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Israel/Jewish Hate
Quote: @StickyBun said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@StickyBun said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@StickyBun said:
I'm not exactly sure what you are asking....are you asking why some people hate Jews? Why there is anti-Semitism? This isn't a Muslim thing, but more about Palestinian Arabs.

If you're wondering about this specific situation, this is a good quick read to get you up to speed on the Israel-Gaza War:

If you're asking why there's anti-Semitism, it started LONG before this. That's a much broader discussion and goes back to before the Bible. I guess I'm not reading anything about public support 'for killing Jews'? Again, not entirely sure what your question is.
College campuses are seeing pro hamas protests.  Anti Semitic comments, graffiti etc,  I know its always been a thing,  but its never been as popular and mainstream as it currently is in my lifetime.  You have to have seen the headlines in the last couple weeks about all the Harvard and other Ivy leagues student groups signing petitions supporting Hamas,  and other things praising and supporting the terror attacks on Israel?

I am sure the bias undertones have always been there,  but its now a popular thing it seems to come out against Israel.  I dont understand the lack of compassion in our country considering the heinous and cowardly actions that took place.  Soldiers fighting soldiers is war,  soldiers killing innocent civilians simply because of skin color or religion is genocide and very much like what Hitler was doing 80 years ago. 

I am just not understanding the mentality of that segment of our population and what they think its going to lead to.
I gotcha now, thanks for clarifying. Well, I can tell you there's sympathy for the Palestinians from some if you look at what they've been subjected to since Israel came to be. This is where its coming from. Israelis and especially Benjamin Netanyahu are far from being angels. This sympathy, for some reason, seems to slide to Hamas....I think that's mostly an ignorance factor from college kids that are clueless. But what else is new there? There's been some college protests over the last 60 years that are real head scratchers. 
I dobt understand though why nobody is able to separate Hamas from Palestinians,  Hamas may have Palestinian members,   but they aren't fighting to free Palestinians,   hell Isreal left the Gaza Strip about 20 years ago.  20% of Israel's population is Muslim,  there are no Israelis in Gaza,  so this antiquated notion of modern day Israeli suppression of the Palestinians is false from what I can find,  but whoever is feeding these college kids and other organizations their information allowing this narrative to feed the hatred ( as well as violence) towards Jewish people in America should be held accountable.   
Its not entirely false. This is another huge issue where Israel gets worldwide condemnation, expansion of settlements:

"The UN has repeatedly stated Israeli settlements in occupied Palestinian territory are a flagrant violation under international law, the rights experts recalled. 
“As well, the Israeli settlements are a presumptive war crime under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC), and should be treated as such by the international community,” they added."

Hamas wasn't created in a vacuum.
Israel left the Gaza Strip about 20 years ago,  forcibly removing any Jewish people that wanted to stay.  Gaza is 100% Islamic people,  the West Bank is another matter, but that is not under Hamas control,  that is a 3 part deal from my understanding where 1 is all Jewish ( have titles to the land going back to forever )  1 part is all Muslim ( ruled by Jordan )  and 1 part is jointly controlled by both Jordan and Israel.  Hamas was a humanitarian group that was militarized by Iran and others to destroy Israel.  When Israel pulled out of Gaza is when Hamas took control of the area.  The Palestinians in that area would have been better off if Israel had stayed and Hamas never got root to use them as human shields.   I know that Israel is not innocent in all this, but regardless of the rationalization that lead up to this,  the actions against innocent women and children by Hamas are not military in nature and cheering or even condoning those actions is despicable.  

Quote: @Zanary said:
It's...well, the roots of the situation go back, as stated above, millenia.

That region is all about tearing itself apart.  History kinda shows this.

The entirety of the Palestine (which may or may not have any basis in reality)/Gaza situation is horrid, because all "sides" involved remember threats, violence, and centuries of the most vicious acts of the human race.

Israel is a country that is literally surrounded by others that have threatened to destroy it at various points, though Egypt and Jordan achieved normalized diplomatic status after a LOT of vicious incidents.  Lebanon and Syria, propped up by eternal s**theads Iran, refuse to learn this lesson.  Hamas and Hezbollah have both shown full willingness to murder Israelis en masse, and both have (sadly) been elected as political entities by the Palestinians.

Hence, their leadership doesn't want peaceful co-existence with Israel, that's a fluffy fever dream exposed as BS many times over.

On the other hand, Netanyahu is a vicious old power monger, the equivalent of a cold war paranoid, an untrustable s**thead that stonewalls any questions about settlements, crackdowns, Gaza brutality, etc with "...will do whatever is required to safeguard the Israeli people".  He creates as many problems as he pretends to solve, and has recently worked to suspend his country's courts' powers to offer any resistance to him.

He certainly doesn't believe in any two-state solution, either.

The real horror show in all of this is...the civilians constantly caught in the middle.  Hamas and Hezbollah celebrate every single gutless murder they accomplish, truly two of the most horrid, s**t organizations on Earth. Meanwhile, the "open air prison" of Gaza...a brutal limbo for people held by two vicious PR campaigns, with no solution offered by anyone...will continue to be a nightmare until something important changes.
I tend to question how legit the elections are in regards to Hamas and Hezbollah being any sort of legitimate political entity,  of course in this day and age,  I question all elections of any value.  I feel for the non-Hamas Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip area, I just dont know how to allow Israel to root out Hamas ( which IMO has to be done) without killing to many of the innocents.  It likely would take a door to door campaign like the US has done in Iraq and Afghanistan,  but we know all to well how deadly those missions are to the forces going door to door.  It would be nice to see the US and other western nations push Israels Muslim neighbors to send troops to help root out Hamas in the strip.  I have to think even a radicalized Muslim has to have more hesitance to killing a fellow follower of Islam,  over the Hamas goal of eradicating all Jews from the area.  What I do know is aside from Humanitarian to all (delivered through real global sources, not some bull shit group that is a false front for terror or money laundering)  and Military tech to Israel,  I dont want to see the US involved at all,  we have our own battles on the horizon IMO. 

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
I tend to question how legit the elections are in regards to Hamas and Hezbollah being any sort of legitimate political entity,  of course in this day and age,  I question all elections of any value.  I feel for the non-Hamas Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip area, I just dont know how to allow Israel to root out Hamas ( which IMO has to be done) without killing to many of the innocents.  It likely would take a door to door campaign like the US has done in Iraq and Afghanistan,  but we know all to well how deadly those missions are to the forces going door to door.  It would be nice to see the US and other western nations push Israels Muslim neighbors to send troops to help root out Hamas in the strip.  I have to think even a radicalized Muslim has to have more hesitance to killing a fellow follower of Islam,  over the Hamas goal of eradicating all Jews from the area.  What I do know is aside from Humanitarian to all (delivered through real global sources, not some bull shit group that is a false front for terror or money laundering)  and Military tech to Israel,  I dont want to see the US involved at all,  we have our own battles on the horizon IMO. 
Even France's Marcon has said that a ceasefire is just a return to status quo, a chance for Hamas to rest, rearm, and engineer their next debacle.

When FRANCE sides with us and Israel over the trendy/lefty PR option, you know s**t just 'got real'.

In a very real way, it's past time for Hamas to be absolutely burned out of existence, and serve as a terrifying example to any wannabe successors.  Similarly, if Iran wants to sponsor these murder clubs conspicuously, they need to get their nose bloodied.

As much as I know this sounds like typical "'murica! F**k Yeah!" BS, the truth is that these horror shows are committing mass murder, shamelessly, and the same intensity that was brought against IS should be on the table.

Unlike Ukraine, which I also see as an important flashpoint, Israel is an official ally and Hamas killed captured Americans along with Israelis and others in their gutless spree.  That's supposed to get expensive.

Quote: @Zanary said:
@JimmyinSD said:
I tend to question how legit the elections are in regards to Hamas and Hezbollah being any sort of legitimate political entity,  of course in this day and age,  I question all elections of any value.  I feel for the non-Hamas Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip area, I just dont know how to allow Israel to root out Hamas ( which IMO has to be done) without killing to many of the innocents.  It likely would take a door to door campaign like the US has done in Iraq and Afghanistan,  but we know all to well how deadly those missions are to the forces going door to door.  It would be nice to see the US and other western nations push Israels Muslim neighbors to send troops to help root out Hamas in the strip.  I have to think even a radicalized Muslim has to have more hesitance to killing a fellow follower of Islam,  over the Hamas goal of eradicating all Jews from the area.  What I do know is aside from Humanitarian to all (delivered through real global sources, not some bull shit group that is a false front for terror or money laundering)  and Military tech to Israel,  I dont want to see the US involved at all,  we have our own battles on the horizon IMO. 
Even France's Marcon has said that a ceasefire is just a return to status quo, a chance for Hamas to rest, rearm, and engineer their next debacle.

When FRANCE sides with us and Israel over the trendy/lefty PR option, you know s**t just 'got real'.

In a very real way, it's past time for Hamas to be absolutely burned out of existence, and serve as a terrifying example to any wannabe successors.  Similarly, if Iran wants to sponsor these murder clubs conspicuously, they need to get their nose bloodied.

As much as I know this sounds like typical "'murica! F**k Yeah!" BS, the truth is that these horror shows are committing mass murder, shamelessly, and the same intensity that was brought against IS should be on the table.

Unlike Ukraine, which I also see as an important flashpoint, Israel is an official ally and Hamas killed captured Americans along with Israelis and others in their gutless spree.  That's supposed to get expensive.
I cant help but question how much of the negative press on Israel is legit as well,  when the reports we get from Gaza are eventually found to have been sourced from Hamas... I wonder how much of this shit is legit and how much is made up to support a narrative. I mean honestly, what fricking reporters would run with a report from a terrorist and expect to be taken seriously?

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@Zanary said:
@JimmyinSD said:
I tend to question how legit the elections are in regards to Hamas and Hezbollah being any sort of legitimate political entity,  of course in this day and age,  I question all elections of any value.  I feel for the non-Hamas Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip area, I just dont know how to allow Israel to root out Hamas ( which IMO has to be done) without killing to many of the innocents.  It likely would take a door to door campaign like the US has done in Iraq and Afghanistan,  but we know all to well how deadly those missions are to the forces going door to door.  It would be nice to see the US and other western nations push Israels Muslim neighbors to send troops to help root out Hamas in the strip.  I have to think even a radicalized Muslim has to have more hesitance to killing a fellow follower of Islam,  over the Hamas goal of eradicating all Jews from the area.  What I do know is aside from Humanitarian to all (delivered through real global sources, not some bull shit group that is a false front for terror or money laundering)  and Military tech to Israel,  I dont want to see the US involved at all,  we have our own battles on the horizon IMO. 
Even France's Marcon has said that a ceasefire is just a return to status quo, a chance for Hamas to rest, rearm, and engineer their next debacle.

When FRANCE sides with us and Israel over the trendy/lefty PR option, you know s**t just 'got real'.

In a very real way, it's past time for Hamas to be absolutely burned out of existence, and serve as a terrifying example to any wannabe successors.  Similarly, if Iran wants to sponsor these murder clubs conspicuously, they need to get their nose bloodied.

As much as I know this sounds like typical "'murica! F**k Yeah!" BS, the truth is that these horror shows are committing mass murder, shamelessly, and the same intensity that was brought against IS should be on the table.

Unlike Ukraine, which I also see as an important flashpoint, Israel is an official ally and Hamas killed captured Americans along with Israelis and others in their gutless spree.  That's supposed to get expensive.
I cant help but question how much of the negative press on Israel is legit as well,  when the reports we get from Gaza are eventually found to have been sourced from Hamas... I wonder how much of this shit is legit and how much is made up to support a narrative. I mean honestly, what fricking reporters would run with a report from a terrorist and expect to be taken seriously?
No doubt there is some dicey shit out there reporting-wise. Its irritating.

Even the most anti-Israel-biased reporters have admitted that the neighboring countries are turning away further refugees, in part, because NOBODY wants Iranian puppets/Hamas operatives within their borders.

What's twisting my guts right now is the absolute torrent of bare-faced antisemitism and full-on hatred toward Israel and Jews in general...specifically, from left-leaning universities and organizations.  I saw footage on local news of a pro-Palestine rally in Seattle with Russian and Chinese flags displayed with the others.  I can't claim to be surprised.

What's really ironic to me in all of this is that the very same people who were gabbing about "punch a nazi" babble...and labeling anything they didn't like to be "Nazism"...are the same ones now defending mass murder at a music festival.

Hey, they also wore Che Gueverra shirts to PRIDE marches, so my expectations were admittedly very low.

Quote: @Zanary said:
Even the most anti-Israel-biased reporters have admitted that the neighboring countries are turning away further refugees, in part, because NOBODY wants Iranian puppets/Hamas operatives within their borders.

What's twisting my guts right now is the absolute torrent of bare-faced antisemitism and full-on hatred toward Israel and Jews in general...specifically, from left-leaning universities and organizations.  I saw footage on local news of a pro-Palestine rally in Seattle with Russian and Chinese flags displayed with the others.  I can't claim to be surprised.

What's really ironic to me in all of this is that the very same people who were gabbing about "punch a nazi" babble...and labeling anything they didn't like to be "Nazism"...are the same ones now defending mass murder at a music festival.

Hey, they also wore Che Gueverra shirts to PRIDE marches, so my expectations were admittedly very low.
I have seen similar reports on the college shit.  I could understand calls for peace,  the whole no war mantra from the 60s,  but to cheer on terrorism against innocents women and children is beyond my comprehension.  Makes me ill thinking that these people will be in charge some day.

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@Zanary said:
Even the most anti-Israel-biased reporters have admitted that the neighboring countries are turning away further refugees, in part, because NOBODY wants Iranian puppets/Hamas operatives within their borders.

What's twisting my guts right now is the absolute torrent of bare-faced antisemitism and full-on hatred toward Israel and Jews in general...specifically, from left-leaning universities and organizations.  I saw footage on local news of a pro-Palestine rally in Seattle with Russian and Chinese flags displayed with the others.  I can't claim to be surprised.

What's really ironic to me in all of this is that the very same people who were gabbing about "punch a nazi" babble...and labeling anything they didn't like to be "Nazism"...are the same ones now defending mass murder at a music festival.

Hey, they also wore Che Gueverra shirts to PRIDE marches, so my expectations were admittedly very low.
I have seen similar reports on the college shit.  I could understand calls for peace,  the whole no war mantra from the 60s,  but to cheer on terrorism against innocents women and children is beyond my comprehension.  Makes me ill thinking that these people will be in charge some day.
Where I live, they're in charge now.  They let the CHAZ/CHOP thing happen, got almost half of Seattle's police to walk out, then were genuinely shocked when homicides skyrocketed.

Trust me...I have a thousand reasons that I despise "45" and his fan club, but I have the other extreme just North of me, and hate 'em just as much.

I think you should ask yourself, just how popular pro-terrorist
belief systems actually are.  We openly
have national-level politicians advocating for the “leveling” of gaza, which IS
genocide.  To a normal, sane person, that
is a similar level of crazy as some students advocating for terrorism.  In reality, I think what’s happening is that
the only the extreme voices, which are not popular, are getting amplified
because it gets people riled up, increases engagement for media companies, and
increases the need for the government to act to stop the “bad” people.

You should also ask yourself if your belief systems could be
misconstrued as being pro-apartheid and pro-genocide?  I think you are probably on the very extreme
in how benevolent you think Israel has been to the Palestinians, and that gives
you a much different opinion than people who are more of the mind that Israel has
been oppressing Palestinians, because to them it sounds like you support Israel
terrorizing Palestinians.

For me, I was alive for the first war on terror.  I saw how the media vilified terrorists, and
how it led to anti-islamic beliefs in some people, and how we fought against
the terrorists and killed more civilians than we killed actual terrorists.  Then I learned that we funded and trained all
the terrorist groups to initially fight against our enemies before having to
fight against them ourselves.  It made me
question who the real terrorists were. 
Then I saw us leave a ton of weapons in Afghanistan.  I saw us ship tons of weapons to Ukraine with
no oversight only for them to end up on the black market.  Our leaders have long supported terrorists
and dictators as long as it supported their goals.  When I see them support BLM and antifa razing
our cities.  When I see them supporting DA’s
that let criminals go free.  When I see
them labeling republican citizens as “Domestic Terrorists” and half of the
people in the “Domestic Terrorist” groups are FBI assets, I wonder how long it’s
going to be before they turn the “war on terror” against us citizens.

I cant believe I am finding a DC Dem breaking from the pack and being PRO Israel and actually calling the spade a spade when it comes to Hamas.  Hats off to Fetterman for his efforts to raise awareness for the truth and keep his colleagues focused.

[Image: F9UaLnTWEAAn740?format=jpg&name=900x900]

I dont think I would pat him on the back for much,  but I will tip the hat when its deserved no matter who it is.

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