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Hearing Rumblings of more bad news - Everson
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Let’s test this...                                        Aaron are ya there...?  Wink B)  

Quote: @96POPS said:
@comet52 said:
@96POPS said:
@"MaroonBellbuds" said:
@suncoastvike said:
I have no doubt in my mind if the team or a teammate asked him Brian would be in uniform that day.
Of course he would. It's ridiculous to think otherwise. For the life of me, I don't understand those who think this was some sort of personal thing. 
Maybe because they got it from me. Some of the things that have gone on between Brian and his agent with RS. Also the way everything was done last year during the eventual pay cut and knowing Brian wanted to retire a Viking at the end of this year.
Asking him this year to take a huge pay cut, which he agreed to and then releasing him. 
There is a lot of things, but here's a good question to ponder.
If it's not personal and your team is in a bit of a turmoil (like now) why haven't you already made a call to a player who kept your defense running smoothly for the past couple of years? And the same player was described by Zimmer as being one of the best leaders be has come across during his career.
If you answer those questions then tell me what conclusion you come too.

Personal?  You are saying the G.M. of an NFL team makes decisions not based on money or talent or quality of play, but because he has some personal grudge against your son?   Seriously, why should anyone believe that?  It's ridiculous on it's face.
Comet, i could explain to you a lot of reasons why I and some of his family believe this is somewhat personal. But that would take a book and then you would just say it doesn't matter. Kinda like my
comment above. I'm not saying it's all personal but for some reason, to some extent, it must be.
Whether it be the coaches asking him to do things to make the defense run smoother or better and for him to tie up blockers while others make plays or telling him not to worry about his stats while doing this yet, the GM does. Whatever the case might be we (his family and friends) believe what we believe.
I will give you a couple of examples: twice in his career he's been told by coaches that the upper management
Wanted another player starting in front of him. The first was in his 6th year ( it didn't happen) and the second was last year when his position was given to Hunter in OTAs. Yeah, I'm not stupid, i see what Danielle is and he is a stud, still should have had competition. Like I said,  you should lose your job in competition, not it be given away. But to hear UPPER MANAGEMENT MAKES THE CALL!!!!
That said, i know earlier in his career his agent was told by RS that he doesn't say who starts and who doesn't, of course that goes back to the Ray Edwards, years. I don't know how long you've been on Viking forums but many years ago I made a comment about politics in the NFL. I was told then it didn't happen. Lol. Some of the shit I was saying came to pass then. So comet, forgive me if you don't believe what i say, i really could give a shit less!
As I said, it would take quite a while for me to give the examples which led us to believe this, but most of all I will believe what my son believes and even though he knows it's a business and is over it already, i am not. I guess that's what you get for being a nice guy who believes in loyalty, then gets it broke off in your ass.
However, i will say that it could be a few other things. Like when he went after the DC during a game because he was a dumbass. (Edwards, in the Frazier staff) because he kept calling for Brian to slash inside all year long, causing a gaping hole at the LDE spot. Brian was hammered by the fans because they thought he was freelancing. And when it cost a possible game against the Bears, he blew up on the sidelines. JA and KWill restrained him. Who knows what Edwards or Frazier was telling Spielman. That may not be a good example but as i said 11 years worth of incidents that you know nothing about has us believing  it. And again, i really don't care what anyone thinks, i base my feelings on what i do know. As for believing me? I could care less. But I think you could ask several fans here if I'm a bullshitter. 
So you have a nice day bro.
PS: I do have to watch what i say on these forums because I was told on another board several years ago, by a woman who was close the organization that they have people that look at a lot of these forums to see what'sbeing said a so forth. Yeah, i know, I'm losing my mind and saying all this crazy stuff.

1) the general manager wanting a player to play is not that unusual in the NFL.  They get attached to their draft picks, or have an idea about saving money, or who knows what.  It's hardly a big shock.   Whether it's sensible or not I suppose depends on how good a football mind the g.m. in question is or isn't.   In any case, it is not the same as having a personal grudge against your son.   I would suspect that in 99.9% of cases it's 'just business' as they say in the mafia movies.
2) I am not going to argue that how Brian got treated this year was right, wrong or whatever.  All I would say is, loyalty in the football business is a rare bird and I've been watching the game since 1970.   The good news is, Brian made millions in his career and most of us never will make money like that, let alone make it playing a game we love and having several months off every year to rest up and enjoy life.  
3) If Zimmer wanted Brian back to replace Griff, I think he would be back.  Just my opinion.

Yes comet, you're right he got to live his dream and made a lot of money doing it. 
So that makes it ok. 
As I said in my post, I'm just telling what i believe and how I feel. Can't convince anyone to see it my way then it's not important to argue that point 
As I said it doesn't matter to me. I'm the one who has heard and seen it for the past 11yrs. So i don't expect anyone would.
I'll just leave it alone.
Here's a question or maybe not a question but a statement as to just a little of what Brian face. When his first contract was up and they did not resign RE. Brian was told he would have to earn his position but would not be given the position which is fine with him. He wouldn't have it any other way. He was also told his contract would reflect that and that he would have to prove he was a "starter" then they would give him a contract worthy of a starter. 3 years later he got a new contract.
While EG was paid on potential after his first contract expired ( rather handsomely) and was told when JA left he was the RDE. Hunter was given the same " potential" contract a year before his first contract expired. Also given the position of LDE. Now a 33 yr old BR had 7.5 sacks his last season as a starter. Argued it should have been 8 but oh well. Hunter his first year starting had 7. BRs first year starter was 8. Does anything seem to hint he's been handled differently?
Another example is if you've attended any of the games they have a short highlight of players on the big screen during the games and at the end they urge fans to vote for these players for Pro Bowl. I haven't ever seen one on Brian in 11 years. Take a guess who says which player gets those highlights.
Well that's enough. No need to argue the point. He'snot on the team and wasn'teven given the chance to say goodbye to the fans.

Pops i wasnt in any way insinuating you were looney or anything. Im sure the Vikings do pay some one or thing to moniter the web.  Heck we pay a company to do limited stuff like that on my wifes buisiness.  

I was more or less being a smartass. There 100s of us who post through out the day thatd love tk get paid for it!!

Back to the topic. If a roster spot opens up I know as a fan Ill be cheering for
a Brob return.  I know Im not alone.  Give the big guy a hug if you see him. 

Quote: @AGRforever said:
Pops i wasnt in any way insinuating you were looney or anything. Im sure the Vikings do pay some one or thing to moniter the web.  Heck we pay a company to do limited stuff like that on my wifes buisiness.  

I was more or less being a smartass. There 100s of us who post through out the day thatd love tk get paid for it!!

Back to the topic. If a roster spot opens up I know as a fan Ill be cheering for
a Brob return.  I know I'm not alone.  Give the big guy a hug if you see him. 
Count me in this group. Also count me as one who was pissed they let him go after everything he did to accommodate them with his salary.

Quote: @AGRforever said:
Pops i wasnt in any way insinuating you were looney or anything. Im sure the Vikings do pay some one or thing to moniter the web.  Heck we pay a company to do limited stuff like that on my wifes buisiness.  

I was more or less being a smartass. There 100s of us who post through out the day thatd love tk get paid for it!!

Back to the topic. If a roster spot opens up I know as a fan Ill be cheering for
a Brob return.  I know Im not alone.  Give the big guy a hug if you see him. 
No AGR, i wasn't taking what you said as a jab. I read it again and the way I wrote it the first time, made me think it sounded looney. Anyway it's All good AGR. I will do that.

Quote: @96POPS said:

She told me that some people in the organization do go on the forums.
Not that they hire someone to monitor them. So yeah I deserve the dumbass remarks.
They actually absolutely do read our forums and we have been contacted about some things that have been said here. 

I doubt they know how long  EG will be out. If they were to ask Brian back it would have to be for the season. It would be unfair to ask him to fill in for a few games

Quote: @Mike Olson said:
@96POPS said:

She told me that some people in the organization do go on the forums.
Not that they hire someone to monitor them. So yeah I deserve the dumbass remarks.
They actually absolutely do read our forums and we have been contacted about some things that have been said here. 
Yeah I'm sure they do. Never doubted it. I was joking around with the tinfoil hat thing. I would too. It's no different then the hotel industry paying people to scan online reviews or the restaurants asking for a short survey or reading reviews. I'm sure most times they have to take all this with a grain of salt. Throw out about half of them as some people are never pleased. You need to know what your customers think to be responsive. Football teams are in the service industry. That and folks are far more passionate about their team then they are about their Chillies dining experience. I'm sure they have someone from some security firm scanning online threats. How many Motel 6 death threats because the pillow wasn't soft enough?

I'd love to see a BRob comeback!  He's a true Viking. But, get well soon, Griff.

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