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Why would Tucker Carlson give Putin a Platform?
Quote: @Waterboy said:
@Zanary said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@Zanary said:
@JimmyinSD said:
I stumbled across this clip today of Kennedy explaining how things came to be in the Ukraine with Russia,  seems our govt is as much to blame for the mess over there as Putin if all this checks out historically.
...that's the thing, if it all checks out. The important trick is to get the information from neutral sources, and a variety if possible, and certainly from ones that are known for offering best levels of objectivity.

However, "as much to blame" when only one country launched an invasion, used hypersonic missiles on apartment buildings, and kidnapped huge numbers of children on the way to a 2-year-old conflict that's already claimed most of a million lives. I've heard many versions, including the mess in this video, of the "blame-splaining" the invasion...and leaving out Russia's paranoia, love of inciting border conflicts, and determination to rebuild a new Warsaw Pact from the ashes of the old is just sad.

There's no way to call the blame "equal". 
Well if Kennedy is right,   and it's US involvment that has extended the war and is responsible for its escalation,   then maybe it's better to say the US is largely responsible for the reactions of Russia as the US seems responsible for the escalation at many moments over the past decade plus.

If you doubt the source,  then go find your own,   I am just sharing what I found from a different source than those that usually get pissed on around here.
I've posted plenty on the Ukraine conflict, and I've also weighed in on that particular tinfoil hat, to say the very least, I don't consider him to be much of a source. The fact that he has to be reminded of his former stances regarding science/medicine and how hard his own (admittedly scandalous and pretty terrible) family works to distance themselves from him...

...he's a conspiracy whackadoodle with a resonant last name and a speaking voice like a tree chipper.
Dude, you can't even type coherent sentences, but label another person a whackadoodle?    I would love to see your attempt at one coherent post.  I don't think we'll ever see one.  
OK, sparky, look: I try to leave you alone, because I don't actually want to create work for the mods/admin...but I think that it's time we got this settled, mmmkay?

You're the only one with that complaint, the only one with that apparent "problem", so...I assume that the words are too big, and/or your wit/grey matter is lacking. Given how regularly you've been called out for being an echo chamber simp, I'm betting the latter explains the former.

If my words are too big to balance on your pin head, just block me. Seriously. You don't have the wit or the intellect to really deal with adult interactions.

Quote: @Waterboy said:
@Zanary said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@Zanary said:
@JimmyinSD said:
I stumbled across this clip today of Kennedy explaining how things came to be in the Ukraine with Russia,  seems our govt is as much to blame for the mess over there as Putin if all this checks out historically.
...that's the thing, if it all checks out. The important trick is to get the information from neutral sources, and a variety if possible, and certainly from ones that are known for offering best levels of objectivity.

However, "as much to blame" when only one country launched an invasion, used hypersonic missiles on apartment buildings, and kidnapped huge numbers of children on the way to a 2-year-old conflict that's already claimed most of a million lives. I've heard many versions, including the mess in this video, of the "blame-splaining" the invasion...and leaving out Russia's paranoia, love of inciting border conflicts, and determination to rebuild a new Warsaw Pact from the ashes of the old is just sad.

There's no way to call the blame "equal". 
Well if Kennedy is right,   and it's US involvment that has extended the war and is responsible for its escalation,   then maybe it's better to say the US is largely responsible for the reactions of Russia as the US seems responsible for the escalation at many moments over the past decade plus.

If you doubt the source,  then go find your own,   I am just sharing what I found from a different source than those that usually get pissed on around here.
I've posted plenty on the Ukraine conflict, and I've also weighed in on that particular tinfoil hat, to say the very least, I don't consider him to be much of a source. The fact that he has to be reminded of his former stances regarding science/medicine and how hard his own (admittedly scandalous and pretty terrible) family works to distance themselves from him...

...he's a conspiracy whackadoodle with a resonant last name and a speaking voice like a tree chipper.
Dude, you can't even type coherent sentences, but label another person a whackadoodle?    I would love to see your attempt at one coherent post.  I don't think we'll ever see one.  
if you dont have an argument,  then dont post,  attacking a poster personally  is just going to get you removed.

Quote: @Zanary said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@Zanary said:
@JimmyinSD said:
I stumbled across this clip today of Kennedy explaining how things came to be in the Ukraine with Russia,  seems our govt is as much to blame for the mess over there as Putin if all this checks out historically.
...that's the thing, if it all checks out. The important trick is to get the information from neutral sources, and a variety if possible, and certainly from ones that are known for offering best levels of objectivity.

However, "as much to blame" when only one country launched an invasion, used hypersonic missiles on apartment buildings, and kidnapped huge numbers of children on the way to a 2-year-old conflict that's already claimed most of a million lives. I've heard many versions, including the mess in this video, of the "blame-splaining" the invasion...and leaving out Russia's paranoia, love of inciting border conflicts, and determination to rebuild a new Warsaw Pact from the ashes of the old is just sad.

There's no way to call the blame "equal". 
Well if Kennedy is right,   and it's US involvment that has extended the war and is responsible for its escalation,   then maybe it's better to say the US is largely responsible for the reactions of Russia as the US seems responsible for the escalation at many moments over the past decade plus.

If you doubt the source,  then go find your own,   I am just sharing what I found from a different source than those that usually get pissed on around here.
I've posted plenty on the Ukraine conflict, and I've also weighed in on that particular tinfoil hat, to say the very least, I don't consider him to be much of a source. The fact that he has to be reminded of his former stances regarding science/medicine and how hard his own (admittedly scandalous and pretty terrible) family works to distance themselves from him...

...he's a conspiracy whackadoodle with a resonant last name and a speaking voice like a tree chipper.
its funny,  the "conspiracy theorists" seem to have a better track record than those that like to discount their contributions.  and just because somebody becomes a pariah of their family means they arent the ones in the right.  right now there are a lot of politicians that are aligning with things because they are told to,  the wingnuts that speak against that direction get labeled and reduced,  but I am betting in the long run,  history will be on this particular conspiracy whackadoodles side more often than not.   I dont agree with him whole heartedly,  but he's certainly earned some respect just on his takes on fauci alone IMO.

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@Zanary said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@Zanary said:
@JimmyinSD said:
I stumbled across this clip today of Kennedy explaining how things came to be in the Ukraine with Russia,  seems our govt is as much to blame for the mess over there as Putin if all this checks out historically.
...that's the thing, if it all checks out. The important trick is to get the information from neutral sources, and a variety if possible, and certainly from ones that are known for offering best levels of objectivity.

However, "as much to blame" when only one country launched an invasion, used hypersonic missiles on apartment buildings, and kidnapped huge numbers of children on the way to a 2-year-old conflict that's already claimed most of a million lives. I've heard many versions, including the mess in this video, of the "blame-splaining" the invasion...and leaving out Russia's paranoia, love of inciting border conflicts, and determination to rebuild a new Warsaw Pact from the ashes of the old is just sad.

There's no way to call the blame "equal". 
Well if Kennedy is right,   and it's US involvment that has extended the war and is responsible for its escalation,   then maybe it's better to say the US is largely responsible for the reactions of Russia as the US seems responsible for the escalation at many moments over the past decade plus.

If you doubt the source,  then go find your own,   I am just sharing what I found from a different source than those that usually get pissed on around here.
I've posted plenty on the Ukraine conflict, and I've also weighed in on that particular tinfoil hat, to say the very least, I don't consider him to be much of a source. The fact that he has to be reminded of his former stances regarding science/medicine and how hard his own (admittedly scandalous and pretty terrible) family works to distance themselves from him...

...he's a conspiracy whackadoodle with a resonant last name and a speaking voice like a tree chipper.
its funny,  the "conspiracy theorists" seem to have a better track record than those that like to discount their contributions.  and just because somebody becomes a pariah of their family means they arent the ones in the right.  right now there are a lot of politicians that are aligning with things because they are told to,  the wingnuts that speak against that direction get labeled and reduced,  but I am betting in the long run,  history will be on this particular conspiracy whackadoodles side more often than not.   I dont agree with him whole heartedly,  but he's certainly earned some respect just on his takes on fauci alone IMO.
Fauci was, and is, a s**t and the whole situation was mishandled...but similarly, the anti-vaxxers strutting around like they won a major victory and claiming that anyone with the "poke" is somehow less...are no better. The vaxx HAS helped prevent many millions of deaths, had tangible effects in keeping the most vulnerable populations alive, and while it never delivered what dumbasses like my current governor promised, it wasn't the clean miss, injected "microchip", etc etc etc that the Reynold Wrap Militia claimed, either.

As always, the extremists ruined it for everyone, and the politicians did so more than most.

Quote: @Zanary said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@Zanary said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@Zanary said:
@JimmyinSD said:
I stumbled across this clip today of Kennedy explaining how things came to be in the Ukraine with Russia,  seems our govt is as much to blame for the mess over there as Putin if all this checks out historically.
...that's the thing, if it all checks out. The important trick is to get the information from neutral sources, and a variety if possible, and certainly from ones that are known for offering best levels of objectivity.

However, "as much to blame" when only one country launched an invasion, used hypersonic missiles on apartment buildings, and kidnapped huge numbers of children on the way to a 2-year-old conflict that's already claimed most of a million lives. I've heard many versions, including the mess in this video, of the "blame-splaining" the invasion...and leaving out Russia's paranoia, love of inciting border conflicts, and determination to rebuild a new Warsaw Pact from the ashes of the old is just sad.

There's no way to call the blame "equal". 
Well if Kennedy is right,   and it's US involvment that has extended the war and is responsible for its escalation,   then maybe it's better to say the US is largely responsible for the reactions of Russia as the US seems responsible for the escalation at many moments over the past decade plus.

If you doubt the source,  then go find your own,   I am just sharing what I found from a different source than those that usually get pissed on around here.
I've posted plenty on the Ukraine conflict, and I've also weighed in on that particular tinfoil hat, to say the very least, I don't consider him to be much of a source. The fact that he has to be reminded of his former stances regarding science/medicine and how hard his own (admittedly scandalous and pretty terrible) family works to distance themselves from him...

...he's a conspiracy whackadoodle with a resonant last name and a speaking voice like a tree chipper.
its funny,  the "conspiracy theorists" seem to have a better track record than those that like to discount their contributions.  and just because somebody becomes a pariah of their family means they arent the ones in the right.  right now there are a lot of politicians that are aligning with things because they are told to,  the wingnuts that speak against that direction get labeled and reduced,  but I am betting in the long run,  history will be on this particular conspiracy whackadoodles side more often than not.   I dont agree with him whole heartedly,  but he's certainly earned some respect just on his takes on fauci alone IMO.
Fauci was, and is, a s**t and the whole situation was mishandled...but similarly, the anti-vaxxers strutting around like they won a major victory and claiming that anyone with the "poke" is somehow no better. The vaxx HAS helped prevent many millions of deaths, had tangible effects in keeping the most vulnerable populations alive, and while it never delivered what dumbasses like my current governor promised, it wasn't the clean miss, injected "microchip", etc etc etc that the Reynold Wrap Militia claimed, either.

As always, the extremists ruined it for everyone, and the politicians did so more than most.
I've listened to Kennedy on the matter as well as Malone,  both have been labeled harshly,  neither are anti-vaxers,  hell Malone has made a career in the field,  but both cautioned against its wide use,  and Kennedy has mostly railed against its mandated use considering it was never tested enough for long term affects.  Hell when the manufacturers have to be given life  time immunity from prosecution that should have been it right there,  they knew there were problems and pushed ahead anyway.  I agree there are a small minority that are stupid about their anti vax positions,  but that is a very very small representation of those that have had and continue to have reservations on the forced mandates that took place during covid and with the various vaccines and boosters.

I still question the true severity of covid,  I tend to think that many deaths were a result of how it was handled ( putting contagious patients into nursing homes with the segment of our population that was the most at risk )  not to mention,  how many of those deaths that were labeled covid,  because it was present,  were actually from another cause?  its been proven after the fact that covid was not likely to be the cause of death in a large % of deaths based on what we know now about peoples ability to test positive without actually having the virus,  and asymptomatic people that have it but dont test positive.  I know it was a scary time, but I think a large part of the results were based on how it was handled by the so called professionals.

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@Zanary said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@Zanary said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@Zanary said:
@JimmyinSD said:
I stumbled across this clip today of Kennedy explaining how things came to be in the Ukraine with Russia,  seems our govt is as much to blame for the mess over there as Putin if all this checks out historically.
...that's the thing, if it all checks out. The important trick is to get the information from neutral sources, and a variety if possible, and certainly from ones that are known for offering best levels of objectivity.

However, "as much to blame" when only one country launched an invasion, used hypersonic missiles on apartment buildings, and kidnapped huge numbers of children on the way to a 2-year-old conflict that's already claimed most of a million lives. I've heard many versions, including the mess in this video, of the "blame-splaining" the invasion...and leaving out Russia's paranoia, love of inciting border conflicts, and determination to rebuild a new Warsaw Pact from the ashes of the old is just sad.

There's no way to call the blame "equal". 
Well if Kennedy is right,   and it's US involvment that has extended the war and is responsible for its escalation,   then maybe it's better to say the US is largely responsible for the reactions of Russia as the US seems responsible for the escalation at many moments over the past decade plus.

If you doubt the source,  then go find your own,   I am just sharing what I found from a different source than those that usually get pissed on around here.
I've posted plenty on the Ukraine conflict, and I've also weighed in on that particular tinfoil hat, to say the very least, I don't consider him to be much of a source. The fact that he has to be reminded of his former stances regarding science/medicine and how hard his own (admittedly scandalous and pretty terrible) family works to distance themselves from him...

...he's a conspiracy whackadoodle with a resonant last name and a speaking voice like a tree chipper.
its funny,  the "conspiracy theorists" seem to have a better track record than those that like to discount their contributions.  and just because somebody becomes a pariah of their family means they arent the ones in the right.  right now there are a lot of politicians that are aligning with things because they are told to,  the wingnuts that speak against that direction get labeled and reduced,  but I am betting in the long run,  history will be on this particular conspiracy whackadoodles side more often than not.   I dont agree with him whole heartedly,  but he's certainly earned some respect just on his takes on fauci alone IMO.
Fauci was, and is, a s**t and the whole situation was mishandled...but similarly, the anti-vaxxers strutting around like they won a major victory and claiming that anyone with the "poke" is somehow no better. The vaxx HAS helped prevent many millions of deaths, had tangible effects in keeping the most vulnerable populations alive, and while it never delivered what dumbasses like my current governor promised, it wasn't the clean miss, injected "microchip", etc etc etc that the Reynold Wrap Militia claimed, either.

As always, the extremists ruined it for everyone, and the politicians did so more than most.
I've listened to Kennedy on the matter as well as Malone,  both have been labeled harshly,  neither are anti-vaxers,  hell Malone has made a career in the field,  but both cautioned against its wide use,  and Kennedy has mostly railed against its mandated use considering it was never tested enough for long term affects.  Hell when the manufacturers have to be given life  time immunity from prosecution that should have been it right there,  they knew there were problems and pushed ahead anyway.  I agree there are a small minority that are stupid about their anti vax positions,  but that is a very very small representation of those that have had and continue to have reservations on the forced mandates that took place during covid and with the various vaccines and boosters.

I still question the severity of covid,  I tend to think that many deaths were a result of how it was handled ( putting contagious patients into nursing homes with the segment of our population that was the most at risk )  not to mention,  how many of those deaths that were labeled covid,  because it was present,  were actually from another cause?  its been proven after the fact that covid was not likely to be the cause of death in a large % of deaths based on what we know now about peoples ability to test positive without actually having the virus,  and asymptomatic people that have it but dont test positive.  I know it was a scary time, but I think a large part of the results were based on how it was handled by the so called professionals.
That also depends on the "professionals", which is a huge topic. One of my best and oldest friends runs the "quality" department of a NM hospital (her title is ridiculous, and now included infectious diseases after she managed to keep her department intact through COVID), and she'd tell me about all the shortages and issues they had with all of the allergy/asthma sufferers that suddenly were dealing with the 'Rona, the horrible effects of dumbasses that attended "Rona Parties", and nightmare stories about having to create isolation tents practically on top of each other because of how hard it hit certain populations, like the tribes on reservations.

I fully agree with the nursing homes idiocy, I live about 40 miles south from the home where the "patient zero" unleashed the virus up here, North of Seattle. Similarly, the asshats in Seattle/King Country picked a dead Howard Johnson's basically at the end of my fuggin' street for their first 'enforced quarantine' location...and they brought in an infected homeless guy with a criminal record, who waltzed out after 1-2 days, caught a bus in front of the 7-11 across the street (again, a few minutes' walk from my home), and went on to infect more people.

My tax dollars at work.

Pretty simple.  It looks to take an enemy of the US and put him on "our" side in new battle against "wokism".  

Quote: @Zanary said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@Zanary said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@Zanary said:
@JimmyinSD said:
I stumbled across this clip today of Kennedy explaining how things came to be in the Ukraine with Russia,  seems our govt is as much to blame for the mess over there as Putin if all this checks out historically.
...that's the thing, if it all checks out. The important trick is to get the information from neutral sources, and a variety if possible, and certainly from ones that are known for offering best levels of objectivity.

However, "as much to blame" when only one country launched an invasion, used hypersonic missiles on apartment buildings, and kidnapped huge numbers of children on the way to a 2-year-old conflict that's already claimed most of a million lives. I've heard many versions, including the mess in this video, of the "blame-splaining" the invasion...and leaving out Russia's paranoia, love of inciting border conflicts, and determination to rebuild a new Warsaw Pact from the ashes of the old is just sad.

There's no way to call the blame "equal". 
Well if Kennedy is right,   and it's US involvment that has extended the war and is responsible for its escalation,   then maybe it's better to say the US is largely responsible for the reactions of Russia as the US seems responsible for the escalation at many moments over the past decade plus.

If you doubt the source,  then go find your own,   I am just sharing what I found from a different source than those that usually get pissed on around here.
I've posted plenty on the Ukraine conflict, and I've also weighed in on that particular tinfoil hat, to say the very least, I don't consider him to be much of a source. The fact that he has to be reminded of his former stances regarding science/medicine and how hard his own (admittedly scandalous and pretty terrible) family works to distance themselves from him...

...he's a conspiracy whackadoodle with a resonant last name and a speaking voice like a tree chipper.
its funny,  the "conspiracy theorists" seem to have a better track record than those that like to discount their contributions.  and just because somebody becomes a pariah of their family means they arent the ones in the right.  right now there are a lot of politicians that are aligning with things because they are told to,  the wingnuts that speak against that direction get labeled and reduced,  but I am betting in the long run,  history will be on this particular conspiracy whackadoodles side more often than not.   I dont agree with him whole heartedly,  but he's certainly earned some respect just on his takes on fauci alone IMO.
Fauci was, and is, a s**t and the whole situation was mishandled...but similarly, the anti-vaxxers strutting around like they won a major victory and claiming that anyone with the "poke" is somehow less...are no better. The vaxx HAS helped prevent many millions of deaths, had tangible effects in keeping the most vulnerable populations alive, and while it never delivered what dumbasses like my current governor promised, it wasn't the clean miss, injected "microchip", etc etc etc that the Reynold Wrap Militia claimed, either.

As always, the extremists ruined it for everyone, and the politicians did so more than most.
The vaccine did not prevent millions of deaths any more than the vaccine has killed millions of people.  It's just that one side has forced the story via the MSM, Social Media, and Govt.  while the other arose despite all the true data being ruthlessly hidden from the public.

Quote: @Skodin said:
Pretty simple.  It looks to take an enemy of the US and put him on "our" side in new battle against "wokism".  
I don’t think that’s true, but it’s not far off.  I don’t think Putin’s place in American’s
minds are really due to his stance on wokeism.

I also don’t think Putin is “an enemy of the US” as much as
he’s “an enemy of one of the cabals of people that try to run the US”

The people who are most attacking Putin, are the same corrupt
neocons that are repeatedly trying to start wars with anything that moves but
in particular all those who don’t submit to their hegemony, which currently is
the BRICS nations.  The neocons are most
heavily represented by the Democrats right now and since people are frequently
tribal, they will see that since the Democrats despise Russia, to the point of
doing the whole RussiaGate falsehood for two years, and they will see that the mainstream
propaganda media is also over the top in their propagation of the RussiaGate narratives,
it’s natural that the enemy of my enemies would be my friend.

That said, when you look at our current corrupt Democratic
leadership, who appear to hellbent on getting us into WW3 and hellbent on doing
everything possible to sabotage the success of the nation and when Putin
correctly points out their corruption, it puts people in a weird position when
Putin, as corrupt as he is, is more truthful and honest than our own
leadership.  We can all see our
governments corruption.  That doesn’t
mean that Putin is great or good or anything, but we can all see that our own
government is acting against our own interests.


Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@Zanary said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@Zanary said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@Zanary said:
@JimmyinSD said:
I stumbled across this clip today of Kennedy explaining how things came to be in the Ukraine with Russia,  seems our govt is as much to blame for the mess over there as Putin if all this checks out historically.
...that's the thing, if it all checks out. The important trick is to get the information from neutral sources, and a variety if possible, and certainly from ones that are known for offering best levels of objectivity.

However, "as much to blame" when only one country launched an invasion, used hypersonic missiles on apartment buildings, and kidnapped huge numbers of children on the way to a 2-year-old conflict that's already claimed most of a million lives. I've heard many versions, including the mess in this video, of the "blame-splaining" the invasion...and leaving out Russia's paranoia, love of inciting border conflicts, and determination to rebuild a new Warsaw Pact from the ashes of the old is just sad.

There's no way to call the blame "equal". 
Well if Kennedy is right,   and it's US involvment that has extended the war and is responsible for its escalation,   then maybe it's better to say the US is largely responsible for the reactions of Russia as the US seems responsible for the escalation at many moments over the past decade plus.

If you doubt the source,  then go find your own,   I am just sharing what I found from a different source than those that usually get pissed on around here.
I've posted plenty on the Ukraine conflict, and I've also weighed in on that particular tinfoil hat, to say the very least, I don't consider him to be much of a source. The fact that he has to be reminded of his former stances regarding science/medicine and how hard his own (admittedly scandalous and pretty terrible) family works to distance themselves from him...

...he's a conspiracy whackadoodle with a resonant last name and a speaking voice like a tree chipper.
its funny,  the "conspiracy theorists" seem to have a better track record than those that like to discount their contributions.  and just because somebody becomes a pariah of their family means they arent the ones in the right.  right now there are a lot of politicians that are aligning with things because they are told to,  the wingnuts that speak against that direction get labeled and reduced,  but I am betting in the long run,  history will be on this particular conspiracy whackadoodles side more often than not.   I dont agree with him whole heartedly,  but he's certainly earned some respect just on his takes on fauci alone IMO.
Fauci was, and is, a s**t and the whole situation was mishandled...but similarly, the anti-vaxxers strutting around like they won a major victory and claiming that anyone with the "poke" is somehow no better. The vaxx HAS helped prevent many millions of deaths, had tangible effects in keeping the most vulnerable populations alive, and while it never delivered what dumbasses like my current governor promised, it wasn't the clean miss, injected "microchip", etc etc etc that the Reynold Wrap Militia claimed, either.

As always, the extremists ruined it for everyone, and the politicians did so more than most.
I've listened to Kennedy on the matter as well as Malone,  both have been labeled harshly,  neither are anti-vaxers,  hell Malone has made a career in the field,  but both cautioned against its wide use,  and Kennedy has mostly railed against its mandated use considering it was never tested enough for long term affects.  Hell when the manufacturers have to be given life  time immunity from prosecution that should have been it right there,  they knew there were problems and pushed ahead anyway.  I agree there are a small minority that are stupid about their anti vax positions,  but that is a very very small representation of those that have had and continue to have reservations on the forced mandates that took place during covid and with the various vaccines and boosters.

I still question the true severity of covid,  I tend to think that many deaths were a result of how it was handled ( putting contagious patients into nursing homes with the segment of our population that was the most at risk )  not to mention,  how many of those deaths that were labeled covid,  because it was present,  were actually from another cause?  its been proven after the fact that covid was not likely to be the cause of death in a large % of deaths based on what we know now about peoples ability to test positive without actually having the virus,  and asymptomatic people that have it but dont test positive.  I know it was a scary time, but I think a large part of the results were based on how it was handled by the so called professionals.
I think most people that are labeled as anti-vaxxers are not
actually anti-vaccine, but are merely anti-this-one-“vaccine”.  That said, I think RFK Jr. is pretty thoroughly
anti-vaccine in general and has published a book documenting the science that
supports his theories.

He understands that is not necessarily a popular view, and
politically has stated he’s not going to force his viewpoint on the citizens,
which I think is where you are getting that he’s against mandates.

I think the people that are willing to say that is a redline
for them, and that they can’t vote for someone who’s anti-science, are severely
missing perspective given how much more flawed the alternatives are going to be
come the general election, although maybe they’ll vote another 3rd
party candidate.


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