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Why would Tucker Carlson give Putin a Platform?
Quote: @AGRforever said:
Why is everyone getting their panties in a twist over this?  Ive watched roughly 0 minutes of Tucker Carlson in my life so its not like he’s my go to guy.  

But what difference does it make?  Don’t watch the interview if you don’t want to. It’s words.  Not bombs. 
They've been told to be incensed by it.  We have all been being programmed and it's getting easier and easier for those pushing the buttons to get their desired responses.

I just read this week that Meta is going to be using AI across all its platforms to read ans analyze all of our communications both current and past,  including text and email,  I have my doubts this us simply for market research and a better user experience.  We are all going ro be defeated without anybody ever having to have fired a bullet.

Look at places like Australia,  think about the Australian people and their pride and strength as well as free spirited  individualism they exuded in the past, ( very American like in that sense) looking at the police state that country has become in just a few short years and the drones it's cresting is very frightening to me as I see it happening here in the US. 

Look at the farmers and ranchers rising up around the world in protest over the new order,  they are one group that is least likely to be plugged into by social media controls and are still very rooted in reality,  they don't worry about politicial affiliation,  they are seeing crazy bad shit coming for them and their way of life and are speaking out all over the world.   We all need to try and peel off the mind molding media and find our own truths,  even if it means using sources we are unfamiliar or are uncomfortable with, but then getting back to applying a strong bullshit meter to what we receive.

If the last decade or so has taught us anything it's to trust no one and do your own homework as best as we can.

I pray for us all,  as things are getting scarier by the second all around us.

Quote: @AGRforever said:
Why is everyone getting their panties in a twist over this?  Ive watched roughly 0 minutes of Tucker Carlson in my life so its not like he’s my go to guy.  

But what difference does it make?  Don’t watch the interview if you don’t want to. It’s words.  Not bombs. 
I'm involved because I've got connections within Ukraine, and I've previously followed a lot of different sources in attempts to figure out what Vlad is up to, or may do next.

I'm also an observer of the American public, both in general and in the chaotic mess that exists right now. The redcaps tend to love some Tucker, who lied for their liar boi while his former network did...and both were practically shaking pom poms for Vlad. So, I pay attention.

Incensed doesnt capture my own lens on it...

I did get angry about giving a Russian leader a platform to reach millions here with a perspective that is not in our interests (To say the least). 

I view my emotion towards it as more patriotic vs being manipulated by my own echo chamber.

Hell, we're all Americans last I looked.  


Quote: @purplefaithful said:
Incensed doesnt capture my own lens on it...

I did get angry about giving a Russian leader a platform to reach millions here with a perspective that is not in our interests (To say the least). 

I view my emotion towards it as more patriotic vs being manipulated by my own echo chamber.

Hell, we're all Americans last I looked.  
Isn’t listening in our intrest?  I’m not saying letting him dictate, but listening can give you all kinds of information. Good, bad or indifferent. 


Quote: @AGRforever said:
@purplefaithful said:
Incensed doesnt capture my own lens on it...

I did get angry about giving a Russian leader a platform to reach millions here with a perspective that is not in our interests (To say the least). 

I view my emotion towards it as more patriotic vs being manipulated by my own echo chamber.

Hell, we're all Americans last I looked.  
Isn’t listening in our intrest?  I’m not saying letting him dictate, but listening can give you all kinds of information. Good, bad or indifferent. 

I saw it as more information on a horrific enemy (vlad) and an enemy movement within our society (the "orange boi sez vlad is kool, tukkr sez he's kool, so's I'm all'z about them Rushins!), maybe "imbecile club" would be a better term. Their arch enemies would be the "I've got to get my latte and march with, y'know, those people for, like, a free Palestine, because everyone knows that, like Palestine was totally there when the Earth, y'know, cooled, and Israel is like, totally occupying...".....

Quote: @purplefaithful said:
Incensed doesnt capture my own lens on it...

I did get angry about giving a Russian leader a platform to reach millions here with a perspective that is not in our interests (To say the least). 

I view my emotion towards it as more patriotic vs being manipulated by my own echo chamber.

Hell, we're all Americans last I looked.  
were you incensed when a previous administration green lighted the sale of North American uranium to Russia?  Or how about letting China come in and buy up our food production companies?  Come on man,  this is a measly worthless interview and yet nothing gets said about stopping our enemies when it paints a certain party poorly?  Where were the patriots then... (they were mocked for questioning the ruling party that was/is allowing real damage to be done.)  We cant continue to get triggered by the source of words, over what harm is actually being done.

Putin is a shit stain,  but I think he is largely there because people in this country were able to profit from him being there,  people that have been largely untouchable yet always seem to be in the middle of shit that serves their interest before those of the country they have been elected to protect and serve.

Quote: @Zanary said:
@AGRforever said:
@purplefaithful said:
Incensed doesnt capture my own lens on it...

I did get angry about giving a Russian leader a platform to reach millions here with a perspective that is not in our interests (To say the least). 

I view my emotion towards it as more patriotic vs being manipulated by my own echo chamber.

Hell, we're all Americans last I looked.  
Isn’t listening in our intrest?  I’m not saying letting him dictate, but listening can give you all kinds of information. Good, bad or indifferent. 

I saw it as more information on a horrific enemy (vlad) and an enemy movement within our society (the "orange boi sez vlad is kool, tukkr sez he's kool, so's I'm all'z about them Rushins!), maybe "imbecile club" would be a better term. Their arch enemies would be the "I've got to get my latte and march with, y'know, those people for, like, a free Palestine, because everyone knows that, like Palestine was totally there when the Earth, y'know, cooled, and Israel is like, totally occupying...".....
Here's the actual comments made by Trump on Putin that is normally used to support the Putin apologist nonsense.  These comments usually get shortened to Trump says Putin is smart and savvy for invading the Ukraine by the liberal media and liberal "fact checkers".  If you actually read the comments, it's pretty obvious that isn't what he meant.  And since this is a journalistic integrity thread...maybe needs to be pointed out.
Back when Russia invaded, Trump called Russia’s recognition of two territories in eastern Ukraine a “genius” move ahead of its military invasion."
Trump said Russian President Putin's recognition of the Donetsk and Luhansk annexation was “smart” and “pretty savvy.”
“I went in yesterday, and there was a television screen, and I said, ‘This is genius,'” he said. “Putin declares a big portion of the Ukraine — of Ukraine — Putin declares it as independent. Oh, that’s wonderful.”
“I said, ‘How smart is that?’ He’s going to go in and be a peacekeeper.  That’s the strongest peace force. We could use that on our southern border. That’s the strongest peace force I’ve ever seen. There were more army tanks than I’ve ever seen. They’re going to keep peace, all right.”
Trump than said "if he had remained president, Putin would never have attempted something like this".

“It never would have happened with us. Had I been in office, not even thinkable,” Trump said. “You know what the response was from Biden? He didn’t have a response.”
“Russia has become very very rich during the Biden Administration, with oil prices doubling and soon to be tripling and quadrupling,” he said. “The weak sanctions are insignificant relative to taking over a country and a massive piece of strategically located land.”

Does that actually sound like he's making excuses for Putin or calling him out for the invasion masked as a peacekeeping effort and saying he could/would have prevented it?
In terms of Tucker Carlson, is he any different than many of the news outlets.  How many 1000's of hours devoted to the Russian Collusion, etc.  It's difficult to actually find the real news these days.  

My experience with both of their putin fluffage isn't limited to that tiny exchange, and the pattern for Trumplestilskin goes back 15+ years.

The hilarious part is Carlson mentions Moscow as a 'beautiful city...we have nothing like it in the United States'. lmao. Isn't this where Fox News demographic viewers scream, 'If you like it there so much, why don't you move there'! I guarantee if some liberal 'journalist' said that in an interview with Putin they'd want him hung by his balls in the town square. But that's the hypocrisy of it all. 

Quote: @StickyBun said:
The hilarious part is Carlson mentions Moscow as a 'beautiful city...we have nothing like it in the United States'. lmao. Isn't this where Fox News demographic viewers scream, 'If you like it there so much, why don't you move there'! I guarantee if some liberal 'journalist' said that in an interview with Putin they'd want him hung by his balls in the town square. But that's the hypocrisy of it all. 

I'd love to visit Moscow.  (not right now obviously) We don't have anything as beautiful as the old countries in the USA.  Its just a fact.

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