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I really don't want Biden vs Trump in 24...
Quote: @"greediron" said:
@"Skodin" said:
My prediction will be:

Trump feels a lot of legal heat (today was another fascinating day looking at Jan 6th).  Takes the route of a 2024 campaign to keep the cash flow coming and his hands out of shackles

50% of the republicans move on and push Desantis.  Ron is a qualified politician, but he ain't Trump.  Suing the Special Olympics, telling businesses what they can say and do, portrays big government over reach that will stick with him going towards 2024

Trump takes a backseat to no one, including Ron, and pushes the "Freedom" party.  Runs as an independent.  If he is alive in 2024, he is running.

Pete Buttiege takes the baton from Biden going to the primaries.  Pete is nuanced, compassionate, with a military background.  He's an attractive pick for sane midwesterners.  Garnered 4 years of Executive level experience that he didn't have going into 2020.

Gavin Newsom is ready for his moment as long as the woke left doesn't cannabalize him for being white or a man or straight and godforbid all 3.  He knows he has to take on Desantis and is already running ads in Florida.  California's performance beats Florida's on a significant amount of metrics (economic, covid, identifying with the general US population's opinions on social issues)

50/50 between Pete and Newsom for the democratic side.  

2024 Election:
Desantis (closest thing to classic Republican)
Trump (MAGA)
Newsom or Buttiege

Trump splits the GOP vote, Dems win the popular by 8 million votes (won by 3 million in 16, 7 million 20), but it's some state voting fuckery that creates a potential nightmare for everyone.  

There is no way Trump goes away silently.  He and his cronies already have targets on RINOs and it won't end well for the party.

November 2024, Gavin Newsom is the President of the United States
Never thought I would live to see the day when someone thought Newsom would be called a good option.

But the internet never ceases to be amazing for all the wrong reasons.
Newsom would be the best thing for Trump,  I cant believe there would be many that would look at Californias mess and think "hey, we should try that at a national level"  Newsom vs Trump IMO would be about as good for Trump as Biden.

Quote: @"JimmyinSD" said:
@"greediron" said:
@"Skodin" said:
My prediction will be:

Trump feels a lot of legal heat (today was another fascinating day looking at Jan 6th).  Takes the route of a 2024 campaign to keep the cash flow coming and his hands out of shackles

50% of the republicans move on and push Desantis.  Ron is a qualified politician, but he ain't Trump.  Suing the Special Olympics, telling businesses what they can say and do, portrays big government over reach that will stick with him going towards 2024

Trump takes a backseat to no one, including Ron, and pushes the "Freedom" party.  Runs as an independent.  If he is alive in 2024, he is running.

Pete Buttiege takes the baton from Biden going to the primaries.  Pete is nuanced, compassionate, with a military background.  He's an attractive pick for sane midwesterners.  Garnered 4 years of Executive level experience that he didn't have going into 2020.

Gavin Newsom is ready for his moment as long as the woke left doesn't cannabalize him for being white or a man or straight and godforbid all 3.  He knows he has to take on Desantis and is already running ads in Florida.  California's performance beats Florida's on a significant amount of metrics (economic, covid, identifying with the general US population's opinions on social issues)

50/50 between Pete and Newsom for the democratic side.  

2024 Election:
Desantis (closest thing to classic Republican)
Trump (MAGA)
Newsom or Buttiege

Trump splits the GOP vote, Dems win the popular by 8 million votes (won by 3 million in 16, 7 million 20), but it's some state voting fuckery that creates a potential nightmare for everyone.  

There is no way Trump goes away silently.  He and his cronies already have targets on RINOs and it won't end well for the party.

November 2024, Gavin Newsom is the President of the United States
Never thought I would live to see the day when someone thought Newsom would be called a good option.

But the internet never ceases to be amazing for all the wrong reasons.
Newsom would be the best thing for Trump,  I cant believe there would be many that would look at Californias mess and think "hey, we should try that at a national level"  Newsom vs Trump IMO would be about as good for Trump as Biden.
What about California is an actual mess?  It's the 5th largest ECONOMY in the WORLD.  That "horrible" state had a $95B budget surplus this year.  Higher GDP, median income, median wage than Florida.  Look at the 1,3, and 5 year GDP per capita averages.

He destroyed in the recall which has over 5 million republican members.  

California's policies align with the general US opinion on abortion, social issues.  

California outperformed Florida with COVID deaths and recovery.  18,000 less deaths in Florida despite having 18 million less people

Homelessness is the big issue?  What city doesn't have a homelessness problem?  Crime and inflation?  Crime rates are similar between California and Florida.  Where in America are these numbers not rising?  

Plus who has a stronger track record for democrats?  Harris?  Whitmer? Bernie?  Abrams?  Have any of them run a machine bigger than the UK or France?  No.

It will be Newsom vs Desantis with Trump as a 3rd party candidate, destroying any chance for the GOP to win in 2024

Quote: @"Skodin" said:
@"JimmyinSD" said:
@"greediron" said:
@"Skodin" said:
My prediction will be:

Trump feels a lot of legal heat (today was another fascinating day looking at Jan 6th).  Takes the route of a 2024 campaign to keep the cash flow coming and his hands out of shackles

50% of the republicans move on and push Desantis.  Ron is a qualified politician, but he ain't Trump.  Suing the Special Olympics, telling businesses what they can say and do, portrays big government over reach that will stick with him going towards 2024

Trump takes a backseat to no one, including Ron, and pushes the "Freedom" party.  Runs as an independent.  If he is alive in 2024, he is running.

Pete Buttiege takes the baton from Biden going to the primaries.  Pete is nuanced, compassionate, with a military background.  He's an attractive pick for sane midwesterners.  Garnered 4 years of Executive level experience that he didn't have going into 2020.

Gavin Newsom is ready for his moment as long as the woke left doesn't cannabalize him for being white or a man or straight and godforbid all 3.  He knows he has to take on Desantis and is already running ads in Florida.  California's performance beats Florida's on a significant amount of metrics (economic, covid, identifying with the general US population's opinions on social issues)

50/50 between Pete and Newsom for the democratic side.  

2024 Election:
Desantis (closest thing to classic Republican)
Trump (MAGA)
Newsom or Buttiege

Trump splits the GOP vote, Dems win the popular by 8 million votes (won by 3 million in 16, 7 million 20), but it's some state voting fuckery that creates a potential nightmare for everyone.  

There is no way Trump goes away silently.  He and his cronies already have targets on RINOs and it won't end well for the party.

November 2024, Gavin Newsom is the President of the United States
Never thought I would live to see the day when someone thought Newsom would be called a good option.

But the internet never ceases to be amazing for all the wrong reasons.
Newsom would be the best thing for Trump,  I cant believe there would be many that would look at Californias mess and think "hey, we should try that at a national level"  Newsom vs Trump IMO would be about as good for Trump as Biden.
What about California is an actual mess?  It's the 5th largest ECONOMY in the WORLD.  That "horrible" state had a $95B budget surplus this year.  Higher GDP, median income, median wage than Florida.  Look at the 1,3, and 5 year GDP per capita averages.

He destroyed in the recall which has over 5 million republican members.  

California's policies align with the general US opinion on abortion, social issues.  

California outperformed Florida with COVID deaths and recovery.  18,000 less deaths in Florida despite having 18 million less people

Homelessness is the big issue?  What city doesn't have a homelessness problem?  Crime and inflation?  Crime rates are similar between California and Florida.  Where in America are these numbers not rising?  

Plus who has a stronger track record for democrats?  Harris?  Whitmer? Bernie?  Abrams?  Have any of them run a machine bigger than the UK or France?  No.

It will be Newsom vs Desantis with Trump as a 3rd party candidate, destroying any chance for the GOP to win in 2024
The mass exodus people leaving California should tell you all you need to know. In fact the top states for population decline are all liberal states, why is that?   Businesses and people leaving or threatening to leave your state are not a good thing.  The policies that you think the majority of the country agree with,  are exactly why we cant afford that nation wide.  Its the spend and print mentality that has caused the inflation that is crippling this country,  no we dont need more of that and certainly not at the highest level.

Quote: @"Skodin" said:
@"JimmyinSD" said:
@"greediron" said:
@"Skodin" said:
My prediction will be:

Trump feels a lot of legal heat (today was another fascinating day looking at Jan 6th).  Takes the route of a 2024 campaign to keep the cash flow coming and his hands out of shackles

50% of the republicans move on and push Desantis.  Ron is a qualified politician, but he ain't Trump.  Suing the Special Olympics, telling businesses what they can say and do, portrays big government over reach that will stick with him going towards 2024

Trump takes a backseat to no one, including Ron, and pushes the "Freedom" party.  Runs as an independent.  If he is alive in 2024, he is running.

Pete Buttiege takes the baton from Biden going to the primaries.  Pete is nuanced, compassionate, with a military background.  He's an attractive pick for sane midwesterners.  Garnered 4 years of Executive level experience that he didn't have going into 2020.

Gavin Newsom is ready for his moment as long as the woke left doesn't cannabalize him for being white or a man or straight and godforbid all 3.  He knows he has to take on Desantis and is already running ads in Florida.  California's performance beats Florida's on a significant amount of metrics (economic, covid, identifying with the general US population's opinions on social issues)

50/50 between Pete and Newsom for the democratic side.  

2024 Election:
Desantis (closest thing to classic Republican)
Trump (MAGA)
Newsom or Buttiege

Trump splits the GOP vote, Dems win the popular by 8 million votes (won by 3 million in 16, 7 million 20), but it's some state voting fuckery that creates a potential nightmare for everyone.  

There is no way Trump goes away silently.  He and his cronies already have targets on RINOs and it won't end well for the party.

November 2024, Gavin Newsom is the President of the United States
Never thought I would live to see the day when someone thought Newsom would be called a good option.

But the internet never ceases to be amazing for all the wrong reasons.
Newsom would be the best thing for Trump,  I cant believe there would be many that would look at Californias mess and think "hey, we should try that at a national level"  Newsom vs Trump IMO would be about as good for Trump as Biden.
What about California is an actual mess?  It's the 5th largest ECONOMY in the WORLD.  That "horrible" state had a $95B budget surplus this year.  Higher GDP, median income, median wage than Florida.  Look at the 1,3, and 5 year GDP per capita averages.

He destroyed in the recall which has over 5 million republican members.  

California's policies align with the general US opinion on abortion, social issues.  

California outperformed Florida with COVID deaths and recovery.  18,000 less deaths in Florida despite having 18 million less people

Homelessness is the big issue?  What city doesn't have a homelessness problem?  Crime and inflation?  Crime rates are similar between California and Florida.  Where in America are these numbers not rising?  

Plus who has a stronger track record for democrats?  Harris?  Whitmer? Bernie?  Abrams?  Have any of them run a machine bigger than the UK or France?  No.

It will be Newsom vs Desantis with Trump as a 3rd party candidate, destroying any chance for the GOP to win in 2024
I will keep this opinion in mind when I think I can reason with people on the internet.

I am thinking a nice quiet meal at the French Laundry will be in order tonight.

I'm curious for the right side of the board, you know who you are.  

How does the Trump and Desantis battle shakeout?  Realistically?  Two big egos that aren't going to play together.   Trump has taken credit for getting Ron in the position he's in right now with Stone pushing back on Ron using Trump as a steppingstone for 2024

Do you really think Donald let's Ron take the lead?  Honestly, Trump is about Trump, not about the GOP.  We all know this.  We watched him shit talk every GOP candidate in 2016, what makes you think he won't do the same now?   Do you think Mitch is going to talk Donald down and tell him to step in line and support Ron?  Laughable.

Isn't there a concern he will take his a % of his people with him?  How do the Republicans win the general election if Donald doesn't run and takes 3% (2.1 million people) of the voting base (a potential 10 million general election loss)?  If Nader and Perot have run in the general as 3rd party candidates and swung an election, why not Donald?

It will be fascinating theater unlike we have ever seen.


Quote: @"Skodin" said:
My prediction will be:

Trump feels a lot of legal heat (today was another fascinating day looking at Jan 6th).  Takes the route of a 2024 campaign to keep the cash flow coming and his hands out of shackles

50% of the republicans move on and push Desantis.  Ron is a qualified politician, but he ain't Trump.  Suing the Special Olympics, telling businesses what they can say and do, portrays big government over reach that will stick with him going towards 2024

Trump takes a backseat to no one, including Ron, and pushes the "Freedom" party.  Runs as an independent.  If he is alive in 2024, he is running.

Pete Buttiege takes the baton from Biden going to the primaries.  Pete is nuanced, compassionate, with a military background.  He's an attractive pick for sane midwesterners.  Garnered 4 years of Executive level experience that he didn't have going into 2020.

Gavin Newsom is ready for his moment as long as the woke left doesn't cannabalize him for being white or a man or straight and godforbid all 3.  He knows he has to take on Desantis and is already running ads in Florida.  California's performance beats Florida's on a significant amount of metrics (economic, covid, identifying with the general US population's opinions on social issues)

50/50 between Pete and Newsom for the democratic side.  

2024 Election:
Desantis (closest thing to classic Republican)
Trump (MAGA)
Newsom or Buttiege

Trump splits the GOP vote, Dems win the popular by 8 million votes (won by 3 million in 16, 7 million 20), but it's some state voting fuckery that creates a potential nightmare for everyone.  

There is no way Trump goes away silently.  He and his cronies already have targets on RINOs and it won't end well for the party.

November 2024, Gavin Newsom is the President of the United States're the one still watching the Jan 6th kabuki theatre.  Certainly not a legal proceeding and certainly not due process.  Since we're talking about 2024, I'm guessing the Republicans take the House...and you'll see their version of theatre leading up to the Presidential election (which will also likely not be watched by many)

Desantis didn't sue the Special Olympics.  He threatened to fine them for breaking State law which precluded them from forcing vaccinations.  It's certainly not a winning proposition for the Dems as he is able to parade out all the Special Olympians that were medically told not to get vaccinated and were able to live out their dreams due to the State of Florida.  

Big Government overreach?'re predicting the biggest over reaching Governor (by far) in Newsome?  Too funny.

Lots can change but lets look at the economy, crime, border, etc....and you think Buttigieg is your guy?  Let's look at your campaign poster

Buttigieg '24
Military Background

Yep...that'll do  Blacks hate the guy and to most he comes off as smarmy, inexperienced and elitist.  He also doesn't handle push back very well.  He'd be obliterated in a General.  

Gavin Newsom?  Seriously?  The guy who had to survive a recall election in an overwhelmingly Blue State?  The King of Big Government and Spending?  Assuming the status quo going into the election, you think that's what people will be looking for in a President?  Or...will they want someone that will reduce inflation, reduce crime, etc.  Running Newsom would be a Republican dream come true.

What about California is an actual mess?  It's the 5th largest ECONOMY in the WORLD.  That "horrible" state had a $95B budget surplus this year.  Higher GDP, median income, median wage than Florida.  Look at the 1,3, and 5 year GDP per capita averages.

He destroyed in the recall which has over 5 million republican members.  

California's policies align with the general US opinion on abortion, social issues.  

California outperformed Florida with COVID deaths and recovery.  18,000 less deaths in Florida despite having 18 million less people

Homelessness is the big issue?  What city doesn't have a homelessness problem?  Crime and inflation?  Crime rates are similar between California and Florida.  Where in America are these numbers not rising?  

Plus who has a stronger track record for democrats?  Harris?  Whitmer? Bernie?  Abrams?  Have any of them run a machine bigger than the UK or France?  No.

It will be Newsom vs Desantis with Trump as a 3rd party candidate, destroying any chance for the GOP to win in 2024
If California is such a great place to live...why the mass places like Florida and Texas? Asking for a  Crime (and lack of punishment), cost of living, homelessness, regulation are all well outside the mainstream.

Surviving the a State that has one of the lowest levels of Republicans in the Country at around 25%.  Let's be honest...he wouldn't have faced recall in a highly Blue State if the voters thought he was doing exceedingly well.  The reality is they didn't like their alternatives any better.  A two step recall process like the one here in WI (majority vote to recall initiating a new election) would likely have resulted in a recall of Newsom but he was able to keep the viable Democrats from running against him.

Covid almost exclusively kills old people.  Florida has one of the oldest populations....and California has one of the youngest. 

A lot of cherry picked data there...GDP comparison with Florida which has traditionally not been a manufacturing State.  Bragging about Wages/Income...but ignoring cost of living that goes with it?

I think you'll find Florida's new law a lot more in tune with the views of the Country on abortion law. The Florida law prohibits abortions after 15 weeks, with exceptions if the procedure is necessary to save the pregnant woman’s life, prevent serious injury or if the fetus has a fatal abnormality.  That sounds pretty common sense and in line with most Western countries vs California's support for fetal abortions (the fetus is broken up and sucked out) up to 24 weeks which is well outside the mainstream.


Seriously, at some point, it HAS to occur to people that settling for that level of f**king manipulated stupidity remains a horrible idea...right?!?!?

We won't have 140 million Americans settle for the same lying fan clubs again, right?  RIGHT?!!?

Yeah, I know.  Just...hopeful, despite decades of proof that every 4 years, this country is truly, fatally stupid.

Quote: @"Zanary" said:

Seriously, at some point, it HAS to occur to people that settling for that level of f**king manipulated stupidity remains a horrible idea...right?!?!?

We won't have 140 million Americans settle for the same lying fan clubs again, right?  RIGHT?!!?

Yeah, I know.  Just...hopeful, despite decades of proof that every 4 years, this country is truly, fatally stupid.
I'm with ya Z..

I just don't begin to understand how people think that over 300 million Americans can have their governance decided by two parties that have produced (mostly) division, debt, violence, disappointment, and unprecedented money/power mongering.  I don't begin to understand defense of this stupidity, whatsoever.

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