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Israel/Jewish Hate
Just some random thoughts:

Israel has clearly established Apartheid.
  • Prison walls around Gaza, Israel controls who and what gets in and out.
  • Israel controls how much food, water, electricity, supplies are available and ensures Gaza is at a lower standard of living than mainland Israel.
  • Different laws based on the race of the people.
The most powerful Israeli politicians have said a bunch of racist shit against the Palestinians.  We're all talking about how Hamas wants to wipe the Jews off the earth.  The Jews that matter in Israel say the same things about not just Hamas, but also Palestinians.

The US and its allies are the biggest funders of terrorist organisations.  We use terrorism to prevent other countries that aren't in lockstep agreement with us from flourishing.  It's never been about stopping terrorism or stopping dictators, because we are friends with terrorists and friends with dictators.  It's about if they're going to play nice with us and do what we want them to do or not.

The governments that fight terrorism (via a war on terror) kill more innocent people than terrorists do.  The US killed 300,000 some innocent people in the war on terror.  This heavy handed oppression is the fuel for new terrorists not the solution for stopping terrorism.

Quote: @medaille said:
Just some random thoughts:

Israel has clearly established Apartheid.
  • Prison walls around Gaza, Israel controls who and what gets in and out.
  • Israel controls how much food, water, electricity, supplies are available and ensures Gaza is at a lower standard of living than mainland Israel.
  • Different laws based on the race of the people.
The most powerful Israeli politicians have said a bunch of racist shit against the Palestinians.  We're all talking about how Hamas wants to wipe the Jews off the earth.  The Jews that matter in Israel say the same things about not just Hamas, but also Palestinians.

The US and its allies are the biggest funders of terrorist organisations.  We use terrorism to prevent other countries that aren't in lockstep agreement with us from flourishing.  It's never been about stopping terrorism or stopping dictators, because we are friends with terrorists and friends with dictators.  It's about if they're going to play nice with us and do what we want them to do or not.

The governments that fight terrorism (via a war on terror) kill more innocent people than terrorists do.  The US killed 300,000 some innocent people in the war on terror.  This heavy handed oppression is the fuel for new terrorists not the solution for stopping terrorism.
Doesn't Egypt control the southern gates of Gaza?

Quote: @medaille said:
Just some random thoughts:

Israel has clearly established Apartheid.
  • Prison walls around Gaza, Israel controls who and what gets in and out.
  • Israel controls how much food, water, electricity, supplies are available and ensures Gaza is at a lower standard of living than mainland Israel.
  • Different laws based on the race of the people.
The most powerful Israeli politicians have said a bunch of racist shit against the Palestinians.  We're all talking about how Hamas wants to wipe the Jews off the earth.  The Jews that matter in Israel say the same things about not just Hamas, but also Palestinians.

The US and its allies are the biggest funders of terrorist organisations.  We use terrorism to prevent other countries that aren't in lockstep agreement with us from flourishing.  It's never been about stopping terrorism or stopping dictators, because we are friends with terrorists and friends with dictators.  It's about if they're going to play nice with us and do what we want them to do or not.

The governments that fight terrorism (via a war on terror) kill more innocent people than terrorists do.  The US killed 300,000 some innocent people in the war on terror.  This heavy handed oppression is the fuel for new terrorists not the solution for stopping terrorism.
That's not entirely accurate/succinct.

1. Remember that Gaza, unlike the rest of Israel territory, involves groups of people that refuse to recognize Israel, and (in the post I have above) teach their children the "merits" of violence and against Jews. That's not opinion, and that's not new, whatsoever. So, prison walls...or walls involving a genuinely hostile people?

2.  Yes, this is true, partially because the people looking browbeaten and oppressed is great PR for the PLO and the PA, helping to justify the actions of Hamas and Hezbollah.  These conversations have gone on as long as the conflicts have.  I hate it, as I said earlier, because Israel won't quite put their foot all the way down, and the adjoining countries won't really help. It's horrid PR at the macro level, with massive collateral damage.

3.  "Race of people"...bulls**t. Arabs/Muslims live peacefully throughout Israel, and "Miss Israel" was a Muslim woman recently.  This is purely a vicious, cultural, and eons-stupid snarl-fest that frankly needs to end.  "Palestinians" are NOT a race (in fact, scientifically, there's a single human race, but we've let a truly horrid social trope occur)...they're basically Jordanians, Egyptians, Lebanese, and so on, clinging to some beliefs tied up in some texts that conveniently forget how Jews in the area were treated PRIOR to WWII.

I've said repeatedly: I hate the whole Gaza situation, and I hope Hell has a very special room for Bibi.  That aside, however, I cannot begin to fathom how Israel is supposed to treat people that are, literally, taught as children to glorify hurting/killing Jews by their own schools/society as children...and live RIGHT OVER THERE...but, the international community only seems to lose its collective s**t at "Palestinians" if they kill 3 or more digits worth of Jews, despite constant rocket/mortar attacks and murderous raids that don't seem to interest the UN...but, the same entity will climb up Israel's nethers on a whim, comparably, and is VERY slow to condemn terrorism.

Meanwhile, antisemitism is surging worldwise, and a pile of morons tried to take over a port just North of me because they thought ship had weapons for Israel.  Great days to live in.

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@medaille said:
Just some random thoughts:

Israel has clearly established Apartheid.
  • Prison walls around Gaza, Israel controls who and what gets in and out.
  • Israel controls how much food, water, electricity, supplies are available and ensures Gaza is at a lower standard of living than mainland Israel.
  • Different laws based on the race of the people.
The most powerful Israeli politicians have said a bunch of racist shit against the Palestinians.  We're all talking about how Hamas wants to wipe the Jews off the earth.  The Jews that matter in Israel say the same things about not just Hamas, but also Palestinians.

The US and its allies are the biggest funders of terrorist organisations.  We use terrorism to prevent other countries that aren't in lockstep agreement with us from flourishing.  It's never been about stopping terrorism or stopping dictators, because we are friends with terrorists and friends with dictators.  It's about if they're going to play nice with us and do what we want them to do or not.

The governments that fight terrorism (via a war on terror) kill more innocent people than terrorists do.  The US killed 300,000 some innocent people in the war on terror.  This heavy handed oppression is the fuel for new terrorists not the solution for stopping terrorism.
Doesn't Egypt control the southern gates of Gaza?

To the points..

Israel controls who gets in and out.....of Israel.  They don't control the Egyptian border nor do they control the sea (they do inspect incoming cargo which is probably understandable) so Palestine is not closed off.  
Israel doesn't control how much food, water, electricity are available to Palestine.  Palestine and more specifically Hamas does.  Palestine was much better off prior to gaining self control from Israel during the Oslo Accords...when they agreed to peace.  Since then, despite aid flowing in...virtually no money has been invested in infrastructure...unless you count the underground free elections..just hate.

The Arabs and Jews coexist quite well in the West Bank and the quality of living is much higher and improving...without the governance of Hamas.

And btw...there's no doubt some Israelis have said some shameful stuff about Hamas and Palestinians.  Hamas has vowed to wipe the Israelis pigs off the face of the earth as a matter of policy.  They've placed bounties on the killing of Jews.  The isolated rhetoric from those Israeli politicans should not be excused but it's pretty tame stuff compared to the rhetoric on the other side.  Let's acknowledge that.

Hamas and the PLO prior have been offered independence and statehood several times over the years (aka two state solution).  It's not in Hamas' best interests, however.  People complain about feeding the military complex in the US...but that's literally all that Hamas does.  If they dropped their weapons tomorrow...peace and prosperity would break out.

For those who want to see the review of the textbooks being taught (this was from 2017, popped up as I chased data down).

Math problems dealing with numbers of martyrs? Really?


Another point about the hateful rhetoric in Israel and Gaza.  What is with the protests in the US chanting the slogan "From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free" including Congress members.  That's a phrase lifted from the PLO calling for genocide.  How is this ok?  The Jews are strangely a little sensitive about the whole genicide thing.

Here's what' me (above and beyond the, y'know, obvious killing, murder, mayhem in Israel/Gaza):

Is it odd to anyone else how many people were ready to get together, in huge numbers, at least across the western world, to protest in cities, colleges, very quickly?

The protests were underway before Israel had even truly started its response...and colleges were especially ready to go full "intifada".

That was quick, y'know?

Antisemitism has been on an alarming rise, and vacuous youth are rarely hard to find, but...hmmm...?

Quote: @badgervike said:
Another point about the hateful rhetoric in Israel and Gaza.  What is with the protests in the US chanting the slogan "From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free" including Congress members.  That's a phrase lifted from the PLO calling for genocide.  How is this ok?  The Jews are strangely a little sensitive about the whole genicide thing.
No one is saying it's ok.  It's stupid.  It doesn't represent the voice of the American people.  Why do people harp on stupid college kids doing stupid college things?  If law firms want to black list the kids who come out and support Hamas, that's their right and choice.

Israel killed more children today.  How many more kids are enough?

Can't be accused of blowing up "humanitarian aid" if there is no "humanitarian crisis" (smart)

It's obvious, the plan is to take over the Gaza Strip and control it for years to come.   I am sure that will play well with the Arab world.

Quote: @Zanary said:
Here's what' me (above and beyond the, y'know, obvious killing, murder, mayhem in Israel/Gaza):

Is it odd to anyone else how many people were ready to get together, in huge numbers, at least across the western world, to protest in cities, colleges, very quickly?

The protests were underway before Israel had even truly started its response...and colleges were especially ready to go full "intifada".

That was quick, y'know?

Antisemitism has been on an alarming rise, and vacuous youth are rarely hard to find, but...hmmm…?
7 years of the left being lit on fire since Trump took office
Throw in covid
Then George Floyd, Breanna Taylor, Elijah McClain
Then the bullshit of January 6th

with the jet fuel of social media spreading bullshit and connecting people instantly.  Consumed by the addicted people who have been infatuated on the power dynamics of oppressors and the oppressed for almost a decade and you are still surprised?

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