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Quote: @greediron said:
the gift that keeps on giving.
and you will be able to read all about on page 7  below the ad for barneys dog walking service in your local fish wrap... nobody really cares about this anymore.  

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@greediron said:
the gift that keeps on giving.
and you will be able to read all about on page 7  below the ad for barneys dog walking service in your local fish wrap... nobody really cares about this anymore.  
File this under "Dirty Cops". I thought that was all the rage?  

What was Watergate?  
The MSM (Wa-Po, Bradlee, Woodward, Bernstein) moved heaven & earth doggedly INVESTIGATING a 3rd-rate burglary by the Nixon campaign;  malfeasance into the bowels of the Democratic HQ.  G Gordon Liddy, et al... got a few files. 
(Nixon never 'ordered' it, btw) Woodward & Bernstein won Pulitzers and journalistic infamy, for bringing down a GOP POTUS. 

We NOW have, thru the discovery of FBI agent Strzok's notes,  lately provided by the Flynn discovery motions....
that Barack H. Obama and Joe Biden were in... at the beginning...using Flynn as pretext/predicate for SPYING on the Trump campaign (< Not only does that news exonerate (TOTALLY) Flynn, it now, implicates, OBAMA & BIDEN, as central actors!

This topic only preoccupied our country for 3 years!  

And the MSM is no-where, now.  AWOL.  All this news, has been trickled by GOP Nunes/committee, or by bare-knuckled brawling by Flynn's atty's, or by conservative talk-radio/conservative blogs.   

Imagine that.... a story 10X the magnitude of Watergate...and the MSM is lock-step AWOL.  

DGAF what page of fish-wrap, it's on.  I'm witnessing REAL history (with A1J et al).  

Trump's win, was the first time in American history, in which we (US) didn't peacefully transfer power.  And quite possibly (the daily evidence grows stronger)....that this was a non-military, deep-state soft coup d' etat.  

That's noteworthy, no matter who is now pre-occupied with faux-racism.  (Not Floyd, but nearly everything post-Floyd)


Quote: @savannahskol said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@greediron said:
the gift that keeps on giving.
and you will be able to read all about on page 7  below the ad for barneys dog walking service in your local fish wrap... nobody really cares about this anymore.  
File this under "Dirty Cops". I thought that was all the rage?  

What was Watergate?  
The MSM (Wa-Po, Bradlee, Woodward, Bernstein) moved heaven & earth doggedly INVESTIGATING a 3rd-rate burglary by the Nixon campaign;  malfeasance into the bowels of the Democratic HQ.  G Gordon Liddy, et al... got a few files. 
(Nixon never 'ordered' it, btw) Woodward & Bernstein won Pulitzers and journalistic infamy, for bringing down a GOP POTUS. 

We NOW have, thru the discovery of FBI agent Strzok's notes,  lately provided by the Flynn discovery motions....
that Barack H. Obama and Joe Biden were in... at the beginning...using Flynn as pretext/predicate for SPYING on the Trump campaign (< Not only does that news exonerate (TOTALLY) Flynn, it now, implicates, OBAMA & BIDEN, as central actors!

This topic only preoccupied our country for 3 years!  

And the MSM is no-where, now.  AWOL.  All this news, has been trickled by GOP Nunes/committee, or by bare-knuckled brawling by Flynn's atty's, or by conservative talk-radio/conservative blogs.   

Imagine that.... a story 10X the magnitude of Watergate...and the MSM is lock-step AWOL.  

DGAF what page of fish-wrap, it's on.  I'm witnessing REAL history (with A1J et al).  

Trump's win, was the first time in American history, in which we (US) didn't peacefully transfer power.  And quite possibly (the daily evidence grows stronger)....that this was a non-military, deep-state soft coup d' etat.  

That's noteworthy, no matter who is now pre-occupied with faux-racism.  (Not Floyd, but nearly everything post-Floyd)

You should care what page it's on,  that why Trump loses the election.  It's not about what he has or hasnt done,  it's about those that are aligned against him.  If you want to control a populace, control how they get their information,  and how that information is delivered.

If everybody that supported Trump and conservative views were to quit watching and quit reading these slanted sources,  and were to quit using the manipulated social media like twitter and Facebook then he would have had a chance,  but when trump himself wasnt smart enough to boycott those sources....well what's done is done.  Hard to complain about what twitter is doing to conservatives when they are the ones that keep stepping up and saying thank you ma'am may I have another?


HUGE: Per His Lawyer — General Flynn Was Targeted Because “He Knew About the Billions Brennan and Company Were Running Off the Books”

Quote:One – he was not properly informed of what the government had even disclosed to his defense lawyers prior to the plea.

Secondly, the government didn’t disclose a fraction of what it should have disclosed (i.e. the whole case was made up).

And three, he was prosecuted and threatened with the prosecution of his son.  That’s how they coerced the guilty plea.  It was just unconscionable conduct to threaten to indict him and his son the very next day and give them the Manafort treatment if he didn’t enter his plea right then, and I’m convinced it’s because they knew right then the press was going to explode with the Strzok-Page text messages and everything.

Then Powell drops the bomb at the 5:50 mark where she discloses that Flynn was going to audit the Intel agencies because he knew about the billions former CIA Director John Brennan was running off the books.
(slanted source here is Mike Flynn's lawyer, Sidney Powell.)


Quote: @mblack said:
So after all this Flynn did indeed discuss sanctions with the Russians (something Flynn and his supporters said he did not hence lying to the FBI). The transcripts also state he undercut a sitting administration (telling the Russians to not escalate and also to wait till they take over office - again a crime). You can't make this stuff up. But I'll wait for the goal post to be moved abiutbspying and how the above transgressions don't really matter.

And this...
 It's interesting you (just like the other Flynn backers) conveniently avoided this post and tweet. This is from the transcript with Flynn's words in quotes from the recorded call (I guess the call is fake then). You can argue process (and that is a very fair argument) but saying Flynn is being framed for nothing is pretty far fetched when the facts are right in front of you (unless you believe in 'alternate' facts).

Quote: @mblack said:
@mblack said:
So after all this Flynn did indeed discuss sanctions with the Russians (something Flynn and his supporters said he did not hence lying to the FBI). The transcripts also state he undercut a sitting administration (telling the Russians to not escalate and also to wait till they take over office - again a crime). You can't make this stuff up. But I'll wait for the goal post to be moved abiutbspying and how the above transgressions don't really matter.

And this...
 It's interesting you (just like the other Flynn backers) conveniently avoided this post and tweet. This is from the transcript with Flynn's words in quotes from the recorded call (I guess the call is fake then). You can argue process (and that is a very fair argument) but saying Flynn is being framed for nothing is pretty far fetched when the facts are right in front of you (unless you believe in 'alternate' facts).
They can scream and bitch all day and it still doesn’t change 2 very proven facts:

1) Flynn lied.  PERIOD.  He admitted he lied. None of any evidence shows anything to the contrary.  I don’t give a fuck how it started.  If all of this was perfectly normal, then Flynn wouldn’t need to lie about it.  But he did, admitted his guilt.  Nobody had to coerce him, it’s all on tape you crack-squad of detectives.

2) Russia just attacked our country.  Obama just put in sanctions against Russia and that same day Flynn calls the Russian ambassador.  Councidence?  This goes WAY past “ hey I’ll be your new guy, how do you do” bullshit.  Why are Flynn and Trump so eager to go immediately go soft on Russia - Trumpy boasts no other POTUS has been harder on Russia, LOL!   Clearly you detectives don’t find that the least bit suspicious ... give our sworn enemy a pat on the head immediately after attacking our election. 

And not coincidentally every single bill for election security that was passed by the House has sat without a Senate vote because Mitch McConnell and the GOP clearly are welcoming Russia’s help.  Fucking traitors should hang for treason if you’re not going to defend our nation from our enemies.

Lying and bending over for Russia after Russians attacked us doesn’t sound like a very qualified candidate for National Security Director, but for the Trump administration it makes perfect sense.  


Quote: @mblack said:
@mblack said:
So after all this Flynn did indeed discuss sanctions with the Russians (something Flynn and his supporters said he did not hence lying to the FBI). The transcripts also state he undercut a sitting administration (telling the Russians to not escalate and also to wait till they take over office - again a crime). You can't make this stuff up. But I'll wait for the goal post to be moved abiutbspying and how the above transgressions don't really matter.

And this...
 It's interesting you (just like the other Flynn backers) conveniently avoided this post and tweet. This is from the transcript with Flynn's words in quotes from the recorded call (I guess the call is fake then). You can argue process (and that is a very fair argument) but saying Flynn is being framed for nothing is pretty far fetched when the facts are right in front of you (unless you believe in 'alternate' facts).
I (Flynn-backer)  didn't avoid this tweet.  

You posted this earlier in this thread, and I was embarrassed for your "avoided" it, out of Southern grace. Smile

But  now, you've "doubled down".  So....

After the last POTUS election (Trump won!)  Obama imposed "sanctions" on Russia (2 weeks before Trump was to be sworn in)...a part of those sanctions included "expulsions" of some Russian diplomats. 

Read about it via the Euro-lib accounting, here:

Two weeks before Trump was inaugurated... it is PERFECTLY NORMAL, TIME-HONORED,  EXPECTED AND LEGAL, for the incoming (Trump-Flynn) POTUS administration, to talk with another country.  Friend or foe.  

The Flynn "record" you high-light, is chat...NOT about sanctions, but about the secondary aspect of diplomatic EXPULSIONS, which involve REAL PEOPLE.  Yeah, they're Russian scum ('member when Democrats LOVED Russians?  Gorbasms?) but they're still "people".   And Flynn was simply pointing out, that aspect (read the liberal Guardian link) As Flynn/Kislyak discussed, "expulsions" normally involve tit-for-tat expulsions by the other side...and Flynn was CLEARLY trying to mitigate that.  

Which is what Bongino was pointing out, in your post.  
Bongino was NEGATING Miller's post (HOMEWORK!!), not buttressing it.  You got that, right?  

Bongino was pointing out, that Flynn simply addressed the expulsions, not the greater concern of the Obama sanctions. 
(Which were NOT touched on) 
It's obvious to anyone, but  liberals.  

Did Trump go easy on the Russkies?  Hardly.

And...yes SFVF...Flynn pled guilty, after his (Flynn's) son was being threatened WITH the full weight/heft of the IC, and WITHOUT the knowlege, that original IC field investigators had ALREADY RECOMMENDED CLEARING HIM (Flynn), only to be 
out-politicized by the IC admins!  <

Flynn "took it", for his son.  You "fighters for the little guys", really wanna die on this hill?  
Rhetorical:   Never mind, you just did.  


Quote: @savannahskol said:
@mblack said:
@mblack said:
So after all this Flynn did indeed discuss sanctions with the Russians (something Flynn and his supporters said he did not hence lying to the FBI). The transcripts also state he undercut a sitting administration (telling the Russians to not escalate and also to wait till they take over office - again a crime). You can't make this stuff up. But I'll wait for the goal post to be moved abiutbspying and how the above transgressions don't really matter.

And this...
 It's interesting you (just like the other Flynn backers) conveniently avoided this post and tweet. This is from the transcript with Flynn's words in quotes from the recorded call (I guess the call is fake then). You can argue process (and that is a very fair argument) but saying Flynn is being framed for nothing is pretty far fetched when the facts are right in front of you (unless you believe in 'alternate' facts).
I (Flynn-backer)  didn't avoid this tweet.  

You posted this earlier in this thread, and I was embarrassed for your "avoided" it, out of Southern grace. Smile

But  now, you've "doubled down".  So....

After the last POTUS election (Trump won!)  Obama imposed "sanctions" on Russia (2 weeks before Trump was to be sworn in)...a part of those sanctions included "expulsions" of some Russian diplomats. 

Read about it via the Euro-lib accounting, here:

Two weeks before Trump was inaugurated... it is PERFECTLY NORMAL, TIME-HONORED,  EXPECTED AND LEGAL, for the incoming (Trump-Flynn) POTUS administration, to talk with another country.  Friend or foe.  

The Flynn "record" you high-light, is chat...NOT about sanctions, but about the secondary aspect of diplomatic EXPULSIONS, which involve REAL PEOPLE.  Yeah, they're Russian scum ('member when Democrats LOVED Russians?  Gorbasms?) but they're still "people".   And Flynn was simply pointing out, that aspect (read the liberal Guardian link) As Flynn/Kislyak discussed, "expulsions" normally involve tit-for-tat expulsions by the other side...and Flynn was CLEARLY trying to mitigate that.  

Which is what Bongino was pointing out, in your post.  
Bongino was NEGATING Miller's post (HOMEWORK!!), not buttressing it.  You got that, right?  

Bongino was pointing out, that Flynn simply addressed the expulsions, not the greater concern of the Obama sanctions. 
(Which were NOT touched on) 
It's obvious to anyone, but  liberals.  

Did Trump go easy on the Russkies?  Hardly.

And...yes SFVF...Flynn pled guilty, after his (Flynn's) son was being threatened WITH the full weight/heft of the IC, and WITHOUT the knowlege, that original IC field investigators had ALREADY RECOMMENDED CLEARING HIM (Flynn), only to be 
out-politicized by the IC admins!  <

Flynn "took it", for his son.  You "fighters for the little guys", really wanna die on this hill?  
Rhetorical:   Never mind, you just did.  

At the bold...
I said you conveniently avoided the post and you disagreed then stated you avoided it out of Southern grace (something that fits your beliefs or point of view) which is again convenience.
Good job arguing something you just agreed with.
That right there told me it was not worth reading the rest of the attempted spin you are passing for an explanation

Regarding my ignorance why not start by learning the meaning of "conveniently"? I posted an easy to understand version below. It should not take you too long I promise....

con·ven·ient·ly (/kənˈvēnēəntlē/): in a way that fits well with particular needs, activities, and plans.

This entire thread didn’t age well for Team Red ...

My personal favorite is Savannah:

“Not only does that news exonerate (TOTALLY) Flynn, it now, implicates, OBAMA & BIDEN, as central actors!

LOLOLOLOLOL and that’s why The Federalist is a joke.

Mike Flynn tweeted today:

“When the legislators, courts and/or Congress fail to do their duty under the 12th Amendment, you must be ready Mr President to immediately declare a limited form of Martial Law, and temporarily suspend the Constitution and civilian control of these federal elections, for the sole purpose of having the military oversee a national re-vote," the ad said.
"Only then can the winning candidate be accepted as legitimate by a true majority of We the People who must give our consent to be justly governed! Unfortunately we are at a point where we can only trust our military to do this because our corrupt political class and courts have proven their inability to act fairly and within the law."

“Suspend the Constitution”
”Install martial law”
“military oversees the election”

You rightwing patriots must be sooo proud of all that fascism er’ freedom he is advocating for ...  maybe begging for a coup and calling for civil war because you didn’t like the election results isn’t exactly part of how our democracy works.  

Aaaaaaand GOP says nothing about Trump and his sycophants with the continued saddest, lamest attempts at overthrowing the government.  

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