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Don't do it Joe...
Benghazi was a pure smear campaign by the pre-trump fascist right wing deep state, ask Trey Gowdy and John Boehner (Boner) they bet their careers on it.

Quote: @greediron said:
fucking laughable and fucking predictable.  Just like the indefensible Hillary, the left will die defending Creepy child fondling Biden.  Take a deep breath folks, smell that shampoo...  Oh, wait, not that close Joe. 

Will be funny watching the left defend Biden walk upright with a spine finally.  Too bad it will be Harris' fist jabbed up his ass to get him to shut up.
A1? You seem awfully worked up here, greed. Not your style. And the swearing....also not your style. I know COVID has got us cranky, but I ask: you ok?

So...heh...ol' "huffin' Joe", who's had parts in treasonous NDAA bills and militarizing the police...

...just picked a VP candidate tried to defend wrongful convictions, locked up a great many young Black men, and laughed about caging weed smokers?

In THIS current culture of "f*** the police"?!?!?

He's been huffing paint, not just kids.

Would not surprise me to see Warren or Rice, Duckworth with some administration role if Trump/Pence are kicked to the curb in November (or January, whenever they get the votes counted). 

Kamala will most definitely get a lot of young voters (young voters of color) to the polls this fall. Too many of them stood on the sidelines in 16, wouldn't vote for Clinton. 

Quote: @IDVikingfan said:
I think Harris is the best choice of the three.  Rice has Benghazi, don't care to hear about that debacle.  Whitmer, not sure she could even carry Michigan.  My liberal MI relatives are not pleased with her management of covid pandemic.  Here's an interesting article on her use of science:


I don't know anything about "michigancapitalconfidential" or which way it leans.  Writer does make a compelling case.

I have to laugh at those touting Whitmer as a leader.  More rank hypocrisy.  Knelt with the protestors without social distancing or a mask IIRC while trying to shut down a barber that was following social distancing and cleaning protocols.  Told people to stay home from the lake while husband tried to use his influence to get their boat on the lake early. 

Harris is a hypocrite as well, but at least she can prop the fading old racist up. 

Quote: @StickyBun said:
@greediron said:
fucking laughable and fucking predictable.  Just like the indefensible Hillary, the left will die defending Creepy child fondling Biden.  Take a deep breath folks, smell that shampoo...  Oh, wait, not that close Joe. 

Will be funny watching the left defend Biden walk upright with a spine finally.  Too bad it will be Harris' fist jabbed up his ass to get him to shut up.
A1? You seem awfully worked up here, greed. Not your style. And the swearing....also not your style. I know COVID has got us cranky, but I ask: you ok?

Yeah doing ok, but seriously thanks for asking.  Not my style, but just parodying some others on here. 

I find it comical conservatives have the stones to bring up Benghazi.

About a dozen GOP-led committee investigations on Benghazi to find no fault with Hillary or Obama, and that the GOP-approved budget cuts were the culprit.

We certainly did hear any outrage by the right on Trump’s handling of the attack in Niger that killed 4 Americans did we?  


Trump has had 6 bankruptcies. Will America be number 7?

  • 02/11/2020 3:34 pm ET

    Shaan Chagan

[Image: trump-makes-unannounced-trip-to-afghanis...24x536.jpg]Source / Wikimedia

After Trump became the president in 2017, he pledged to eliminate the $19 trillion national debt in 8 years.

But it will hit $23 trillion this year! And the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office projects the debt reaches an astounding $29 trillion by 2020. And that’s all thanks to Trump’s tax cuts for billionaires and corporations.
Just google "Trump bankruptcies"  and take your pick they all cover pretty much the same things using the same facts.
Does that make sense?


Just wait till the new green deal passes, Biden and Harris will set records for most new federal debt, business debt, personal debt and lost jobs!  Woohoo, good times!

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