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So ya wanna get into Trump?
And btw...if you convicted both Trump and Hillary...I say put them in the same cell and make a reality show out of it.  I'd pay to watch least until Trump showed up dead from a self inflicted gunshot wound to the back of his head...

[Image: 618TrA8T18S._AC_SL1500_.jpg]

Quote: @badgervike said:
What was the conclusion to Benghazi investigation?  Troops weren't
deployed even after they had been ordered to, to busy changing clothes 4
times.  Hillary blamed youtube publicly and behind the scenes said it
was terrorists.  Rice gave interviews she shouldn't have. Four Americans died in an outpost not an embassy two civilians and two CIA operatives. And no wrong doing by any US officials.  Read the report, more Americans died yesterday in a bank, celebrating the second amendment. don't think we should have investigated Benghazi?  Not just the Hillary part but security / facility operation, why the Ambassador was in a hot zone on Sept 11 in an unfortified outpost, etc.  

Seems like a lot more reason to investigate that versus all the money spend on Russian Collusion by the various committees.  Everybody knew it was nonsense from the start...but that didn't stop the sham.  How unfortunate because that has now set the bar for political persecution.  We're entering into Third World country democracy at this point.  I'm old enough to remember when politicians from different parties could find common ground.  Those days are gone.
The facility was an “outpost”, Christopher Stevens was there to assess if it warranted further development and additional security to upgrade to an embassy.  Ten seperate investigations and no evidence found of any malfeasance or nonfeasance.  Stevens was  was fully aware of his mission and the risks.

Quote: @BigAl99 said:
@badgervike said:
What was the conclusion to Benghazi investigation?  Troops weren't
deployed even after they had been ordered to, to busy changing clothes 4
times.  Hillary blamed youtube publicly and behind the scenes said it
was terrorists.  Rice gave interviews she shouldn't have. Four Americans died in an outpost not an embassy two civilians and two CIA operatives. And no wrong doing by any US officials.  Read the report, more Americans died yesterday in a bank, celebrating the second amendment. don't think we should have investigated Benghazi?  Not just the Hillary part but security / facility operation, why the Ambassador was in a hot zone on Sept 11 in an unfortified outpost, etc.  

Seems like a lot more reason to investigate that versus all the money spend on Russian Collusion by the various committees.  Everybody knew it was nonsense from the start...but that didn't stop the sham.  How unfortunate because that has now set the bar for political persecution.  We're entering into Third World country democracy at this point.  I'm old enough to remember when politicians from different parties could find common ground.  Those days are gone.
The facility was an “outpost”, Christopher Stevens was there to assess if it warranted further development and additional security to upgrade to an embassy.  Ten seperate investigations and no evidence found of any malfeasance or nonfeasance.  Stevens was  was fully aware of his mission and the risks.
Did you really just Lib 'splain to me that it wasn't an Embassy but an Outpost...and attach my quote saying it was an "unfortified outpost".  That's good stuff.  Clearly the loss of an ambassador in the line of duty was going to get you some Congressional investigations to understand what happened and prevent it from happening again.  I always thought he was likely there because one of the local warlords that was considering changing to "our side"..which obviously was classified.  There's no way the Ambassador should have been in a hot zone on Sept 11 particularly after losing internal and external security just prior.  Really not sure why we're talking about Benghazi...when we can talk about Russia Collusion.  How much tax payer money has been spent on that charade?  At least with Benghazi there was actually some merit to an investigation.

Btw...I think there was plenty of malfeasance at bare minimum with blaming the "surprise" breach as a reaction to a youtube video.  They knew that was a lie.  Susan Rice embarrassed herself as did Clinton with that nonsense.

Quote: @badgervike said:
@BigAl99 said:
@badgervike said:
What was the conclusion to Benghazi investigation?  Troops weren't
deployed even after they had been ordered to, to busy changing clothes 4
times.  Hillary blamed youtube publicly and behind the scenes said it
was terrorists.  Rice gave interviews she shouldn't have. Four Americans died in an outpost not an embassy two civilians and two CIA operatives. And no wrong doing by any US officials.  Read the report, more Americans died yesterday in a bank, celebrating the second amendment. don't think we should have investigated Benghazi?  Not just the Hillary part but security / facility operation, why the Ambassador was in a hot zone on Sept 11 in an unfortified outpost, etc.  

Seems like a lot more reason to investigate that versus all the money spend on Russian Collusion by the various committees.  Everybody knew it was nonsense from the start...but that didn't stop the sham.  How unfortunate because that has now set the bar for political persecution.  We're entering into Third World country democracy at this point.  I'm old enough to remember when politicians from different parties could find common ground.  Those days are gone.
The facility was an “outpost”, Christopher Stevens was there to assess if it warranted further development and additional security to upgrade to an embassy.  Ten seperate investigations and no evidence found of any malfeasance or nonfeasance.  Stevens was  was fully aware of his mission and the risks.
Did you really just Lib 'splain to me that it wasn't an Embassy but an Outpost...and attach my quote saying it was an "unfortified outpost".  That's good stuff.  Clearly the loss of an ambassador in the line of duty was going to get you some Congressional investigations to understand what happened and prevent it from happening again.  I always thought he was likely there because one of the local warlords that was considering changing to "our side"..which obviously was classified.  There's no way the Ambassador should have been in a hot zone on Sept 11 particularly after losing internal and external security just prior.  Really not sure why we're talking about Benghazi...when we can talk about Russia Collusion.  How much tax payer money has been spent on that charade?  At least with Benghazi there was actually some merit to an investigation.

Btw...I think there was plenty of malfeasance at bare minimum with blaming the "surprise" breach as a reaction to a youtube video.  They knew that was a lie.  Susan Rice embarrassed herself as did Clinton with that nonsense.

You seemed unclear about the term, and why he was there.   Also a bit naive about Stevens role as an ambassador and why he was there.  That you find any questioning of meddling by foreign actors in our elections
and associations of the candidates meritless, speaks volumes of you myopic perception.  By the way who was the victim the malfeasance?  


Quote: @BigAl99 said:
@badgervike said:
@BigAl99 said:
@badgervike said:
What was the conclusion to Benghazi investigation?  Troops weren't
deployed even after they had been ordered to, to busy changing clothes 4
times.  Hillary blamed youtube publicly and behind the scenes said it
was terrorists.  Rice gave interviews she shouldn't have. Four Americans died in an outpost not an embassy two civilians and two CIA operatives. And no wrong doing by any US officials.  Read the report, more Americans died yesterday in a bank, celebrating the second amendment. don't think we should have investigated Benghazi?  Not just the Hillary part but security / facility operation, why the Ambassador was in a hot zone on Sept 11 in an unfortified outpost, etc.  

Seems like a lot more reason to investigate that versus all the money spend on Russian Collusion by the various committees.  Everybody knew it was nonsense from the start...but that didn't stop the sham.  How unfortunate because that has now set the bar for political persecution.  We're entering into Third World country democracy at this point.  I'm old enough to remember when politicians from different parties could find common ground.  Those days are gone.
The facility was an “outpost”, Christopher Stevens was there to assess if it warranted further development and additional security to upgrade to an embassy.  Ten seperate investigations and no evidence found of any malfeasance or nonfeasance.  Stevens was  was fully aware of his mission and the risks.
Did you really just Lib 'splain to me that it wasn't an Embassy but an Outpost...and attach my quote saying it was an "unfortified outpost".  That's good stuff.  Clearly the loss of an ambassador in the line of duty was going to get you some Congressional investigations to understand what happened and prevent it from happening again.  I always thought he was likely there because one of the local warlords that was considering changing to "our side"..which obviously was classified.  There's no way the Ambassador should have been in a hot zone on Sept 11 particularly after losing internal and external security just prior.  Really not sure why we're talking about Benghazi...when we can talk about Russia Collusion.  How much tax payer money has been spent on that charade?  At least with Benghazi there was actually some merit to an investigation.

Btw...I think there was plenty of malfeasance at bare minimum with blaming the "surprise" breach as a reaction to a youtube video.  They knew that was a lie.  Susan Rice embarrassed herself as did Clinton with that nonsense.

You seemed unclear about the term, and why he was there.   Also a bit naive about Stevens role as an ambassador and why he was there.  That you find any questioning of meddling by foreign actors in our elections
and associations of the candidates meritless, speaks volumes of you myopic perception.  By the way who was the victim the malfeasance?  


We don't need any foreigners fucking around with our elections,  that might run counter to all the meddling the DNC has been doing to our elections and affect their desired outcomes.  Heaven forbid anybody wants a real investigation into that possibility.   :/

What meddling are you talking about?  Kari Lake type.

Guess we will have to wait for the complete Durham report to see how it’s all tied together.

Quote: @badgervike said:
What was the conclusion to Benghazi investigation?  Troops weren't
deployed even after they had been ordered to, to busy changing clothes 4
times.  Hillary blamed youtube publicly and behind the scenes said it
was terrorists.  Rice gave interviews she shouldn't have. Four Americans died in an outpost not an embassy two civilians and two CIA operatives. And no wrong doing by any US officials.  Read the report, more Americans died yesterday in a bank, celebrating the second amendment. don't think we should have investigated Benghazi?  Not just the Hillary part but security / facility operation, why the Ambassador was in a hot zone on Sept 11 in an unfortified outpost, etc.  

Seems like a lot more reason to investigate that versus all the money spend on Russian Collusion by the various committees.  Everybody knew it was nonsense from the start...but that didn't stop the sham.  How unfortunate because that has now set the bar for political persecution.  We're entering into Third World country democracy at this point.  I'm old enough to remember when politicians from different parties could find common ground.  Those days are gone.
People that bother to post about Trump more than two years removed from office and ignoring the absolute shit storm that the libtards have brought on this country are totally unpersuadable.  I used to waste all day in forums thinking that any rational person would have to eventually see the light, but they never will and never do.  As our country circles the drain, they’re still holding on to Russia Collusion with CNN and MSNBC as their sources.  Every fruitless investigation of Trump proves even more in their head that he’s guilty of something, even though the justice system is rigged to find something and cannot.  The “Big Guy” is by far more corrupt than Trump, but mysteriously no headline about the factually proven Hunter Biden laptop story.  That doesn’t merit discussion.  Lol

Quote: @Waterboy said:
@badgervike said:
What was the conclusion to Benghazi investigation?  Troops weren't
deployed even after they had been ordered to, to busy changing clothes 4
times.  Hillary blamed youtube publicly and behind the scenes said it
was terrorists.  Rice gave interviews she shouldn't have. Four Americans died in an outpost not an embassy two civilians and two CIA operatives. And no wrong doing by any US officials.  Read the report, more Americans died yesterday in a bank, celebrating the second amendment. don't think we should have investigated Benghazi?  Not just the Hillary part but security / facility operation, why the Ambassador was in a hot zone on Sept 11 in an unfortified outpost, etc.  

Seems like a lot more reason to investigate that versus all the money spend on Russian Collusion by the various committees.  Everybody knew it was nonsense from the start...but that didn't stop the sham.  How unfortunate because that has now set the bar for political persecution.  We're entering into Third World country democracy at this point.  I'm old enough to remember when politicians from different parties could find common ground.  Those days are gone.
People that bother to post about Trump more than two years removed from office and ignoring the absolute shit storm that the libtards have brought on this country are totally unpersuadable.  I used to waste all day in forums thinking that any rational person would have to eventually see the light, but they never will and never do.  As our country circles the drain, they’re still holding on to Russia Collusion with CNN and MSNBC as their sources.  Every fruitless investigation of Trump proves even more in their head that he’s guilty of something, even though the justice system is rigged to find something and cannot.  The “Big Guy” is by far more corrupt than Trump, but mysteriously no headline about the factually proven Hunter Biden laptop story.  That doesn’t merit discussion.  Lol

The President's kids, yes, the ones who couldn't pass security clearance and still made it the White House.  Have access and actual power despite not passing the tests set forth by our security apparatus.  The one that the White House legal counsel sent a two page memo on requesting to downgrade their security access.  The ones who received $2 billion from the Saudi's and architected the Abraham Fund?  Oh . . those are the Trump kids and Jared Kushner.  BTW this news came from a whistleblower IN THE TRUMP administration, not the clowns of CNN or MSNBC.

Right.  But sure, let's go get Hunter Biden (who we can all agree is a scumbag) but is in charge of what office?  When did he take a position at the White House, I must have missed that one.

Quote: @Skodin said:
@Waterboy said:
@badgervike said:
What was the conclusion to Benghazi investigation?  Troops weren't
deployed even after they had been ordered to, to busy changing clothes 4
times.  Hillary blamed youtube publicly and behind the scenes said it
was terrorists.  Rice gave interviews she shouldn't have. Four Americans died in an outpost not an embassy two civilians and two CIA operatives. And no wrong doing by any US officials.  Read the report, more Americans died yesterday in a bank, celebrating the second amendment. don't think we should have investigated Benghazi?  Not just the Hillary part but security / facility operation, why the Ambassador was in a hot zone on Sept 11 in an unfortified outpost, etc.  

Seems like a lot more reason to investigate that versus all the money spend on Russian Collusion by the various committees.  Everybody knew it was nonsense from the start...but that didn't stop the sham.  How unfortunate because that has now set the bar for political persecution.  We're entering into Third World country democracy at this point.  I'm old enough to remember when politicians from different parties could find common ground.  Those days are gone.
People that bother to post about Trump more than two years removed from office and ignoring the absolute shit storm that the libtards have brought on this country are totally unpersuadable.  I used to waste all day in forums thinking that any rational person would have to eventually see the light, but they never will and never do.  As our country circles the drain, they’re still holding on to Russia Collusion with CNN and MSNBC as their sources.  Every fruitless investigation of Trump proves even more in their head that he’s guilty of something, even though the justice system is rigged to find something and cannot.  The “Big Guy” is by far more corrupt than Trump, but mysteriously no headline about the factually proven Hunter Biden laptop story.  That doesn’t merit discussion.  Lol

The President's kids, yes, the ones who couldn't pass security clearance and still made it the White House.  Have access and actual power despite not passing the tests set forth by our security apparatus.  The one that the White House legal counsel sent a two page memo on requesting to downgrade their security access.  The ones who received $2 billion from the Saudi's and architected the Abraham Fund?  Oh . . those are the Trump kids and Jared Kushner.  BTW this news came from a whistleblower IN THE TRUMP administration, not the clowns of CNN or MSNBC.

Right.  But sure, let's go get Hunter Biden (who we can all agree is a scumbag) but is in charge of what office?  When did he take a position at the White House, I must have missed that one.
You seem to be “missing” any real grasp of reality.  Spew some more yarns from the good old days.  I dont even think Trump himself is woth $2B, but it’s a cute story. Guess you havent got the Biden Ukraine, Russia, and Cinese deals that are actually verifiable.  But at least Biden’s a great leader.  This country is just thriving in every way under his idiotic Un-American policies.  But,”Orange Man” was in-sensitive. Yeah, we’re better off because of voters like yourself and the ballot harvestors paying for ballots and scouring nursing homes across the country. We got  a vote by mail ballot for my wifes mom who has been dead for three years.  So, yeah this Stormy Daniels thing is very important to our future as a country and not just another ploy to undermine Trump for political purposes.  lol

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