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Its a crazy world out there....
(07-15-2024, 01:49 PM)badgervike Wrote: I'll bet this is a hard hitting article without a bit of hyperbole.  How about we just argue our differences...without scaring the children.

[Image: GR5yJifbQAAq48a.png]

So stupid. Fear mongering. 'What it would look like', lmao.

So.... does anybody happen to know if there were any grassy knolls in the vicinity of the assassination attempt?

Trying to follow the investigation into this event is maddening, how many 20 years olds have zero social media presence? All the knowns that were completely ignored like unsecured building in slingshot distance of the victims, the police and SS ignoring the attendees pointing out the shooter minutes before the shots were fired, the sniper team having him in scope and not firing until the damage was done, and the notion that this kid acted alone.... bull shit. Former President Clinton came to our small little burg back in 2016 stumping for Killary, the SS had the entire situation under control and on lock down ( and this was for a guy that hadnt been President for 20 years and wasnt an active candidate). I have zero belief that this is a result of sloppy work by an organization that is beyond anal in protection services, and that they were bested by a fucked up kid with daddy's gun.

I dont know how crazy the world really is when the ones getting called crazy seem to end up being right on most the shit we call them out on, Im thinking more its a fucking scary world where so many obvious questions go unanswered and nobody seems to really ever push for the answers, especially the media whose sole value to society is to get to the truth and not just run with the story as its given to them.
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(07-16-2024, 07:40 AM)StickierBuns Wrote: So stupid. Fear mongering. 'What it would look like', lmao.'s right there in the campaigning, though. Right before the shooting, ol' Trumplestilskin was raving his bulls**t about Biden being the "worst president ever"...


I'm on the other side of the world from being a fan of the mumbling, vacuous waste currently staining the Oval Office...but "worst"?

I'd rate Obama as worse, LBJ, Jackson was an utter s**t, the list would have several names on the "worst" list before Sleepy Joe.

Orange Boi splatters hyperbole and full-on ranting fiction like no other prez/candidate I've ever seen in my life, he's the most shameless liar I've ever seen - more than his photo buddy Clintons, even - and wants special treatment to get out of the stupid s**t he does, because he won't admit fault or accept punishment. He's less than a man, always has been.

So, as far as fear mongering...and yes, I know "Brandon" was and will be stroking mileage from "convicted felon" and "sexual predator" as well as the countless stacks of lies that the Donald's fan club continues to just accept...but does captain combover have anything in his babble beyond exaggeration and disinformation?
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(07-16-2024, 02:38 PM)Zanary Wrote:'s right there in the campaigning, though. Right before the shooting, ol' Trumplestilskin was raving his bulls**t about Biden being the "worst president ever"...


I'm on the other side of the world from being a fan of the mumbling, vacuous waste currently staining the Oval Office...but "worst"?

I'd rate Obama as worse, LBJ, Jackson was an utter s**t, the list would have several names on the "worst" list before Sleepy Joe.

Orange Boi splatters hyperbole and full-on ranting fiction like no other prez/candidate I've ever seen in my life, he's the most shameless liar I've ever seen - more than his photo buddy Clintons, even - and wants special treatment to get out of the stupid s**t he does, because he won't admit fault or accept punishment. He's less than a man, always has been.

So, as far as fear mongering...and yes, I know "Brandon" was and will be stroking mileage from "convicted felon" and "sexual predator" as well as the countless stacks of lies that the Donald's fan club continues to just accept...but does captain combover have anything in his babble beyond exaggeration and disinformation?

Please understand: I'm no Trump supporter. He's a vile piece of shit and grifting con man of the highest order. In real life, he wouldn't stop to piss on his MAGA cult if they were on fire. But the extreme shit goes to each end of the spectrum.

(07-16-2024, 02:38 PM)Zanary Wrote:'s right there in the campaigning, though. Right before the shooting, ol' Trumplestilskin was raving his bulls**t about Biden being the "worst president ever"...


I'm on the other side of the world from being a fan of the mumbling, vacuous waste currently staining the Oval Office...but "worst"?

I'd rate Obama as worse, LBJ, Jackson was an utter s**t, the list would have several names on the "worst" list before Sleepy Joe.

Orange Boi splatters hyperbole and full-on ranting fiction like no other prez/candidate I've ever seen in my life, he's the most shameless liar I've ever seen - more than his photo buddy Clintons, even - and wants special treatment to get out of the stupid s**t he does, because he won't admit fault or accept punishment. He's less than a man, always has been.

So, as far as fear mongering...and yes, I know "Brandon" was and will be stroking mileage from "convicted felon" and "sexual predator" as well as the countless stacks of lies that the Donald's fan club continues to just accept...but does captain combover have anything in his babble beyond exaggeration and disinformation?

Well...let's see.  Biden called for a return to civility two days ago.  Yesterday, during an interview he went back to much of the original programming

"Those folks coming out of the woods with torches, carrying swastikas, singing the same Nazi bile that was accompanied by this Ku Klux Klan and a young woman was killed. And — and it was a bystander. And — the president — then president was asked, “What do you think?” He said, “The very fine people on both sides.” Not fine people on both sides. No excuse. Zero."  Even leftist Snopes has rated that false as he prefaced it with not those people

Next is was "Well, I — I don’t think — look, how do you talk about the threat to democracy, which is real"  So...we're back to the threat to Democracy.  Even Lester Holt called out on the rhetoric given his speech on turning down the nastiness.

So...Biden calling Trump a Nazi loving  threat to Democracy.  Is that really better than being called the worst President ever?   I used to think Carter was the worst president in my lifetime but oddly I actually thought the incompetency came from the deep held convictions of a well meaning man.  Can't say that about Biden.

I'll be curious to see if Trump is able to dial it back.  Biden has clearly shown he can't.  I'll watch the speech on Thursday night.  I can't handle the rest of the fan club meetings.

Those folks coming out of the woods with torches, carrying swastikas, singing the same Nazi bile that was accompanied by this Ku Klux Klan and a young woman was killed. And — and it was a bystander. And — the president — then president was asked, “What do you think?” He said, “The very fine people on both sides.” Not fine people on both sides. No excus
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How did it get to the point where these two, were all the US had to offer their citizens to choose from? Crazy world indeed!
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(07-16-2024, 06:48 PM)hogjowlsjohnny Wrote: How did it get to the point where these two, were all the US had to offer their citizens to choose from? Crazy world indeed!

Would you want the job? Who would want to expose themselves and their family to that type of exposure? Also, of those who want the job, how many are doing it for the right reason vs just another huge payday from outside influence?
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(07-16-2024, 06:48 PM)hogjowlsjohnny Wrote: How did it get to the point where these two, were all the US had to offer their citizens to choose from? Crazy world indeed!

(07-17-2024, 06:52 AM)JimmyinSD Wrote: Would you want the job?  Who would want to expose themselves and their family to that type of exposure?  Also,  of those who want the job,  how many are doing it for the right reason vs just another huge payday from outside influence?

While I think that is certainly part of it, and at this point you probably have to be some form of sociopath or narcissist to want to be president given all the shit you’re dragging yourself and your family through, there’s so much more going on that even if an altruistic person wanted to be president, they probably wouldn’t be able to do so, but basically all the systems have been corrupted and you’re going to.
I’m not really well versed on the issue, and they might be wrong, but these are the roadblocks I see:
  • The voters are really latched onto team red and team blue, such that any other party or independent candidates are probably out of the running before starting.  I think this is in the process of changing given how hard they are shitting the bed, but any president is probably going to be hand selected by the DNC or RNC.  If you aren’t going to play ball with the DNC or RNC, you probably aren’t going to be allowed to get close to the ballot.
  • In order to get legitimacy, you need to get on the debates.  You can clearly see that the debates were rigged such that 3rd party candidates don’t really get to participate.  By any persons standards, RFK Jr is popular enough that at least he should have been on the stage.  Someone is going to ensure that only candidates that are going to play ball get on the debates.
  • In order to get legitimacy, you need to have enough TV presence, so if you’re not going to play ball, the TV stations will either ignore you or say bad things about you.
  • Lawsuits.  The DNC has been in the news multiple times in the last couple years for the lawsuits they file against 3rd party candidates to try and keep them off the ballot.  If you’re going to run against the two main parties, you’re likely going to have to both fund and fight a lawsuit at the same time against one of the more heavily funded opponents
  • Search engines.  We all remember when Tulsi Gabbert shut down Kamala Harris in the democratic debates last time around, but then when people went to google her, oops google somehow had her campaign unlisted during the critical time that people were searching for her.  That’s weird right?
  • Social Media Algorithms.  Similar to TV, you need to be able to have adequate exposure to have a reasonable chance at winning a primary or an election.  Just imagine how much an impact reducing your exposure to voters by 10% do to your campaign, and similarly imagine how much free exposure a social media company can give a candidate.  Trump and Biden are constantly in the algorithms.  How much do the other candidates make it into your algorithm?  I got some RFK stuff, but none of the other candidates made it to my feed, even after I explicitly searched for Marianne Williamson and watched some videos on her.
  • Bot farms and Astroturfing.  Intelligence agencies and well funded organizations can fund massive astroturfing campaigns that increase exposure of their preferred candidates or slander their primary opponents.  If a candidate gets a little too much exposure, you can have the bot farm kick in and a ton of one line comments start to show up expressing doubt in that candidate.
  • Money.  You need massive amounts of funding to compete, so you need to play ball with the big corporate donors and you need to have the DNC or RNC on your side or they’ll give their money to your competitors.
  • Getting Primaried.  If you step out of line with the party, the party will fund a competitor and back them with money to knock you out of the primaries.
On a more conspiratorial side, I think the various parties above have been all captured, and I think the only candidates that will get DNC or RNC backing for president are the ones who are made.  They’re the ones who’ve gone to Epstein’s Island, did something humiliating on camera, and once they’re in the club, they can’t get out, but they’re also going to be protected by the club.
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Trump is a threat to democracy. It can’t be argued. He tried to subvert the 2020 election. He surrounds himself with criminals.

We can debate policy all day for the rest of eternity, but someone that doesn’t believe our elections are 99% accurate, surrounds themselves with criminals and election deniers, and takes steps to subvert a fair election is a threat.
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I think the odds are less than 50% Biden is going to be the Democratic nominee...We'll see soon enough.

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