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Israel/Jewish Hate
Quote: @Skodin said:
@Zanary said:
Here's what' me (above and beyond the, y'know, obvious killing, murder, mayhem in Israel/Gaza):

Is it odd to anyone else how many people were ready to get together, in huge numbers, at least across the western world, to protest in cities, colleges, very quickly?

The protests were underway before Israel had even truly started its response...and colleges were especially ready to go full "intifada".

That was quick, y'know?

Antisemitism has been on an alarming rise, and vacuous youth are rarely hard to find, but...hmmm…?
7 years of the left being lit on fire since Trump took office
Throw in covid
Then George Floyd, Breanna Taylor, Elijah McClain
Then the bullshit of January 6th

with the jet fuel of social media spreading bullshit and connecting people instantly.  Consumed by the addicted people who have been infatuated on the power dynamics of oppressors and the oppressed for almost a decade and you are still surprised?

Years of the modern left appointing itself the new (and only) elite, to the point that their own moderates are writing books begging for change

Oh, COVID...yeah, up here in Washington, dem and shameless tax addict Inslee held onto the "emergency COVID powers" longer than any other governor, because he infamously has never found a tax dollar he couldn't hump into dust...while also exploiting the powers to basically fire anyone in state, local, or country gov't service that didn't want the jab.

Breanna Taylor, I totally agree with...though part of that karma worked itself out at the time. However, that was THOSE PEOPLE, at THAT INCIDENT. Ditto for the cowards that are ridiculously acquitted in the Elijah McClain situation. 

George Floyd?  He was a career, complete s**tbag felon caught in yet another crime, while on fentanyl, who managed to get murdered by four complete horrible cops (one having been a former co-worker...still wondering about that).  Somehow, some way, this complete s**tshow is worth multiple funerals, a gold coffin, and an enormous pile of complete idiots deciding to riot against cops hundreds or even thousands of miles away because...

...oh, yeah...sorry, all that fire, broken glass, injuries, destroyed businesses (why so many AutoZones? Seriously? Every major dust up...) was "protesting", not rioting.  The "professional protesters" that had habits of mysteriously being in situations that boiled over...

...yeah.  Rioting, spineless s**t people here in Seattle actually tried to "Quik Krete" police inside a prescinct building while also chucking molotovs at it.  Yes, police were inside.

I can't wish those "protesters" enough sickness, injuries, or syphilis. What happened in Minneapolis to criminal assclown murdered by 4 s**theads was utterly, completely unworthy of a fraction of the attention it got.  Racial disparities, inequality...I'd have more time for that discussion if I hadn't heard it pointed out, in the midst of that, that "19 unarmed white men were killed in the same period as 9 unarmed black men" "Yes, but we're not talking about that right now".

I worked in an industrial neighborhood in Seattle.  Watching a crowd of masked antifa and/or wannabes just going to town on...a driveline parts store?...that had nothing to do with Minnesota, Floyd, police, or any of, sorry, that was a pile of complete steaming BS enabled and encouraged by the most deranged, cowardly filth of the left.

January 6th? I'm fine with every single GUILTY element involved doing life, or facing capital punishment. That was full-on treason. If they ever find real evidence that cowardly Don was more than a babbling catalyst, I'd be fine with any punishment starting with at LEAST multiple life sentences.

I've never seen power addiction like the modern left, ever.  I've been out of the "main" treason clubs for a very long time, now, and the modern left has swung so far away from liberalism that even Bill Maher is ripping into them weekly.  I despise Trumplestilskin, I cannot say enough berating, heckling things about his fan club...but the modern left is a huge, media-savvy, evil entity that looks worse than anything I've seen in my life.

Quote: @Skodin said:
Israel killed more children today.  How many more kids are enough?

Can't be accused of blowing up "humanitarian aid" if there is no "humanitarian crisis" (smart)

It's obvious, the plan is to take over the Gaza Strip and control it for years to come.   I am sure that will play well with the Arab world.
Don't you feel a need to say that Hamas (or their sypathizers) reported more children were killed today... after the whole 500 people killed at the hospital from a direct rocket strike from Israel? Remember the outrage and public condemnation including on this board?  Except it turned out that it wasn't a direct strke on the hospital.  It was a rocket strike on a parking lot.  And it wasn't from an Israeli was a Hamas misfire.  And it wasn't 500 people killed.

Hamas has a longstanding history of exaggeratiion and blame gaming.  They willingly put their own people in harms way.  Won't be long before we have more deaths than actual citizens of Gaza.  

In terms of controlling Gaza for years to come.  I would expect that in the end until Hamas and the hate they espouse can be fully extinguished and replaced by a govenment that wants to live in peace.  The Israelis are tired of bomb alerts, security services, travel issues and safe rooms.  Pretty easy to be judgemental from the safety of your own home in the US. I would also expect the standard of living to dramatically increase much like it was back in the Israeli controlled days and much like it is in Gaza.   Hamas gave Israel the excuse they needed by massacaring and kidnapping innocent civilians in brutal fashion.

And in terms of civilian death toll, I'd personally expect the real numbers to drop significantly as more civilians leave and the combat turns to more direct fighting and tunnel work.


Controlling Gaza is exactly Bibi's end game...

Much as I dislike him and his policies would we be doing anything differently here if Mexico or Canada behaved towards us as Hamas does to Israel?

 The challenge Israel is about to face even more will be Hezbollah on the Lebanon side of things. 

 My fear is this is going to spread and Gaza is just the fuse till the bomb goes off - boom. 


Quote: @purplefaithful said:

Controlling Gaza is exactly Bibi's end game...

Much as I dislike him and his policies would we be doing anything differently here if Mexico or Canada behaved towards us as Hamas does to Israel?

 The challenge Israel is about to face even more will be Hezbollah on the Lebanon side of things. 

 My fear is this is going to spread and Gaza is just the fuse till the bomb goes off - boom. 
I don't blame Bibi/Israel.  As you pointed out, we'd do the same thing if the Canadians were trying to kill us all the time.  Even with a clear predicate to retaliate...look at the pushback they're receiving.  This is their chance to fix the failure of the Oslo Accords. They're not going to retreat until things change in Palestine.


I blame Bibi for consolidating power to the point that he doesn't even want to be answerable to Israel's courts. He needs to be stopped, ASAFP, and that can mean whatever it means. If he wants to act like Putin, I want him gone like I want Putin gone. Now.

That said...essentially every news source on my feed today talked about Hamas wanting "permanent war" and essentially wanting to pull entire the Middle East into this mess. Hamas is more than happy to involve oceans of blood and mountains of bodies from all around in their horrid crusade.

This sickness is hitting a new low.

Quote: @Zanary said:
I blame Bibi for consolidating power to the point that he doesn't even want to be answerable to Israel's courts. He needs to be stopped, ASAFP, and that can mean whatever it means. If he wants to act like Putin, I want him gone like I want Putin gone. Now.

That said...essentially every news source on my feed today talked about Hamas wanting "permanent war" and essentially wanting to pull entire the Middle East into this mess. Hamas is more than happy to involve oceans of blood and mountains of bodies from all around in their horrid crusade.

This sickness is hitting a new low.
I kind of have a similar feeling in the Ukraine war.  We need to see Putin and Zelensky gone,  just as we need Hamas destroyed and new leadership for Israel. Of course, there is always the old saying about the devil you know.

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@Zanary said:
I blame Bibi for consolidating power to the point that he doesn't even want to be answerable to Israel's courts. He needs to be stopped, ASAFP, and that can mean whatever it means. If he wants to act like Putin, I want him gone like I want Putin gone. Now.

That said...essentially every news source on my feed today talked about Hamas wanting "permanent war" and essentially wanting to pull entire the Middle East into this mess. Hamas is more than happy to involve oceans of blood and mountains of bodies from all around in their horrid crusade.

This sickness is hitting a new low.
I kind of have a similar feeling in the Ukraine war.  We need to see Putin and Zelensky gone,  just as we need Hamas destroyed and new leadership for Israel. Of course, there is always the old saying about the devil you know.
History teaches brutal lessons about stopping devils before they get momentum, which is among my concerns for Ukraine. One good thing that's come from that nightmare is that a LOT of Russian hardware has been exposed as, well, junk. If they get truly stupid and actually pull NATO into it, the skies would belong to the West in a matter of a few days...and that would pave the way for the rest.  The concern, of course, is the nuclear threat...a saber they rattle every time a breeze blows.

North Korea learned it from someone.

I think a huge miscalculation made by Hamas, and really made by Iran, is that the "drag the Middle East into it" approach would expose the fact that while Saudi and others are cozying up to Russia a bit more, nobody looks upon them as a very attractive culture or an ally in anything beyond finance/military.  They still seed the universities and markets of the West with their wares, and they're not going to trade in their Aston Martins, Bentleys, and Porsche's for ZILs any time soon.

Quote: @Skodin said:
@badgervike said:
Another point about the hateful rhetoric in Israel and Gaza.  What is with the protests in the US chanting the slogan "From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free" including Congress members.  That's a phrase lifted from the PLO calling for genocide.  How is this ok?  The Jews are strangely a little sensitive about the whole genicide thing.
No one is saying it's ok.  It's stupid.  It doesn't represent the voice of the American people.  Why do people harp on stupid college kids doing stupid college things?  If law firms want to black list the kids who come out and support Hamas, that's their right and choice.
Yea...stupid college kids....


After seeing a "Queers for Palestine" sign over one of the rallies, and knowing how well said queers would be treated by ANY of Iran's puppet cultures...

...just, wow. These kids really don't know much.

Quote: @Zanary said:
After seeing a "Queers for Palestine" sign over one of the rallies, and knowing how well said queers would be treated by ANY of Iran's puppet cultures...

...just, wow. These kids really don't know much.
And since the newest progressive movement is to eliminate high school graduation requirements....I guess they aren't likely to get much smarter.

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