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Okay, pleading guilty to lying to the FBI was a plea bargain agreement to not face other charges.  The Logan act was the least of the charges,  Logan could have been defended on constitutionality.  Entrapment is a nonstarter in this context, the FBI does not have to tell you what they know and what they don't.  Being an undisclosed Turkish agent is the issue that could have led to and still can put his nuts in the garlic press.

Quote: @greediron said:
Barr & Durham are doing just that.

I'm over this shit.  If I don't see a politician in jail, I'm going to assume they're all actors in the same play.  How long are we going to go with people pointing fingers but nothing really happening?

Quote: @medaille said:
I'm over this shit.  If I don't see a politician in jail, I'm going to assume they're all actors in the same play.  How long are we going to go with people pointing fingers but nothing really happening?
it was mid-May last year when Barr appointed Durham. After 5 mos of review, Durham expanded to criminal probe.  Its only been about 5 mos into the criminal probe, and then it got expanded again to include pre-election deep-state ‘activities’.  

It seems longer, as the deep-state malfeasance details that are being declassified now as facts,  have been rumored long ago as coincidentals of the Mueller probe.  

“investigating the investigators” (durham probe) concerns very high profile playas.  If he indicts, Durham will want his cases solid.  That said, Barr has stated (earlier this yr) he hoped/expected Durham would be done before summer.  which would be soon.  B)

Quote: @savannahskol said:
@medaille said:
I'm over this shit.  If I don't see a politician in jail, I'm going to assume they're all actors in the same play.  How long are we going to go with people pointing fingers but nothing really happening?
it was mid-May last year when Barr appointed Durham. After 5 mos of review, Durham expanded to criminal probe.  Its only been about 5 mos into the criminal probe, and then it got expanded again to include pre-election deep-state ‘activities’.  

It seems longer, as the deep-state malfeasance details that are being declassified now as facts,  have been rumored long ago as coincidentals of the Mueller probe.  

“investigating the investigators” (durham probe) concerns very high profile playas.  If he indicts, Durham will want his cases solid.  That said, Barr has stated (earlier this yr) he hoped/expected Durham would be done before summer.  which would be soon.  B)
Trump was campaigning on draining the swamp the whole time.  We've pretty much known the whole storyline the entire Trump presidency.  If Trump isn't re-elected they will have lost everything and gained nothing.  They're not really making much progress in making the public aware of the what they're investigating.  Between both parties, the entire Trump presidency has just been finger pointing, with no results.

Quote: @medaille said:
@savannahskol said:
@medaille said:
I'm over this shit.  If I don't see a politician in jail, I'm going to assume they're all actors in the same play.  How long are we going to go with people pointing fingers but nothing really happening?
it was mid-May last year when Barr appointed Durham. After 5 mos of review, Durham expanded to criminal probe.  Its only been about 5 mos into the criminal probe, and then it got expanded again to include pre-election deep-state ‘activities’.  

It seems longer, as the deep-state malfeasance details that are being declassified now as facts,  have been rumored long ago as coincidentals of the Mueller probe.  

“investigating the investigators” (durham probe) concerns very high profile playas.  If he indicts, Durham will want his cases solid.  That said, Barr has stated (earlier this yr) he hoped/expected Durham would be done before summer.  which would be soon.  B)
Trump was campaigning on draining the swamp the whole time.  We've pretty much known the whole storyline the entire Trump presidency.  If Trump isn't re-elected they will have lost everything and gained nothing.  They're not really making much progress in making the public aware of the what they're investigating.  Between both parties, the entire Trump presidency has just been finger pointing, with no results.
He fired FBI director Comey, who still had time on his 10 yr appt.   Remember the howls?  
McCabe, Strzok and Page all were fired or resigned in disgrace. 

Of course, Brennan and Clapper were replaced, but those were matters of Prexy transition.  
The OIG (Horowitz) recommended criminal referrals (to Barr) for some...which was/is already underway with Durham, so he deferred for the time being.  
The FISC Judges won't hear cases from FBI atty's associated with Comey et al. So their careers are ruined/tainted.  

What's missing is an inquisitive/investigative MSM... which helps get the issue(s) before the masses.  

You're a smart guy... you weren't counting on the MSM to help Trump's cause, were you?  
IF there are Durham indictments... the MSM won't be able to ignore them.  They'll spin em, for sure, but they won't/can't ignore them.  

Also...if Trump continually talked about the Durham investigation, he'd surely be skewered in the press for unduly trying to influence.  

Quote: @savannahskol said:
@medaille said:
@savannahskol said:
@medaille said:
I'm over this shit.  If I don't see a politician in jail, I'm going to assume they're all actors in the same play.  How long are we going to go with people pointing fingers but nothing really happening?
it was mid-May last year when Barr appointed Durham. After 5 mos of review, Durham expanded to criminal probe.  Its only been about 5 mos into the criminal probe, and then it got expanded again to include pre-election deep-state ‘activities’.  

It seems longer, as the deep-state malfeasance details that are being declassified now as facts,  have been rumored long ago as coincidentals of the Mueller probe.  

“investigating the investigators” (durham probe) concerns very high profile playas.  If he indicts, Durham will want his cases solid.  That said, Barr has stated (earlier this yr) he hoped/expected Durham would be done before summer.  which would be soon.  B)
Trump was campaigning on draining the swamp the whole time.  We've pretty much known the whole storyline the entire Trump presidency.  If Trump isn't re-elected they will have lost everything and gained nothing.  They're not really making much progress in making the public aware of the what they're investigating.  Between both parties, the entire Trump presidency has just been finger pointing, with no results.
He fired FBI director Comey, who still had time on his 10 yr appt.   Remember the howls?  
McCabe, Strzok and Page all were fired or resigned in disgrace. 

Of course, Brennan and Clapper were replaced, but those were matters of Prexy transition.  
The OIG (Horowitz) recommended criminal referrals (to Barr) for some...which was/is already underway with Durham, so he deferred for the time being.  
The FISC Judges won't hear cases from FBI atty's associated with Comey et al. So their careers are ruined/tainted.  

What's missing is an inquisitive/investigative MSM... which helps get the issue(s) before the masses.  

You're a smart guy... you weren't counting on the MSM to help Trump's cause, were you?  
IF there are Durham indictments... the MSM won't be able to ignore them.  They'll spin em, for sure, but they won't/can't ignore them.  

Also...if Trump continually talked about the Durham investigation, he'd surely be skewered in the press for unduly trying to influence.  
Trump can fire anyone he wants.  That doesn't matter at all long term.  It's like the same as the democrats impeaching Trump.  It did nothing, except put something for historians to look at in the future. 

In my mind there's two possible scenarios at play.
  1. There are two factions Deep State backed establishment and a military backed Trump faction.  They are fighting tooth and nail.  If this is true, they should be actively working to put people in jail for being corrupt and being on the wrong team.  If we're ever going to gain control of our government, we'll need to go through a phase that looks like this, where the establishment is fighting against the future.  The anti-establishment faction will have to put all the corrupt politicians in jail for their crimes.
  2. There's one faction that looks like 2 teams.  This is what we've always had.  We've always had establishment republicans and establishment democrats "fighting" each other WWE style, putting on a good show, and then being friends off camera.  Trump seems like he should be establishment.  He's got the credentials.  He's worked with them in the past.  He's intermingled.  There exists a strong possibility that they're all just putting on a show for us like they always did, but they just migrated from republican democrat paradigm and adding on a deep state/antiestablishment paradigm on top of it for all of us that were starting to see through the first facade.
The proof will be in the pudding though, and we'll see how this all plays out.  The longer this goes on with no real consequences to any of the actors, the more convinced I'll be that this is just an illusion to distract us.  Regardless, this is just a show to watch.  The real change comes from all of us people becoming participators in our own government and forcing transparency and accountability.  We will not get real change from a savior type politician that fixes stuff for us.

Quote: @medaille said:
@savannahskol said:
@medaille said:
@savannahskol said:
@medaille said:
I'm over this shit.  If I don't see a politician in jail, I'm going to assume they're all actors in the same play.  How long are we going to go with people pointing fingers but nothing really happening?
it was mid-May last year when Barr appointed Durham. After 5 mos of review, Durham expanded to criminal probe.  Its only been about 5 mos into the criminal probe, and then it got expanded again to include pre-election deep-state ‘activities’.  

It seems longer, as the deep-state malfeasance details that are being declassified now as facts,  have been rumored long ago as coincidentals of the Mueller probe.  

“investigating the investigators” (durham probe) concerns very high profile playas.  If he indicts, Durham will want his cases solid.  That said, Barr has stated (earlier this yr) he hoped/expected Durham would be done before summer.  which would be soon.  B)
Trump was campaigning on draining the swamp the whole time.  We've pretty much known the whole storyline the entire Trump presidency.  If Trump isn't re-elected they will have lost everything and gained nothing.  They're not really making much progress in making the public aware of the what they're investigating.  Between both parties, the entire Trump presidency has just been finger pointing, with no results.
He fired FBI director Comey, who still had time on his 10 yr appt.   Remember the howls?  
McCabe, Strzok and Page all were fired or resigned in disgrace. 

Of course, Brennan and Clapper were replaced, but those were matters of Prexy transition.  
The OIG (Horowitz) recommended criminal referrals (to Barr) for some...which was/is already underway with Durham, so he deferred for the time being.  
The FISC Judges won't hear cases from FBI atty's associated with Comey et al. So their careers are ruined/tainted.  

What's missing is an inquisitive/investigative MSM... which helps get the issue(s) before the masses.  

You're a smart guy... you weren't counting on the MSM to help Trump's cause, were you?  
IF there are Durham indictments... the MSM won't be able to ignore them.  They'll spin em, for sure, but they won't/can't ignore them.  

Also...if Trump continually talked about the Durham investigation, he'd surely be skewered in the press for unduly trying to influence.  
Trump can fire anyone he wants.  That doesn't matter at all long term.  It's like the same as the democrats impeaching Trump.  It did nothing, except put something for historians to look at in the future. 

In my mind there's two possible scenarios at play.
  1. There are two factions Deep State backed establishment and a military backed Trump faction.  They are fighting tooth and nail.  If this is true, they should be actively working to put people in jail for being corrupt and being on the wrong team.  If we're ever going to gain control of our government, we'll need to go through a phase that looks like this, where the establishment is fighting against the future.  The anti-establishment faction will have to put all the corrupt politicians in jail for their crimes.
  2. There's one faction that looks like 2 teams.  This is what we've always had.  We've always had establishment republicans and establishment democrats "fighting" each other WWE style, putting on a good show, and then being friends off camera.  Trump seems like he should be establishment.  He's got the credentials.  He's worked with them in the past.  He's intermingled.  There exists a strong possibility that they're all just putting on a show for us like they always did, but they just migrated from republican democrat paradigm and adding on a deep state/antiestablishment paradigm on top of it for all of us that were starting to see through the first facade.
The proof will be in the pudding though, and we'll see how this all plays out.  The longer this goes on with no real consequences to any of the actors, the more convinced I'll be that this is just an illusion to distract us.  Regardless, this is just a show to watch.  The real change comes from all of us people becoming participators in our own government and forcing transparency and accountability.  We will not get real change from a savior type politician that fixes stuff for us.
[Image: tenor.gif]


Two more thoughts on earlier posts: 

Quote: @BigAl99 said:
  Being an undisclosed Turkish agent is the issue that could have led to and still can put his nuts in the garlic press.
Nope.  Dead, non-issue, for good reason.  The FBI weighed/addressed this during Flynn's trial before Judge Sullivan... and didn't pursue this. 
  • Turkey is a NATO ally
  • Flynn was not a government agent when he (indeed) was a paid "lobbyist" (we can argue the merits of that in a different thread.  Hunter Biden?)
  • prosecutors did not include as a crime
  • Flynn is a 33 year combat veteran
  • the actual (more serious) 'crime' Flynn is currently under siege for, still recommends no jail time

Quote: @medaille said:

Trump was campaigning on draining the swamp the whole time.  We've pretty much known the whole storyline the entire Trump presidency.  If Trump isn't re-elected they will have lost everything and gained nothing.  They're not really making much progress in making the public aware of the what they're investigating.  Between both parties, the entire Trump presidency has just been finger pointing, with no results.
Gen Flynn fell out of favor during his appt.  with the Obama admin.  

Before taking his early/pre-liminary acceptance in the Trump admin., Flynn let it be known he (Flynn) wanted to stream-line the intelligence agencies in the Trump admin.
(Did you know there are 17 federal intelligence agencies?)

& guess where the deep-staters live?  In & around DC.  
Highest income counties in US:  
1Loudoun CountyVirginia$134,464
2Howard CountyMaryland$120,941
3Fairfax CountyVirginia$115,717
4Hunterdon CountyNew Jersey$113,684
5Santa Clara CountyCalifornia$111,069
6Arlington CountyVirginia$110,388
The top 3, and 4 out of top 6 are deep-state DC-area counties. This is where the deep-staters live.   Living large whilst suckling on the teat of your tax dollars.  
These deep-state folks are 'not going gently into that good night'.  

'Taking Flynn out' was a deep-state pre-emptive strike on Flynn's desire to stream-line (reduce) the intel community.  
Bonus:  Eliminating  Flynn continued the Trump/Russia charade.  

BTW, more declassification problems for the Obama FBI , every day.


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