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Good Ol Joe and the DOJ
Quote: @StickyBun said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@StickyBun said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@StickyBun said:
@purplefaithful said:
What Trump did was treasonous conspiracy. Tried to overturn an election against the will of the people

Biggest disgrace since Nixon - that will truly be his legacy. 

It already is. 
Of course. But you'll never convince the cult members. That's the very definition of cult. 

its funny that you use the word cult... almost like you were programmed to by your handlers.   love these buzz words used by the left to try and shame those that dare disagree with the way their source of news gave them half ( or less ) of the story.
Who's on the Left? lol. I'm a Republican. I just hate Trump. Not sure how many times I need to say this. But whatever box you need to put me in, go for it. If you aren't extremely conservative today, you're now a 'Lefty'. (eye roll). 
you are the most conservative degrading republican I have ever seen.  you have rarely ever supported a conservative poster or post on this board,  however you typically waste no time in taking your shots at them when take a typically conservative position that is not popular with the liberal left.  I dont align with the far right of the party,  but I sure as hell dont like the RINO republicans either,  and typically find myself more Libertarian when it comes to social issues.

look around,  that word cult gets thrown out by the progressives and such quite often,  so why wouldnt you get put in with them when you are using it in the same manner they do,  to try and disparage a conservative/ talking point?

'Conservatives' on this board are pretty damn extreme. Cult totally fits a certain part of the Right (hardcore Trumpers)....and if you can't see Waterboy fits that to a 'T', then I don't really know what to say, lol. 
even when we had more moderate conservatives on this board you would take your shots,  you can be registered what ever you want to be, but Im just saying your actions here have suggested other more often than not.

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@purplefaithful said:
What Trump did was treasonous conspiracy. Tried to overturn an election against the will of the people

Biggest disgrace since Nixon - that will truly be his legacy. 

It already is. 
Biden wants to launder even more money through the Ukraine,  only offers $700 per affected person in Hawaii disaster, completely ignores the border crisis,  and pretty much everything else that is negatively affecting Americans..... and you think Trump is the biggest disgrace?

Come on man, I know you arent blind to whats happening,  you are smarter than that.
So, there haven't been hundreds of thousands wounded/raped/killed in Ukraine, right next to a number of NATO allies who have very real and right-now concerns about an imperialistic's just money laundering?

It's not at all about lives, about international-scale bullying, about huge scale murder, rape and theft, and not about trying to halt an obvious and growing threat before it gains more momentum?

Just, money laundering?  That's all you mentioned, just the money.  That says tons, and not about Biden or Ukraine.

The border crisis isn't partisan, as there are plenty of employers all too happy to lure low-cost undocumented workers and/or eventual voters.  It's on Joe, but it's not just on Joe...just ask the entire agricultural and hospitality industries.

Hawaii needs more attention, funding, assistance of all kinds...but let's also see how the final numbers tally, as the crisis is still relatively young.  Declaring judgement on all involved this early is as vacant as Kanye West declaring that Dubya "didn't like Black people" right after Katrina, even as aid programs were expanding in response.

 Oversimplification to fit an agenda is neither insightful nor accurate.


Quote: @Zanary said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@purplefaithful said:
What Trump did was treasonous conspiracy. Tried to overturn an election against the will of the people

Biggest disgrace since Nixon - that will truly be his legacy. 

It already is. 
Biden wants to launder even more money through the Ukraine,  only offers $700 per affected person in Hawaii disaster, completely ignores the border crisis,  and pretty much everything else that is negatively affecting Americans..... and you think Trump is the biggest disgrace?

Come on man, I know you arent blind to whats happening,  you are smarter than that.
So, there haven't been hundreds of thousands wounded/raped/killed in Ukraine, right next to a number of NATO allies who have very real and right-now concerns about an imperialistic's just money laundering?

It's not at all about lives, about international-scale bullying, about huge scale murder, rape and theft, and not about trying to halt an obvious and growing threat before it gains more momentum?

Just, money laundering?  That's all you mentioned, just the money.  That says tons, and not about Biden or Ukraine.

The border crisis isn't partisan, as there are plenty of employers all too happy to lure low-cost undocumented workers and/or eventual voters.  It's on Joe, but it's not just on Joe...just ask the entire agricultural and hospitality industries.

Hawaii needs more attention, funding, assistance of all kinds...but let's also see how the final numbers tally, as the crisis is still relatively young.  Declaring judgement on all involved this early is as vacant as Kanye West declaring that Dubya "didn't like Black people" right after Katrina, even as aid programs were expanding in response.

 Oversimplification to fit an agenda is neither insightful nor accurate.

there are hundreds of thousands of human rights issues all over the world,  Joe only seems to care about the Ukraine,  what do you suppose makes that one so special,  and why now are we concerned about russia? didnt seem to be much of a issue a decade ago when Joe was VP and Obama  was making deals with them.

you keep fooling yourself into thinking the trillions sent to the Ukraine are for some noble cause if that makes you feel warm and fuzzy.

you keep playing off the border issue as bi-partisan,  we have plenty of conservative politicians that want to do more to shut it down,  its the dems that were fighting Trumps efforts on the wall as well as about anything else thats been proposed.  There are plenty of legal ways to get foreign labor,  i've known plenty of dairymen and farmers that have used foreigners for farm labor for decades,  so nice try.

as far as insight... what a joke,  you claim to be some anti main party guy,  but you couldnt wait to jump to dopey Joes defense here,  just about as quickly as you jump to shit on conservative politicians,  I think you maybe fooling yourself into thinking you are something that you arent.

Quote: @StickyBun said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@StickyBun said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@StickyBun said:
@purplefaithful said:
What Trump did was treasonous conspiracy. Tried to overturn an election against the will of the people

Biggest disgrace since Nixon - that will truly be his legacy. 

It already is. 
Of course. But you'll never convince the cult members. That's the very definition of cult. 

its funny that you use the word cult... almost like you were programmed to by your handlers.   love these buzz words used by the left to try and shame those that dare disagree with the way their source of news gave them half ( or less ) of the story.
Who's on the Left? lol. I'm a Republican. I just hate Trump. Not sure how many times I need to say this. But whatever box you need to put me in, go for it. If you aren't extremely conservative today, you're now a 'Lefty'. (eye roll). 
you are the most conservative degrading republican I have ever seen.  you have rarely ever supported a conservative poster or post on this board,  however you typically waste no time in taking your shots at them when take a typically conservative position that is not popular with the liberal left.  I dont align with the far right of the party,  but I sure as hell dont like the RINO republicans either,  and typically find myself more Libertarian when it comes to social issues.

look around,  that word cult gets thrown out by the progressives and such quite often,  so why wouldnt you get put in with them when you are using it in the same manner they do,  to try and disparage a conservative/ talking point?

'Conservatives' on this board are pretty damn extreme. Cult totally fits a certain part of the Right (hardcore Trumpers)....and if you can't see Waterboy fits that to a 'T', then I don't really know what to say, lol. 
If you think I'm a hardcore conservative, then I'm pretty sure you don't even know what that even means.   The things I state are obvious and not based on emotion, but rather on history and common-sense.  You see you think it's extreme somehow when I think the election was likely stolen, but then avoid the real discussions around the actions of the social and mainstream medias and tyrannical stances of the current leadership.  The way they took advantage of Covid to eventually harvest ballots, open up the borders, etc. is their means to being in power indefinitely as the country goes to shit.   The shit that's happening in regard to our basic human freedoms should scare the bejeesus out of liberals just as much as me.  I am mainstream Republican as is Donald Trump.  If you don't think so, then you need to see where his support is coming from.  Sure, white men support him, but increasing numbers of blue-collar laborers, union workers, Hispanics, Blacks, and other minority groups.  Where he's lost support is amongst the RINO faction of the party that sell us out every time, they make promises.  Trump promised to address long-standing issues and delivered on nearly all of them.  For that he is revered.  The left is turning him into a martyr despite some obvious shortcomings in presentation.   However, when a guy is unjustly attacked for seven years, people see that and support him despite those short-comings, because he just so-happened to be a damn good president overall who delivered as promised.  That doesn't make me or other Republicans anymore hard-core than we always were, perhaps just more rational.  I honestly wish Trump didn't have some of the flaws that he does, but I'll take his integrity over Biden and Son any day of the week.  Couple that with the fact that Joe doesn't even know what day of the week it is or where he's at on most days, and people voting for him are just making an idiotic choice.

People are clueless if they're not seeing who's really running this country right now.  They're also clueless if they think their Woke stances, weak military, and idiotic spending programs are what the American people in general want.  Instead, the left creates hysteria over things like abortion rights, transgender surgeries, domestic terrorism, white supremacy, and other divisive issues to divert from all the basic rights being taken away when they collude with big media to ensure that you do the things, they want you to do.  If you think they want the average American to be able to speak freely, own any type of firearm, own a house, drive a car, or not pay most of their income to the govt., then you're just not wanting to see it, or not too bright to begin with.

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@Zanary said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@purplefaithful said:
What Trump did was treasonous conspiracy. Tried to overturn an election against the will of the people

Biggest disgrace since Nixon - that will truly be his legacy. 

It already is. 
Biden wants to launder even more money through the Ukraine,  only offers $700 per affected person in Hawaii disaster, completely ignores the border crisis,  and pretty much everything else that is negatively affecting Americans..... and you think Trump is the biggest disgrace?

Come on man, I know you arent blind to whats happening,  you are smarter than that.
So, there haven't been hundreds of thousands wounded/raped/killed in Ukraine, right next to a number of NATO allies who have very real and right-now concerns about an imperialistic's just money laundering?

It's not at all about lives, about international-scale bullying, about huge scale murder, rape and theft, and not about trying to halt an obvious and growing threat before it gains more momentum?

Just, money laundering?  That's all you mentioned, just the money.  That says tons, and not about Biden or Ukraine.

The border crisis isn't partisan, as there are plenty of employers all too happy to lure low-cost undocumented workers and/or eventual voters.  It's on Joe, but it's not just on Joe...just ask the entire agricultural and hospitality industries.

Hawaii needs more attention, funding, assistance of all kinds...but let's also see how the final numbers tally, as the crisis is still relatively young.  Declaring judgement on all involved this early is as vacant as Kanye West declaring that Dubya "didn't like Black people" right after Katrina, even as aid programs were expanding in response.

 Oversimplification to fit an agenda is neither insightful nor accurate.

there are hundreds of thousands of human rights issues all over the world,  Joe only seems to care about the Ukraine,  what do you suppose makes that one so special,  and why now are we concerned about russia? didnt seem to be much of a issue a decade ago when Joe was VP and Obama  was making deals with them.

you keep fooling yourself into thinking the trillions sent to the Ukraine are for some noble cause if that makes you feel warm and fuzzy.

you keep playing off the border issue as bi-partisan,  we have plenty of conservative politicians that want to do more to shut it down,  its the dems that were fighting Trumps efforts on the wall as well as about anything else thats been proposed.  There are plenty of legal ways to get foreign labor,  i've known plenty of dairymen and farmers that have used foreigners for farm labor for decades,  so nice try.

as far as insight... what a joke,  you claim to be some anti main party guy,  but you couldnt wait to jump to dopey Joes defense here,  just about as quickly as you jump to shit on conservative politicians,  I think you maybe fooling yourself into thinking you are something that you aren't.
In order:

1.  Don't claim to speak for someone else's mind, unless you can prove that outs you as a liar.

2.  Yes, there are many huge rights issues, but Ukraine (as any functional person knowing history and geography can tell) is basically being mugged for everything from agriculture to power, and at such a level that most of the world finds it horrifying.  I get that the righties sill have their tighty-whities all bunched over anything that can possibly bring any focus to the Biden family.  So, hey, marginalizing a globally-important crisis for the inevitable talking points is just more of the same...

3.  ...from the group of zealots that want to draw ANY possible attention from their filth messiah, their career liar and con man whose antics have him and his drone collective under constant legal pressures, and he's said and done stupid/horrid things long before he was an orange stain in the Oval Office.  His pack of lackies have to try an deflect, constantly, as even most of the judges and representatives that got appointed under Trumplestilskin have outed him, over and over, as the lying sack of sh*t that he's always been.

4.  The wall was, and is, a gimmick for the truly challenged out there.  As demonstrated by a Mexican politician on an early section, a simple ladder had him sitting atop the wall in seconds.  It's billions of dollars in a failed gimmick for people unaware that even the largest wall on Earth didn't stop the Mongols...and that's been a minute.  Please, feel free to check me on that.

5.  There's no "nice try", the reality is unending...and I lived by that border for over 3 decades, it was obvious as hell.  Texas, whose politicians try to talk a mean game on undocumented workers, are VERY well aware that their state attracts massive numbers across the border because there's ranchers, farmers, restaurant owners, and the entire hotel industry that is happy for the cheap labor...right there in the reddest of red states.  This ain't news, denial of the ongoing reality is...tragic, really.

6.  Returning to the fact that you're a proven liar (please, warn family and friends)...I didn't defend Joe, but you can't seem to separate your froth from actual situations.  Hawaii will be an ongoing process for years, so calling the game score in the early first quarter-what you're doing-is distortion to fit your agenda.   I've called sleepy Joe out for his hypocrisy back a long time, including his work on NDAA bills that boosted domestic surverllance...and I've referred to him as a vacuous waste of space here and elsewhere as an honest appraisal.  I have no doubt that his whacko-addict son sold daddy's attention and influence, and I'll cheer as loud as anyone if/when that ever gets proven...just as I'll cheer if/when ol' 45 actually gets prosecuted for any of the stack of felonies facing him.

Don't claim to know me, liar boi.  Just because you act like one more drone who'd bend right over and lick the Big Mac special sauce off of one of Trumplestilskin's shoes on command...I hope you'd be above that.

I hope so.  You may not ber accurate or honest, but I hope you're not a complete drone.

Quote: @Zanary said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@Zanary said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@purplefaithful said:
What Trump did was treasonous conspiracy. Tried to overturn an election against the will of the people

Biggest disgrace since Nixon - that will truly be his legacy. 

It already is. 
Biden wants to launder even more money through the Ukraine,  only offers $700 per affected person in Hawaii disaster, completely ignores the border crisis,  and pretty much everything else that is negatively affecting Americans..... and you think Trump is the biggest disgrace?

Come on man, I know you arent blind to whats happening,  you are smarter than that.
So, there haven't been hundreds of thousands wounded/raped/killed in Ukraine, right next to a number of NATO allies who have very real and right-now concerns about an imperialistic's just money laundering?

It's not at all about lives, about international-scale bullying, about huge scale murder, rape and theft, and not about trying to halt an obvious and growing threat before it gains more momentum?

Just, money laundering?  That's all you mentioned, just the money.  That says tons, and not about Biden or Ukraine.

The border crisis isn't partisan, as there are plenty of employers all too happy to lure low-cost undocumented workers and/or eventual voters.  It's on Joe, but it's not just on Joe...just ask the entire agricultural and hospitality industries.

Hawaii needs more attention, funding, assistance of all kinds...but let's also see how the final numbers tally, as the crisis is still relatively young.  Declaring judgement on all involved this early is as vacant as Kanye West declaring that Dubya "didn't like Black people" right after Katrina, even as aid programs were expanding in response.

 Oversimplification to fit an agenda is neither insightful nor accurate.

there are hundreds of thousands of human rights issues all over the world,  Joe only seems to care about the Ukraine,  what do you suppose makes that one so special,  and why now are we concerned about russia? didnt seem to be much of a issue a decade ago when Joe was VP and Obama  was making deals with them.

you keep fooling yourself into thinking the trillions sent to the Ukraine are for some noble cause if that makes you feel warm and fuzzy.

you keep playing off the border issue as bi-partisan,  we have plenty of conservative politicians that want to do more to shut it down,  its the dems that were fighting Trumps efforts on the wall as well as about anything else thats been proposed.  There are plenty of legal ways to get foreign labor,  i've known plenty of dairymen and farmers that have used foreigners for farm labor for decades,  so nice try.

as far as insight... what a joke,  you claim to be some anti main party guy,  but you couldnt wait to jump to dopey Joes defense here,  just about as quickly as you jump to shit on conservative politicians,  I think you maybe fooling yourself into thinking you are something that you aren't.
In order:

1.  Don't claim to speak for someone else's mind, unless you can prove that outs you as a liar.

2.  Yes, there are many huge rights issues, but Ukraine (as any functional person knowing history and geography can tell) is basically being mugged for everything from agriculture to power, and at such a level that most of the world finds it horrifying.  I get that the righties sill have their tighty-whities all bunched over anything that can possibly bring any focus to the Biden family.  So, hey, marginalizing a globally-important crisis for the inevitable talking points is just more of the same...

3.  ...from the group of zealots that want to draw ANY possible attention from their filth messiah, their career liar and con man whose antics have him and his drone collective under constant legal pressures, and he's said and done stupid/horrid things long before he was an orange stain in the Oval Office.  His pack of lackies have to try an deflect, constantly, as even most of the judges and representatives that got appointed under Trumplestilskin have outed him, over and over, as the lying sack of sh*t that he's always been.

4.  The wall was, and is, a gimmick for the truly challenged out there.  As demonstrated by a Mexican politician on an early section, a simple ladder had him sitting atop the wall in seconds.  It's billions of dollars in a failed gimmick for people unaware that even the largest wall on Earth didn't stop the Mongols...and that's been a minute.  Please, feel free to check me on that.

5.  There's no "nice try", the reality is unending...and I lived by that border for over 3 decades, it was obvious as hell.  Texas, whose politicians try to talk a mean game on undocumented workers, are VERY well aware that their state attracts massive numbers across the border because there's ranchers, farmers, restaurant owners, and the entire hotel industry that is happy for the cheap labor...right there in the reddest of red states.  This ain't news, denial of the ongoing reality is...tragic, really.

6.  Returning to the fact that you're a proven liar (please, warn family and friends)...I didn't defend Joe, but you can't seem to separate your froth from actual situations.  Hawaii will be an ongoing process for years, so calling the game score in the early first quarter-what you're doing-is distortion to fit your agenda.   I've called sleepy Joe out for his hypocrisy back a long time, including his work on NDAA bills that boosted domestic surverllance...and I've referred to him as a vacuous waste of space here and elsewhere as an honest appraisal.  I have no doubt that his whacko-addict son sold daddy's attention and influence, and I'll cheer as loud as anyone if/when that ever gets proven...just as I'll cheer if/when ol' 45 actually gets prosecuted for any of the stack of felonies facing him.

Don't claim to know me, liar boi.  Just because you act like one more drone who'd bend right over and lick the Big Mac special sauce off of one of Trumplestilskin's shoes on command...I hope you'd be above that.

I hope so.  You may not ber accurate or honest, but I hope you're not a complete drone.
so angry....

Regarding the "rant" from Zanary above.  Just a few thoughts.

Jimmy basically got the same message as me from that nearly unreadable collection of alphabet letters.  But a quick rebuttal against Zanary's attempts to form reasoned thoughts.
1.  If a person shows and tells you how they feel on a subject, you can most certainly attribute those thoughts to a person.
2.  So fighting a "shadow" war is now a good thing.  lol
3.  Yeah, that Russian Collusion was not proven to be a total hoax and the DOJ / FBI / CIA / IRS / (Name your own three letter agency) are all honorable institutions applying the law even-handedly across both parties.  If you don't believe me, just tune into CNN and the same people will tell you so.
4.  So by default you're saying illegal immigrants are an "invading army" by comparing people illegally entering the US to the Mongols of Ancient Times.  But, I mean the Chinese Wall was in fact electronically censored and not all that much area as compared to our Southern Border, right?  And the ladder example isn't just a silly data point when real numbers showed a tremendous decrease in the flow of illegals in walled areas once constructed and under Trump in general.
5.  Have you ever heard that many immigrants and businesses within Texas can utilize temporary work permits to work in the US in the agricultural industries and food production industries.  Perhaps instead of inviting Chinese infiltrators in via a totally open border, we could try expansion of the below programs that Trump had put on the table?
H-2A Temporary Agricultural Workers | USCIS
6.  Well, you kind of proved any point I would make that you're pretty much out there, which is DEFINITELY all one can take from that rant.

Quote: @Waterboy said:
Regarding the "rant" from Zanary above.  Just a few thoughts.

Jimmy basically got the same message as me from that nearly unreadable collection of alphabet letters.  But a quick rebuttal against Zanary's attempts to form reasoned thoughts.
1.  If a person shows and tells you how they feel on a subject, you can most certainly attribute those thoughts to a person.
2.  So fighting a "shadow" war is now a good thing.  lol
3.  Yeah, that Russian Collusion was not proven to be a total hoax and the DOJ / FBI / CIA / IRS / (Name your own three letter agency) are all honorable institutions applying the law even-handedly across both parties.  If you don't believe me, just tune into CNN and the same people will tell you so.
4.  So by default you're saying illegal immigrants are an "invading army" by comparing people illegally entering the US to the Mongols of Ancient Times.  But, I mean the Chinese Wall was in fact electronically censored and not all that much area as compared to our Southern Border, right?  And the ladder example isn't just a silly data point when real numbers showed a tremendous decrease in the flow of illegals in walled areas once constructed and under Trump in general.
5.  Have you ever heard that many immigrants and businesses within Texas can utilize temporary work permits to work in the US in the agricultural industries and food production industries.  Perhaps instead of inviting Chinese infiltrators in via a totally open border, we could try expansion of the below programs that Trump had put on the table?
H-2A Temporary Agricultural Workers | USCIS
6.  Well, you kind of proved any point I would make that you're pretty much out there, which is DEFINITELY all one can take from that rant.
YAY, Gtuterboi has decided to being his own patented "miss the point by miles" approach, complete with the usual distortions and outright lies!

I guess Donniekins attracts similar dishonesty in his drone club.

Point by point?

1.  Given that you and the above assign "points" to me and others that we don't make, you obviously can't claim to know anyone you keep proving.  This is text on screens on a sports site, not even a simple conversation over coffee where expressions and nuances can been experienced.  You don't know me, and you seem to prefer your agenda(s) and assumptions to real information.

2.  I didn't make that point, yet you assign it to me.  Your BS is consistent, right down to the flies.  I never weighed in on a specific approach, just how much some people only want to fixate on money.  They're as bad/challenged as the Cousins Hate Club in that way.

3.  I've explained, often in tiny words (just in case) that I'm disinterested in the major "news" factories.  I guess I'll have to try sock puppets.  In any case, while the collusion BS (which I didn't mention, but you always have to deflect)  was created by Trump's former wedding guest (and photo op favorite) the "Hildebeast", the "stolen election" kerbabble has drawn attention to the fact that ol' Orange boi was apparently asking for all kinds of election interference for, the irony is that your exalted messiah is all for "fixing" elections...!

4.  So, right there in clear text, you're assigning a position I didn't post to me, again, because...what, is it just a lying fetish?  You can't actually seem to debate a point with anyone, so you have to make up "their" opinions...again...and again?  Oh, and that "tremendous decrease"" somehow is synonymous with "border crisis" and the FACT that immigration numbers spiked.  

5.  Again, I was specific on undocumented, you went to something barely really are unable to debate a straight point.  Back to the topic? Sleepy Joe certainly played his part, a huge part in at least one case...but Texas, reddest of red states, still has 6% of its population in undocumented immigrants (see, I'm specific, you're...something else) which is also 1 in 3 of their immigrant population, overall.  Construction, agriculture, etc...    

6. Given that you're multiply called out for your babbling zealotry on here, you likely shouldn't try to cast judgements.  That said...I've been very consistent, for many years, in calling out the wrongs and occasional rights of our doomed duopoly.  Maybe the words are too big for Donnie's drones, maybe you've all just gotten so used to having to make up BS to try and defend him that you can't really do much else anymore...I don't know.  But, trying to make points about processes just starting leading (inevitably) to dribbling blather about me being some closet dnc sympathizer is just proof that the people that keep defending a proven and continuing liar/fraud seem to idolize that dishonesty...and will keep trying the same BS instead of actually making, defending, or debating a point directly.

The Liar King and his Serfs...heh, I should write a script...!

Oh, and for all those poor, challenged souls calling orange boi the "outsider"...a little walk down memory lane:

[Image: R.5f7f4bcda585f005524d456eb2309b3f?rik=d...ImgRaw&r=0]

Quote: @Zanary said:
@Waterboy said:
Regarding the "rant" from Zanary above.  Just a few thoughts.

Jimmy basically got the same message as me from that nearly unreadable collection of alphabet letters.  But a quick rebuttal against Zanary's attempts to form reasoned thoughts.
1.  If a person shows and tells you how they feel on a subject, you can most certainly attribute those thoughts to a person.
2.  So fighting a "shadow" war is now a good thing.  lol
3.  Yeah, that Russian Collusion was not proven to be a total hoax and the DOJ / FBI / CIA / IRS / (Name your own three letter agency) are all honorable institutions applying the law even-handedly across both parties.  If you don't believe me, just tune into CNN and the same people will tell you so.
4.  So by default you're saying illegal immigrants are an "invading army" by comparing people illegally entering the US to the Mongols of Ancient Times.  But, I mean the Chinese Wall was in fact electronically censored and not all that much area as compared to our Southern Border, right?  And the ladder example isn't just a silly data point when real numbers showed a tremendous decrease in the flow of illegals in walled areas once constructed and under Trump in general.
5.  Have you ever heard that many immigrants and businesses within Texas can utilize temporary work permits to work in the US in the agricultural industries and food production industries.  Perhaps instead of inviting Chinese infiltrators in via a totally open border, we could try expansion of the below programs that Trump had put on the table?
H-2A Temporary Agricultural Workers | USCIS
6.  Well, you kind of proved any point I would make that you're pretty much out there, which is DEFINITELY all one can take from that rant.
YAY, Gtuterboi has decided to being his own patented "miss the point by miles" approach, complete with the usual distortions and outright lies!

I guess Donniekins attracts similar dishonesty in his drone club.

Point by point?

1.  Given that you and the above assign "points" to me and others that we don't make, you obviously can't claim to know anyone you keep proving.  This is text on screens on a sports site, not even a simple conversation over coffee where expressions and nuances can been experienced.  You don't know me, and you seem to prefer your agenda(s) and assumptions to real information.

2.  I didn't make that point, yet you assign it to me.  Your BS is consistent, right down to the flies.  I never weighed in on a specific approach, just how much some people only want to fixate on money.  They're as bad/challenged as the Cousins Hate Club in that way.

3.  I've explained, often in tiny words (just in case) that I'm disinterested in the major "news" factories.  I guess I'll have to try sock puppets.  In any case, while the collusion BS (which I didn't mention, but you always have to deflect)  was created by Trump's former wedding guest (and photo op favorite) the "Hildebeast", the "stolen election" kerbabble has drawn attention to the fact that ol' Orange boi was apparently asking for all kinds of election interference for, the irony is that your exalted messiah is all for "fixing" elections...!

4.  So, right there in clear text, you're assigning a position I didn't post to me, again, because...what, is it just a lying fetish?  You can't actually seem to debate a point with anyone, so you have to make up "their" opinions...again...and again?  Oh, and that "tremendous decrease"" somehow is synonymous with "border crisis" and the FACT that immigration numbers spiked.  

5.  Again, I was specific on undocumented, you went to something barely really are unable to debate a straight point.  Back to the topic? Sleepy Joe certainly played his part, a huge part in at least one case...but Texas, reddest of red states, still has 6% of its population in undocumented immigrants (see, I'm specific, you're...something else) which is also 1 in 3 of their immigrant population, overall.  Construction, agriculture, etc...    

6. Given that you're multiply called out for your babbling zealotry on here, you likely shouldn't try to cast judgements.  That said...I've been very consistent, for many years, in calling out the wrongs and occasional rights of our doomed duopoly.  Maybe the words are too big for Donnie's drones, maybe you've all just gotten so used to having to make up BS to try and defend him that you can't really do much else anymore...I don't know.  But, trying to make points about processes just starting leading (inevitably) to dribbling blather about me being some closet dnc sympathizer is just proof that the people that keep defending a proven and continuing liar/fraud seem to idolize that dishonesty...and will keep trying the same BS instead of actually making, defending, or debating a point directly.

The Liar King and his Serfs...heh, I should write a script...!

Oh, and for all those poor, challenged souls calling orange boi the "outsider"...a little walk down memory lane:

[Image: R.5f7f4bcda585f005524d456eb2309b3f?rik=d...ImgRaw&r=0]
If you can't be civil in this,   than dont be in this,  your shit talking doesn't help your position.

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
If you can't be civil in this,   than dont be in this,  your shit talking doesn't help your position.

You may not get this, but constantly lying in a debate, assigning BS to others and trying to hijack their position with fiction, is utterly disrespectful as well as spineless.

I don't know why so many defenders of the orange messiah use those same tactics, but it's cowardice and dishonesty...over debates on a sports board.

Seriously, that's just sad.  Truly pathetic, really.

So, if someone is going to be both dishonest and gutless, I think it's important to treat them with similar, but honest, disrespect.  Society used to do this, but it falls to the individual, now.....

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