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So many questions in Charlottesville...
Ladies and gentleman ... Let's not pretend this loser represents a lot of people.  

Further, imagine if we judged all blacks by a gang member who kills people.

Just asinine shit being spread by people who don't like Trump's agenda.  Imagine if Trump brings jobs to the poor blacks and the dems lose that voting block.  Hence the treasonous interference with his presidency.

plus ... Russia is fake.  And Comey and Lynch should lawyer up.

Quote: @Vikes45 said:
@Caactorvike said:
@greediron said:
I think the roots go much further back, but I agree with your last paragraph.  We are a part of the mess and how we interact definitely affects the outcome. 

I was no fan of Trump and saw some hints of incendiary tactics/language in his early campaign.  Once he was elected, I hoped he could do some good.   I think he has done some good, but it is often hidden or partially negated by his crassness and argumentative nature.

As to the current situation in Charlottesville, part of the responsibility is also on the media who love to whip up the anger and unhappiness for the sake of clicks/$s.  Nothing sells like anger and hatred.  They have been driving the divide for quite some time now and are a huge factor.
utter and complete bullshit.  the anger and unhappiness you mention was on full display and needed no "whipping up" by the media.  dont blame the messenger.  You "hoped he could do some good"?????? just exactly on what did you base that hope?  Surely not on his past statements and behavior. His father was arrested at a Klan rally.  He paid a huge fine for racist housing practices.  he was the instigator behind that birther bullshit.  He claimed not to know who David Duke was or what he stood for.  He called out the  "many sides" involved.  there is no other side.    if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck...
 i can think of nothing he has done but weaken this county in the eyes of the world and fuel the racial animus that has was waiting to step into the sun.  His senior advisors are Bannon, Gorka, and Miller.  lie down with dogs and wake up with fleas.  or ( to continue the animal metaphor) birds of a feather....

You honestly believe the media is not in this for the money?  Here's a video that keeps getting taken down because it pretty much sums up what happened in Charlottesville.  The White Nationalist idiots were not all in the wrong.

Nationalist idiots are all ways wrong.

If you fly a Nazi flag or a confederate flag, you support a group of losers.  They literally got there ass kicked by the US.

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@MaroonBells said:
@Vikes45 said:
@Caactorvike said:
Republican David Gergen (worked in the White House of 4 different Presidents Republican and Democrat) "Trump will never be able to deal with the hate in this country until he deals with the hate in himself."  

People who hate see hate in others.  There is a lot of irrational hatred of Donald Trump in this country.
Really? Irrational? You could probably make that argument for Bush or Obama, but not Donald Trump. Trump is a whole separate thing. A scar on America's great history. He deserves every ounce of anger and fight we as those who believe in the IDEA of America can muster. 

Trump thinks there are two sides to blame at a Nazi rally. Does he say that because he believes it, which is alarming enough, or because he doesn't want to upset the large number of racists in his party who put him in office? I think it's a bit of both. 

But there are not two sides to blame in this. There are racist, hate-filled Nazis on one side and those opposed to that hate on the other.  
I would love to see some numbers on this part.

I know a very larger number of conservatives and a large number of republicans, ( many of whom voted for Trump ((with and without their nose pinched shut)) however,  I know very very few racist people, outward or other,  very few people that I would consider racist.  ( maybe some bias or racial ignorance,  but not racist)

I will say that if you want to talk about creating anger ... i am about to the point of getting violent with people (not you,  just an overall disgust for the broad strokes )  that keep calling conservatives and republicans or even Trump supporters racist by association or default, its simply not true and is very very insulting IMO.
I truly don't want to seem like a dick on this and I'm truly asking. Where is this group of supporters you know from? Is it all over the country or is it South Dakota?

I'm in NY.

Quote: @Bolstad79 said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@MaroonBells said:
@Vikes45 said:
@Caactorvike said:
Republican David Gergen (worked in the White House of 4 different Presidents Republican and Democrat) "Trump will never be able to deal with the hate in this country until he deals with the hate in himself."  

People who hate see hate in others.  There is a lot of irrational hatred of Donald Trump in this country.
Really? Irrational? You could probably make that argument for Bush or Obama, but not Donald Trump. Trump is a whole separate thing. A scar on America's great history. He deserves every ounce of anger and fight we as those who believe in the IDEA of America can muster. 

Trump thinks there are two sides to blame at a Nazi rally. Does he say that because he believes it, which is alarming enough, or because he doesn't want to upset the large number of racists in his party who put him in office? I think it's a bit of both. 

But there are not two sides to blame in this. There are racist, hate-filled Nazis on one side and those opposed to that hate on the other.  
I would love to see some numbers on this part.

I know a very larger number of conservatives and a large number of republicans, ( many of whom voted for Trump ((with and without their nose pinched shut)) however,  I know very very few racist people, outward or other,  very few people that I would consider racist.  ( maybe some bias or racial ignorance,  but not racist)

I will say that if you want to talk about creating anger ... i am about to the point of getting violent with people (not you,  just an overall disgust for the broad strokes )  that keep calling conservatives and republicans or even Trump supporters racist by association or default, its simply not true and is very very insulting IMO.
I truly don't want to seem like a dick on this and I'm truly asking. Where is this group of supporters you know from? Is it all over the country or is it South Dakota?
Nationwide,  I talk with people from all over the country for work as well as other things,  this country is full of good conservative people that aren't full of hate regardless of what cnn or NBC wants to make people believe.

  Hell rural minnesota is a great example,  while they are often out voted and over shadowed by their blue metro counter parts,  land wise Minnesota has huge numbers of good Christian conservatives that feel very similar to what I do on many items,  but yet shouldn't be considered racist.

We have concerns for our country and the direction it was headed but because we support our police forces and illegal immigration reform, mainstream media tells you that we are color haters....funny thing is I can take you to people of color that feel the same way I do.

Just because ignorance and hatred is loud,  doesn't mean it's big.  There are black, brown, red, and yellow people that hate white folks,  but they imo they don't represent their people anymore than a few dumb fucks represent me and my fellow conservative crackers.

Quote: @Bolstad79 said:
@Vikes45 said:
@Caactorvike said:
@greediron said:
I think the roots go much further back, but I agree with your last paragraph.  We are a part of the mess and how we interact definitely affects the outcome. 

I was no fan of Trump and saw some hints of incendiary tactics/language in his early campaign.  Once he was elected, I hoped he could do some good.   I think he has done some good, but it is often hidden or partially negated by his crassness and argumentative nature.

As to the current situation in Charlottesville, part of the responsibility is also on the media who love to whip up the anger and unhappiness for the sake of clicks/$s.  Nothing sells like anger and hatred.  They have been driving the divide for quite some time now and are a huge factor.
utter and complete bullshit.  the anger and unhappiness you mention was on full display and needed no "whipping up" by the media.  dont blame the messenger.  You "hoped he could do some good"?????? just exactly on what did you base that hope?  Surely not on his past statements and behavior. His father was arrested at a Klan rally.  He paid a huge fine for racist housing practices.  he was the instigator behind that birther bullshit.  He claimed not to know who David Duke was or what he stood for.  He called out the  "many sides" involved.  there is no other side.    if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck...
 i can think of nothing he has done but weaken this county in the eyes of the world and fuel the racial animus that has was waiting to step into the sun.  His senior advisors are Bannon, Gorka, and Miller.  lie down with dogs and wake up with fleas.  or ( to continue the animal metaphor) birds of a feather....

You honestly believe the media is not in this for the money?  Here's a video that keeps getting taken down because it pretty much sums up what happened in Charlottesville.  The White Nationalist idiots were not all in the wrong.

Nationalist idiots are all ways wrong.

If you fly a Nazi flag or a confederate flag, you support a group of losers.  They literally got there ass kicked by the US.
So it's your opinion they should not be allowed to march or have the right to speech?  Just to be clear.

[Image: 20842284_10209484990071258_8821616177513...e=5A30C7AE]

Quote: @"Viking Bob" said:
[Image: 20842284_10209484990071258_8821616177513...e=5A30C7AE]
but that was before it was offensive to minorities....  at least before nbc or cnn told the rest of the country that it was offensive enough to be a divisive tool.

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@"Viking Bob" said:
[Image: 20842284_10209484990071258_8821616177513...e=5A30C7AE]
but that was before it was offensive to minorities....  at least before nbc or cnn told the rest of the country that it was offensive enough to be a divisive tool.
EXACTLY Jimmy  EXACTLY!!!!   that was my point!!!

Remember when Lynyrd Skynyrd Album covers and The Dukes of Hazzard werent racist?   Until the last administration told everyone it was 

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