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So I guess you two also believe that the last election was rigged.  I would for sure expect that from Waterboy, but not so much from Medaille.  I don't believe that Jan 6th attack was "allowed" to happen, but if so, it would make me believe it was the lame duck POTUS in charge and his appointees that would make it so.  That guy didn't care if the VP was killed that day or not (Hang Mike Pence! Hang Mike Pence!).  I'm sure you two where smiling the entire time with your MAGA hats on - Congrats America!

Quote: @HappyViking said:
So I guess you two also believe that the last election was rigged.  I would for sure expect that from Waterboy, but not so much from Medaille.  I don't believe that Jan 6th attack was "allowed" to happen, but if so, it would make me believe it was the lame duck POTUS in charge and his appointees that would make it so.  That guy didn't care if the VP was killed that day or not (Hang Mike Pence! Hang Mike Pence!).  I'm sure you two where smiling the entire time with your MAGA hats on - Congrats America!
Yes, the election was for sure rigged.  When 98% of the stories from the national media were anti-Trump, when the forces of govt undermined his presidency for 4 years with a proven totally bogus scam, when there is statistical proof that ballot harvesting was occurring in the toss-up states.  Yes, the election was certainly rigged.  Please address why the DC Mayor and Pelosi did NOT authorize bringing in additional security when it was pre-approved by Trump.  

You can only bury your f..king head in the sand for so long people.  Happy, I bet you're totally thinking that the investigation into cocaine in the White House is an unsolvable crime too, right???  lol

Quote: @HappyViking said:
So I guess you two also believe that the last election was rigged.  I would for sure expect that from Waterboy, but not so much from Medaille.  I don't believe that Jan 6th attack was "allowed" to happen, but if so, it would make me believe it was the lame duck POTUS in charge and his appointees that would make it so.  That guy didn't care if the VP was killed that day or not (Hang Mike Pence! Hang Mike Pence!).  I'm sure you two where smiling the entire time with your MAGA hats on - Congrats America!
You seem to have taken one opinion I have and fabricated an entire narrative of who I am.  All national level elections have some amount of election fraud going on.  I think we're mostly just hoping that it is at a level that doesn't affect the results.  I think in any given election, both sides would be correct in pointing out election fraud committed by the other side.  I don't feel like I'm well enough versed to have a strong opinion on whether or not Trump would have been elected without fraud.  I do think that a lot of states and precincts have subpar election procedures, and we should all care about ensuring fraud is eliminated.  Regarding Pence, he had the option of being rushed to "safety" but opted out of it.  I don't think he was that worried.

The biggest "fraud" (very loose definition of the word) occurs prior to the election, where good candidates are eliminated in the primary process and not given the chance to make it to the ballot.  We routinely end up with a ballot where the vote doesn't matter because only candidates that are compromised make it through the primary process and we get to choose between the lesser of two evils.  You can see this right now, where the DNC won't let RFK or Maryanne Williams debate Biden, despite Biden being massively unpopular.

Quote: @HappyViking said:
So I guess you two also believe that the last election was rigged.  I would for sure expect that from Waterboy, but not so much from Medaille.  I don't believe that Jan 6th attack was "allowed" to happen, but if so, it would make me believe it was the lame duck POTUS in charge and his appointees that would make it so.  That guy didn't care if the VP was killed that day or not (Hang Mike Pence! Hang Mike Pence!).  I'm sure you two where smiling the entire time with your MAGA hats on - Congrats America!
Just for my own curiosity, how does Ray Epps fit into your
understanding of the situation and why are so many other people going to jail,
etc. but he seems to be removed from that consideration despite being very
vocal in instigating stuff.


Quote: @Waterboy said:
@HappyViking said:
So I guess you two also believe that the last election was rigged.  I would for sure expect that from Waterboy, but not so much from Medaille.  I don't believe that Jan 6th attack was "allowed" to happen, but if so, it would make me believe it was the lame duck POTUS in charge and his appointees that would make it so.  That guy didn't care if the VP was killed that day or not (Hang Mike Pence! Hang Mike Pence!).  I'm sure you two where smiling the entire time with your MAGA hats on - Congrats America!
Yes, the election was for sure rigged.  When 98% of the stories from the national media were anti-Trump, when the forces of govt undermined his presidency for 4 years with a proven totally bogus scam, when there is statistical proof that ballot harvesting was occurring in the toss-up states.  Yes, the election was certainly rigged.  Please address why the DC Mayor and Pelosi did NOT authorize bringing in additional security when it was pre-approved by Trump.  

You can only bury your f..king head in the sand for so long people.  Happy, I bet you're totally thinking that the investigation into cocaine in the White House is an unsolvable crime too, right???  lol
 So you believe all the ballot boxes were stuffed with fraudulent ballots and the voting machines had the software hacked.  Good for you, but you're wrong.  Biden won because he had more votes, just like all the winners from other elections before this one.   The loser should just concede but the former President just made up lies about a rigged election and begged states to "find" more ballots for him.  So sorry, but sometimes you just have to simply look at and face the truth no matter how much it hurts.  Trump and his supporters just can't do that.
I haven't really thought about the White House cocaine case.  Maybe Joe, Hillary, and Nancy were having a party?  Who gives a shit if they did?  Not me.


Quote: @medaille said:
@HappyViking said:
So I guess you two also believe that the last election was rigged.  I would for sure expect that from Waterboy, but not so much from Medaille.  I don't believe that Jan 6th attack was "allowed" to happen, but if so, it would make me believe it was the lame duck POTUS in charge and his appointees that would make it so.  That guy didn't care if the VP was killed that day or not (Hang Mike Pence! Hang Mike Pence!).  I'm sure you two where smiling the entire time with your MAGA hats on - Congrats America!
Just for my own curiosity, how does Ray Epps fit into your
understanding of the situation and why are so many other people going to jail,
etc. but he seems to be removed from that consideration despite being very
vocal in instigating stuff.

I had to Google Ray Epps, so I don't have much of an opinion.  My guess is he's an idiot, and if Fox News was reporting anything, it was a lie just to gain ratings and rile up their crazy viewers.

Quote: @HappyViking said:
@medaille said:
@HappyViking said:
So I guess you two also believe that the last election was rigged.  I would for sure expect that from Waterboy, but not so much from Medaille.  I don't believe that Jan 6th attack was "allowed" to happen, but if so, it would make me believe it was the lame duck POTUS in charge and his appointees that would make it so.  That guy didn't care if the VP was killed that day or not (Hang Mike Pence! Hang Mike Pence!).  I'm sure you two where smiling the entire time with your MAGA hats on - Congrats America!
Just for my own curiosity, how does Ray Epps fit into your
understanding of the situation and why are so many other people going to jail,
etc. but he seems to be removed from that consideration despite being very
vocal in instigating stuff.

I had to Google Ray Epps, so I don't have much of an opinion.  My guess is he's an idiot, and if Fox News was reporting anything, it was a lie just to gain ratings and rile up their crazy viewers.
Quote: @HappyViking said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@Waterboy said:
@Bullazin said:
i guess i got too serious about it and missed the humor of it. These issues obviously didnt arise with one particular group, its just my experience and understanding of it. 

Its clear this issue can only get worse and solutions will be almost impossible. Im no historian, but Rome and other great empires fell, and I see this happening here eventually, lacking divine intervention or extraterrestrial enlightenment of some sort 
I would say it has already is at least happening or more probably has already happened.
I agree,  we are still a great nation,   but look how far we've fallen in the last couple decades.  We went from being the global face of democracy to a laughing stock of woke reactions and laws.  Americans don't take our own government serious,  how could we expect the world to respect us?
 I think Jan 6th was the turning point to our Democracy being questioned.  We had an ex-president lie about a rigged election then gathered up his blind, idiot followers to attack the Nation's Capital.  To me that did more to destroy our democracy and America's respect than trying to get all the racists and bigots in our country to open their eyes and see and accept others that are different from white christian Americans.
Lol,  yea,   it was Jan 6th.,  if that was when you started to take notice I think you are either in your early 20s and just started paying attention, or you've had one hell of a nap the last 20 years. 

Quote: @HappyViking said:
@medaille said:
@HappyViking said:
So I guess you two also believe that the last election was rigged.  I would for sure expect that from Waterboy, but not so much from Medaille.  I don't believe that Jan 6th attack was "allowed" to happen, but if so, it would make me believe it was the lame duck POTUS in charge and his appointees that would make it so.  That guy didn't care if the VP was killed that day or not (Hang Mike Pence! Hang Mike Pence!).  I'm sure you two where smiling the entire time with your MAGA hats on - Congrats America!
Just for my own curiosity, how does Ray Epps fit into your
understanding of the situation and why are so many other people going to jail,
etc. but he seems to be removed from that consideration despite being very
vocal in instigating stuff.

I had to Google Ray Epps, so I don't have much of an opinion.  My guess is he's an idiot, and if Fox News was reporting anything, it was a lie just to gain ratings and rile up their crazy viewers.
If you had to google Ray Epps, you probably should shut up now.

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@HappyViking said:
@medaille said:
@HappyViking said:
So I guess you two also believe that the last election was rigged.  I would for sure expect that from Waterboy, but not so much from Medaille.  I don't believe that Jan 6th attack was "allowed" to happen, but if so, it would make me believe it was the lame duck POTUS in charge and his appointees that would make it so.  That guy didn't care if the VP was killed that day or not (Hang Mike Pence! Hang Mike Pence!).  I'm sure you two where smiling the entire time with your MAGA hats on - Congrats America!
Just for my own curiosity, how does Ray Epps fit into your
understanding of the situation and why are so many other people going to jail,
etc. but he seems to be removed from that consideration despite being very
vocal in instigating stuff.

I had to Google Ray Epps, so I don't have much of an opinion.  My guess is he's an idiot, and if Fox News was reporting anything, it was a lie just to gain ratings and rile up their crazy viewers.
Quote: @HappyViking said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@Waterboy said:
@Bullazin said:
i guess i got too serious about it and missed the humor of it. These issues obviously didnt arise with one particular group, its just my experience and understanding of it. 

Its clear this issue can only get worse and solutions will be almost impossible. Im no historian, but Rome and other great empires fell, and I see this happening here eventually, lacking divine intervention or extraterrestrial enlightenment of some sort 
I would say it has already is at least happening or more probably has already happened.
I agree,  we are still a great nation,   but look how far we've fallen in the last couple decades.  We went from being the global face of democracy to a laughing stock of woke reactions and laws.  Americans don't take our own government serious,  how could we expect the world to respect us?
 I think Jan 6th was the turning point to our Democracy being questioned.  We had an ex-president lie about a rigged election then gathered up his blind, idiot followers to attack the Nation's Capital.  To me that did more to destroy our democracy and America's respect than trying to get all the racists and bigots in our country to open their eyes and see and accept others that are different from white christian Americans.
Lol,  yea,   it was Jan 6th.,  if that was when you started to take notice I think you are either in your early 20s and just started paying attention, or you've had one hell of a nap the last 20 years. 
well you gotta admit 1/6 was a punch in the gut to sanity. Nut job right winger felons believing the election was stolen, what a shitshow and embarrassment to our country. 

Quote: @Waterboy said:
@HappyViking said:
@medaille said:
@HappyViking said:
So I guess you two also believe that the last election was rigged.  I would for sure expect that from Waterboy, but not so much from Medaille.  I don't believe that Jan 6th attack was "allowed" to happen, but if so, it would make me believe it was the lame duck POTUS in charge and his appointees that would make it so.  That guy didn't care if the VP was killed that day or not (Hang Mike Pence! Hang Mike Pence!).  I'm sure you two where smiling the entire time with your MAGA hats on - Congrats America!
Just for my own curiosity, how does Ray Epps fit into your
understanding of the situation and why are so many other people going to jail,
etc. but he seems to be removed from that consideration despite being very
vocal in instigating stuff.

I had to Google Ray Epps, so I don't have much of an opinion.  My guess is he's an idiot, and if Fox News was reporting anything, it was a lie just to gain ratings and rile up their crazy viewers.
If you had to google Ray Epps, you probably should shut up now.

Thank you for the "Exit" invitation.  Seriously, the last thing I want to discuss going into the weekend is a bunch of crazy dumb f*cks at a ridiculous insurection rally and Fox news.
I'm buying a new mountain bike today and hitting the singletrack trails in Detroit Lakes with it tomorrow morning.  That's a topic I can go on and on about.  B)
Peace out.

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