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So ya wanna get into Trump?
Quote: @badgervike said:

So sick of the China boogeyman GOP fans love to obsess over. China is seen as this global workshop and growing naval power.  That couldn't be more wrong.  The country is teetering on a collapse and only becoming more authoritarian by the day (which further alienates it global presence).  Have you seen the Enron style propped currency regime they have?   Both of these points are devastating for a country that relies on global imports for food and energy.  Their best energy friend (Russia) is in an upside down unnecessary quagmire of a war with a declining infrastructure system that is also on the edge of collapsing due to bad leadership and an aging population.

The real nail in the coffin is their completely upside down demographics, which will destroy their  economy, killed by their own lack of domestic consumpstion and rising costs for global energy & food imports.

China is a dying power that will be at best a 1st world version of North Korea in 5 years. 

America is in its BEST POSITION it has been in since WW2.   A new era to establish industrial & global dominance with all the resources and capabilities it could ever ask for in the Western hemisphere.  Its focus should purely be the exporting of CLEAN ENERGY and FOOD with a food system that sees climate change as its number one enemy.    Not China or Russia, climate change is the number 1 threat to long term national security.   
And maybe we can be the world leader in rainbows and unicorns in this alternate reality.

Let's see....China manufactures about 80% of all solar panels and lithium batteries and controls about 80% of current rare earth materials used in virtually all "clean energy".  I used asterisks for the clean as the mining of rare earths and disposal issues of batteries and turbines make it hardly clean at this point.  I'm a big proponent (as well as SMR nuclear) but the technology just isn't quite there right now and the US doesn't even come close to China for control of that market.  China will take all the petroleum we don't want and use it against us to further control emerging markets.  We'll keep finding ways to cut domestic production driving up prices and lowering global competitiveness.  So...tell me again how that puts the US in a favorable competitive position?  I spend a significant amount of time in China (now that you can again without quarantine) and they're not going anywhere...quite the opposite.  And that propped up now fast becoming the global standard of currency over the dollar because we can't be trusted to do anything right these days without politics getting in the way.
For how long will China have this position?  They are a dying top heavy economy manipulated and ready to fall.  Do you not agree or just ran through the points so you can rail on US clean energy policy?  Do you work for WeEnergies btw because it sounds like you do?

China is starting to have a hard time competing with other global locations regarding manufacturing.  Where is it less expensive to manufacturer quality goods, Mexico or China?

It's Mexico.  Lower rates, higher productivity, lower energy costs due to the partnership.  Higher quality, less IP issues, safer monetary policy.  When the demographics start to kill China's production capabilities and their shrinking domestic economic growth goes towards an aging, where are they going to turn?  It's over for them.

So back to American global positioning:

What is the CAPEX per KW of a fossil fuel facility vs clean energy?  
Where will a country get global debt finance if it goes against the collective energy policy?
Which country is going to sign up for higher costs, higher levels of required equity, and shittier riskier trade partners?  

We lead in so many necessary verticals (clean energy innovation, food 2.5X China, tech,) there is no reason to worry about America's positioning, just focus on the items that create a large gap.  It's not the things that built the 20th century.

Quote: @
For how long will China have this position?  They are a dying top heavy economy manipulated and ready to fall.  Do you not agree or just ran through the points so you can rail on US clean energy policy?  Do you work for WeEnergies btw because it sounds like you do?
So...I say I spend a lot of time in China...and you think that sounds like I work at a small Northern WI Utility.  You think WeEnergies has a big footprint in China?????
I started in pre-med/biology way back when and switched over to electrical / biomedical engineering.  I'm President of a company that builds research and analysis systems for engineers and scientists around the World primarily in biomedical, power, aerospace and transportation industries.  China is our second largest market.  Many alternative energy companies are customers.  Tesla is actually a fairly large customer.  

China is starting to have a hard time competing with other global locations regarding manufacturing.  Where is it less expensive to manufacturer quality goods, Mexico or China?
China isn't having a hard time keeping up.  They are evolving into a manufacturing powerhouse.  Much like S. Korea after the Korean War and Japan prior, China started the climb building low cost products and processing know...those things we need to go away but don't like to talk about.  They are now very close to the US in terms of quality.  Much of that is through corporate theft and frankly well thought out market strategies.  So..much like Korea and Japan, they are now concentrating their efforts on emerging markets with quality a higher price point.  Their commitment to AI will only help continue this process.  Their workforce is significantly more motivated than the US workforce

It's Mexico.  Lower rates, higher productivity, lower energy costs due to the partnership.  Higher quality, less IP issues, safer monetary policy.  When the demographics start to kill China's production capabilities and their shrinking domestic economic growth goes towards an aging, where are they going to turn?  It's over for them.
Again, the Chinese don't care about the bottom of the barrel anymore...they've started the evolution.  To be honest, countries such as Vietnam (and Mexico among others) have become the primary providers of low end, labor intensive products.  Take a look at things like picture frames and patio furniture and low cost molded products...many of them from Vietnam and not China these days.  Chinese wages have increased accordingly.  I pay my Chinese employees 10x the previous pay rates...and struggle to keep up.

So back to American global positioning:

What is the CAPEX per KW of a fossil fuel facility vs clean energy?  
Where will a country get global debt finance if it goes against the collective energy policy?
Which country is going to sign up for higher costs, higher levels of required equity, and shittier riskier trade partners? your argument that through skewed financial and climate policy mandates, we can force people into making unsound financial and energy decisions?

We lead in so many necessary verticals (clean energy innovation, food 2.5X China, tech,) there is no reason to worry about America's positioning, just focus on the items that create a large gap.  It's not the things that built the 20th century.

Don't kid yourself.  China has access to plenty of food so not sure why you keep bringing that up.  China has an absolute stranglehold on battery (80-85%), solar (80%), wind turbines (70%) and rare earths.  They could make a decision to stop shipping components to the US tomorrow and our clean energy market is gone except as a consumer.  

China has the ability to make dispassionate decisions regarding strategic direction.  They invest heavily in emerging markets and foundation markets (batteries, semiconductor, rare earths) and try to capitalize on those markets.  They can virtually shut down our economy at any given moment.  They are an economic and geopolitical foe to be reckoned with.


Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@AGRforever said:
@StickyBun said:
@purplefaithful said:
@StickyBun said:
@purplefaithful said:
I spent about 4 minutes watching the town hall last night...Rehashed tirades.  

Shame on a system that (at best) gives us two octogenarians going at it again. 
He's nuts. Yet CNN hosts a 'town hall' because they know people that love him and hate him will watch. Whores. 

He's a repugnant piece of shit, but Biden and the democratic economic bullshit is tortuous. Please let DeSantis run so I can vote Republican again. He's not perfect, but I can't take another 4 years of economic turmoil under the Spendocrats (see, I made a funny about democrats!)  :p Watching Biden walk anywhere and I'm just waiting for him to fall. He's so feeble. 

The red train may have left the station already. I think your boy is waiting too long. I dont like a lot of whats happening in FL @Sticky. On a whole bunch of issues. 

If he does run, I would have to scrutinize his stand a bunch b4 he could get my vote.

I've cooled on him quite a bit, but he'd be a better candidate than that pos on CNN last night.

He'd appeal to a broader group I suspect. 
If I have to chose between Biden or Trump in 2024, I won't vote.

You could vote 3rd party and try to actually get a 3rd or 4th party with some relevance. 
I am afraid this election is to important to stand on the sideline or throw votes away.  I too want to see a viable third party in the near future,  but this election has to be so overwhelmingly RED that nobody would even think it possible that it could have went the other way.  We cant have 4 more years of the debt piling on like we have seen the last 2.   This thing is spiraling so fast and I dont think its sheer incompetence that has the country heading towards staggering inflation or out right bankruptcy,  I am not a big conspiracy guy, but I just have a hard time believing that all this bull shit is by accident.
Jimmy, anyone with a brain should be a conspiracy theorist at this point.  All of this is about Libs controlling our govt in perpetuity and the power elite to become even more powerful.  This is the reason behind the green agenda, immigration, mass media collusion, a puppet playing a leader, ballot harvesting, and incompetence so bad that it isn't explainable.  Only people that are pure lemmings, generally uninformed, or stand to benefit from the destruction of the middle class can't see this at this point.

Quote: @badgervike said:
For how long will China have this position?  They are a dying top heavy economy manipulated and ready to fall.  Do you not agree or just ran through the points so you can rail on US clean energy policy?  Do you work for WeEnergies btw because it sounds like you do?
So...I say I spend a lot of time in China...and you think that sounds like I work at a small Northern WI Utility.  You think WeEnergies has a big footprint in China?????
I started in pre-med/biology way back when and switched over to electrical / biomedical engineering.  I'm President of a company that builds research and analysis systems for engineers and scientists around the World primarily in biomedical, power, aerospace and transportation industries.  China is our second largest market.  Many alternative energy companies are customers.  Tesla is actually a fairly large customer.  

China is starting to have a hard time competing with other global locations regarding manufacturing.  Where is it less expensive to manufacturer quality goods, Mexico or China?
China isn't having a hard time keeping up.  They are evolving into a manufacturing powerhouse.  Much like S. Korea after the Korean War and Japan prior, China started the climb building low cost products and processing know...those things we need to go away but don't like to talk about.  They are now very close to the US in terms of quality.  Much of that is through corporate theft and frankly well thought out market strategies.  So..much like Korea and Japan, they are now concentrating their efforts on emerging markets with quality a higher price point.  Their commitment to AI will only help continue this process.  Their workforce is significantly more motivated than the US workforce

It's Mexico.  Lower rates, higher productivity, lower energy costs due to the partnership.  Higher quality, less IP issues, safer monetary policy.  When the demographics start to kill China's production capabilities and their shrinking domestic economic growth goes towards an aging, where are they going to turn?  It's over for them.
Again, the Chinese don't care about the bottom of the barrel anymore...they've started the evolution.  To be honest, countries such as Vietnam (and Mexico among others) have become the primary providers of low end, labor intensive products.  Take a look at things like picture frames and patio furniture and low cost molded products...many of them from Vietnam and not China these days.  Chinese wages have increased accordingly.  I pay my Chinese employees 10x the previous pay rates...and struggle to keep up.

So back to American global positioning:

What is the CAPEX per KW of a fossil fuel facility vs clean energy?  
Where will a country get global debt finance if it goes against the collective energy policy?
Which country is going to sign up for higher costs, higher levels of required equity, and shittier riskier trade partners? your argument that through skewed financial and climate policy mandates, we can force people into making unsound financial and energy decisions?

We lead in so many necessary verticals (clean energy innovation, food 2.5X China, tech,) there is no reason to worry about America's positioning, just focus on the items that create a large gap.  It's not the things that built the 20th century.

Don't kid yourself.  China has access to plenty of food so not sure why you keep bringing that up.  China has an absolute stranglehold on battery (80-85%), solar (80%), wind turbines (70%) and rare earths.  They could make a decision to stop shipping components to the US tomorrow and our clean energy market is gone except as a consumer.  

China has the ability to make dispassionate decisions regarding strategic direction.  They invest heavily in emerging markets and foundation markets (batteries, semiconductor, rare earths) and try to capitalize on those markets.  They can virtually shut down our economy at any given moment.  They are an economic and geopolitical foe to be reckoned with.
You are making points for me, costs are going up in China and the base that built their country is being built somewhere else.  The problem is their middle class growth won't be able to keep up the cost of massive aging population (which is terminal) especially for an economy propped up Enron style.  

China doesn't have "Plenty of Food".  They have to hoard food at this point, they have been a net importer of food for the last 20 years.  They import more dairy, soy, corn, wheat, than any other country.  China needs our soybeans as it costs 30% more to purchase domestically (higher labor inputs). They have critical issues with phosphate supplies which is the key fertilizer component the Chinese have had a considerable control over until the last 3,4 years.  Their arable land has shrunk over the years due to 

Climate Change
Excessive Fertilizer usage

They will be food importers forever with higher costs domestically than in the US. Their yields get worse by the year which only be excaberated by the impacts of climate change.   Chinese history doesn't look too good regarding food and famine and with a return back to a "one man show", there is very little reason to doubt they will escape another food crisis.

The reason why China has this stranglehold on clean energy tech?  Because we have been fighting about its future for 2 decades domestically and during that time China used its cheap labor and even cheaper money to establish global relationships.  They exported tech, people, and money into emerging markets while the US sold bombs.  Maybe if we took that market as seriously as they did 15 plus years ago, we would own that market now too.  Domestic production will increase due to policies like the Inflation Reductions Act which incentive tax equity investors with greater values due to domestic product.  

This is how the US phases out Chinese importance on this market, become a leader and use it for trade backed by global organizations that are driving clean energy investments.  Clean energy was an opportunity for us 20 years ago.  We had the money, the tech, the brains, and the influence, but we couldn't ween ourselves off those large oil and gas profits.  Luckily, we still have time to get out a head of this.

China also has a major problem in the technology of the future, semiconductors.  Unless you somehow know better than US policy, China is on an island with the inability to tap into an ecosystem to produce mid to high quality grade microchips.  Which means if they want to keep up with us on the tech front, they will have to buy from us (Korea, Japan, Taiwan included).  A 90nm chip is bottom of the barrel and holds value but is the worst place to be a leader of in this chip arms race.

Quote: @Waterboy said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@AGRforever said:
@StickyBun said:
@purplefaithful said:
@StickyBun said:
@purplefaithful said:
I spent about 4 minutes watching the town hall last night...Rehashed tirades.  

Shame on a system that (at best) gives us two octogenarians going at it again. 
He's nuts. Yet CNN hosts a 'town hall' because they know people that love him and hate him will watch. Whores. 

He's a repugnant piece of shit, but Biden and the democratic economic bullshit is tortuous. Please let DeSantis run so I can vote Republican again. He's not perfect, but I can't take another 4 years of economic turmoil under the Spendocrats (see, I made a funny about democrats!)  :p Watching Biden walk anywhere and I'm just waiting for him to fall. He's so feeble. 

The red train may have left the station already. I think your boy is waiting too long. I dont like a lot of whats happening in FL @Sticky. On a whole bunch of issues. 

If he does run, I would have to scrutinize his stand a bunch b4 he could get my vote.

I've cooled on him quite a bit, but he'd be a better candidate than that pos on CNN last night.

He'd appeal to a broader group I suspect. 
If I have to chose between Biden or Trump in 2024, I won't vote.

You could vote 3rd party and try to actually get a 3rd or 4th party with some relevance. 
I am afraid this election is to important to stand on the sideline or throw votes away.  I too want to see a viable third party in the near future,  but this election has to be so overwhelmingly RED that nobody would even think it possible that it could have went the other way.  We cant have 4 more years of the debt piling on like we have seen the last 2.   This thing is spiraling so fast and I dont think its sheer incompetence that has the country heading towards staggering inflation or out right bankruptcy,  I am not a big conspiracy guy, but I just have a hard time believing that all this bull shit is by accident.
Jimmy, anyone with a brain should be a conspiracy theorist at this point.  All of this is about Libs controlling our govt in perpetuity and the power elite to become even more powerful.  This is the reason behind the green agenda, immigration, mass media collusion, a puppet playing a leader, ballot harvesting, and incompetence so bad that it isn't explainable.  Only people that are pure lemmings, generally uninformed, or stand to benefit from the destruction of the middle class can't see this at this point.

It's ok to take off the tinfoil hat every now and then.  If Republican want to stay meaningful they need to be attractive to the less then 30 crowd.  Right now they aren't doing anything for them.  They keep pandering to their aging base.  It will be the end of them eventually. 

Quote: @AGRforever said:
@Waterboy said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@AGRforever said:
@StickyBun said:
@purplefaithful said:
@StickyBun said:
@purplefaithful said:
I spent about 4 minutes watching the town hall last night...Rehashed tirades.  

Shame on a system that (at best) gives us two octogenarians going at it again. 
He's nuts. Yet CNN hosts a 'town hall' because they know people that love him and hate him will watch. Whores. 

He's a repugnant piece of shit, but Biden and the democratic economic bullshit is tortuous. Please let DeSantis run so I can vote Republican again. He's not perfect, but I can't take another 4 years of economic turmoil under the Spendocrats (see, I made a funny about democrats!)  :p Watching Biden walk anywhere and I'm just waiting for him to fall. He's so feeble. 

The red train may have left the station already. I think your boy is waiting too long. I dont like a lot of whats happening in FL @Sticky. On a whole bunch of issues. 

If he does run, I would have to scrutinize his stand a bunch b4 he could get my vote.

I've cooled on him quite a bit, but he'd be a better candidate than that pos on CNN last night.

He'd appeal to a broader group I suspect. 
If I have to chose between Biden or Trump in 2024, I won't vote.

You could vote 3rd party and try to actually get a 3rd or 4th party with some relevance. 
I am afraid this election is to important to stand on the sideline or throw votes away.  I too want to see a viable third party in the near future,  but this election has to be so overwhelmingly RED that nobody would even think it possible that it could have went the other way.  We cant have 4 more years of the debt piling on like we have seen the last 2.   This thing is spiraling so fast and I dont think its sheer incompetence that has the country heading towards staggering inflation or out right bankruptcy,  I am not a big conspiracy guy, but I just have a hard time believing that all this bull shit is by accident.
Jimmy, anyone with a brain should be a conspiracy theorist at this point.  All of this is about Libs controlling our govt in perpetuity and the power elite to become even more powerful.  This is the reason behind the green agenda, immigration, mass media collusion, a puppet playing a leader, ballot harvesting, and incompetence so bad that it isn't explainable.  Only people that are pure lemmings, generally uninformed, or stand to benefit from the destruction of the middle class can't see this at this point.

It's ok to take off the tinfoil hat every now and then.  If Republican want to stay meaningful they need to be attractive to the less then 30 crowd.  Right now they aren't doing anything for them.  They keep pandering to their aging base.  It will be the end of them eventually. 
Yeah, it doesn't matter that the solutions posed by the less than 30 crowd will be their own undoing.  It doesn't matter that their opinions are derived from what those in power want them to believe. What's happening now will damage the quality of life for generations and likely into perpetuity.  We're seeing an empire dying prematurely because people are too stupid to know that you can't add 60 trillion to the debt without severe consequences.  Anybody with a brain sees this country circling the drain right now.  This isn't a Republican party issue.  This is an issue with people thinking there really is a society that can be built on everything being given away for free.  The typical 30 year old and younger shouldn't really even be allowed to vote as they're clueless as to what's going on.  Once they get out of mom and dad's house, they tend to see things a little differently.  Of course, they won't have a house when they have kids, so I guess there's that.

Quote: @Waterboy said:
@AGRforever said:
@Waterboy said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@AGRforever said:
@StickyBun said:
@purplefaithful said:
@StickyBun said:
@purplefaithful said:
I spent about 4 minutes watching the town hall last night...Rehashed tirades.  

Shame on a system that (at best) gives us two octogenarians going at it again. 
He's nuts. Yet CNN hosts a 'town hall' because they know people that love him and hate him will watch. Whores. 

He's a repugnant piece of shit, but Biden and the democratic economic bullshit is tortuous. Please let DeSantis run so I can vote Republican again. He's not perfect, but I can't take another 4 years of economic turmoil under the Spendocrats (see, I made a funny about democrats!)  :p Watching Biden walk anywhere and I'm just waiting for him to fall. He's so feeble. 

The red train may have left the station already. I think your boy is waiting too long. I dont like a lot of whats happening in FL @Sticky. On a whole bunch of issues. 

If he does run, I would have to scrutinize his stand a bunch b4 he could get my vote.

I've cooled on him quite a bit, but he'd be a better candidate than that pos on CNN last night.

He'd appeal to a broader group I suspect. 
If I have to chose between Biden or Trump in 2024, I won't vote.

You could vote 3rd party and try to actually get a 3rd or 4th party with some relevance. 
I am afraid this election is to important to stand on the sideline or throw votes away.  I too want to see a viable third party in the near future,  but this election has to be so overwhelmingly RED that nobody would even think it possible that it could have went the other way.  We cant have 4 more years of the debt piling on like we have seen the last 2.   This thing is spiraling so fast and I dont think its sheer incompetence that has the country heading towards staggering inflation or out right bankruptcy,  I am not a big conspiracy guy, but I just have a hard time believing that all this bull shit is by accident.
Jimmy, anyone with a brain should be a conspiracy theorist at this point.  All of this is about Libs controlling our govt in perpetuity and the power elite to become even more powerful.  This is the reason behind the green agenda, immigration, mass media collusion, a puppet playing a leader, ballot harvesting, and incompetence so bad that it isn't explainable.  Only people that are pure lemmings, generally uninformed, or stand to benefit from the destruction of the middle class can't see this at this point.

It's ok to take off the tinfoil hat every now and then.  If Republican want to stay meaningful they need to be attractive to the less then 30 crowd.  Right now they aren't doing anything for them.  They keep pandering to their aging base.  It will be the end of them eventually. 
Yeah, it doesn't matter that the solutions posed by the less than 30 crowd will be their own undoing.  It doesn't matter that their opinions are derived from what those in power want them to believe. What's happening now will damage the quality of life for generations and likely into perpetuity.  We're seeing an empire dying prematurely because people are too stupid to know that you can't add 60 trillion to the debt without severe consequences.  Anybody with a brain sees this country circling the drain right now.  This isn't a Republican party issue.  This is an issue with people thinking there really is a society that can be built on everything being given away for free.  The typical 30 year old and younger shouldn't really even be allowed to vote as they're clueless as to what's going on.  Once they get out of mom and dad's house, they tend to see things a little differently.  Of course, they won't have a house when they have kids, so I guess there's that.
We can continue to take shots at each others sides or try to work together. 

Division will accelerate demise. 

Our parents and grandparents dealt with it, far better than our generation and kids generations are doing. 


Quote: @purplefaithful said:
@Waterboy said:
@AGRforever said:
@Waterboy said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@AGRforever said:
@StickyBun said:
@purplefaithful said:
@StickyBun said:
@purplefaithful said:
I spent about 4 minutes watching the town hall last night...Rehashed tirades.  

Shame on a system that (at best) gives us two octogenarians going at it again. 
He's nuts. Yet CNN hosts a 'town hall' because they know people that love him and hate him will watch. Whores. 

He's a repugnant piece of shit, but Biden and the democratic economic bullshit is tortuous. Please let DeSantis run so I can vote Republican again. He's not perfect, but I can't take another 4 years of economic turmoil under the Spendocrats (see, I made a funny about democrats!)  :p Watching Biden walk anywhere and I'm just waiting for him to fall. He's so feeble. 

The red train may have left the station already. I think your boy is waiting too long. I dont like a lot of whats happening in FL @Sticky. On a whole bunch of issues. 

If he does run, I would have to scrutinize his stand a bunch b4 he could get my vote.

I've cooled on him quite a bit, but he'd be a better candidate than that pos on CNN last night.

He'd appeal to a broader group I suspect. 
If I have to chose between Biden or Trump in 2024, I won't vote.

You could vote 3rd party and try to actually get a 3rd or 4th party with some relevance. 
I am afraid this election is to important to stand on the sideline or throw votes away.  I too want to see a viable third party in the near future,  but this election has to be so overwhelmingly RED that nobody would even think it possible that it could have went the other way.  We cant have 4 more years of the debt piling on like we have seen the last 2.   This thing is spiraling so fast and I dont think its sheer incompetence that has the country heading towards staggering inflation or out right bankruptcy,  I am not a big conspiracy guy, but I just have a hard time believing that all this bull shit is by accident.
Jimmy, anyone with a brain should be a conspiracy theorist at this point.  All of this is about Libs controlling our govt in perpetuity and the power elite to become even more powerful.  This is the reason behind the green agenda, immigration, mass media collusion, a puppet playing a leader, ballot harvesting, and incompetence so bad that it isn't explainable.  Only people that are pure lemmings, generally uninformed, or stand to benefit from the destruction of the middle class can't see this at this point.

It's ok to take off the tinfoil hat every now and then.  If Republican want to stay meaningful they need to be attractive to the less then 30 crowd.  Right now they aren't doing anything for them.  They keep pandering to their aging base.  It will be the end of them eventually. 
Yeah, it doesn't matter that the solutions posed by the less than 30 crowd will be their own undoing.  It doesn't matter that their opinions are derived from what those in power want them to believe. What's happening now will damage the quality of life for generations and likely into perpetuity.  We're seeing an empire dying prematurely because people are too stupid to know that you can't add 60 trillion to the debt without severe consequences.  Anybody with a brain sees this country circling the drain right now.  This isn't a Republican party issue.  This is an issue with people thinking there really is a society that can be built on everything being given away for free.  The typical 30 year old and younger shouldn't really even be allowed to vote as they're clueless as to what's going on.  Once they get out of mom and dad's house, they tend to see things a little differently.  Of course, they won't have a house when they have kids, so I guess there's that.
We can continue to take shots at each others sides or try to work together. 

Division will accelerate demise. 

Our parents and grandparents dealt with it, far better than our generation and kids generations are doing. 

I don't think our grandparents were dealing with the out and out stupidity that we witness today.   And where our ancestors did with things like slavery, it took a civil war to end the stupidity, not complicity.  When people's first two amendment rights are totally under attack, people need to fight, not comply.

Quote: @Waterboy said:
@AGRforever said:
@Waterboy said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@AGRforever said:
@StickyBun said:
@purplefaithful said:
@StickyBun said:
@purplefaithful said:
I spent about 4 minutes watching the town hall last night...Rehashed tirades.  

Shame on a system that (at best) gives us two octogenarians going at it again. 
He's nuts. Yet CNN hosts a 'town hall' because they know people that love him and hate him will watch. Whores. 

He's a repugnant piece of shit, but Biden and the democratic economic bullshit is tortuous. Please let DeSantis run so I can vote Republican again. He's not perfect, but I can't take another 4 years of economic turmoil under the Spendocrats (see, I made a funny about democrats!)  :p Watching Biden walk anywhere and I'm just waiting for him to fall. He's so feeble. 

The red train may have left the station already. I think your boy is waiting too long. I dont like a lot of whats happening in FL @Sticky. On a whole bunch of issues. 

If he does run, I would have to scrutinize his stand a bunch b4 he could get my vote.

I've cooled on him quite a bit, but he'd be a better candidate than that pos on CNN last night.

He'd appeal to a broader group I suspect. 
If I have to chose between Biden or Trump in 2024, I won't vote.

You could vote 3rd party and try to actually get a 3rd or 4th party with some relevance. 
I am afraid this election is to important to stand on the sideline or throw votes away.  I too want to see a viable third party in the near future,  but this election has to be so overwhelmingly RED that nobody would even think it possible that it could have went the other way.  We cant have 4 more years of the debt piling on like we have seen the last 2.   This thing is spiraling so fast and I dont think its sheer incompetence that has the country heading towards staggering inflation or out right bankruptcy,  I am not a big conspiracy guy, but I just have a hard time believing that all this bull shit is by accident.
Jimmy, anyone with a brain should be a conspiracy theorist at this point.  All of this is about Libs controlling our govt in perpetuity and the power elite to become even more powerful.  This is the reason behind the green agenda, immigration, mass media collusion, a puppet playing a leader, ballot harvesting, and incompetence so bad that it isn't explainable.  Only people that are pure lemmings, generally uninformed, or stand to benefit from the destruction of the middle class can't see this at this point.

It's ok to take off the tinfoil hat every now and then.  If Republican want to stay meaningful they need to be attractive to the less then 30 crowd.  Right now they aren't doing anything for them.  They keep pandering to their aging base.  It will be the end of them eventually. 
Yeah, it doesn't matter that the solutions posed by the less than 30 crowd will be their own undoing.  It doesn't matter that their opinions are derived from what those in power want them to believe. What's happening now will damage the quality of life for generations and likely into perpetuity.  We're seeing an empire dying prematurely because people are too stupid to know that you can't add 60 trillion to the debt without severe consequences.  Anybody with a brain sees this country circling the drain right now.  This isn't a Republican party issue.  This is an issue with people thinking there really is a society that can be built on everything being given away for free.  The typical 30 year old and younger shouldn't really even be allowed to vote as they're clueless as to what's going on.  Once they get out of mom and dad's house, they tend to see things a little differently.  Of course, they won't have a house when they have kids, so I guess there's that.
This is why people don't take you seriously. 

1.  Debit isn't a Republican issue because THEY'RE WORSE THEN DEMOCRATS on it.  Look at all the times our debt has significantly risen over the years.  Its during Republican administrations.  Heck, Regan invented modern day deficit spending.
2.  Really???  30 year olds shouldn't vote?  Is that because they disagree with you?  They're either adults or they're not.  Believing there's a segment of our population that is old enough to pay taxes, old enough to drive a car, old enough to have children, old enough to first a war and on and on but is to stupid to vote has to be the most ignorant thing I've read on this site in quite awhile. 

Quote: @AGRforever said:
@Waterboy said:
@AGRforever said:
@Waterboy said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@AGRforever said:
@StickyBun said:
@purplefaithful said:
@StickyBun said:
@purplefaithful said:
I spent about 4 minutes watching the town hall last night...Rehashed tirades.  

Shame on a system that (at best) gives us two octogenarians going at it again. 
He's nuts. Yet CNN hosts a 'town hall' because they know people that love him and hate him will watch. Whores. 

He's a repugnant piece of shit, but Biden and the democratic economic bullshit is tortuous. Please let DeSantis run so I can vote Republican again. He's not perfect, but I can't take another 4 years of economic turmoil under the Spendocrats (see, I made a funny about democrats!)  :p Watching Biden walk anywhere and I'm just waiting for him to fall. He's so feeble. 

The red train may have left the station already. I think your boy is waiting too long. I dont like a lot of whats happening in FL @Sticky. On a whole bunch of issues. 

If he does run, I would have to scrutinize his stand a bunch b4 he could get my vote.

I've cooled on him quite a bit, but he'd be a better candidate than that pos on CNN last night.

He'd appeal to a broader group I suspect. 
If I have to chose between Biden or Trump in 2024, I won't vote.

You could vote 3rd party and try to actually get a 3rd or 4th party with some relevance. 
I am afraid this election is to important to stand on the sideline or throw votes away.  I too want to see a viable third party in the near future,  but this election has to be so overwhelmingly RED that nobody would even think it possible that it could have went the other way.  We cant have 4 more years of the debt piling on like we have seen the last 2.   This thing is spiraling so fast and I dont think its sheer incompetence that has the country heading towards staggering inflation or out right bankruptcy,  I am not a big conspiracy guy, but I just have a hard time believing that all this bull shit is by accident.
Jimmy, anyone with a brain should be a conspiracy theorist at this point.  All of this is about Libs controlling our govt in perpetuity and the power elite to become even more powerful.  This is the reason behind the green agenda, immigration, mass media collusion, a puppet playing a leader, ballot harvesting, and incompetence so bad that it isn't explainable.  Only people that are pure lemmings, generally uninformed, or stand to benefit from the destruction of the middle class can't see this at this point.

It's ok to take off the tinfoil hat every now and then.  If Republican want to stay meaningful they need to be attractive to the less then 30 crowd.  Right now they aren't doing anything for them.  They keep pandering to their aging base.  It will be the end of them eventually. 
Yeah, it doesn't matter that the solutions posed by the less than 30 crowd will be their own undoing.  It doesn't matter that their opinions are derived from what those in power want them to believe. What's happening now will damage the quality of life for generations and likely into perpetuity.  We're seeing an empire dying prematurely because people are too stupid to know that you can't add 60 trillion to the debt without severe consequences.  Anybody with a brain sees this country circling the drain right now.  This isn't a Republican party issue.  This is an issue with people thinking there really is a society that can be built on everything being given away for free.  The typical 30 year old and younger shouldn't really even be allowed to vote as they're clueless as to what's going on.  Once they get out of mom and dad's house, they tend to see things a little differently.  Of course, they won't have a house when they have kids, so I guess there's that.
This is why people don't take you seriously. 

1.  Debit isn't a Republican issue because THEY'RE WORSE THEN DEMOCRATS on it.  Look at all the times our debt has significantly risen over the years.  Its during Republican administrations.  Heck, Regan invented modern day deficit spending.
2.  Really???  30 year olds shouldn't vote?  Is that because they disagree with you?  They're either adults or they're not.  Believing there's a segment of our population that is old enough to pay taxes, old enough to drive a car, old enough to have children, old enough to first a war and on and on but is to stupid to vote has to be the most ignorant thing I've read on this site in quite awhile. 
That's "too" stupid to vote.  I think they should be allowed to vote, but they vote very stupidly.  That's pretty much the case with about 50% of the public.  Many don't live within their means in their personal lives.  Most are uninformed and buy what is fed to them.  How many under 30 year olds actually conceptualize that free college really isn't free?  Many/most will end up voting intelligently later in their lives, or when they are asked to pay for all the free shit and stupid policies they vote for now.  The ones that won't will probably be profiting from policy that enriches those in power while driving further dependence on government and an overall lower standard of living for 90% of our country.  I once believed there was a bunch of free handouts from the govt too.  lol  BTW, debt is a Libtard issue because they love to run up defecits along with increasing taxes, so it nails you both ways.

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