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So no collusion.
Quote: @pumpf said:
@KingBash said:
@pumpf said:
Hahaha you're just wrong. What's not factual in that?!

This is scary that so much of the country is doing this. 
These are not "facts":

Trump lied about his knowledge and involvement with Russia.  He sided with Putin's word over our own US intelligence agencies, that is also a fact.  He had 2 Chiefs of Staff, both military generals, resign, one who admitted he quit because of his pro-Russian stances.  All publicly known facts.

The smoking gun of did Trump coordinate all this with Russia couldn't be proven beyond a reasonable doubt.  But sweet Jesus that doesn't change the facts of Trump lying about meeting Russians, of Trump Jr. accepting an invitation to get dirt on an opponent from a hostile nation, and Trump's campaign manager meeting with a Russian to give polling information to.  

I realize you boys are taking a vixtory lap because your Trump appointed lapdog AG says he reviewed 700 pages of a report in 48 hours and found no evidence, but not all of us fell off the turnip truck yesterday. 

Regardless of lack of charges doesn't mean Trump wasn't doing some extremely shady, unethical shit that if the Democrats had done, you'd all be losing your minds right now and you all fucking know it.

But hey, let's have a cheer for Betsy Devos cutting funds for the Special Olympics because we needed to prioritize the millionaires getting tax cuts to make America great again.  Yipeee!

Those are pretty obviously opinions.  As for Trump taking sides with Russia, it appears that they may have been more trustworthy than our own intelligence community.  Have you read anything about how all this process got started... and the lengths that the DOJ / FBI went to (at the end of the Obama administration) to protect / shield Clinton for HER illegal activities?  If so, then you'd understand how- after just taking over as president- Trump might not have trusted US intelligence, especially when there was a coordinated effort ON THEIR PART to tilt the election in one direction.  Is that better (more ethical) than the Russians doing it?  Yeah, I guess so... but considering their own positions, they're not exactly "clean".

And remind me again, which president was it who said- under his breath (and presumably off the record) that he'd have more "flexibility" to work with the Russians once he was re-elected?

And remind me again which political party went crazy when a Republican candidate for president warned that Russia was a "problem"?

I've always considered you to be pretty straightforward and intellectually honest about things.  In fact, I've admired your willingness to speak truth- no matter how uncomfortable it might be for others to hear.  But with these comments, you seem to have lost your skeptical, open-mindedness... to go full "in-the-tank" for the Democrats.  Oh well...
Pumpf I do hope you can pause and take in one particular line that you wrote that honestly shocks me to the core and the reason why America is completely fucked and it's never going to be the same again:

"It appears that they (Russia) may have been more trustworthy than our own intelligence community".

Now you understand why I wrote what I did.  Russia did win.  You are not alone in that opinion, you've been hoodwinked and conned by Trump and rightwing media, you've spent years listening to them constantly berating our media and our own intelligence agencies and it's gotten through to millions of you Trump supporters:  that you'd rather believe the fucking Russians than our own intelligence agencies.  You know what that is?  It's fucking treason pumpf. 

This is why Trump has been the worst thing to ever happen to our country and planet.  10 years ago Republicans & Dems could argue on policy differences, but we could agree on who are allies are, who are enemies are, what is fact and what is conspiracy theory.  But now we operate in two completely different orbits of information.  Trump has done such an outstanding job of undermining the credibility of the media, our own intelligence agencies, our military that he's got you convinced you can't trust any of them ... as long as you trust HIM because he knows more than the generals, he'll get North Korea to dismantle their nukes, that Putin said he didn't do it and not to trust the 13 intelligence agencies who all 100% agree Russia launched a massive attack on social media to sway the election .... but what sickens me most is that you're willing to trust the fucking Russians more than America's own intelligence community.

Score victory for Russia - they achieved far more than they had ever dreamed by helping get Trump elected.  Half the country thinks like you pumpf - that Russia is suddenly our friend, we can trust them, Putin is a good guy and he didn't do those bad things because he told Trump they didn't do it, and Lord knows you can absolutely trust Trump to never lie.  Never mind Trump lies constantly but somehow you don't question his credibility.  The birther conspiracy theory?  The crowd sizes?  Mexico pay for the wall?  Healthcare plan Day 1?  Trade wars are easy to win?  We had no contact with Russia?  OK we met them but for adoptions?   

I remember when Americans could agree that we should not cut Medicare, Medicaid, social security, education.  Trump promised not cut funding for them or to rob social security, and then he does it .... and now you cheer it on.   My friends in Europe are truly frightened at what's happening here and for good reason.  America is under attack from within, reasonable people are believing in things that used to go against their own morals and ethics ... and this is how Nazi Germany started.

Quote: @pumpf said:
@SFVikeFan said:
Pretty spot on.

And I see the other responses from other posters, and no: I don't expect them to literally release the report as it is right now. They can't, I understand that.

But Barr is a Trump guy, so we all know he's gonna scrub the stuff he needs to for legal reasons, and anything that'd make Trump look bad as well. It was a waste of time and money from the start.
yall are only saying it was a waste since it didnt side with the opinion you had already crafted in your mind. yall were all for it for two plus years and now the change ofheart?

But hey, let's have a cheer for Betsy Devos cutting funds for the Special Olympics because we needed to prioritize the millionaires getting tax cuts to make America great again.  Yipeee!
So... you're going to pretend that you care about the Special Olympics?  Give me a break!  You don't give  A SH*T about the Special Olympics!  How do I know?  Because over 90% of kids with Down Syndrome are aborted.  In fact, many families take a test just to see if their kids will have "special needs" (which are sometimes / often wrong, by the way)... and then- when they find out that their kid does (might) have special needs: they kill her.  All with YOUR approval.  

It's pretty hard to say that the participants in the Special Olympics are beautiful, important people with inherent value, worth and dignity... when you are- at the same time- OK with them being killed for being who they are.  Or, as in the case of Iceland, trying to eliminate them from the human race.  Seems like Democrats (based on the fact that they whole-heartedly support a mother's choice to kill a child with special needs- just because he has special needs) would prefer to see ALL funding cut for the Special OIympics.  Maybe we should re-name it as "the Hunger Games", since it takes alot of luck for a special needs child to survive her time in the womb.  The odds are certainly against her.  Thanks to people like you.
Quote: @pumpf said:
@SFVikeFan said:
Pretty spot on.

And I see the other responses from other posters, and no: I don't expect them to literally release the report as it is right now. They can't, I understand that.

But Barr is a Trump guy, so we all know he's gonna scrub the stuff he needs to for legal reasons, and anything that'd make Trump look bad as well. It was a waste of time and money from the start.
yall are only saying it was a waste since it didnt side with the opinion you had already crafted in your mind. yall were all for it for two plus years and now the change ofheart?

But hey, let's have a cheer for Betsy Devos cutting funds for the Special Olympics because we needed to prioritize the millionaires getting tax cuts to make America great again.  Yipeee!
So... you're going to pretend that you care about the Special Olympics?  Give me a break!  You don't give  A SH*T about the Special Olympics!  How do I know?  Because over 90% of kids with Down Syndrome are aborted.  In fact, many families take a test just to see if their kids will have "special needs" (which are sometimes / often wrong, by the way)... and then- when they find out that their kid does (might) have special needs: they kill her.  All with YOUR approval.  

It's pretty hard to say that the participants in the Special Olympics are beautiful, important people with inherent value, worth and dignity... when you are- at the same time- OK with them being killed for being who they are.  Or, as in the case of Iceland, trying to eliminate them from the human race.  Seems like Democrats (based on the fact that they whole-heartedly support a mother's choice to kill a child with special needs- just because he has special needs) would prefer to see ALL funding cut for the Special OIympics.  Maybe we should re-name it as "the Hunger Games", since it takes alot of luck for a special needs child to survive her time in the womb.  The odds are certainly against her.  Thanks to people like you.

You know you don't know a fucking thing about me, what I do, what I support.  My cousin has Down Syndrome.  My business donates cash, materials, and volunteers and I sponsor an annual charity fundraiser for Special Olympics.  You're just too much of a self-righteous piece of shit because you can't get over the fact I'm Pro-Choice and couldn't possibly have compassion for children and human beings in this country and on the planet.

It's why I'll never vote Republican because you're such fucking hypocrites.  Bravo for the budget you Republicans crafted to ensure tax cuts for millionaires, let's really make American great for the rich.  Cut funds to education?  Check.  Cut funds to CHIP - Children's healthcare programs?  Check.  Cut funds for welfare, meals on wheels?  Check.  The number of children in foster care is skyrocketing, the system is already over-burdened, and Republicans continue to de-fund numerous social programs to help these kids.  Foster care program in my hometown in Oregon wouldn't pay for girls tampons.  For fuck's sakes really??  But now in your self-righteous glory, you want to add millions more to foster care while simultaneously supporting GOP budget cuts for these kids?   Shut the fuck up hypocrite.  You want them born but then you support a party that turns their backs on them the moment they leave the womb.  

Maybe if you fake ass Christians actually showed an ounce of compassion for the living we could take you seriously, but budget cuts to fuck over the poor to fund the rich and your votes in favor of it show your true colors.

Here's your facts pumpf .... its fucking scary you're either not aware of these, or that you don't believe them.  Either way I could care less of whether you're a moron or just delusional.  The fact is James Comey did tilt the election in one direction - Trump's.  He went public 3 days prior to the election to tell the world he was re-opening investigation into Hillary's emails.  Did he say anything about the fact Trump's entire campaign staff was being monitored for Russian contacts?   NOPE.  You poor schmucks can't even figure out Comey HELPED TRUMP WIN because you're completely moronic that all these Republicans were part of some deep state conspiracy to help Hillary by dragging her reputation through the mud right before we voted while staying silent about the Trump's investigation.
P.S.  Enjoy the reading:

1)  Trump trusts Putin over US intelligence:

"President Putin says it's not Russia. I don't see any reason why it would be," he replied.

2)  Trump denies all meetings, communications, deals, involvement with Russia:

QUESTION: During your campaign, did anyone from your team [have contacts with the] Russian government or Russian intelligence? And if so, what was the nature of those conversations?
TRUMP: The failing New York Times wrote a big, long front-page story yesterday. And it was very much discredited, as you know. It was -- it's a joke. And the people mentioned in the story, I notice they were on television today saying they never even spoke to Russia. They weren't even a part, really -- I mean, they were such a minor part. They -- I hadn't spoken to them.
So the three people that they talked about all totally deny it. And I can tell you, speaking for myself, I own nothing in Russia. I have no loans in Russia. I don't have any deals in Russia. President Putin called me up very nicely to congratulate me on the win of the election.
TRUMP: Well, I had nothing to do with it. I have nothing to do with Russia. I told you, I have no deals there, I have no anything.

QUESTION: Thank you. I was just hoping that we could get a yes or no answer on one of these questions involving Russia. Can you say whether you are aware that anyone who advised your campaign had contacts with Russia during the course of the election?
TRUMP: Well I told you, Gen. Flynn obviously was dealing. So that's one person. But he was dealing, as he should have been.
QUESTION: During the election? 

TRUMP: No. Nobody that I know of. Nobody...
QUESTION: So you're not aware of any contact during the course...
TRUMP: Look, look, look...
QUESTION: ... of the election?
TRUMP: How many times do I have to answer this question?
QUESTION: Can you just say yes or no?
TRUMP: Russia is a ruse.
I know you have to get up and ask a question. It's so important. Russia is a ruse. I have nothing to do with Russia. Haven't made a phone call to Russia in years. Don't speak to people from Russia. Not that I wouldn't. I just have nobody to speak to.
I spoke to Putin twice. He called me on the election. I told you this. And he called me on the inauguration, a few days ago. We had a very good talk, especially the second one, lasted for a pretty long period of time. I'm sure you probably get it because it was classified. So I'm sure everybody in this room perhaps has it. But we had a very, very good talk.
I have nothing to do with Russia. To the best of my knowledge no person that I deal with does.


3)  Trump lies about Trump Tower meeting with Russians:

The meeting between Trump’s top aides and a Kremlin-linked lawyer, which has reportedly been at the center of special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation, was initially presented by Trump’s team as an innocuous discussion on adoptions of Russian children. In a statement explaining the motives of the meeting later reported to have been dictated by Trump himself, Donald Trump Jr. said the purpose of the gathering was to discuss “a program about the adoption of Russian children that was active and popular with American families years ago.” On Sunday, however, the president admitted for the first time, on Twitter of all places, that the meeting was held to “get information on an opponent.” Trump’s attorney, Jay Sekulow, also backtracked on his earlier statements regarding the meeting. In an interview on ABC News’ This Week, Sekulow said his initial claim that the president was not involved in penning Trump Jr.’s statement on the meeting was wrong. “I had bad information at that time and made a mistake in my statement ... Over time facts develop,” he said.

4)  Trump Jr. accepts meeting with Russians:
On Saturday, Trump Jr. had offered a different explanation for the meeting, focusing solely on the adoption issue. He later denied the statements were contradictory, however:
Quote:"It was a short introductory meeting. I asked Jared and Paul to stop by. We primarily discussed a program about the adoption of Russian children that was active and popular with American families years ago and was since ended by the Russian government, but it was not a campaign issue at the time and there was no follow up.
I was asked to attend the meeting by an acquaintance, but was not told the name of the person I would be meeting with beforehand."
On Monday morning, Trump Jr. admitted on Twitter the meeting had been initially about seeking information about Clinton.
[Image: LjrJJB9a_normal.jpg]
Obviously I'm the first person on a campaign to ever take a meeting to hear info about an opponent... went nowhere but had to listen.
The startling admission by President Trump's son is only the latest twist in the ongoing saga over Russian interference in the election and whether or not his campaign colluded with Russian officials. Multiple investigations are ongoing and include one by Justice Department special counsel Robert Mueller, as well as investigations by the House and Senate Intelligence Committees.
And, as the Times notes, the revelation of this meeting "points to the central question in federal investigations of the Kremlin's meddling in the presidential election: whether the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians. The accounts of the meeting represent the first public indication that at least some in the campaign were willing to accept Russian help.

Quote: @SFVikeFan said:

Pumpf I do hope you can pause and take in one particular line that you wrote that honestly shocks me to the core and the reason why America is completely fucked and it's never going to be the same again:

"It appears that they (Russia) may have been more trustworthy than our own intelligence community".

Now you understand why I wrote what I did.  Russia did win.  You are not alone in that opinion, you've been hoodwinked and conned by Trump and rightwing media, you've spent years listening to them constantly berating our media and our own intelligence agencies and it's gotten through to millions of you Trump supporters:  that you'd rather believe the fucking Russians than our own intelligence agencies.  You know what that is?  It's fucking treason pumpf. 

This is why Trump has been the worst thing to ever happen to our country and planet.  10 years ago Republicans & Dems could argue on policy differences, but we could agree on who are allies are, who are enemies are, what is fact and what is conspiracy theory.  But now we operate in two completely different orbits of information.  Trump has done such an outstanding job of undermining the credibility of the media, our own intelligence agencies, our military that he's got you convinced you can't trust any of them ... as long as you trust HIM because he knows more than the generals, he'll get North Korea to dismantle their nukes, that Putin said he didn't do it and not to trust the 13 intelligence agencies who all 100% agree Russia launched a massive attack on social media to sway the election .... but what sickens me most is that you're willing to trust the fucking Russians more than America's own intelligence community.

Score victory for Russia - they achieved far more than they had ever dreamed by helping get Trump elected.  Half the country thinks like you pumpf - that Russia is suddenly our friend, we can trust them, Putin is a good guy and he didn't do those bad things because he told Trump they didn't do it, and Lord knows you can absolutely trust Trump to never lie.  Never mind Trump lies constantly but somehow you don't question his credibility.  The birther conspiracy theory?  The crowd sizes?  Mexico pay for the wall?  Healthcare plan Day 1?  Trade wars are easy to win?  We had no contact with Russia?  OK we met them but for adoptions?   

I remember when Americans could agree that we should not cut Medicare, Medicaid, social security, education.  Trump promised not cut funding for them or to rob social security, and then he does it .... and now you cheer it on.   My friends in Europe are truly frightened at what's happening here and for good reason.  America is under attack from within, reasonable people are believing in things that used to go against their own morals and ethics ... and this is how Nazi Germany started.
17.5 years ago, 9/11 happened.  I watched with my own two eyes, the shitshow where supposedly 2 planes hit the twin towers, 1 plane hit the pentagon, 3 buildings that were designed to not fall down after being hit by planes all fell down looking exactly like a controlled demolition in their own footprint.  Then they made up some theory (pancake theory) because they needed a reason to explain what happened.  A theory that has never happened before or after.  The 3rd building that collapsed wasn't even hit by a plane, it just magically started on fire and collapsed.  Our government didn't send up any fighter jets, they just let them hit us.  They took all the evidence and destroyed it.  There was thermite at the bottom of the rubble burning for months.  I watched the video where the BBC reported that WTC7 collapsed, while it was still standing in the background.  I watched the media just parrot whatever the Bush administration wanted them to say.  No investigative journalism was done.

9/11 opened my eyes to the truth that the media and the government worked together to shape a narrative that was sold to the people.  The story that was sold about 9/11 had so many holes in it that it was impossible to believe.  I watched us invade Iraq, who had nothing to do with 9/11, so that we can steal their oil.  I watched us invade Afganistan, and you can look up poppy farm production, when the taliban controlled Afghanistan, and when we controlled Afghanistan.  Taliban, no poppies.  America, poppies.

Then you watch the US through history arming "rebels" to fight against our enemy and then a few years later we're fighting against them.  You have Prescott Bush funding Nazi Germany.  You have Clinton proclaiming to have balanced the budget, when he just took money from social security to use for the general budget.  You have us tearing through latin america installing puppet dictatorships.  You have Arkancide, where people close to the Clintons mysteriously die, often before they're about to testify in court against the Clintons.  You have this weird bizarre monetary system, where the banks get to loan you money they don't have and then charge you interest, where no one knows how much a dollar is worth because it's constantly changing.  How much is your house worth?  But we'll give you a loan for half your life and you can pay us 3 times what the house is worth in interest payments.  You've got the rotating door between being a director of a multinational corporation and then being on some political entity that regulates the people that paid you a boat load.  You've got no president trying to stop the exportation of all jobs to Mexico and China.  Just pure free trade.
I feel like I could just keep going on an on.  The politicians, the media, the 3 letter agencies.  They've been very questionable for my entire adult life.  I've never voted Democrat or Republican, because I don't support this non-sense sham of a government we've had during my life.

If all these people hate Trump, I feel like I only have two options:  1)  Trump's the real deal (or controlled by people who are the real deal), and they're actually fighting each other.  2)  Everyone's in on it in an even bigger conspiracy theory, and this whole things a sham.

Russia?  Who cares about Russia?  Someone needs to drain the swamp.  If it's Trump, great.  If it's someone that comes after Trump, also great.  People all over the world are causing troubles for their sham political leaderships.  It's not just here.

Quote: @SFVikeFan said:

You know you don't know a fucking thing about me, what I do, what I support.  My cousin has Down Syndrome.  My business donates cash, materials, and volunteers and I sponsor an annual charity fundraiser for Special Olympics.  You're just too much of a self-righteous piece of shit because you can't get over the fact I'm Pro-Choice and couldn't possibly have compassion for children and human beings in this country and on the planet.

It's why I'll never vote Republican because you're such fucking hypocrites.  Bravo for the budget you Republicans crafted to ensure tax cuts for millionaires, let's really make American great for the rich.  Cut funds to education?  Check.  Cut funds to CHIP - Children's healthcare programs?  Check.  Cut funds for welfare, meals on wheels?  Check.  The number of children in foster care is skyrocketing, the system is already over-burdened, and Republicans continue to de-fund numerous social programs to help these kids.  Foster care program in my hometown in Oregon wouldn't pay for girls tampons.  For fuck's sakes really??  But now in your self-righteous glory, you want to add millions more to foster care while simultaneously supporting GOP budget cuts for these kids?   Shut the fuck up hypocrite.  You want them born but then you support a party that turns their backs on them the moment they leave the womb.  

Maybe if you fake ass Christians actually showed an ounce of compassion for the living we could take you seriously, but budget cuts to fuck over the poor to fund the rich and your votes in favor of it show your true colors.
I would LOVE to hear the mental gymnastics you would have to attempt in order to justify a woman being able to kill her unborn child- simply because he had Down Syndrome.  The usual excuse is that they say they wouldn't want the child to suffer.  Well, you know someone with DS; do they seem like they're suffering to you?  No, I don't know you.  But I know you support abortion.  Thats' about all I need to know.  If I said that I supported the Nazis, what else would you need to know about ME?  Or if I sided with the Confederacy?  I imagine I'd have a hard time saying that I loved my African-American cousin... AND I supported slavery.  

You SAY you have compassion... yet you support people having the right to kill people like your cousin... or keep them from coming into existence.  When it comes to this, I'm not "self-righteous".  Just righteous.  I'm trying to save human life- and declare that every life... at every stage... is awesome, beautiful and precious.  AND my actions (life) back it up.  

As for cuts?  Your damn right there are cuts!  You can't give the people you love everything you'd like to, either... and it's because you have a budget!  So something has to give.  MAYBE if Democrats weren't giving money away to every Tom, Dick and Harry (in order to get votes and keep power), we'd have money for more people who ACTUALLY NEED IT.  You keep whining about "tax cuts for the rich"... well, those tax cuts have produced the lowest unemployment... the highest employment... and higher wages.  Therefore, more people have jobs... and more people can spend money. 

I believe that you genuinely do care about "other people", but you seem to be incredibly ignorant about how the real world works.  $30 million was just spent on a hoax that most Democrats knew wasn't true... but they were fishing for SOMETHING they could use against Trump.  So there's $30 million that could've helped people.   And how about all the money that goes to PP?  They have billions of dollars... yet the gov't continues to subsidize them.  How many people could be helped with the hundreds of millions that they get in tax payer money?  And, no: they don't do "women's health care".  They do abortions.  Period.  If you say you care about women, then let's get your side and my side to take all of the money that's going to PP and give it to other women's health organizations (that will do everything that PP SAYS it does, except abortions)?  I'll make sure that "my side" will do it.  How about you?

As for foster care... give me a break!  If you cared about kids, YOUR side wouldn't run Christian foster / adoption agencies out of business for refusing to compromise on their firmly and dearly held beliefs (regarding what's best for families).  But, since those Christian organizations won't place children in homes with gay partners, they're not allowed to help anyone.  And MORE kids remain in foster care / orphanages.  Clearly that's not what's best for those kids.  But who cares?  They're just pawns in the intersectional identity game of politics.

The only "fake" Christians are those who claim to be followers of Christ... but then reject His teachings.  Unfortunately, "fake" Christians think that the ONLY thing Jesus cared about was the poor.  He did, of course.  But He ALSO wanted His followers to care for them... not Rome.  And that's why conservatives have ALWAYS given more to charities than liberals.  Because they actually care about people... not just feeling good about themselves.  Liberals could give more to charity... or more to the gov't (whom they entrust to do their charity work for them)  Strangely, they don't give more money to the gov't than is required... nor do they ever ask the gov't to take more from them.  But, yeah: liberals "care" about people.  

Quote: @SFVikeFan said:
Pumpf I do hope you can pause and take in one particular line that you wrote that honestly shocks me to the core and the reason why America is completely fucked and it's never going to be the same again:

"It appears that they (Russia) may have been more trustworthy than our own intelligence community".

Now you understand why I wrote what I did.  Russia did win.  You are not alone in that opinion, you've been hoodwinked and conned by Trump and rightwing media, you've spent years listening to them constantly berating our media and our own intelligence agencies and it's gotten through to millions of you Trump supporters:  that you'd rather believe the fucking Russians than our own intelligence agencies.  You know what that is?  It's fucking treason pumpf. 

This is why Trump has been the worst thing to ever happen to our country and planet.  10 years ago Republicans & Dems could argue on policy differences, but we could agree on who are allies are, who are enemies are, what is fact and what is conspiracy theory.  But now we operate in two completely different orbits of information.  Trump has done such an outstanding job of undermining the credibility of the media, our own intelligence agencies, our military that he's got you convinced you can't trust any of them ... as long as you trust HIM because he knows more than the generals, he'll get North Korea to dismantle their nukes, that Putin said he didn't do it and not to trust the 13 intelligence agencies who all 100% agree Russia launched a massive attack on social media to sway the election .... but what sickens me most is that you're willing to trust the fucking Russians more than America's own intelligence community.

Score victory for Russia - they achieved far more than they had ever dreamed by helping get Trump elected.  Half the country thinks like you pumpf - that Russia is suddenly our friend, we can trust them, Putin is a good guy and he didn't do those bad things because he told Trump they didn't do it, and Lord knows you can absolutely trust Trump to never lie.  Never mind Trump lies constantly but somehow you don't question his credibility.  The birther conspiracy theory?  The crowd sizes?  Mexico pay for the wall?  Healthcare plan Day 1?  Trade wars are easy to win?  We had no contact with Russia?  OK we met them but for adoptions?   

I remember when Americans could agree that we should not cut Medicare, Medicaid, social security, education.  Trump promised not cut funding for them or to rob social security, and then he does it .... and now you cheer it on.   My friends in Europe are truly frightened at what's happening here and for good reason.  America is under attack from within, reasonable people are believing in things that used to go against their own morals and ethics ... and this is how Nazi Germany started.
When I said I trust the Russians more than the US intelligence community, it was a tongue-in-cheek comment.  I DO trust them more... but not for the reasons you think.  I "trust" that the Russians are bad... and our enemy (which Obama denied and mocked others for saying... care to comment on that?).  I "trust" them... in that they are doing exactly what reasonable people expect them to do.  In other words, I trust the Russians... the same way that I "trust" gravity- to do exactly what I think it's going to do.  There's no "deception" with them: they are the bad guys (just like the GOP said they were 6 years ago).  The US intelligence community, however, is SUPPOSED to be on "our" side... working for justice and defending our country from enemies without.  When they are actively trying to defeat a candidate (no matter who it is) that is ethically wrong.  I don't EXPECT our civil servants to be engaging in that kind of stuff; which is why it is harder to "trust" them: because they're (in some cases) being devious / deceptive.  By the way, I know someone personally in the intelligence community... so I'm not speaking from a position of ignorance (i.e. what I hear on CNN or MSNBC... or Fox, for that matter).  Remember, I used to live in Baltimore.  I know people... and they share things with me.

Getting back to Russia: I don't know that anyone thinks of Russia as our friends.  They just think of Democrats as our enemy; so if the Democrats don't like Russia (which you'd never know by the way that Hillary and Obama interacted with them), they just naturally assume that we like the Russians.  We don't.  At least I don't.  I know some Russians personally; and I love them.  But the gov't itself?  Nope.  I didn't vote for Trump, by the way.  And I've never defended any of his comments (as to their veracity).  I don't disagree with some of the things he's done... and there are other things that I do disagree with.  But the Democrats have gone so far around the bend... that they just can't be taken seriously as anything other than enemies of the country.  

And, for the record: I detested Trump so much that I lost good friends over it.  That "other" Viking website?  I still won't post there, after being driven away by all the Trumpists.  I still think that some of them are in some kind of cult over the guy.  So, maybe keep that in mind when you interact with me.  You can call me alot of things... but a Trump "supporter" isn't one of them.  I do, however, support life... and will continue working to protect it at every stage: from womb to tomb.

Quote: @greediron said:
@KingBash said:
@pumpf said:
@KingBash said:
@pumpf said:
Hahaha you're just wrong. What's not factual in that?!

This is scary that so much of the country is doing this. 
These are not "facts":

Trump lied about his knowledge and involvement with Russia.  He sided with Putin's word over our own US intelligence agencies, that is also a fact.  He had 2 Chiefs of Staff, both military generals, resign, one who admitted he quit because of his pro-Russian stances.  All publicly known facts.

The smoking gun of did Trump coordinate all this with Russia couldn't be proven beyond a reasonable doubt.  But sweet Jesus that doesn't change the facts of Trump lying about meeting Russians, of Trump Jr. accepting an invitation to get dirt on an opponent from a hostile nation, and Trump's campaign manager meeting with a Russian to give polling information to.  

I realize you boys are taking a vixtory lap because your Trump appointed lapdog AG says he reviewed 700 pages of a report in 48 hours and found no evidence, but not all of us fell off the turnip truck yesterday. 

Regardless of lack of charges doesn't mean Trump wasn't doing some extremely shady, unethical shit that if the Democrats had done, you'd all be losing your minds right now and you all fucking know it.

But hey, let's have a cheer for Betsy Devos cutting funds for the Special Olympics because we needed to prioritize the millionaires getting tax cuts to make America great again.  Yipeee!

Those are pretty obviously opinions.  As for Trump taking sides with Russia, it appears that they may have been more trustworthy than our own intelligence community.  Have you read anything about how all this process got started... and the lengths that the DOJ / FBI went to (at the end of the Obama administration) to protect / shield Clinton for HER illegal activities?  If so, then you'd understand how- after just taking over as president- Trump might not have trusted US intelligence, especially when there was a coordinated effort ON THEIR PART to tilt the election in one direction.  Is that better (more ethical) than the Russians doing it?  Yeah, I guess so... but considering their own positions, they're not exactly "clean".

And remind me again, which president was it who said- under his breath (and presumably off the record) that he'd have more "flexibility" to work with the Russians once he was re-elected?

And remind me again which political party went crazy when a Republican candidate for president warned that Russia was a "problem"?

I've always considered you to be pretty straightforward and intellectually honest about things.  In fact, I've admired your willingness to speak truth- no matter how uncomfortable it might be for others to hear.  But with these comments, you seem to have lost your skeptical, open-mindedness... to go full "in-the-tank" for the Democrats.  Oh well...
Likewise. You've lost it completely. I'm not full "in-the-tank" for the Democrats. Just calling out a complete farce in office. That has nothing to do with Obama/Hillary/the Democrats.
actually, this had everything to do with them.  You recall Trump was running against Hillary.  2 years of Democrats trying to prove that Trump cheated Hillary out of the presidency.  An investigation that started with Obama's FBI. 
Would really like to see the report instead of Trumper Barr summarizing 2 years of research into 4 pages and then McConnell and Nunnes demanding nobody ever see it.

Yeah, totally on the up and up.

But as you've made very, very clear when the Democrats are in office: you're all about the truth. So I'm glad you agree with me!


Quote: @pumpf said:
@SFVikeFan said:

You know you don't know a fucking thing about me, what I do, what I support.  My cousin has Down Syndrome.  My business donates cash, materials, and volunteers and I sponsor an annual charity fundraiser for Special Olympics.  You're just too much of a self-righteous piece of shit because you can't get over the fact I'm Pro-Choice and couldn't possibly have compassion for children and human beings in this country and on the planet.

It's why I'll never vote Republican because you're such fucking hypocrites.  Bravo for the budget you Republicans crafted to ensure tax cuts for millionaires, let's really make American great for the rich.  Cut funds to education?  Check.  Cut funds to CHIP - Children's healthcare programs?  Check.  Cut funds for welfare, meals on wheels?  Check.  The number of children in foster care is skyrocketing, the system is already over-burdened, and Republicans continue to de-fund numerous social programs to help these kids.  Foster care program in my hometown in Oregon wouldn't pay for girls tampons.  For fuck's sakes really??  But now in your self-righteous glory, you want to add millions more to foster care while simultaneously supporting GOP budget cuts for these kids?   Shut the fuck up hypocrite.  You want them born but then you support a party that turns their backs on them the moment they leave the womb.  

Maybe if you fake ass Christians actually showed an ounce of compassion for the living we could take you seriously, but budget cuts to fuck over the poor to fund the rich and your votes in favor of it show your true colors.
I would LOVE to hear the mental gymnastics you would have to attempt in order to justify a woman being able to kill her unborn child- simply because he had Down Syndrome.  The usual excuse is that they say they wouldn't want the child to suffer.  Well, you know someone with DS; do they seem like they're suffering to you?  No, I don't know you.  But I know you support abortion.  Thats' about all I need to know.  If I said that I supported the Nazis, what else would you need to know about ME?  Or if I sided with the Confederacy?  I imagine I'd have a hard time saying that I loved my African-American cousin... AND I supported slavery.  

You SAY you have compassion... yet you support people having the right to kill people like your cousin... or keep them from coming into existence.  When it comes to this, I'm not "self-righteous".  Just righteous.  I'm trying to save human life- and declare that every life... at every stage... is awesome, beautiful and precious.  AND my actions (life) back it up.  

As for cuts?  Your damn right there are cuts!  You can't give the people you love everything you'd like to, either... and it's because you have a budget!  So something has to give.  MAYBE if Democrats weren't giving money away to every Tom, Dick and Harry (in order to get votes and keep power), we'd have money for more people who ACTUALLY NEED IT.  You keep whining about "tax cuts for the rich"... well, those tax cuts have produced the lowest unemployment... the highest employment... and higher wages.  Therefore, more people have jobs... and more people can spend money. 

I believe that you genuinely do care about "other people", but you seem to be incredibly ignorant about how the real world works.  $30 million was just spent on a hoax that most Democrats knew wasn't true... but they were fishing for SOMETHING they could use against Trump.  So there's $30 million that could've helped people.   And how about all the money that goes to PP?  They have billions of dollars... yet the gov't continues to subsidize them.  How many people could be helped with the hundreds of millions that they get in tax payer money?  And, no: they don't do "women's health care".  They do abortions.  Period.  If you say you care about women, then let's get your side and my side to take all of the money that's going to PP and give it to other women's health organizations (that will do everything that PP SAYS it does, except abortions)?  I'll make sure that "my side" will do it.  How about you?

As for foster care... give me a break!  If you cared about kids, YOUR side wouldn't run Christian foster / adoption agencies out of business for refusing to compromise on their firmly and dearly held beliefs (regarding what's best for families).  But, since those Christian organizations won't place children in homes with gay partners, they're not allowed to help anyone.  And MORE kids remain in foster care / orphanages.  Clearly that's not what's best for those kids.  But who cares?  They're just pawns in the intersectional identity game of politics.

The only "fake" Christians are those who claim to be followers of Christ... but then reject His teachings.  Unfortunately, "fake" Christians think that the ONLY thing Jesus cared about was the poor.  He did, of course.  But He ALSO wanted His followers to care for them... not Rome.  And that's why conservatives have ALWAYS given more to charities than liberals.  Because they actually care about people... not just feeling good about themselves.  Liberals could give more to charity... or more to the gov't (whom they entrust to do their charity work for them)  Strangely, they don't give more money to the gov't than is required... nor do they ever ask the gov't to take more from them.  But, yeah: liberals "care" about people.  
Honestly, I read your first sentence and stopped. We've debated this. We disagree. I don't give two shits about Christianity or any religion whatsoever. 

Sorry you took six paragraphs that'll fall on deaf ears. There might be something good in there, but I highly doubt it given your track record.

Pray for me. 

Done with your ignorance pumpf.  You cling to lies and fairy tales.  Planned Parenthood does ONLY abortions and doesn't provide birth control, STD testing and other services?  Even your buddy Savannah knows abortions are only 10-12% of their services.  This is why it's useless to argue with you because you don't believe in reality, you just believe in your own opinions no matter how incorrect or misguided. You obviously don't have any idea what you're talking about on most topics you bring up.

Case in point, the Mueller investigation didn't cost $30 million. You realize it made money from confiscation of assets seized from Manafort right?  No of course you don't.  You don't care that corporations don't pay their share and seem to think it's ok for the government to steal our social security  benefits because budget cuts have to come from somewhere!  You'd rather support an overly bloated defense budget because we couldn't possibly fund children's healthcare programs.  What a sick mindset you have, take care of the rich and corporations and screw everyone else including yourself. 

No reply to the links I posted?  You suddenly went quiet when I posted articles about everything you dismissed as opinions.  Sucks to admit you live in an environment where you don't attempt to digest information that disagrees with your prejudiced opinions. 

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