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Rodgers has COVID; unvaccinated.
Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@HappyViking said:
I started watching this last evening
and it's very good.  Dr. Fauci is a very smart, dedicated physician
scientist who's been in charge of taking on health crisis like the AIDS
epidemic, SARS outbreak, and others long before he took on this COVID
battle.  He's a tough, cool guy from Brooklyn that won't take shit from
anyone, and has a low tolerance for people telling lies publicly about things
he oversees.  That explains his issues with the former POTUS and others
attempting to silence him or remove him from the COVID task force.

I highly recommend it.
hasnt he himself been exposed as the liar,  in front of congress no less?
Not that I'm aware of.  I think Rand Paul, Ted Cruz and a few others have been after him recently though.  That's really nothing new though from them.  You really should watch it and you'll see Fouci doesn't bring politics to his job.  His job is saving lives and that's all that matter to him; unlike the members of congress that attack him.

Quote: @greediron said:
@VikingOracle said:
@greediron said:
@VikingOracle said:
@StickyBun said:

I did get a tetnus after a nasty elbow in basketball cut my cheek open.  But as your other post references, I chose to not get the DTAP as it is from tainted cell lines.  So I went with plain old tetnus.  And I kinda chuckled at getting a shot without knowing it, I don't get any shots without knowing it.  I am kind of a pain that way, I like to know what is going in my body.

It is one of the big factors for not getting the covid vax, the use of aborted fetal cell lines in the production and testing.  

And thank you again for your concern.  We have lost a close friend to covid recently, so we do know the pain and reality of it.  But as we do with all our health decisions, we take it seriously and chose our course of action appropriately.  My wife is a medical professional and we have way too much experience in the medical world having 2 kids that have survived cancer.
GI:  Best of luck to your family and your children.

I thought I recalled you and I have a discussion about something that included a discussion about aborted fetal cell lines.  For sincerely held beliefs that relate to personal decisions, I feel I should respect such decisions (of course, there are other gray areas that we may discuss at a later date).

I know this is a football board but I do value hearing the opinions of a segment of society with whom I may not usually rub shoulders.  As all of us come from a place of pain and frustrations by being Vikings fans, we should have a modicum of civility to each other that might not exist outside this forum.  Though there may be institutions that try to highlight and warp our difference, we are really not that different: we are Viking fans, we have families that we care for and we want the best for other Viking fans and country.  One of the best things about this particular board is how there is usually a post at the top asking us to keep other Viking fans in our thoughts.  We should always keep that sentiment in mind when we post. 

Curious what Waterboy thinks about New Zealand and Australia, their high vaccination rates and extremely low death rates.


Quote: @medaille said:
@purplefaithful said:
I absolutely believe our planet/society are better off with Covid being eradicated and vaccines are the best way to get there.
Covid will never be eraticated.  Even if everyone on the planet was vaccinated 2x-4x a year or whatever the booster recommendations end up being, the vaccine is still leaky.  People will still get sick with Covid, keep spreading the disease and keeping the genepool alive.  Then the virus will eventually mutate in a way that the vaccine no longer works.

Furthermore, the vaccine companies are only vaccinating the rich countries and large percentages of the world does not trust the vaccines (or their governments) and won't take them.  This ensures that even if one country could theoretically vaccinate with a perfect vaccine their entire population, the virus would evolve in the non-vaccinated population, until it mutates in a way that the vaccine no longer works.  Now if you assume that everyone is perfectly willing to get vaccinated, you have to ask the question, is it feasible that the vaccine companies could vaccinate the entire population of the world fast enough to eradicate the disease before it evolves again?

Over time the virus will most likely evolve to be more infectious but less deadly and it will be similar to our normal flu.
Thats not true. Covid-1 burnt itself out in a little more then a year. Its going to take time but Covid-2 will burn itself out at some point. The plumeting rate of infection going into respritory season is a great sign. I’m actully quite optomistic that we’re on the homestretch. 

Quote: @Caactorvike said:
@greediron said:
@VikingOracle said:
Tried to act like he was vaccinated.  If you are not vaccinated, you are going to get COVID.

I received my booster yesterday.
Lol, sorry but gotta call out the bullshit.  It doesn't matter if you are vaccinated or not, you are likely gonna get covid.  Brandon Jacobs has been out for several weeks, comes back and has covid.  How many vaxxed players and coaches where out last week.  Chicago got it bad, everyone had to follow the unvaxxed protocols.
Quote: @greediron said:
Already considered it.  And made that decision.  

And as I said, your implication that vaccination will prevent you from getting covid is bullshit.

As to Rodgers, he is young and healthy and will likely be fine.  He is still a class A dipshit and I hope GB loses every game.  But Zimmer is vaxxed and been more of a dipshit about covid than Rodgers.
Of course it’s not bulllshit it’s FACT. If you are vaccinated your chances of getting COVID drop drastically. I think it’s by something around 92%. There are “breakthrough” cases of course—nothing is 100%. The occasional breakthrough is not proof of lack of efficacy. Just like a couple of dummies don’t define a large group.

and btw what does Rodgers mean by “alternative treatment”? Does he know something doctors don’t? Lol. 
Not even close to a fact.  It’s only a fact if you choose to do absolutely no research and believe individuals that have continually lied and been proven to do so.   Lol.  What is a fact is that the numbers on the effectiveness continue to trend in a way that says the vax is not working.  Please do more than listen to Joe and the nightly news.  Anybody who has a brain knows that the govt keeps changing the target.  And anybody looking at factual data from Vaers and from countries who went to mass vaccination earlier than us can’t possibly hold your view and have a functioning brain.  

Quote: @HappyViking said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@HappyViking said:
I started watching this last evening
and it's very good.  Dr. Fauci is a very smart, dedicated physician
scientist who's been in charge of taking on health crisis like the AIDS
epidemic, SARS outbreak, and others long before he took on this COVID
battle.  He's a tough, cool guy from Brooklyn that won't take shit from
anyone, and has a low tolerance for people telling lies publicly about things
he oversees.  That explains his issues with the former POTUS and others
attempting to silence him or remove him from the COVID task force.

I highly recommend it.
hasnt he himself been exposed as the liar,  in front of congress no less?
Not that I'm aware of.  I think Rand Paul, Ted Cruz and a few others have been after him recently though.  That's really nothing new though from them.  You really should watch it and you'll see Fouci doesn't bring politics to his job.  His job is saving lives and that's all that matter to him; unlike the members of congress that attack him.
The Great Fauci Flip-Flop


Quote: @SFVikeFan said:
Curious what Waterboy thinks about New Zealand and Australia, their high vaccination rates and extremely low death rates.
So, we should completely shut down our borders and make people stay inside 24 hours a day?  Is that where you want to start this discussion?  Lol.  Get a f..king clue.  You only prove my point for me.   I’m sure if every country in the world locks down for the next five or so months, we’ll see a Covid reduction.  You’re a very intelligent guy.  Can’t get one by you.  Let’s then discuss India with a barely 50% vaccination rate.   And the parts of the country that are at 20% vaccinated with virtually no cases at all. The only high rates are in the regions that are highly vaccinated.   Bet you won’t elaborate on that too much.  Three times our population about 60% of the deaths.    Hmmm.

Quote: @Waterboy said:
@Caactorvike said:
@greediron said:
@VikingOracle said:
Tried to act like he was vaccinated.  If you are not vaccinated, you are going to get COVID.

I received my booster yesterday.
Lol, sorry but gotta call out the bullshit.  It doesn't matter if you are vaccinated or not, you are likely gonna get covid.  Brandon Jacobs has been out for several weeks, comes back and has covid.  How many vaxxed players and coaches where out last week.  Chicago got it bad, everyone had to follow the unvaxxed protocols.
Quote: @greediron said:
Already considered it.  And made that decision.  

And as I said, your implication that vaccination will prevent you from getting covid is bullshit.

As to Rodgers, he is young and healthy and will likely be fine.  He is still a class A dipshit and I hope GB loses every game.  But Zimmer is vaxxed and been more of a dipshit about covid than Rodgers.
Of course it’s not bulllshit it’s FACT. If you are vaccinated your chances of getting COVID drop drastically. I think it’s by something around 92%. There are “breakthrough” cases of course—nothing is 100%. The occasional breakthrough is not proof of lack of efficacy. Just like a couple of dummies don’t define a large group.

and btw what does Rodgers mean by “alternative treatment”? Does he know something doctors don’t? Lol. 
Not even close to a fact.  It’s only a fact if you choose to do absolutely no research and believe individuals that have continually lied and been proven to do so.   Lol.  What is a fact is that the numbers on the effectiveness continue to trend in a way that says the vax is not working.  Please do more than listen to Joe and the nightly news.  Anybody who has a brain knows that the govt keeps changing the target.  And anybody looking at factual data from Vaers and from countries who went to mass vaccination earlier than us can’t possibly hold your view and have a functioning brain.  
No you’re right. God forbid if we should listen to the news. Better to listen to my cousins friends wife. Or travel down the Facebook rabbit holes.  Lol is right.  The Covid numbers are trending down in states where vaccinations are high and have gone up in places where they are low. But more research has to be done. Over 350M vaccines is not enough. How can you trust that? It’s all bullshit and only you know the truth. Snug fit on that tinfoil hat, eh?

Quote: @Waterboy said:
@Caactorvike said:
@greediron said:
@VikingOracle said:
Tried to act like he was vaccinated.  If you are not vaccinated, you are going to get COVID.

I received my booster yesterday.
Lol, sorry but gotta call out the bullshit.  It doesn't matter if you are vaccinated or not, you are likely gonna get covid.  Brandon Jacobs has been out for several weeks, comes back and has covid.  How many vaxxed players and coaches where out last week.  Chicago got it bad, everyone had to follow the unvaxxed protocols.
Quote: @greediron said:
Already considered it.  And made that decision.  

And as I said, your implication that vaccination will prevent you from getting covid is bullshit.

As to Rodgers, he is young and healthy and will likely be fine.  He is still a class A dipshit and I hope GB loses every game.  But Zimmer is vaxxed and been more of a dipshit about covid than Rodgers.
Of course it’s not bulllshit it’s FACT. If you are vaccinated your chances of getting COVID drop drastically. I think it’s by something around 92%. There are “breakthrough” cases of course—nothing is 100%. The occasional breakthrough is not proof of lack of efficacy. Just like a couple of dummies don’t define a large group.

and btw what does Rodgers mean by “alternative treatment”? Does he know something doctors don’t? Lol. 
Not even close to a fact.  It’s only a fact if you choose to do absolutely no research and believe individuals that have continually lied and been proven to do so.   Lol.  What is a fact is that the numbers on the effectiveness continue to trend in a way that says the vax is not working.  Please do more than listen to Joe and the nightly news.  Anybody who has a brain knows that the govt keeps changing the target.  And anybody looking at factual data from Vaers and from countries who went to mass vaccination earlier than us can’t possibly hold your view and have a functioning brain.  
Can you make your point without degrading those whos opinions differ from yours?

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@Waterboy said:
@Caactorvike said:
@greediron said:
@VikingOracle said:
Tried to act like he was vaccinated.  If you are not vaccinated, you are going to get COVID.

I received my booster yesterday.
Lol, sorry but gotta call out the bullshit.  It doesn't matter if you are vaccinated or not, you are likely gonna get covid.  Brandon Jacobs has been out for several weeks, comes back and has covid.  How many vaxxed players and coaches where out last week.  Chicago got it bad, everyone had to follow the unvaxxed protocols.
Quote: @greediron said:
Already considered it.  And made that decision.  

And as I said, your implication that vaccination will prevent you from getting covid is bullshit.

As to Rodgers, he is young and healthy and will likely be fine.  He is still a class A dipshit and I hope GB loses every game.  But Zimmer is vaxxed and been more of a dipshit about covid than Rodgers.
Of course it’s not bulllshit it’s FACT. If you are vaccinated your chances of getting COVID drop drastically. I think it’s by something around 92%. There are “breakthrough” cases of course—nothing is 100%. The occasional breakthrough is not proof of lack of efficacy. Just like a couple of dummies don’t define a large group.

and btw what does Rodgers mean by “alternative treatment”? Does he know something doctors don’t? Lol. 
Not even close to a fact.  It’s only a fact if you choose to do absolutely no research and believe individuals that have continually lied and been proven to do so.   Lol.  What is a fact is that the numbers on the effectiveness continue to trend in a way that says the vax is not working.  Please do more than listen to Joe and the nightly news.  Anybody who has a brain knows that the govt keeps changing the target.  And anybody looking at factual data from Vaers and from countries who went to mass vaccination earlier than us can’t possibly hold your view and have a functioning brain.  
Can you make your point without degrading those whos opinions differ from yours?
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