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Fat lady sings. Biden is your new POTUS
Quote: @Mike Olson said:
AGR you have consistently provided the most accurate info in this thread. Even when it may be counter to what you might want to see. Nice job. 
I've always said I wasn't a Trump supporter.  I'm a fiscal conservative with a dash of libertarianism.  Not exactly Trump's wheelhouse. 

At the end of the day.  Give me divided government.  The last several times all 3 chambers have been held by one party bad things have happened. 

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@MaroonBells said:
@AGRforever said:
@purplefaithful said:
Trump reached a new level of low last night, even for him.

JFC, we all knew this was going to take time due to all the mail-in ballots. I am quite confident the system is working and I'd be saying the same if the #'s were trending for team red. 

These allegations are just that - allegations remaining un-substantiated. Judges have for the most part agreed.

The count will continue and America will show the world how a democracy works, even in a Pandemic.  

The longer this goes the easier it is for both sides to call shenanigans. When its all said and done 1/2 the country is going to think 1/2 the country cheated regardless of the eventual winner. 
Doesn't matter what they "think" if there is no evidence of it. 

of course it matters,  if citizens (regardless of affiliation) lose trust in the system and the process then you have a failed govt which leads to more shit like antifa and other violent angry mob actions.  that comment right there "doesnt matter what they think"  is the mentality that is at the root of about everything wrong with politics in America today.

hell wanting to understand what "they" (those from opposing view points)  think is the only friggin reason for a sports site to have a political discussion board.  Wow. Confused

edit:  the timing of this couldnt be more perfect from Rubio,  it speaks exactly to my point.

What I find so interesting and frankly enlightening is that the left spent 4+ years demonizing Trump and anyone who dares to think even remotely differently from them. 

Then they just barely squeak out a victory and yet they do no self reflection on why 65-70 million people in America voted for one of the biggest jackasses on the planet. 

Why didn't Joe win in a landslide?  Because most Americans don't want liberal policies put in place.  Americans literally held their collective noses as tight as they could and voted for one of the most abrasive people you could ever imagine.  Think about that.  Almost half the country saw the last 4 years of the constant bickering and name calling back and forth and said "yup sign me up for more of that" over the liberal Candy Land of free everything for everyone. 

Well survive the next 2 years.  Thankfully the Senate looks to remain Red so Blue can't go in and fuck it up worse then it already is.  I can assure you 2022 is going to be a no holds bar fight for the house.  It wouldn't surprise me even a little if it flipped back red. 

Quote: @MaroonBells said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@MaroonBells said:
@AGRforever said:
@MaroonBells said:
@AGRforever said:
@purplefaithful said:
Trump reached a new level of low last night, even for him.

JFC, we all knew this was going to take time due to all the mail-in ballots. I am quite confident the system is working and I'd be saying the same if the #'s were trending for team red. 

These allegations are just that - allegations remaining un-substantiated. Judges have for the most part agreed.

The count will continue and America will show the world how a democracy works, even in a Pandemic.  

The longer this goes the easier it is for both sides to call shenanigans. When its all said and done 1/2 the country is going to think 1/2 the country cheated regardless of the eventual winner. 
Doesn't matter what they "think" if there is no evidence of it. 

LOL, you're going to suggest that after 140 MILLION votes are "counted" that someone wouldn't be able to find shenanigans on either side?  Both sides are corrupt assholes.
You have to find more than just a shenanigan or two, which would probably break down evenly on both sides. You have to find EVIDENCE of widespread voter irregularities, enough that would make a difference in a state. 

And, no, I don't believe that both sides are corrupt. I believe that one side is doing everything it can to poison democracy to the point where Americans, as JImmy so correctly put it, "lose trust in the system." 
of course "your team" plays by the rules and the other guys team is a bunch of cheaters.   come on man,  you better get a covid test if you cant smell the stink on your own party.  AGR is right,   neither party is above reproach when it comes to the stench of swamp muck.
No, no side is above reproach. But only one side has declared victory in an election before all the votes were counted. And only one side has urged calm and patience as we ensure that ALL votes are counted, while the other side shouts "stop the count" in one state and "count the votes" in another. I mean, you can't even make this shit up. 

WTF are you talking about side?

who here has said stop the count?  nobody, how many people on the streets have you heard say stop the count?  so a handfull of people make that claim and you say "side"  like they represent a majority of the party or of Trump supporters?  hell most people that voted for Trump and even the horrific fox news have been pretty calm about all this shit.

there really isnt sides... its the swamp vs the tax payer/voter,  the sooner that we all quit trying to win the internet, happy hour or the break room watercooler, and focus those efforts on our elected officials the better we will all be.

think about it,  if they ever really fixed anything,  what would they do then?  both parties have had enough control in DC in the last 30 years to really do something and what have they done? its about money and both "sides" in DC know that they will get a shit load of it as long as we keep sending them there and they dont fix what they were sent there to do... case in point, a guy that has been there for nearly 5 decades with nothing substantial to hang his hat on was just elected the most powerful man in the world.... let that sink in for bit... he had nothing to run on except that he wasnt Trump,  50 years in DC,  no real resume of substance or value... and that got him elected president.   you've said it plenty of times and I agree... good or bad,  we get what we deserve.   


Quote: @AGRforever said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@MaroonBells said:
@AGRforever said:
@purplefaithful said:
Trump reached a new level of low last night, even for him.

JFC, we all knew this was going to take time due to all the mail-in ballots. I am quite confident the system is working and I'd be saying the same if the #'s were trending for team red. 

These allegations are just that - allegations remaining un-substantiated. Judges have for the most part agreed.

The count will continue and America will show the world how a democracy works, even in a Pandemic.  

The longer this goes the easier it is for both sides to call shenanigans. When its all said and done 1/2 the country is going to think 1/2 the country cheated regardless of the eventual winner. 
Doesn't matter what they "think" if there is no evidence of it. 

of course it matters,  if citizens (regardless of affiliation) lose trust in the system and the process then you have a failed govt which leads to more shit like antifa and other violent angry mob actions.  that comment right there "doesnt matter what they think"  is the mentality that is at the root of about everything wrong with politics in America today.

hell wanting to understand what "they" (those from opposing view points)  think is the only friggin reason for a sports site to have a political discussion board.  Wow. Confused

edit:  the timing of this couldnt be more perfect from Rubio,  it speaks exactly to my point.

What I find so interesting and frankly enlightening is that the left spent 4+ years demonizing Trump and anyone who dares to think even remotely differently from them. 

Then they just barely squeak out a victory and yet they do no self reflection on why 65-70 million people in America voted for one of the biggest jackasses on the planet. 

Why didn't Joe win in a landslide?  Because most Americans don't want liberal policies put in place.  Americans literally held their collective noses as tight as they could and voted for one of the most abrasive people you could ever imagine.  Think about that.  Almost half the country saw the last 4 years of the constant bickering and name calling back and forth and said "yup sign me up for more of that" over the liberal Candy Land of free everything for everyone. 

Well survive the next 2 years.  Thankfully the Senate looks to remain Red so Blue can't go in and fuck it up worse then it already is.  I can assure you 2022 is going to be a no holds bar fight for the house.  It wouldn't surprise me even a little if it flipped back red. 
thats my point to MB on his comment on "what they think doesnt matter",  but at the same time... half this country knew that Trump was a powder keg and a coin flip at best for president this election,  and honestly have known that since he was first elected... but people kept lapping at Trumps shoes and not calling him out on his BS at times that might have been enough to keep him a little more in check and electable,   instead they embraced him regardless of his errors and in the end, his supporters lose because he loses,  and the good that he was doing for the country will get undone and in 2 to 4 years its very likely those gains will have been reversed,  not because of the "liberal agenda"  but because its not what the puppet masters over DC wanted.

Quote: @AGRforever said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@MaroonBells said:
@AGRforever said:
@purplefaithful said:
Trump reached a new level of low last night, even for him.

JFC, we all knew this was going to take time due to all the mail-in ballots. I am quite confident the system is working and I'd be saying the same if the #'s were trending for team red. 

These allegations are just that - allegations remaining un-substantiated. Judges have for the most part agreed.

The count will continue and America will show the world how a democracy works, even in a Pandemic.  

The longer this goes the easier it is for both sides to call shenanigans. When its all said and done 1/2 the country is going to think 1/2 the country cheated regardless of the eventual winner. 
Doesn't matter what they "think" if there is no evidence of it. 

of course it matters,  if citizens (regardless of affiliation) lose trust in the system and the process then you have a failed govt which leads to more shit like antifa and other violent angry mob actions.  that comment right there "doesnt matter what they think"  is the mentality that is at the root of about everything wrong with politics in America today.

hell wanting to understand what "they" (those from opposing view points)  think is the only friggin reason for a sports site to have a political discussion board.  Wow. Confused

edit:  the timing of this couldnt be more perfect from Rubio,  it speaks exactly to my point.

What I find so interesting and frankly enlightening is that the left spent 4+ years demonizing Trump and anyone who dares to think even remotely differently from them. 

Then they just barely squeak out a victory and yet they do no self reflection on why 65-70 million people in America voted for one of the biggest jackasses on the planet. 

Why didn't Joe win in a landslide?  Because most Americans don't want liberal policies put in place.  Americans literally held their collective noses as tight as they could and voted for one of the most abrasive people you could ever imagine.  Think about that.  Almost half the country saw the last 4 years of the constant bickering and name calling back and forth and said "yup sign me up for more of that" over the liberal Candy Land of free everything for everyone. 

Well survive the next 2 years.  Thankfully the Senate looks to remain Red so Blue can't go in and fuck it up worse then it already is.  I can assure you 2022 is going to be a no holds bar fight for the house.  It wouldn't surprise me even a little if it flipped back red. 
Let's keep in mind that Biden is also winning the Popular vote by quite a bit. And (as team blue will trumpet) he's gotten more votes than anyone else in history. 

All that said, there is a lesson here for me personally. 68mm people voted for Trump, in spite of what I saw as laughable, reprehensible, disingenuous and more often than not? Dangerous policies.

So somehow, some way we gotta come together over our similiarities and prioritize those needing help in our own country. 

And we gotta remember the real enemies are in Covid-19, The Kremlin, Beijing, NK, Islamic Extremists everywhere and left/right violence seekers in our own country. 

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@MaroonBells said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@MaroonBells said:
@AGRforever said:
@MaroonBells said:
@AGRforever said:
@purplefaithful said:
Trump reached a new level of low last night, even for him.

JFC, we all knew this was going to take time due to all the mail-in ballots. I am quite confident the system is working and I'd be saying the same if the #'s were trending for team red. 

These allegations are just that - allegations remaining un-substantiated. Judges have for the most part agreed.

The count will continue and America will show the world how a democracy works, even in a Pandemic.  

The longer this goes the easier it is for both sides to call shenanigans. When its all said and done 1/2 the country is going to think 1/2 the country cheated regardless of the eventual winner. 
Doesn't matter what they "think" if there is no evidence of it. 

LOL, you're going to suggest that after 140 MILLION votes are "counted" that someone wouldn't be able to find shenanigans on either side?  Both sides are corrupt assholes.
You have to find more than just a shenanigan or two, which would probably break down evenly on both sides. You have to find EVIDENCE of widespread voter irregularities, enough that would make a difference in a state. 

And, no, I don't believe that both sides are corrupt. I believe that one side is doing everything it can to poison democracy to the point where Americans, as JImmy so correctly put it, "lose trust in the system." 
of course "your team" plays by the rules and the other guys team is a bunch of cheaters.   come on man,  you better get a covid test if you cant smell the stink on your own party.  AGR is right,   neither party is above reproach when it comes to the stench of swamp muck.
No, no side is above reproach. But only one side has declared victory in an election before all the votes were counted. And only one side has urged calm and patience as we ensure that ALL votes are counted, while the other side shouts "stop the count" in one state and "count the votes" in another. I mean, you can't even make this shit up. 

WTF are you talking about side?

who here has said stop the count?  nobody, how many people on the streets have you heard say stop the count?  so a handfull of people make that claim and you say "side"  like they represent a majority of the party or of Trump supporters?  hell most people that voted for Trump and even the horrific fox news have been pretty calm about all this shit.

there really isnt sides... its the swamp vs the tax payer/voter,  the sooner that we all quit trying to win the internet, happy hour or the break room watercooler, and focus those efforts on our elected officials the better we will all be.

think about it,  if they ever really fixed anything,  what would they do then?  both parties have had enough control in DC in the last 30 years to really do something and what have they done? its about money and both "sides" in DC know that they will get a shit load of it as long as we keep sending them there and they dont fix what they were sent there to do... case in point, a guy that has been there for nearly 5 decades with nothing substantial to hang his hat on was just elected the most powerful man in the world.... let that sink in for bit... he had nothing to run on except that he wasnt Trump,  50 years in DC,  no real resume of substance or value... and that got him elected president.   you've said it plenty of times and I agree... good or bad,  we get what we deserve.   

I like Biden. I think he's a reasonable and decent man. But he was not who I would've chosen. That said, we may have lost if I had a say in it. I will acknowledge that Biden was perhaps the ONLY democrat who could've beaten Trump, given what we know now. I don't think Bernie or Pete or Kamala or anyone else, could've won the blue wall the way Biden did. 

I know you're compelled to criticize Biden. You trivialize voters who selected him because he "wasn't Trump" as if that's not a legitimate reason. But don't minimize that. It's a huge factor. You yourself said you voted for Trump in '16, simply because he wasn't Hillary. There's nothing wrong with that. We're not often given two great candidates. 

Yes, many many millions of people out there who voted more against Trump than voted for Biden. And there's not a damn thing wrong with that. 

Quote: @purplefaithful said:
@AGRforever said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@MaroonBells said:
@AGRforever said:
@purplefaithful said:
Trump reached a new level of low last night, even for him.

JFC, we all knew this was going to take time due to all the mail-in ballots. I am quite confident the system is working and I'd be saying the same if the #'s were trending for team red. 

These allegations are just that - allegations remaining un-substantiated. Judges have for the most part agreed.

The count will continue and America will show the world how a democracy works, even in a Pandemic.  

The longer this goes the easier it is for both sides to call shenanigans. When its all said and done 1/2 the country is going to think 1/2 the country cheated regardless of the eventual winner. 
Doesn't matter what they "think" if there is no evidence of it. 

of course it matters,  if citizens (regardless of affiliation) lose trust in the system and the process then you have a failed govt which leads to more shit like antifa and other violent angry mob actions.  that comment right there "doesnt matter what they think"  is the mentality that is at the root of about everything wrong with politics in America today.

hell wanting to understand what "they" (those from opposing view points)  think is the only friggin reason for a sports site to have a political discussion board.  Wow. Confused

edit:  the timing of this couldnt be more perfect from Rubio,  it speaks exactly to my point.

What I find so interesting and frankly enlightening is that the left spent 4+ years demonizing Trump and anyone who dares to think even remotely differently from them. 

Then they just barely squeak out a victory and yet they do no self reflection on why 65-70 million people in America voted for one of the biggest jackasses on the planet. 

Why didn't Joe win in a landslide?  Because most Americans don't want liberal policies put in place.  Americans literally held their collective noses as tight as they could and voted for one of the most abrasive people you could ever imagine.  Think about that.  Almost half the country saw the last 4 years of the constant bickering and name calling back and forth and said "yup sign me up for more of that" over the liberal Candy Land of free everything for everyone. 

Well survive the next 2 years.  Thankfully the Senate looks to remain Red so Blue can't go in and fuck it up worse then it already is.  I can assure you 2022 is going to be a no holds bar fight for the house.  It wouldn't surprise me even a little if it flipped back red. 
Let's keep in mind that Biden is also winning the Popular vote by quite a bit. And (as team blue will trumpet) he's gotten more votes than anyone else in history. 

All that said, there is a lesson here for me personally. 68mm people voted for Trump, in spite of what I saw as laughable, reprehensible, disingenuous and more often than not? Dangerous policies.

So somehow, some way we gotta come together over our similiarities and prioritize those needing help in our own country. 

And we gotta remember the real enemies are in Covid-19, The Kremlin, Beijing, NK, Islamic Extremists everywhere and left/right violence seekers in our own country. 
for the record,  Trump will have also gotten more votes this election than any one else in history with the exception of Biden... and its not the questionable shit that garnered those votes,  its his economic and America and American citizens first, approach to policies,  both team blue and team red better be paying attention to that fact or there will be a reckoning in 2022. 

Quote: @MaroonBells said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@MaroonBells said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@MaroonBells said:
@AGRforever said:
@MaroonBells said:
@AGRforever said:
@purplefaithful said:
Trump reached a new level of low last night, even for him.

JFC, we all knew this was going to take time due to all the mail-in ballots. I am quite confident the system is working and I'd be saying the same if the #'s were trending for team red. 

These allegations are just that - allegations remaining un-substantiated. Judges have for the most part agreed.

The count will continue and America will show the world how a democracy works, even in a Pandemic.  

The longer this goes the easier it is for both sides to call shenanigans. When its all said and done 1/2 the country is going to think 1/2 the country cheated regardless of the eventual winner. 
Doesn't matter what they "think" if there is no evidence of it. 

LOL, you're going to suggest that after 140 MILLION votes are "counted" that someone wouldn't be able to find shenanigans on either side?  Both sides are corrupt assholes.
You have to find more than just a shenanigan or two, which would probably break down evenly on both sides. You have to find EVIDENCE of widespread voter irregularities, enough that would make a difference in a state. 

And, no, I don't believe that both sides are corrupt. I believe that one side is doing everything it can to poison democracy to the point where Americans, as JImmy so correctly put it, "lose trust in the system." 
of course "your team" plays by the rules and the other guys team is a bunch of cheaters.   come on man,  you better get a covid test if you cant smell the stink on your own party.  AGR is right,   neither party is above reproach when it comes to the stench of swamp muck.
No, no side is above reproach. But only one side has declared victory in an election before all the votes were counted. And only one side has urged calm and patience as we ensure that ALL votes are counted, while the other side shouts "stop the count" in one state and "count the votes" in another. I mean, you can't even make this shit up. 

WTF are you talking about side?

who here has said stop the count?  nobody, how many people on the streets have you heard say stop the count?  so a handfull of people make that claim and you say "side"  like they represent a majority of the party or of Trump supporters?  hell most people that voted for Trump and even the horrific fox news have been pretty calm about all this shit.

there really isnt sides... its the swamp vs the tax payer/voter,  the sooner that we all quit trying to win the internet, happy hour or the break room watercooler, and focus those efforts on our elected officials the better we will all be.

think about it,  if they ever really fixed anything,  what would they do then?  both parties have had enough control in DC in the last 30 years to really do something and what have they done? its about money and both "sides" in DC know that they will get a shit load of it as long as we keep sending them there and they dont fix what they were sent there to do... case in point, a guy that has been there for nearly 5 decades with nothing substantial to hang his hat on was just elected the most powerful man in the world.... let that sink in for bit... he had nothing to run on except that he wasnt Trump,  50 years in DC,  no real resume of substance or value... and that got him elected president.   you've said it plenty of times and I agree... good or bad,  we get what we deserve.   

I like Biden. I think he's a reasonable and decent man. But he was not who I would've chosen. That said, we may have lost if I had a say in it. I will acknowledge that Biden was perhaps the ONLY democrat who could've beaten Trump, given what we know now. I don't think Bernie or Pete or Kamala or anyone else, could've won the blue wall the way Biden did. 

I know you're compelled to criticize Biden. You trivialize voters who selected him because he "wasn't Trump" as if that's not a legitimate reason. But don't minimize that. It's a huge factor. You yourself said you voted for Trump in '16, simply because he wasn't Hillary. There's nothing wrong with that. We're not often given two great candidates. 

Yes, many many millions of people out there who voted more against Trump than voted for Biden. And there's not a damn thing wrong with that. 
decent?  lets agree to disagree on that matter.

voting against a candidate, i never said there was anything wrong with that, just that like in 2016,  i am disappointed in our options that leave our election come down to voting that way.

i am simply pointing out that nothing will change for the good in terms of expecting better from DC politics.  we are back to the status quo which is exactly where both parties want it.   they sit on their asses and accomplish nothing at our expense and then will spend billions for another round of the same in 4 years.

actually though,  there is a problem with this election and its not that Biden won,  its not that the primary reason that Biden won was that he wasnt Trump... its that once again our system has failed us,  and yet we as voters continue to support the people that are rigging the process to fail.  we allow the media to destroy good people and prop up criminals by ignoring their transgressions.  we voters need to start demanding change that will improve our choices.  campaign finance reform and term limits.    red blue or white every voter should be looking for ways to ensure that our choices get better in the future and that integrity is brought back into the fold.

also the media,  that is beyond comprehensible how all styles of media were allowed to play with stories and editorialize the facts in the last 20 years.   the real ones trying to steal the election from the people isnt Trump, the russians, or even the chinese,  its the people that really control the information that we receive and thats the media.  of course they are primarily working for 1 party right now, but like all rabid dogs,  they will eventually bite even the hands that feed them.

Quote: @AGRforever said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@MaroonBells said:
@AGRforever said:
@purplefaithful said:
Trump reached a new level of low last night, even for him.

JFC, we all knew this was going to take time due to all the mail-in ballots. I am quite confident the system is working and I'd be saying the same if the #'s were trending for team red. 

These allegations are just that - allegations remaining un-substantiated. Judges have for the most part agreed.

The count will continue and America will show the world how a democracy works, even in a Pandemic.  

The longer this goes the easier it is for both sides to call shenanigans. When its all said and done 1/2 the country is going to think 1/2 the country cheated regardless of the eventual winner. 
Doesn't matter what they "think" if there is no evidence of it. 

of course it matters,  if citizens (regardless of affiliation) lose trust in the system and the process then you have a failed govt which leads to more shit like antifa and other violent angry mob actions.  that comment right there "doesnt matter what they think"  is the mentality that is at the root of about everything wrong with politics in America today.

hell wanting to understand what "they" (those from opposing view points)  think is the only friggin reason for a sports site to have a political discussion board.  Wow. Confused

edit:  the timing of this couldnt be more perfect from Rubio,  it speaks exactly to my point.

What I find so interesting and frankly enlightening is that the left spent 4+ years demonizing Trump and anyone who dares to think even remotely differently from them. 
LOL. Oh yeah, we hate Trump because of his POLICIES. I wish it were about policies, like it was with the Bushes and Romney and McCain. 

This is about removing a pathological liar from the White House. About removing an immoral man who brags about grabbing women by the pussy, a man who paid off a porn star while cheating on his 3rd wife, a man who was endorsed by the KKK, a man who thinks there are "fine" people among a rally of white supremacists, a man who lied to the American people about a pandemic that would kill a quarter million Americans. 

Policy disagreement??! LOL. Donald J. Trump is an absolute horror of a human being, who's 4-year term is an embarrassment and will be a stain on our great history for centuries. 

Quote: @MaroonBells said:
@AGRforever said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@MaroonBells said:
@AGRforever said:
@purplefaithful said:
Trump reached a new level of low last night, even for him.

JFC, we all knew this was going to take time due to all the mail-in ballots. I am quite confident the system is working and I'd be saying the same if the #'s were trending for team red. 

These allegations are just that - allegations remaining un-substantiated. Judges have for the most part agreed.

The count will continue and America will show the world how a democracy works, even in a Pandemic.  

The longer this goes the easier it is for both sides to call shenanigans. When its all said and done 1/2 the country is going to think 1/2 the country cheated regardless of the eventual winner. 
Doesn't matter what they "think" if there is no evidence of it. 

of course it matters,  if citizens (regardless of affiliation) lose trust in the system and the process then you have a failed govt which leads to more shit like antifa and other violent angry mob actions.  that comment right there "doesnt matter what they think"  is the mentality that is at the root of about everything wrong with politics in America today.

hell wanting to understand what "they" (those from opposing view points)  think is the only friggin reason for a sports site to have a political discussion board.  Wow. Confused

edit:  the timing of this couldnt be more perfect from Rubio,  it speaks exactly to my point.

What I find so interesting and frankly enlightening is that the left spent 4+ years demonizing Trump and anyone who dares to think even remotely differently from them. 
LOL. Oh yeah, we hate Trump because of his POLICIES. I wish it were about policies, like it was with the Bushes and Romney and McCain. 

This is about removing a pathological liar from the White House. About removing an immoral man who brags about grabbing women by the pussy, a man who paid off a porn star while cheating on his 3rd wife, a man who was endorsed by the KKK, a man who thinks there are "fine" people among a rally of white supremacists, a man who lied to the American people about a pandemic that would kill a quarter million Americans. 

Policy disagreement??! LOL. Donald J. Trump is an absolute horror of a human being, who's 4-year term is an embarrassment and will be a stain on our great history for centuries. 
If you dont think all politicians that make it as far being a major party nominee for president arent a bunch of corupt assholes with every quality you described above..then you havent been paying attention. 

Whens the last time a decent human was president? Regan? Jimmy Carter? Hoover? lol??  

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