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Govt Censorship
Quote: @Zanary said:
I dunno, given that the mountain toppers were screaming that every celebrity/sports star that died under 90 obviously died from "the jab" and evidence failed to back them...pretty constantly...

(cue: "cUZ it wuZ AlL Cuverrd uP!!!")
I didn't say all claims,  and honestly I didn't see the one in question here claim ALL deaths were a result of the shot,  just was noting a large amount of otherwise healthy athletes dying post covid,  I thought it was at a minimum worth looking into.  Some were other causes,   but more were not.  I think the side affects of the shot on some individuals is being noted pretty soundly by reputed medical people and organizations,  its just we don't have the MSM yelling about these reports.

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@Zanary said:
I dunno, given that the mountain toppers were screaming that every celebrity/sports star that died under 90 obviously died from "the jab" and evidence failed to back them...pretty constantly...

(cue: "cUZ it wuZ AlL Cuverrd uP!!!")
I didn't say all claims,  and honestly I didn't see the one in question here claim ALL deaths were a result of the shot,  just was noting a large amount of otherwise healthy athletes dying post covid,  I thought it was at a minimum worth looking into.  Some were other causes,   but more were not.  I think the side affects of the shot on some individuals is being noted pretty soundly by reputed medical people and organizations,  its just we don't have the MSM yelling about these reports.
Here's the thing, though: where is there ANY actual, reputable, non-biased data/proof of all this damning vax damage, all the irrefutable fatalities, all the "smoking syringes" and the related gravesites that have been shown to be directly related?

The tinfoil wardrobe society certainly prances about like they've proven that at least 30 billion people have been proven murdered by Moderna, J&J, and Pfizer...but, well, that joke has already written itself.

The stupid part about looking at the data overall is that the same metallic headwear club will shriek that any/all positive data, regardless of source, is "alL MadE uP bY fAUcI!!!". They refuse any data they don't preach, which is behavior that makes me despise echo chamber "news" sites. Rewarding babbling ignorance and bolted-on blinders is killing society.

I'll never pretend that the jab was amazing, I got sick as hell off of Moderna shot #1, a shot I got because I have medical friends, not because of anything a politician or youtube bobblehead told me. I don't ever like having much of anything legislated, I don't like how it was handled (by either Trumplestilskin or Sleepy Joe), and I truly hated the babbling s**thead behaviors of the extremists ("plague rats!" "lab rats!").

Maybe the worst part though, and how it relates to the vile stupidity of echo chamber "nooz" is that somehow, some way, the pro-sunkist-messiah outlets managed to get throngs of his redcaps to forget that HE pushed the vax and the early lockdowns, putting it all on his successor...who leveraged his own media mongrels to claim all credit for vaccinations.

Two concurrent moron-a-thons, and America lost at least 50 IQ per household.

Quote: @Zanary said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@Zanary said:
I dunno, given that the mountain toppers were screaming that every celebrity/sports star that died under 90 obviously died from "the jab" and evidence failed to back them...pretty constantly...

(cue: "cUZ it wuZ AlL Cuverrd uP!!!")
I didn't say all claims,  and honestly I didn't see the one in question here claim ALL deaths were a result of the shot,  just was noting a large amount of otherwise healthy athletes dying post covid,  I thought it was at a minimum worth looking into.  Some were other causes,   but more were not.  I think the side affects of the shot on some individuals is being noted pretty soundly by reputed medical people and organizations,  its just we don't have the MSM yelling about these reports.
Here's the thing, though: where is there ANY actual, reputable, non-biased data/proof of all this damning vax damage, all the irrefutable fatalities, all the "smoking syringes" and the related gravesites that have been shown to be directly related?

The tinfoil wardrobe society certainly prances about like they've proven that at least 30 billion people have been proven murdered by Moderna, J&J, and Pfizer...but, well, that joke has already written itself.

The stupid part about looking at the data overall is that the same metallic headwear club will shriek that any/all positive data, regardless of source, is "alL MadE uP bY fAUcI!!!". They refuse any data they don't preach, which is behavior that makes me despise echo chamber "news" sites. Rewarding babbling ignorance and bolted-on blinders is killing society.

I'll never pretend that the jab was amazing, I got sick as hell off of Moderna shot #1, a shot I got because I have medical friends, not because of anything a politician or youtube bobblehead told me. I don't ever like having much of anything legislated, I don't like how it was handled (by either Trumplestilskin or Sleepy Joe), and I truly hated the babbling s**thead behaviors of the extremists ("plague rats!" "lab rats!").

Maybe the worst part though, and how it relates to the vile stupidity of echo chamber "nooz" is that somehow, some way, the pro-sunkist-messiah outlets managed to get throngs of his redcaps to forget that HE pushed the vax and the early lockdowns, putting it all on his successor...who leveraged his own media mongrels to claim all credit for vaccinations.

Two concurrent moron-a-thons, and America lost at least 50 IQ per household.
I'm just interested if you think all of the name-calling and hyperbole in your posts really makes you think people will listen to you.  You honestly come off as deranged.  As Jimmy mentioned above, the MSM and Social Media Giants along with Big Pharma have proven to be complicit with Govt Messaging and spreading lies.  Remember Biden, Fauci, and fact Checking that allowed Pfizer to say if you get the vaxx you won't get Covid, but then tamped down anybody that dare report there might be possible repercussions to taking the vaxx.  You see the thing is here that most all studies have supported people that were concerned with the vaxx despite the media and our government doing everything they can to stop the dissent.  When you see things like the all-death rate increases which I sited a LONG time ago so night and day from pre-pandemic, you need to ask why??  It leads you to many questions.  While some of my "theories" may not have been totally proven out yet, most to all have directionally been supported by the data that only now is coming out.  I will gladly go back to our arguments from two years ago or so when the self-righteous crowd was shaming people not taking the shots and supporting the govt forcing them on people, and see who has proven to be more correct.   It isn't going to be the crowd that labeled people like me as tin foil hat types, while they buried their head in the sand and took everything at face value from a corrupt system.  So, go ahead and rant, but history hasn't been kind to your side of the argument.  

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@Zanary said:
I dunno, given that the mountain toppers were screaming that every celebrity/sports star that died under 90 obviously died from "the jab" and evidence failed to back them...pretty constantly...

(cue: "cUZ it wuZ AlL Cuverrd uP!!!")
I didn't say all claims,  and honestly I didn't see the one in question here claim ALL deaths were a result of the shot,  just was noting a large amount of otherwise healthy athletes dying post covid,  I thought it was at a minimum worth looking into.  Some were other causes,   but more were not.  I think the side affects of the shot on some individuals is being noted pretty soundly by reputed medical people and organizations,  its just we don't have the MSM yelling about these reports.
Theres 3.5m deaths in America per year. Lots more during Covid obviously. You want to point me in the direction of some credible data that shows this “jabbed athlete apocalypse” that you’re claiming?  Or are you just spouting more internet bullshit. 

Edit:  Waterboy don’t bother responding. If I wanted to read your zerohedge propaganda I would have read 1 of the 1000 you posted in the other thread. 

Quote: @Waterboy said:
@Zanary said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@Zanary said:
I dunno, given that the mountain toppers were screaming that every celebrity/sports star that died under 90 obviously died from "the jab" and evidence failed to back them...pretty constantly...

(cue: "cUZ it wuZ AlL Cuverrd uP!!!")
I didn't say all claims,  and honestly I didn't see the one in question here claim ALL deaths were a result of the shot,  just was noting a large amount of otherwise healthy athletes dying post covid,  I thought it was at a minimum worth looking into.  Some were other causes,   but more were not.  I think the side affects of the shot on some individuals is being noted pretty soundly by reputed medical people and organizations,  its just we don't have the MSM yelling about these reports.
Here's the thing, though: where is there ANY actual, reputable, non-biased data/proof of all this damning vax damage, all the irrefutable fatalities, all the "smoking syringes" and the related gravesites that have been shown to be directly related?

The tinfoil wardrobe society certainly prances about like they've proven that at least 30 billion people have been proven murdered by Moderna, J&J, and Pfizer...but, well, that joke has already written itself.

The stupid part about looking at the data overall is that the same metallic headwear club will shriek that any/all positive data, regardless of source, is "alL MadE uP bY fAUcI!!!". They refuse any data they don't preach, which is behavior that makes me despise echo chamber "news" sites. Rewarding babbling ignorance and bolted-on blinders is killing society.

I'll never pretend that the jab was amazing, I got sick as hell off of Moderna shot #1, a shot I got because I have medical friends, not because of anything a politician or youtube bobblehead told me. I don't ever like having much of anything legislated, I don't like how it was handled (by either Trumplestilskin or Sleepy Joe), and I truly hated the babbling s**thead behaviors of the extremists ("plague rats!" "lab rats!").

Maybe the worst part though, and how it relates to the vile stupidity of echo chamber "nooz" is that somehow, some way, the pro-sunkist-messiah outlets managed to get throngs of his redcaps to forget that HE pushed the vax and the early lockdowns, putting it all on his successor...who leveraged his own media mongrels to claim all credit for vaccinations.

Two concurrent moron-a-thons, and America lost at least 50 IQ per household.
I'm just interested if you think all of the name-calling and hyperbole in your posts really makes you think people will listen to you.  You honestly come off as deranged.  As Jimmy mentioned above, the MSM and Social Media Giants along with Big Pharma have proven to be complicit with Govt Messaging and spreading lies.  Remember Biden, Fauci, and fact Checking that allowed Pfizer to say if you get the vaxx you won't get Covid, but then tamped down anybody that dare report there might be possible repercussions to taking the vaxx.  You see the thing is here that most all studies have supported people that were concerned with the vaxx despite the media and our government doing everything they can to stop the dissent.  When you see things like the all-death rate increases which I sited a LONG time ago so night and day from pre-pandemic, you need to ask why??  It leads you to many questions.  While some of my "theories" may not have been totally proven out yet, most to all have directionally been supported by the data that only now is coming out.  I will gladly go back to our arguments from two years ago or so when the self-righteous crowd was shaming people not taking the shots and supporting the govt forcing them on people, and see who has proven to be more correct.   It isn't going to be the crowd that labeled people like me as tin foil hat types, while they buried their head in the sand and took everything at face value from a corrupt system.  So, go ahead and rant, but history hasn't been kind to your side of the argument.  

"I stiLl dON't haVE pROof, bUT eVERyBodY elSE lIEd".

Dude, we never argued. You parroted whatever babble some newsmax-esque tinfoil merchant spouted and pledged allegiance to a filthy con coward that can't even be honest about the square footage of his apartment. Any shown facts from moderate sources were "fAke NOOz" or similar, because simply claiming everyone else is lying means only listening to friendly echoes.

SEE: why I hate echo chamber "nooz" outlets. Just LOOK at what they create.


Quote: @Zanary said:

"I stiLl dON't haVE pROof, bUT eVERyBodY elSE lIEd".

Dude, we never argued. You parroted whatever babble some newsmax-esque tinfoil merchant spouted and pledged allegiance to a filthy con coward that can't even be honest about the square footage of his apartment. Any shown facts from moderate sources were "fAke NOOz" or similar, because simply claiming everyone else is lying means only listening to friendly echoes.

SEE: why I hate echo chamber "nooz" outlets. Just LOOK at what they create.

What would a "moderate" news source be?  I assume it would have to be someone that is not receiving advertising dollars from the companies they are reporting on?  That would be a very basic conflict of interest and integrity. 

What are your preferred sources for news that don't receive money from pharmaceutical companies, or more precisely ones that made money by selling a covid related product?

Quote: @medaille said:
@Zanary said:

"I stiLl dON't haVE pROof, bUT eVERyBodY elSE lIEd".

Dude, we never argued. You parroted whatever babble some newsmax-esque tinfoil merchant spouted and pledged allegiance to a filthy con coward that can't even be honest about the square footage of his apartment. Any shown facts from moderate sources were "fAke NOOz" or similar, because simply claiming everyone else is lying means only listening to friendly echoes.

SEE: why I hate echo chamber "nooz" outlets. Just LOOK at what they create.

What would a "moderate" news source be?  I assume it would have to be someone that is not receiving advertising dollars from the companies they are reporting on?  That would be a very basic conflict of interest and integrity. 

What are your preferred sources for news that don't receive money from pharmaceutical companies, or more precisely ones that made money by selling a covid related product?
Lets go with a university/peer reviewed study. Or lets go with the CDC/WHO. They were in fact the front line on it. 

I use Rueter's a good bit, some BBC, some science or medical sites...but the big deal?

I like sites that have useful citation links at the end of the articles, because I can go to the original reporting, and/or the DATA.

That spares me any programming from the inevitable partisan crowd programmer "interpreting" for me, and who always are either condescending and/or have a wrinkled "fart in the room" facial expression toward any information that applies to the "opponents".

I'm as annoyed by Maddow's hall monitor/lecturing snitch demeanor as I was disgusted by Carlson's antisemitic putin apologism.

It all contributes to dividing the country, and welding shut the more susceptible minds. I kinda dare anyone over 30 to deny seeing that effect from the partisan news factories.

Quote: @Zanary said:
@Waterboy said:
@Zanary said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@Zanary said:
I dunno, given that the mountain toppers were screaming that every celebrity/sports star that died under 90 obviously died from "the jab" and evidence failed to back them...pretty constantly...

(cue: "cUZ it wuZ AlL Cuverrd uP!!!")
I didn't say all claims,  and honestly I didn't see the one in question here claim ALL deaths were a result of the shot,  just was noting a large amount of otherwise healthy athletes dying post covid,  I thought it was at a minimum worth looking into.  Some were other causes,   but more were not.  I think the side affects of the shot on some individuals is being noted pretty soundly by reputed medical people and organizations,  its just we don't have the MSM yelling about these reports.
Here's the thing, though: where is there ANY actual, reputable, non-biased data/proof of all this damning vax damage, all the irrefutable fatalities, all the "smoking syringes" and the related gravesites that have been shown to be directly related?

The tinfoil wardrobe society certainly prances about like they've proven that at least 30 billion people have been proven murdered by Moderna, J&J, and Pfizer...but, well, that joke has already written itself.

The stupid part about looking at the data overall is that the same metallic headwear club will shriek that any/all positive data, regardless of source, is "alL MadE uP bY fAUcI!!!". They refuse any data they don't preach, which is behavior that makes me despise echo chamber "news" sites. Rewarding babbling ignorance and bolted-on blinders is killing society.

I'll never pretend that the jab was amazing, I got sick as hell off of Moderna shot #1, a shot I got because I have medical friends, not because of anything a politician or youtube bobblehead told me. I don't ever like having much of anything legislated, I don't like how it was handled (by either Trumplestilskin or Sleepy Joe), and I truly hated the babbling s**thead behaviors of the extremists ("plague rats!" "lab rats!").

Maybe the worst part though, and how it relates to the vile stupidity of echo chamber "nooz" is that somehow, some way, the pro-sunkist-messiah outlets managed to get throngs of his redcaps to forget that HE pushed the vax and the early lockdowns, putting it all on his successor...who leveraged his own media mongrels to claim all credit for vaccinations.

Two concurrent moron-a-thons, and America lost at least 50 IQ per household.
I'm just interested if you think all of the name-calling and hyperbole in your posts really makes you think people will listen to you.  You honestly come off as deranged.  As Jimmy mentioned above, the MSM and Social Media Giants along with Big Pharma have proven to be complicit with Govt Messaging and spreading lies.  Remember Biden, Fauci, and fact Checking that allowed Pfizer to say if you get the vaxx you won't get Covid, but then tamped down anybody that dare report there might be possible repercussions to taking the vaxx.  You see the thing is here that most all studies have supported people that were concerned with the vaxx despite the media and our government doing everything they can to stop the dissent.  When you see things like the all-death rate increases which I sited a LONG time ago so night and day from pre-pandemic, you need to ask why??  It leads you to many questions.  While some of my "theories" may not have been totally proven out yet, most to all have directionally been supported by the data that only now is coming out.  I will gladly go back to our arguments from two years ago or so when the self-righteous crowd was shaming people not taking the shots and supporting the govt forcing them on people, and see who has proven to be more correct.   It isn't going to be the crowd that labeled people like me as tin foil hat types, while they buried their head in the sand and took everything at face value from a corrupt system.  So, go ahead and rant, but history hasn't been kind to your side of the argument.  

"I stiLl dON't haVE pROof, bUT eVERyBodY elSE lIEd".

Dude, we never argued. You parroted whatever babble some newsmax-esque tinfoil merchant spouted and pledged allegiance to a filthy con coward that can't even be honest about the square footage of his apartment. Any shown facts from moderate sources were "fAke NOOz" or similar, because simply claiming everyone else is lying means only listening to friendly echoes.

SEE: why I hate echo chamber "nooz" outlets. Just LOOK at what they create.

It basically comes down to the fact that even though the main sources of media have been proved to be complicit in a govt and big pharma scheme to lie tonthe public. The people that disagreed are all “deranged”.  You’re a true statuatory figure in these times, Zanary. 

Quote: @AGRforever said:
@medaille said:
@Zanary said:

"I stiLl dON't haVE pROof, bUT eVERyBodY elSE lIEd".

Dude, we never argued. You parroted whatever babble some newsmax-esque tinfoil merchant spouted and pledged allegiance to a filthy con coward that can't even be honest about the square footage of his apartment. Any shown facts from moderate sources were "fAke NOOz" or similar, because simply claiming everyone else is lying means only listening to friendly echoes.

SEE: why I hate echo chamber "nooz" outlets. Just LOOK at what they create.

What would a "moderate" news source be?  I assume it would have to be someone that is not receiving advertising dollars from the companies they are reporting on?  That would be a very basic conflict of interest and integrity. 

What are your preferred sources for news that don't receive money from pharmaceutical companies, or more precisely ones that made money by selling a covid related product?
Lets go with a university/peer reviewed study. Or lets go with the CDC/WHO. They were in fact the front line on it. 
The CDC and WHO.  Ah for fucks sake.  you are hopelessly brainwashed at this point.   lol

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