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Good Ol Joe and the DOJ
Quote: @Zanary said:
Wouldn't it be "shameful and irresponsible" to vote for any known liar, anyone known to worsen a country's divisions, anyone who's peddled their time in office for personal/familial business gains?

Whoops, that's both 45 and 46, and roughly 140 million voters that seem to hate this country.
You want to add 44 to that because he certainly fits your criteria, probably better than Trump?  Unless you forgot about the Beer Summit and if you want your doctor, you keep them events that were one of many lies and division causing statements caused by Obama.  Trump is the only president to leave office with less net worth than he began with, and whose family lineage had no slave ownership, so I'm not sure he fits.

Quote: @Waterboy said:
@Zanary said:
Wouldn't it be "shameful and irresponsible" to vote for any known liar, anyone known to worsen a country's divisions, anyone who's peddled their time in office for personal/familial business gains?

Whoops, that's both 45 and 46, and roughly 140 million voters that seem to hate this country.
You want to add 44 to that because he certainly fits your criteria, probably better than Trump?  Unless you forgot about the Beer Summit and if you want your doctor, you keep them events that were one of many lies and division causing statements caused by Obama.  Trump is the only president to leave office with less net worth than he began with, and whose family lineage had no slave ownership, so I'm not sure he fits.
Maybe he shouldn't have opened with a $25 million dollar fraud payout from his bogus "university"...!

As for argument, but what keeps getting lost in this bipolar and duopolistic mess we're in is that BOTH "main" parties are complete s**t, and both are happily keeping the country in a tiny-minded "if you're not with us, you're with them" state.

What cracks me up is the lecture, I get every 4 years, from the losers in the latest sham prez election, in that it's the fault of independents like myself that THEIR side won and would RUIN THE WHOLE COUNTRY.  Every four years, regardless who wins or loses, the losers always blame the third parties rather than their own failings.

Sounds a LOT like 45 in particular, doesn't it?  Dealing with that pinhead mindset is just...wearing.  Somehow, his own words and actions are everyone else's fault.....

Quote: @Waterboy said:
Anyone who would vote for Biden after seeing this country self-destruct is now a card carrying liberal.  Not voting for Trump is one thing. Voting for that zombie in the White House is shameful and irresponsible.

Trump is the only candidate that would make me vote for, and be happy with more Biden.  Thats how much of a cluster fuck he is. 

Quote: @AGRforever said:
@Waterboy said:
Anyone who would vote for Biden after seeing this country self-destruct is now a card carrying liberal.  Not voting for Trump is one thing. Voting for that zombie in the White House is shameful and irresponsible.

Trump is the only candidate that would make me vote for, and be happy with more Biden.  Thats how much of a cluster fuck he is. 
which is exactly why all we hear from the media is how bad DeSantis is.... they know the only chance that Biden has is if its Trump,  and even then its questionable at best.  As bad as things have gone with Biden, and all the truth that has come out that was covered up for him in the last election cycle and ever since,  if he were the declared winner again, I am quite certain even less would believe the results and the world would likely see what a real coup in the US looked like,  instead of the manufactured shit from Jan 6th.

Quote: @purplefaithful said:

If someone doesnt fathom that what Trump did to remain in power was not just wrong, but historically wrong in epic proportions? 

Then there is just no point in us dialoging about it. 
If someone doesn't see what Biden has done to enrich his family, if someone doesn't see what the Clintons have done to enrich themselves and remain in power...

As much as Trump used the "lock her up" chant, he didn't go after his political opponent once elected.  The same can't be said for the other side.

So...why, for f**k's sake, is anyone supporting anyone of those pinch-offs, again?

Even Trumplestiskin's most ardent drones often wince when their orange savior spouts BS/stupidity.

The dnc stalwarts of fiction just insist that everything against their chosen media-buffed saviors is "overblown", right up to and past the points of indictments and impeachments...which should sound familiar, right?

Over 30 trillion in debt, both getting/keeping us in stupid positions in wars, and both using their pet media outlets to rip the country apart for their gain.

Aside from, I dunno, treason maybe?...what could be the attraction?

Quote: @Zanary said:
So...why, for f**k's sake, is anyone supporting anyone of those pinch-offs, again?

Even Trumplestiskin's most ardent drones often wince when their orange savior spouts BS/stupidity.

The dnc stalwarts of fiction just insist that everything against their chosen media-buffed saviors is "overblown", right up to and past the points of indictments and impeachments...which should sound familiar, right?

Over 30 trillion in debt, both getting/keeping us in stupid positions in wars, and both using their pet media outlets to rip the country apart for their gain.

Aside from, I dunno, treason maybe?...what could be the attraction?
Trump also had undeniable traits that made him one of the better presidents of our lifetime.  There are certainly traits about him that are not pleasant and not at the level a president should be.  However, some of the things he did that were good also can't be replicated by any other candidate out there.  Joe has no such capability, is far more corrupt, and doesn't know what day it is.  One of the two parties will win the next election, and those that can't distinguish the overwhelming good things that Trump did for this country versus Biden are not looking at things straight.  I agree with you more than you think, but it's not a practical view.

Quote: @Waterboy said:
@Zanary said:
So...why, for f**k's sake, is anyone supporting anyone of those pinch-offs, again?

Even Trumplestiskin's most ardent drones often wince when their orange savior spouts BS/stupidity.

The dnc stalwarts of fiction just insist that everything against their chosen media-buffed saviors is "overblown", right up to and past the points of indictments and impeachments...which should sound familiar, right?

Over 30 trillion in debt, both getting/keeping us in stupid positions in wars, and both using their pet media outlets to rip the country apart for their gain.

Aside from, I dunno, treason maybe?...what could be the attraction?
Trump also had undeniable traits that made him one of the better presidents of our lifetime.  There are certainly traits about him that are not pleasant and not at the level a president should be.  However, some of the things he did that were good also can't be replicated by any other candidate out there.  Joe has no such capability, is far more corrupt, and doesn't know what day it is.  One of the two parties will win the next election, and those that can't distinguish the overwhelming good things that Trump did for this country versus Biden are not looking at things straight.  I agree with you more than you think, but it's not a practical view.
until a solid 3rd party is able to make headway in state races and congress,  its crazy to think we will see one as a legit candidate for President.

Quote: @Waterboy said:
@Zanary said:
So...why, for f**k's sake, is anyone supporting anyone of those pinch-offs, again?

Even Trumplestiskin's most ardent drones often wince when their orange savior spouts BS/stupidity.

The dnc stalwarts of fiction just insist that everything against their chosen media-buffed saviors is "overblown", right up to and past the points of indictments and impeachments...which should sound familiar, right?

Over 30 trillion in debt, both getting/keeping us in stupid positions in wars, and both using their pet media outlets to rip the country apart for their gain.

Aside from, I dunno, treason maybe?...what could be the attraction?
Trump also had undeniable traits that made him one of the better presidents of our lifetime.  There are certainly traits about him that are not pleasant and not at the level a president should be.  However, some of the things he did that were good also can't be replicated by any other candidate out there.  Joe has no such capability, is far more corrupt, and doesn't know what day it is.  One of the two parties will win the next election, and those that can't distinguish the overwhelming good things that Trump did for this country versus Biden are not looking at things straight.  I agree with you more than you think, but it's not a practical view.
I would take 8 more years of Biden followed by 8 more of Obama before I’d do 4 more of the orange orangutan. 

He needs to just go away. Its time to have an electable option. 

Quote: @Waterboy said:
@Zanary said:
So...why, for f**k's sake, is anyone supporting anyone of those pinch-offs, again?

Even Trumplestiskin's most ardent drones often wince when their orange savior spouts BS/stupidity.

The dnc stalwarts of fiction just insist that everything against their chosen media-buffed saviors is "overblown", right up to and past the points of indictments and impeachments...which should sound familiar, right?

Over 30 trillion in debt, both getting/keeping us in stupid positions in wars, and both using their pet media outlets to rip the country apart for their gain.

Aside from, I dunno, treason maybe?...what could be the attraction?
Trump also had undeniable traits that made him one of the better presidents of our lifetime.  There are certainly traits about him that are not pleasant and not at the level a president should be.  However, some of the things he did that were good also can't be replicated by any other candidate out there.  Joe has no such capability, is far more corrupt, and doesn't know what day it is.  One of the two parties will win the next election, and those that can't distinguish the overwhelming good things that Trump did for this country versus Biden are not looking at things straight.  I agree with you more than you think, but it's not a practical view.

Both are long-term s**t shows, and anyone that's paid attention will know this.

45 is a constant, shameless liar and a spineless failure as a man: he won't own up to mistakes, he won't admit fault, unless he's so undeniably cornered that he has no choice...and even then, he's a passive-aggressive b***h-boi about everything.  I was raised to see this behavior as unacceptable when I was still in grade school, which is about the level of intellect that the "faek nooz!!" response to everything shows.

46?  He's been a constant author or terrible legislation and is actually an architect of the very police state that so many across the aisle claim to hate.  He's signed off on domestic surveillance, he's obviously let himself and his previous office be part of foreign energy manipulations and now adds the issues of being a vacuous waste of human tissue.

Voters for either are pretty alarming.

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