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Kavanagh hearing
None of us knows the truth. We're just making deductions based on observations. The two observations that say a lot to me are these: One of them wants an FBI investigation, the other does not. One of them wanted to take a lie detector test (and did, and passed), the other did not, citing their "unreliability," despite writing just two years ago about how "valuable" they were in law enforcement. 

And to those who claim she's just doing this for political reasons, that's pretty hard to accept when you consider she's been telling people about this for years.

As always, John Fuselgang has something good to say about it. 

The Senate Judiciary Committee has:
-6 men who opposed the Violence Against Women Act
-hiring 1 man credibly accused of sexual assault
-to protect a POTUS who bragged on tape about committing sexual assault
-who all plan to criminalize abortion & incarcerate women.


Quote: @MaroonBells said:
None of us knows the truth. We're just making deductions based on observations. The two observations that say a lot to me are these: One of them wants an FBI investigation, the other does not. One of them wanted to take a lie detector test (and did, and passed), the other did not, citing their "unreliability," despite writing just two years ago about how "valuable" they were in law enforcement. 

And to those who claim she's just doing this for political reasons, that's pretty hard to accept when you consider she's been telling people about this for years.

As always, John Fuselgang has something good to say about it. 

The Senate Judiciary Committee has:
-6 men who opposed the Violence Against Women Act
-hiring 1 man credibly accused of sexual assault
-to protect a POTUS who bragged on tape about committing sexual assault
-who all plan to criminalize abortion & incarcerate women.

Quote: @KingBash said:
@Bezerker88 said:

I'm not seeing that...  From Vox a left leaning reporting source

In these notes Kavanaugh is not named, but Ford describes an attack by
students from an elite boy’s school. These students are now “highly
respected and high-ranking members of society in Washington,” she said.

Highly respected and high-ranking members of society in Washington from an elite boy's school.  That would cover more than just a potential SC nominee... wouldn't it?  Probably covers a lot of boys.  Like I said... no mention of Kavanaugh.  
edit - I cannot find where she said its a potential SC nominee.... can you? 
"Left leaning"

Why would I bother to respond? There are facts and there are lies. This structure that Fox News has created that certain reports are false because you don't like them is idiotic.

And at the end of the day, let's say this was a massive conspiracy to steal a SC seat... good. Steal the seat. Republicans stole one from Obama. Nobody talks about that enough. It was LITERALLY STOLEN by these hypocritical children. So if everything comes out and we find out Dr. Ford is some Manchurian Candidate style operative... okay! 
You pointed out that "as liberial as people try to paint me" in your post, so I mentioned "left leaning" so you wouldn't think I just look up opposing websites to find shit out.  I never mentioned it being false.  But you're right, there are facts and there are lies.  Fact - no one but her puts Kavanaugh in that room with her.  Fact - she didn't tell her therapist it was Kavanaugh.  She said four boys not two were in the room.  Fact - She doesn't remember a lot of key details from that night.  Fact - A person is innocent until proven guilty in this country, no matter how much someone doesn't like them.  Fact - It is up to her to prove her story with witnesses and evidence and so far she hasn't.  If the FBI finds evidence that it was him, I'm all for him not getting
the job and facing whatever legal charges they can find to press.  I do
not want an innocent man harmed by any means and I do not want a proven
guilty man to walk.    
As to your second paragraph it appears you actually do know how you feel about this and it really doesn't have you "going in many directions".  Just be glad that your situation from your younger years worked out the way it did... because it very easily could have went the other way, not sure why you would want an innocent man(so far) destroyed when you were in a similar situation, ...but you seem to be "okay" with it, actually wanting it to happen.  That I do not understand.... outside of it being a political victory.  Then it's real clear.      


Quote: @KingBash said:
@BlackMagic7 said:
He testified to drinking, right? He said he loves beer. He explained the devils triangle as a quarters drinking game. He was pressed to explain how to play it. He was very candid about enjoying beer and partying with his friends. I never saw him trying to act like a choir boy or some kind of angel.

That makes him a liar? Perhaps you are lying about having proof of conversation in your situation because you too liked to drink? See how easy that was (no, I don't believe you are lying it was just a point)That is some scary shit. That's an incredible premise to prove sexual assault allegations. Where did he lie about it? No where has he pretended or stated he doesn't engage in drinking alcohol. He asked Amy Klobuchar if she liked drinking beer too, lol... the media spins it as "Kavanaugh went after Klobuchar." 

I can't attest to the other women because they have not exactly come forward in the proper place or setting. The New York Post isn't it; and if it is, you can't scoff at the fact the New York Times refused to publish it over credibility issues. But sure, absolutely, I would love to hear their stories under oath.
His roommate and numerous people have described him as a sloppy drunk. Which is fine. The way he stated it sounded silly to me.

Dude, I'm not out to ruin the guy. I tried to make that evident in my original post. This IS a he said/she said. And it sucks. 

Also: try me. I went back 12 years and have a screenshot of that girl's apology to me. I won't post it publicly but I'd gladly PM that.
Nah, I believe you i wasnt trying to "call you" on it, it was just a poor attempt to compare the situations and nothing more. I think the position you were in sucks and its good you decided to hang on to it. I agree with a lot of what you said - i just buy his calendars and testimony around it as honest.

We'll see how it continues.

Quote: @Bezerker88 said:
@KingBash said:
@Bezerker88 said:

I'm not seeing that...  From Vox a left leaning reporting source

In these notes Kavanaugh is not named, but Ford describes an attack by
students from an elite boy’s school. These students are now “highly
respected and high-ranking members of society in Washington,” she said.

Highly respected and high-ranking members of society in Washington from an elite boy's school.  That would cover more than just a potential SC nominee... wouldn't it?  Probably covers a lot of boys.  Like I said... no mention of Kavanaugh.  
edit - I cannot find where she said its a potential SC nominee.... can you? 
"Left leaning"

Why would I bother to respond? There are facts and there are lies. This structure that Fox News has created that certain reports are false because you don't like them is idiotic.

And at the end of the day, let's say this was a massive conspiracy to steal a SC seat... good. Steal the seat. Republicans stole one from Obama. Nobody talks about that enough. It was LITERALLY STOLEN by these hypocritical children. So if everything comes out and we find out Dr. Ford is some Manchurian Candidate style operative... okay! 
You pointed out that "as liberial as people try to paint me" in your post, so I mentioned "left leaning" so you wouldn't think I just look up opposing websites to find shit out.  I never mentioned it being false.  But you're right, there are facts and there are lies.  Fact - no one but her puts Kavanaugh in that room with her.  Fact - she didn't tell her therapist it was Kavanaugh.  She said four boys not two were in the room.  Fact - She doesn't remember a lot of key details from that night.  Fact - A person is innocent until proven guilty in this country, no matter how much someone doesn't like them.  Fact - It is up to her to prove her story with witnesses and evidence and so far she hasn't.  If the FBI finds evidence that it was him, I'm all for him not getting
the job and facing whatever legal charges they can find to press.  I do
not want an innocent man harmed by any means and I do not want a proven
guilty man to walk.    
As to your second paragraph it appears you actually do know how you feel about this and it really doesn't have you "going in many directions".  Just be glad that your situation from your younger years worked out the way it did... because it very easily could have went the other way, not sure why you would want an innocent man(so far) destroyed when you were in a similar situation, ...but you seem to be "okay" with it, actually wanting it to happen.  That I do not understand.... outside of it being a political victory.  Then it's real clear.      

I don't want an innocent man being hurt at all.

What I said was that I believe her and (I'd have to go back and look) but at least one of the other women who came forward. That was all. IF it all turns out to be bullshit, if he's completely innocent, then I certainly don't want the guy's name smeared any further, for his sake and his family's. That's what was pretty compelling about his opening on Thursday was that I thought... this is how a genuinely innocent guy WOULD act. As much as I think she's telling the truth, I also read a sincerity from him too. Whether he was so drunk that he didn't remember it or he remembers the evening differently. 

But that doesn't change the fact that I don't want another Trump-nutjob conservative on the SC. If this is what it takes for the Democrats win back this country - a FAIR and HONEST - investigation... I'm all for it. My only point I was trying to make in regards to the accusations was that we're going down a dangerous rabbit hole by doing so, I believe. 

Quote: @KingBash said:      

I don't want an innocent man being hurt at all.

What I said was that I believe her and (I'd have to go back and look) but at least one of the other women who came forward. That was all. IF it all turns out to be bullshit, if he's completely innocent, then I certainly don't want the guy's name smeared any further, for his sake and his family's. That's what was pretty compelling about his opening on Thursday was that I thought... this is how a genuinely innocent guy WOULD act. As much as I think she's telling the truth, I also read a sincerity from him too. Whether he was so drunk that he didn't remember it or he remembers the evening differently. 

But that doesn't change the fact that I don't want another Trump-nutjob conservative on the SC. If this is what it takes for the Democrats win back this country - a FAIR and HONEST - investigation... I'm all for it. My only point I was trying to make in regards to the accusations was that we're going down a dangerous rabbit hole by doing so, I believe. 
Then I appologize for misreading your second paragrah in your previous post.  

I agree that it’s a dangerous path that our country is on.  

Quote: @KingBash said:
@Bezerker88 said:
Nope what I'm saying is something happened to her and she believes it was him.  She just needs evidence to back it up.  Her witnesses do not corroborate her story.  Her best friend(key witness) says that she does not remember attending a party that Kavanaugh was at. 

There was nothing credible about her testimony that I saw as far as details.  Memories are tricky...  From a 2013 article(so there no changing to fit the needs of the current issue) 

Now, leaders in memory research don’t think that’s the way the mind
works at all. Instead, they’ve come to believe that memories actually
are fluid things, subject to alteration every time they’re retrieved.
When a long-term memory is recalled, it becomes temporarily fungible and
goes through a rebuilding process known as reconsolidation. Which
suggests that memories, even terrible ones, can be changed during that
period when they’re once again unstable.

So once again, she could be remembering it wrong but yet at the same time believe she's telling the truth.  I believe something bad happened to her.  I'm just not convinced(since she cannot remember the exact date and other details about that night) that she is remembering it correctly.  Then there's this list...  I'll post one of them.
8) In another inconsistency, Ford told The Washington
Post she was upset when Trump won in 2016, because Kavanaugh was
mentioned as a Supreme Court pick. But Kavanaugh wasn’t added to Trump’s
list of possibles until November 2017, a full year later.

short versions of two others - Her immediate family do not back her story.  Father, mother, brothers are no shows in signing backing letters.  Her 2012 therapist notes which she contends back her story..  do not mention Kavanaugh... the notes say 4 boys were in the bedroom, she now says two...  notes also say she was in her late teens.... now it's 15. 

Not sure how anyone can say she's credible.

That's why Mark Judge is in hiding and until recently refused to testify under oath that it didn't happen.

Also: she detailed this to her therapist like 7 years ago. Naming the assailant as a man who could somebody end up on the SC.

All I'm trying to get some of you guys to do is admit you just want him nominated because of his beliefs. I've admitted why I DON'T want him nominated, but that doesn't change the allegations.
I could careless aboit his beliefs. Honestly Ive not researched them at all. Id assume hes conservative. At this point Id be fine kicking him to the curb and getting the woman that was on trumps list. I beleive something happened to Dr Ford. I dont think there is anywhere near enough evidence to stop him from being nominated. If all it takes is unprovable accusations to stop nominations there will never be another nomination. 

Quote: @AGRforever said:
@KingBash said:
@Bezerker88 said:
Nope what I'm saying is something happened to her and she believes it was him.  She just needs evidence to back it up.  Her witnesses do not corroborate her story.  Her best friend(key witness) says that she does not remember attending a party that Kavanaugh was at. 

There was nothing credible about her testimony that I saw as far as details.  Memories are tricky...  From a 2013 article(so there no changing to fit the needs of the current issue) 

Now, leaders in memory research don’t think that’s the way the mind
works at all. Instead, they’ve come to believe that memories actually
are fluid things, subject to alteration every time they’re retrieved.
When a long-term memory is recalled, it becomes temporarily fungible and
goes through a rebuilding process known as reconsolidation. Which
suggests that memories, even terrible ones, can be changed during that
period when they’re once again unstable.

So once again, she could be remembering it wrong but yet at the same time believe she's telling the truth.  I believe something bad happened to her.  I'm just not convinced(since she cannot remember the exact date and other details about that night) that she is remembering it correctly.  Then there's this list...  I'll post one of them.
8) In another inconsistency, Ford told The Washington
Post she was upset when Trump won in 2016, because Kavanaugh was
mentioned as a Supreme Court pick. But Kavanaugh wasn’t added to Trump’s
list of possibles until November 2017, a full year later.

short versions of two others - Her immediate family do not back her story.  Father, mother, brothers are no shows in signing backing letters.  Her 2012 therapist notes which she contends back her story..  do not mention Kavanaugh... the notes say 4 boys were in the bedroom, she now says two...  notes also say she was in her late teens.... now it's 15. 

Not sure how anyone can say she's credible.

That's why Mark Judge is in hiding and until recently refused to testify under oath that it didn't happen.

Also: she detailed this to her therapist like 7 years ago. Naming the assailant as a man who could somebody end up on the SC.

All I'm trying to get some of you guys to do is admit you just want him nominated because of his beliefs. I've admitted why I DON'T want him nominated, but that doesn't change the allegations.
I could careless aboit his beliefs. Honestly Ive not researched them at all. Id assume hes conservative. At this point Id be fine kicking him to the curb and getting the woman that was on trumps list. I beleive something happened to Dr Ford. I dont think there is anywhere near enough evidence to stop him from being nominated. If all it takes is unprovable accusations to stop nominations there will never be another nomination. 
Couldn't agree more with your last sentence.

Having said that, I'd prefer to not have a judge on the highest court who's a liar. He stated he had no connections to Yale, that he got there by "busting his tail." His grandpa went to Yale.

He's like a lot of the guys I went to college with. Rich, entitled assholes who look great on paper and in person, but when you get to know more, they're so full of shit it's unbelievable. 

The person who came forward to Senator Whitehouse-D (the "boat" allegation) was investigated by the Judicial Committee and was found to have "recanted" their statements given in sworn testimony over the phone to the Judical committee on social media. The Judiciary committee has filed a referral to the DOJ and FBI for investigation and it appears to be a separate obstruction investigation.

Quote:“The Committee is grateful to citizens who come forward with relevant information in good faith, even if they are not one hundred percent sure about what they know. But when individuals provide fabricated allegations to the Committee, diverting Committee resources during time-sensitive investigations, it materially impedes our work. Such acts are not only unfair; they are potentially illegal. It is illegal to make materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statements to Congressional investigators. It is illegal to obstruct Committee investigations,” Grassley said in the letter.
That will certainly establish an ugly path for anyone deciding to fabricate claims like the one Senator Whitehouse had received and the committee acted upon. The Committee investigation into that matter has now resulted in it's own referral to the DOJ and FBI and it's own separate consequences.

Quote: @KingBash said:
And at the end of the day, let's say this was a massive conspiracy to steal a SC seat... good. Steal the seat. Republicans stole one from Obama. Nobody talks about that enough. It was LITERALLY STOLEN by these hypocritical children. So if everything comes out and we find out Dr. Ford is some Manchurian Candidate style operative... okay! 

What do you mean, Repubs stole one from Obama?  


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