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The Start of the Russian Hoax
As far as being a liar ... go after the Bushes too. 

We have had 12 years of the Bush dynasty.
We have had 8 years of Clinton.
We have had 8 years of Obama. 

Endless war.  Endless profits.  Spying (started with the elder CIA Bush).  

All worth 9 figures.  To be fair to the Bush dynasty - they had a fortune to start - and probably ill gotten.  Obama and Clinton were penniless when they got out of office.   

Declare an executive order to make all current and past congressmen and presidents/VP subject to biannual audits.  Look at their deposits.  

It stretches the imagination that these people making 200 to 400k per year be worth hundreds of millions.  

We need an outsider to clean this shit up. 

Quote: @A1Janitor said:
Keep watching.  Russia was a hoax set up by Obama and Brennan.  To hide the corruption.  
Yes Brennan and Obama forced all those Trump campaign staff to contact Russians and lie about it, to con Trump Jr into accepting meetings to get dirt on Hillary, to brainwash Donald to ask Russia to hack the DNC email servers on national TV, and forced Putin to set up troll farms to bomb social media to help Trump.

All in a grand scheme to get the FBI to say Hillary was back under investigation days before the election 


Crack is whack


Quote: @SFVikeFan said:
@A1Janitor said:
Keep watching.  Russia was a hoax set up by Obama and Brennan.  To hide the corruption.  
Yes Brennan and Obama forced all those Trump campaign staff to contact Russians and lie about it, to con Trump Jr into accepting meetings to get dirt on Hillary, to brainwash Donald to ask Russia to hack the DNC email servers on national TV, and forced Putin to set up troll farms to bomb social media to help Trump.

All in a grand scheme to get the FBI to say Hillary was back under investigation days before the election 


Crack is whack

All of what you just wrote has been proven wrong by the IG report, the Mueller report, and several congressional investigations.  

I am saying something entirely different.

The Obama government spied on journalists and political opponents.  

The Russia hoax was a CIA and FBI hoax.  

It started with Clinton paying Fusion GPS to dig up dirt on Trump. Chris Steele worked with Ukrainians to create the fake dossier.  Clinton used it to smear Trump before the election.  It didn’t work.

Obama was involved. Brennan worked with foreign countries - Italy, Australia, England - to spy on Trump.  CIA hired Mifsud, Downer, Halper - to create fake “russia hacked DNC” nonsense and gave it to wikipedia.  

Wikipedia also had Snowden material of corrupt US government.  Wikileaks got the hacked from Seth Rich - a DNC worker who was upset DNC rigged primary against Bernie. (I don’t have to prove that Donna Brazile gave the debate questions to Hillary before the debate!). 
We now all agree that Russia tried to interfere in the election.  But we do not accept hacking until they prove it.  Give up the server. 

Look at the FISA abuse.  A top lawyer changed an email to deceive the court.  The change was significant.  He changed the email to pretend Carter Page was not a CIA asset.  He was.  And he was working in Russia not as a Trump campaign official. He was CIA.  That changes the narrative.  They committed felonies to justify spying to FISA of Trump campaign.  

Go look into the meeting with Don Jr.  A provable setup.  No dirt on Clinton.  All bullshit. 

At same time Clinton was creating fake dossier using foreign sources (Steele and Ukrainians) - FBI opened a fake investigation of Trump. It was Ukraines that tried to influence 2016.  (Not Trump/Russia).

Nellie Ohr.  Bruce Ohr.  Peter Strzok. Lisa Page. Andrew McCabe (bought off with close to 1 million to his wife from Clinton).  Loretta Lynch (quid pro quo tarmac meeting promise to be SCOTUS).  

Brennan and Comey lied to Congress.  DOJ not turning over docs. 

All while Biden is taking millions from Ukraine.  

LOOK.  Our government officials should not receive anything from foreign governments, lobbyists, etc.  

If you think our government has been honest and fair since Carter - I think you are nuts.  They create wars, overthrow governments, and profit off the death of innocent people. 

Let’s end it. Trump is draining the swamp.  And they fought back.  And will be in jail.  

The goddamned media is complicit.  Audit them.  


Quote: @A1Janitor said:
@SFVikeFan said:
@A1Janitor said:
Keep watching.  Russia was a hoax set up by Obama and Brennan.  To hide the corruption.  
Yes Brennan and Obama forced all those Trump campaign staff to contact Russians and lie about it, to con Trump Jr into accepting meetings to get dirt on Hillary, to brainwash Donald to ask Russia to hack the DNC email servers on national TV, and forced Putin to set up troll farms to bomb social media to help Trump.

All in a grand scheme to get the FBI to say Hillary was back under investigation days before the election 


Crack is whack

All of what you just wrote has been proven wrong by the IG report, the Mueller report, and several congressional investigations.  

I am saying something entirely different.

The Obama government spied on journalists and political opponents.  

The Russia hoax was a CIA and FBI hoax.  

It started with Clinton paying Fusion GPS to dig up dirt on Trump. Chris Steele worked with Ukrainians to create the fake dossier.  Clinton used it to smear Trump before the election.  It didn’t work.

Obama was involved. Brennan worked with foreign countries - Italy, Australia, England - to spy on Trump.  CIA hired Mifsud, Downer, Halper - to create fake “russia hacked DNC” nonsense and gave it to wikipedia.  

Wikipedia also had Snowden material of corrupt US government.  Wikileaks got the hacked from Seth Rich - a DNC worker who was upset DNC rigged primary against Bernie. (I don’t have to prove that Donna Brazile gave the debate questions to Hillary before the debate!). 
We now all agree that Russia tried to interfere in the election.  But we do not accept hacking until they prove it.  Give up the server. 

Look at the FISA abuse.  A top lawyer changed an email to deceive the court.  The change was significant.  He changed the email to pretend Carter Page was not a CIA asset.  He was.  And he was working in Russia not as a Trump campaign official. He was CIA.  That changes the narrative.  They committed felonies to justify spying to FISA of Trump campaign.  

Go look into the meeting with Don Jr.  A provable setup.  No dirt on Clinton.  All bullshit. 

At same time Clinton was creating fake dossier using foreign sources (Steele and Ukrainians) - FBI opened a fake investigation of Trump. It was Ukraines that tried to influence 2016.  (Not Trump/Russia).

Nellie Ohr.  Bruce Ohr.  Peter Strzok. Lisa Page. Andrew McCabe (bought off with close to 1 million to his wife from Clinton).  Loretta Lynch (quid pro quo tarmac meeting promise to be SCOTUS).  

Brennan and Comey lied to Congress.  DOJ not turning over docs. 

All while Biden is taking millions from Ukraine.  

LOOK.  Our government officials should not receive anything from foreign governments, lobbyists, etc.  

If you think our government has been honest and fair since Carter - I think you are nuts.  They create wars, overthrow governments, and profit off the death of innocent people. 

Let’s end it. Trump is draining the swamp.  And they fought back.  And will be in jail.  

The goddamned media is complicit.  Audit them.  

You have lost your mind.

I am quoting the IG and Mueller report results:

Russia meddled in our election, they favored Trump - fact

Trump went on national TV and asked Russia to hack Hillary - fact

Jr. accepted an invitation from Russians to get dirt on Hillary - fact

Now for your bullshit:

Seth Rich gave Wikileaks the info, not the Russians???  LMAO that is fucking debunked tinfoil hat looney tunes Russian propaganda that even Fox News retracted that story after getting sued for it.

Ukraine - not Russia - meddled in the election???    LMAO that is again Russian propaganda you keep repeating, completely the opposite of what is in the IG Report and Mueller Report.  You are pretty bold with lies that are easily debunked, or just a fucking crazy senile old man with dementia.  I am betting on the latter.

Hillary used the Steele dossier before the election?  OK, so post quites or interviews of when she brought it up.  John McCain didn’t know it existed until AFTER THE ELECTION and turned it over to the FBI end of 2016.  Trump wasn’t even aware of it until January 2017, once again 2 months AFTER the election.  

You are so easily confused and conned with conspiracy theories it’s comical, mixing up half-truths with lies to produce a narrative that fits your beliefs.  You seriously need a wellness check because that last post is off the rails, fringe lunatic nutjob territory you are living in.

And Trump IS the swamp, helping Putin to divide Americans and destabilize NATO, the UN, Europe and weaken America.  


Quote: @SFVikeFan said:

I am quoting the IG and Mueller report results:

From a guy who can't see the forest but for the trees.  
This is getting old correcting your "facts".  We've addressed these before.  
*Reagan voice*  "there you go, again."

Russia meddled in our election, they favored Trump - fact

Shocker!  They've meddled in every damn election.  So what? 
Mueller nabbed/named 14 Russkie ne-er-do-wells, that never CHANGED A DAMN VOTE!
Rosenstein & Mueller ALSO said NOT ONE American (that includes Trump) colluded with said Russkies.  
& oh, btw, Ukraine also meddled in our election...for Hillary!  
Unless liberal Politico is full of crap.

Trump went on national TV and asked Russia to hack Hillary - fact

See, this is hilarious.  
You're referencing this, aren't you? 

It was a JOKE, son!  
You REALLY think Russians were laying around, minding their own business...when suddenly Trump suggested they should
produce Hillary's missing e-mails, and SHAZAM!  they left their dachas and began scouring the internet.   And those erstwhile Russkies said to themselves..."Boris...let's find Hillary's missing emails.  Why?  Trump ordered us."  
ONLY on Trump's say-so.  L>M>A>O.

Jr. accepted an invitation from Russians to get dirt on Hillary - fact

"accepted an invitation"?  Not illegal.  
Paying foreigners for oppo-research?  Iffy. 

There is no law/statute that denies listening to oppo-research, from ANYWHERE. 
If it was...
   McCain would be next on the guillotine for forwarding foreign (Steele) opposition-research.
Schiff would be next, based on this: 
      A Russian-radio spoof in which Schiff was more than ready to accept oppo-research.   

Of course, you'll ignore this re-nuking^^ of your "facts" as you've done in the past.  
BTW, can you highlight any of your correct  past predictions re: Trump/Mueller-Russian collusion?  OIG Horowitz predictions?  
Or any Trump dire economic forecast predictions?  Any Trump dire social predictions?  
IOW' me to ONE of your past Trump criticisms, that has proved true, today.  

I think you're a well-spoken, intelligent guy, SFVF. Like KB.  And I rather like intelligence.  
Pining for a day you realize (despite said intelligence) you're mal-informed.   Smile



Quote: @savannahskol said:
@SFVikeFan said:

I am quoting the IG and Mueller report results:

From a guy who can't see the forest but for the trees.  
This is getting old correcting your "facts".  We've addressed these before.  
*Reagan voice*  "there you go, again."

Russia meddled in our election, they favored Trump - fact

Shocker!  They've meddled in every damn election.  So what? 
Mueller nabbed/named 14 Russkie ne-er-do-wells, that never CHANGED A DAMN VOTE!
Rosenstein & Mueller ALSO said NOT ONE American (that includes Trump) colluded with said Russkies.  
& oh, btw, Ukraine also meddled in our election...for Hillary!  
Unless liberal Politico is full of crap.

Trump went on national TV and asked Russia to hack Hillary - fact

See, this is hilarious.  
You're referencing this, aren't you? 

It was a JOKE, son!  
You REALLY think Russians were laying around, minding their own business...when suddenly Trump suggested they should
produce Hillary's missing e-mails, and SHAZAM!  they left their dachas and began scouring the internet.   And those erstwhile Russkies said to themselves..."Boris...let's find Hillary's missing emails.  Why?  Trump ordered us."  
ONLY on Trump's say-so.  L>M>A>O.

Jr. accepted an invitation from Russians to get dirt on Hillary - fact

"accepted an invitation"?  Not illegal.  
Paying foreigners for oppo-research?  Iffy. 

There is no law/statute that denies listening to oppo-research, from ANYWHERE. 
If it was...
   McCain would be next on the guillotine for forwarding foreign (Steele) opposition-research.
Schiff would be next, based on this: 
      A Russian-radio spoof in which Schiff was more than ready to accept oppo-research.   

Of course, you'll ignore this re-nuking^^ of your "facts" as you've done in the past.  
BTW, can you highlight any of your correct  past predictions re: Trump/Mueller-Russian collusion?  OIG Horowitz predictions?  
Or any Trump dire economic forecast predictions?  Any Trump dire social predictions?  
IOW' me to ONE of your past Trump criticisms, that has proved true, today.  

I think you're a well-spoken, intelligent guy, SFVF. Like KB.  And I rather like intelligence.  
Pining for a day you realize (despite said intelligence) you're mal-informed.   Smile


You think Trump was “joking” when he asked Russia to find Hillary’s emails?  What a dazzling defense. 

Within HOURS of that statement Russians actually hacked the DNC - FACT.  That is part of the Mueller Report.  Apparently they didn’t think Trump was joking.

And trying to compare John McCain who was GIVEN the Steele dossier when he didn’t ask for it, read it with Lindsey Graham and correctly handed it over to the FBI, compared to Junior who said “I would love it” after being offered info from the Russians and accepted a meeting to get the dirt is fucking ridiculous.  You are being dishonest with yourself and you fucking know better these aren’t remotely the same scenario.

Did McCain solicit help, accept offers, not contact the FBI, then lie about it?  Other than those minor differences you say it is the same thing as Jr did??


Thank goodness Jr. only TRIED to get help from Russians.  LOL!   You know what they do to people in military if they pull that same shit?

Watching your mental gymnastics at work trying to defend illegal, unethical and immoral actions by the Trump campaign staff which landed most of them in jail ... with a dazzling defense like “he was joking” and “But McCain/But Schiff” responses, which only play well to GOP partisan lapdogs, not the rest of the country.

Bravo Savannah, I will say you are consistent with your apples and oranges comparisons and But Hillary! retorts in a sad defense to justify this criminal trainwreck in office.


Train wreck  in office.  Look at his record and accomplishments. 

You are insane with your defenses.  

PROVE Russia hacked the DNC.  You should want the FBI to grab the server and search it. Not turn it over to the paid opposition to give a “report”.  

It is a scam. Seth Rich downloaded the info and gave it to Assange. Not Russia.  

Quote: @A1Janitor said:

Train wreck  in office.  Look at his record and accomplishments. 

You are insane with your defenses.  

PROVE Russia hacked the DNC.  You should want the FBI to grab the server and search it. Not turn it over to the paid opposition to give a “report”.  

It is a scam. Seth Rich downloaded the info and gave it to Assange. Not Russia.  

Prove the Mueller Report and our intelligence agencies are wrong, and Seth Rich did it and not Russia.

You can’t. 

You cling to utter nonsense like a brainwashed cult member.  You literally believe Russian propaganda over reality.  You are a complete nutjob spewing bullshit that even Fox News won’t report.

Trump ‘s accomplishments:

De-nuclearize North Korea?  LOL played like a fiddle by Rocket Man
Healthcare better and cheaper on Day 1?  No plan in sight after 3 years
Infrastructure bill?  Nope.
Mexico paying for the wall?  LOLOLOLOLOL
Won the trade war on China with tariffs?  Only shot US consumers in the foot raising our costs
Farmers doing better?  Bankruptcies at 15 year high, $25 billion in bailouts
Promised his new tax plan will erase our debt??  LMAO how about doubling the deficit from Obama’s last year to over $1 trillion a year?  Suddenly GOP doesn’t talk about debt anymore
Highest turnover rate in White House history, runs his administration like a poorly managed McDonald’s
Doesn’t read daily intelligence briefings

Has left America at its most vulnerable in history with dozens and dozens of positions unfilled many of which are critical, Cabinet level positions left unfilled, unconfirmed or in acting roles:

Accomplishments:Most lies told in office, now over 10,000
Most days spent on vacation in history
First President in history to charge taxpayers for his vacations to stay at his own hotels
Most rounds of golf played 
Most rallies attended
Most cities still awaiting payment for millions of dollars in bills from his visits during rallies, some over 1 year past due but reelecyion campaign refuses to pay up 
Most Tweets 
Most insults hurled at Americans and allies
Most praise for leaders of enemies and murderous regimes
Most “executive time” scheduled to watch Fox and Friends, CNN and his favorite TV shows

Has he even hit 50% approval rating ever?

Yeah bravo... and awards for most idiots following a false idol who thinks Revolutionary War battles were fought at airports, windmills cause cancer, Obama’s birth certificate was fake, and that the US could buy Greenland.  

Stable genius LMAO


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