: @greediron said:
@medaille said:
@AGRforever said:
@medaille said:
@SFVikeFan said:

17.5 years ago, 9/11 happened.  I watched with my own two eyes, the shitshow where supposedly 2 planes hit the twin towers, 1 plane hit the pentagon, 3 buildings that were designed to not fall down after being hit by planes all fell down looking exactly like a controlled demolition in their own footprint.  Then they made up some theory (pancake theory) because they needed a reason to explain what happened.  A theory that has never happened before or after.  The 3rd building that collapsed wasn't even hit by a plane, it just magically started on fire and collapsed.  Our government didn't send up any fighter jets, they just let them hit us.  They took all the evidence and destroyed it.  There was thermite at the bottom of the rubble burning for months.  I watched the video where the BBC reported that WTC7 collapsed, while it was still standing in the background.  I watched the media just parrot whatever the Bush administration wanted them to say.  No investigative journalism was done.

9/11 opened my eyes to the truth that the media and the government worked together to shape a narrative that was sold to the people.  The story that was sold about 9/11 had so many holes in it that it was impossible to believe.  I watched us invade Iraq, who had nothing to do with 9/11, so that we can steal their oil.  I watched us invade Afganistan, and you can look up poppy farm production, when the taliban controlled Afghanistan, and when we controlled Afghanistan.  Taliban, no poppies.  America, poppies.

Then you watch the US through history arming "rebels" to fight against our enemy and then a few years later we're fighting against them.  You have Prescott Bush funding Nazi Germany.  You have Clinton proclaiming to have balanced the budget, when he just took money from social security to use for the general budget.  You have us tearing through latin america installing puppet dictatorships.  You have Arkancide, where people close to the Clintons mysteriously die, often before they're about to testify in court against the Clintons.  You have this weird bizarre monetary system, where the banks get to loan you money they don't have and then charge you interest, where no one knows how much a dollar is worth because it's constantly changing.  How much is your house worth?  But we'll give you a loan for half your life and you can pay us 3 times what the house is worth in interest payments.  You've got the rotating door between being a director of a multinational corporation and then being on some political entity that regulates the people that paid you a boat load.  You've got no president trying to stop the exportation of all jobs to Mexico and China.  Just pure free trade.
I feel like I could just keep going on an on.  The politicians, the media, the 3 letter agencies.  They've been very questionable for my entire adult life.  I've never voted Democrat or Republican, because I don't support this non-sense sham of a government we've had during my life.

If all these people hate Trump, I feel like I only have two options:  1)  Trump's the real deal (or controlled by people who are the real deal), and they're actually fighting each other.  2)  Everyone's in on it in an even bigger conspiracy theory, and this whole things a sham.

Russia?  Who cares about Russia?  Someone needs to drain the swamp.  If it's Trump, great.  If it's someone that comes after Trump, also great.  People all over the world are causing troubles for their sham political leaderships.  It's not just here.
I want it to be clear that you don't have to agree with the 9-11 conspiracy theory in this post to be on the "right" side of the aisle.  I hate the media for their lies as much as the next guy but I do think 9-11 was caused by jets and crazy dudes bent on destruction.  That day changed the world.  It was the single most influential day in my lifetime.  The shit storm we've had since then has taught me that the terrorists won that day. 
I think the more someone gets into conspiracy theories, the
less partisan they get.  It seems almost
laughable to me that someone could believe that either the left or the right is
exclusively “good” and the other is exclusively “bad”.  If one party was more likely to believe in
9/11 conspiracy theories, it should be those leaning left, as Bush was
President during the event and it’s aftermath.

I also think that you don’t have to buy into the whole 9/11
story.  You can definitely believe in
just parts of it.  You can believe that
the Taliban performed the attack on 9/11, but that our government tried to use
the event to get into Iraq and to ram through a bunch of other stuff it was
trying to do.

My post was mainly in response to SFVikeFans take that America
was just gravy before Trump and that all it took was one celebrity businessman
to overturn all the trust we had in them. 
America’s been corrupt for the longest time.  The media was fake news before Trump got
here.  He was just willing to point it
out.  The CIA has been doing horrible,
horrible stuff to both our own citizens and other countries.  Our military has been stationed in many
different countries perpetually for so many years now.  There’s clearly been a different set of
standards for elite rich law breakers and everyone else, even before Smollet.  It should be clear to anyone paying attention
that the politicians spend most of their public conversations on the few topics
that rile everybody up, and then will go pass a banking bill or homeland
security under the cover of darkness or when half of congress went home for a
holiday break or something.

What we are seeing now is a world in which the momentum has
shifted, and that people are seeing the corrupt where they are, and not
accepting it.  It’s a sword that cuts
both ways.  You can’t just pin it on 1
bad person or 1 bad party.  The swamp is
deep and wide.

The Patriot Act was a huge power grab by the Bush administration.  Reminds me of the clintonesque "never waste a crisis".  And the WMD of Iraq was a sham.
YEP, anyone who doesn't start a conversation with corrupt politicians with the patriot act is ignoring history.  That piece of legislation is probably the worst most destructive piece legislation in decades.  The freedoms/liberties/personal data taken from us are ridiculous. 

Both parties suck.  Put that in your Utah database NSA

Quote: @pumpf said:
@AGRforever said:
Pumpf, the Republicans are just as criminal in their giving money to voters as the Democrats.  The parties just have a different list of folks they "gift" it to.  There no longer is a "spend less" party. 
That's fair.  And they are ALSO complicit in the abortion holocaust, as they did nothing (when they had the chance) to stem that tide of evil.  j
Although- "true" conservatives (which are becoming more and more rare in this era of Idiocracy) DO believe in smaller gov't- which, in turn, should lead to less taxes.  One could also say that the tax "gifts" they give to corporations are meant to stimulate the economy, not "just" buy votes.

But, Yes: in the day and age in which we live... politicians now must give money away, because Americans (overall) demand it.  The concern for "what's best for America" is long gone.
You wonder if Christians should make a memorial to all the abortions like they've done for the Holocaust or if that would be considered inappropriate. 

If I heard correctly something like 27% of all potential kids have been aborted since Roe V since we're looking things up and verifying results.  The 50ish million abortions looks widely accepted.  We've been running about 4 million babies a year.  2019-1973 = 46 years * 4 million babies each year.  184m + 50m = 234m.  50/234 = 22ish percent is my quick and dirty math.  There were many years we were under 4 million babies so 27% is probably right.
My mind is going over this.  Strip all the feelings and mortality out of it.  Just think how much different our world would be with +25% more people in it.  Our economy would have looked drastically different since 1973.  Housing, infrastructure, food all of it. 

What I truly find odd about abortion is that they disproportionately affect your typical democratic voter.  Why are democrats hell bent on killing off their own voters?  Back in the early 2000s blacks were aborting 50% of their kids.  Wow would the electorate look different for 2020. 

Quote: @AGRforever said:
@KingBash said:
Every legal interpretation I've seen was that Mueller concluded that there wasn't enough evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that the president committed a crime. He also went on to say that it doesn't exonerate him. Stop twisting his words.
So wait? Which one of these "legal interpretations" was conducted by someone who has seen the Mueller report?  Barr and his office has seen it.  I can't imagine that Barr came to completley different opinion then what the Mueller report said because we all know eventually we'll see a large percentage (after legally required redactions) of the original report. 
Good catch, AGR. 

Prosecutor (Mueller) reports are to recommend to indict... or not.
And then, the DOJ decides to prosecute.... or not.  

There is no "exoneration" expected to be given, by the prosecutor.   Why?  
and this is key... the Special Prosecutor has been granted carte blanche to indict (via his grand jury) WITHOUT WITNESS DEFENSE COUNSEL PRESENT. 
To the prosecutor....there is either evidence to indict.... OR THERE IS NOT.  

A prosecutor's opinion on "exoneration" is WORTHLESS... as the witness was never offered a DEFENSE, during grand jury testimony.  
Prosecutors don't exonerate... they indict... or they don't.  

That Mueller's report threw in the line "we can't exonerate on obstruction" was a FARCE.  WORTHLESS.


Quote: @greediron said:
@KingBash said:
@greediron said:
@KingBash said:
@greediron said:
I am for truth no matter which side is in power.  I probably was more vigilant when Bush was in office because he had many conservatives fooled into thinking he was conservative.  I railed against his power grabs and executive orders more than I did against Obama. 

As to the report, are you telling me you are going to read and understand 300 pages of legal mumbo jumbo? 

The democrat narratives are so hilarious.  "just wait until..." Manfort is arrested, oh boy Trump is done.  and then next guy, oh boy Trump is finished.  "wait until Mueller gives his report"  the walls are closing in.  Then Mueller sez no collusion.  Oh wait Barr has the final word.  No collusion.  "Mueller is an idiot and Barr is protecting the prez."

You actually think that seeing the whole report would change the narrative?  Pay attention.  The Mueller investigation which was what every Dem pinned their hopes and fantasies on wasn't what they wanted.  It stated exactly the opposite of what they said for 2 years. 
Every legal interpretation I've seen was that Mueller concluded that there wasn't enough evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that the president committed a crime. He also went on to say that it doesn't exonerate him. Stop twisting his words.

So now, as predicted, TRUMP-APPOINTED William Barr, who 9 months ago basically promised the president he'd be safe, did his job just as King Baby had hoped. And now the Republicans will do everything they can that would look bad for him. 

Am I going to read it? No, of course not. Just like you didn't read the Ken Starr report. I'll let watchdog groups, who LOVE doing this and do it for a living, go through and pull the stuff that the American people should know. (Although it's probably already stuff most people know, but people like you should pay attention to.)

Which leads me to my last bolded point: says who?! You didn't read it either! You're going off what Trump says as he walks around yelling out, "See?! No collusion!" because he stacked the deck with henchmen Republican lawmakers. 

On a more personal note, I just did my taxes. Fuck Trump.
Yes, no collusion.  The president did not commit a crime or try to have the russians influence the election.  At least that is a higher bar than committed crimes but didn't "have intent" like Hillary.
I didn't vote for Trump either.  But at least I am honest enough to admit I was wrong in large part about what kind of president he would be.  He has far exceeded my expectations.
As to "stacking the deck" I suppose Mueller is a secret russian spy as well.  The excuses are nonstop.
Go back and read what I wrote.

There was collusion. It was in plain sight. And if he's exceeded your expectations... 

You're just simply not very smart. There's no other explanation I can come to. He's a shit president, and the people who support him are jackasses at this point. Time for rational people to tell it like it is.

Have a good weekend!
Thanks.  Your tactics of name calling pretty much reveal your ability to have a rational discussion. 
No, you thinking Trump is doing a good job shows how laughable you are. People should dismiss you from now on. Name calling doesn't change that.

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