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8/3 was an awful day in this country....
Quote: @pumpf said:
@KingBash said:
@pumpf said:
@KingBash said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@KingBash said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@KingBash said:
@pumpf said:

The El Paso shooter may have been a Trump supporter.  But you know what else he was?  The product of a broken family.  Like the vast majority (26/27 in 2018) of mass shooters, his parents got divorced when he was young.  Over 90% of inmates come from broken homes... as well as 75% of rapists.  There are other stats I could post, but I'm too lazy to do it now.  

Divorce is the one, single thing that the vast majority of shooters have in common.  The Ohio shooter was a staunch Democrat... and an atheist / Satan worshiper.  But- strangely- that didn't get mentioned.  (By the way, his parents were still married, making him the exception to the rule).  But he did commit various "crimes" while in HS that should've not only warned his parents to do something... but also precluded him from being able to buy a gun.

As usual, it APPEARS that the only reason some people care about shooting victims... is to further their political ideology (i.e. "win" a fight).  That is REALLY sad.

Suncoast is correct: it is a mental health issue.  Obviously divorce has a terribly profound- and negative- impact on children.  Not every child who comes out of a divorced family is going to go on a shooting rampage... just as not every Sunday School student (from an intact family) grows up to be a saint.  But clearly there is a correlation here... one that no one wants to confront, because it would mean that our choices- as adults- matter... and can negatively impact our future children.  Acknowledging that would mean that we have- perhaps unintentionally- contributed to these terrible events.  And since no one wants that on their conscience, it is much easier to blame the big, bad orange man.  
You're such a fake Christian. You'll support separating children from their parents at the border because, as you said, laws are laws. But when a right-wing fuck shoots up a public place, you find out he's a Trump supporter and go on the defensive.

Fuck you, man.
once again with the lack of civility.   i thought you were done with this place?  apparently your self imposed time off wasnt effective.   keep it civil or you will be gone.
You've got me there, it's tough to stay logged out when you're proven right time and again. Unfortunately, I have to remind simple people like yourself how correct I am and have been over a mass shooting.

Lack of civility? Certainly. It's come to that. Time to call out this phony Christian conservative nonsense for what it is. 
so you are saying you cant be adult and civil?   thats what I am getting here,  you are not willing to follow the rules of the board?
I'm talking to other adults. If bad language upsets another adult, that's on them.
If you're so "adult" then how about you actually debate the facts that I presented?  You claim to be "right", but all you've offered is the opinion: that anyone who disagrees with you is wrong.  But FACTS are what win arguments, not opinions.  And the fact is that the ONE THING that the vast majority of shooters- 97% (and inmates-90%... and rapists-73%... and drug abusers-71%... and people living below the poverty line... and lower academic scores... and suicide rates...) have in common: is that they come out of "broken" homes.  Those are DOJ stats, not opinions.

Not every shooter is a conservative.  Not every shooter is a liberal.  Not every shooter is a Christian.  Not every shooter is an atheist.  But 97% of them are men who grew up in homes that didn't have a father present.  That couldn't possibly have anything to do with it, could it?  I GUARANTEE you that- if 97% of the shooters were conservatives... or called themselves "Christians"- you would ABSOLUTELY blame that for the shootings.  You know you would.  So why do you have such a hard time recognizing that these "homes" have something to do with the mental problems that these shooters have?    


Okay what's your solution? Do you have a plan in place to stop people from coming from broken homes?

And, cue Christian dogma in 3, 2, 1...
Make better choices leading up to marriage (things that are proven to make divorce MUCH less likely... while, at the same time, making it much MORE likely that the couple will have a much higher level of marital satisfaction)... and then stay married.  People make it seem like there are only 2 choices when troubles come in a marriage: be unhappy for the rest of your life... or get a divorce.  There are other options.

There a proven things that people can do to make their marriages healthy.  But most people don't want to do those things, choosing immediate gratification over long-term happiness.  But immediate gratification has it's consequences, which no one (it seems) ever wants to talk about.  So then the cycle continues... and nobody understands why these things keep happening.
Marriage is an archaic, silly tradition that needs to go away. I'm fine with the ceremony and the rings and all that shit because women love to have a party for themselves. But as far as traditional marriage goes, in the sense I think you believe in it, it's fucking stupid. It works for some, but not all. And if it works for you, great. But it shouldn't be a standard we need to impose on everybody.

Your issue is with child rearing, which I'll agree is important. It's important for parents to be attentive, present, and loving.

As far as these shootings are concerned, what you've cited probably plays a role. As does mental illness in general. AS DOES GUN CONTROL! It's past time to fix these shitty gun control laws that NRA-bought Republicans refuse to make progress on. Start there. Make it harder for mentally ill fucks from broken homes to ACQUIRE the weapons that cause this. 

Why is this so difficult for you?

Quote: @AGRforever said:
@KingBash said:
@AGRforever said:
@KingBash said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@KingBash said:
"Thoughts and prayers" needs to go away. It solves nothing. 

Here's one of the major problems:

"We cannot allow all of these people to invade our Country [sic - because he's an idiot]. When somebody comes in, we must immediately, with no Judge [sic] or Court Cases [sic], bring them back from where they came. Our system is a mockery to good immigration policy and Law and Order[sic - this isn't the TV show, no need to capitalize, dummy]. Most children come without parents..." - President Baby

THIS guy is a major part of the problem. We have a gun control problem, a mental health problem, but the latest catalyst is a mentally ill narcissistic dick head riling up easily-influenced stupid people. Impeach this fucking guy now. It's only going to get worse. 

There will ALWAYS be stupid people, but we need to collectively work together to stop emboldening them. He's doing it for his ego (and votes). 
good thing once hes out of office it will go back to the way it was before him when there were no gun problems,  no racial issues, no immigration problems,  mental health was dealt with... 

oh wait.  we had all those things before he was elected.
We did, thanks to Republican agendas. And he's made them way worse.

You're not gonna win this one. I'm right and you know it.
I think you should seek help.  I really believe you might have narcissistic personality disorder. 

Here's a google search for a internet test but I really think you might need a professional:

Trump has that, I don't.
exactly what a narcissist would say. you both likelyhave it. he just has smaller fingers. 
Alright, if you're complimenting my dick size... we're cool. 

How the fuck did he manage to blunder this one?

Remember when this idiot was complaining about Obama using a Teleprompter? At least Obama could read one. 

God what a pathetic excuse for a man. I'd love nothing more than to spit directly in his face. 

Quote: @pumpf said:
@MaroonBells said:
I have not said one word about Trump, except to quote the manifesto (interesting that you haven't read it, but somehow know the non-politically motivated Dayton shooter was a Democrat). No, I'm talking about the thing that you have so much trouble admitting is a big problem in America. RACISM. And I have no idea what stats you're referring to. You do this a lot. You refer to something you said somewhere and accuse someone else of not addressing that, as if you made some kind of great point that everyone should have read. 
Here's one "snippet" of the research that's been done... as presented by NPR (which, I assume, you won't have an issue with):

Here's a more comprehensive one, based on stats from various gov't sources.  But since it didn't come from a left-wing site, I'm doubtful that you'll believe it:

EDIT: Racism IS a problem; but I don't know that it is high on the list of "biggest" issues that our country is wrestling with.  I would counter by saying that our disposable view of life (that it's OK to destroy it if it becomes inconvenient to have around) is a much bigger issue.  The view of life- from the unborn to the elderly- has dramatically changed.  At one end of the spectrum, not only has abortion become a "cool" thing that is openly trumpeted (as opposed to the Clinton years when it was supposed to be rare but legal)... but a law that would prevent a child-born-alive from being killed was shot down as "controversial".  On the other end of the spectrum, you have more and more people being seduced by the "right to die" culture, which wants euthanasia legalized (even though we KNOW that it will be abused and used to put people to death against their will).  

Simply put: life is not considered precious anymore (at least not by large segments of our country, including the MSM).  What did you think would happen when "life" was reduced to nothing more than a commodity- which can be discarded (destroyed) when it fails to bring us the happiness that we crave. 
Didn't see anything about divorce in either of those links. And please, just stop the "life is precious" nonsense. We know how you feel about life. Good people can disagree on whether life begins at conception. But they can't disagree that children caged at the border, bombed in Syria, drowning in the Mediterranean, and starving in Africa constitute living, breathing "lives." Children of God, all of them. And we know by the policies you support and those you don't, how you feel about those lives. 

Quote: @KingBash said:
How the fuck did he manage to blunder this one?

Remember when this idiot was complaining about Obama using a Teleprompter? At least Obama could read one. 

God what a pathetic excuse for a man. I'd love nothing more than to spit directly in his face. 
I can't wait till Trumps out of office and whatever new stooge is put it from team Blue OR Red so I can start daily rants about how shitty he/she/it/sis/tran/gay/tree/cat/dog/dragon is.  I wish we could find something else to bitch about.  All this back and forth sure is 1st world problems.  While some dude is hunting and gathering in Africa  because his belly is empty, we're worried about our jackass in chief's presentation. 

Quote: @MaroonBells said:
@pumpf said:
@MaroonBells said:
I have not said one word about Trump, except to quote the manifesto (interesting that you haven't read it, but somehow know the non-politically motivated Dayton shooter was a Democrat). No, I'm talking about the thing that you have so much trouble admitting is a big problem in America. RACISM. And I have no idea what stats you're referring to. You do this a lot. You refer to something you said somewhere and accuse someone else of not addressing that, as if you made some kind of great point that everyone should have read. 
Here's one "snippet" of the research that's been done... as presented by NPR (which, I assume, you won't have an issue with):

Here's a more comprehensive one, based on stats from various gov't sources.  But since it didn't come from a left-wing site, I'm doubtful that you'll believe it:

EDIT: Racism IS a problem; but I don't know that it is high on the list of "biggest" issues that our country is wrestling with.  I would counter by saying that our disposable view of life (that it's OK to destroy it if it becomes inconvenient to have around) is a much bigger issue.  The view of life- from the unborn to the elderly- has dramatically changed.  At one end of the spectrum, not only has abortion become a "cool" thing that is openly trumpeted (as opposed to the Clinton years when it was supposed to be rare but legal)... but a law that would prevent a child-born-alive from being killed was shot down as "controversial".  On the other end of the spectrum, you have more and more people being seduced by the "right to die" culture, which wants euthanasia legalized (even though we KNOW that it will be abused and used to put people to death against their will).  

Simply put: life is not considered precious anymore (at least not by large segments of our country, including the MSM).  What did you think would happen when "life" was reduced to nothing more than a commodity- which can be discarded (destroyed) when it fails to bring us the happiness that we crave. 
Didn't see anything about divorce in either of those links. And please, just stop the "life is precious" nonsense. We know how you feel about life. Good people can disagree on whether life begins at conception. But they can't disagree that children caged at the border, bombed in Syria, drowning in the Mediterranean, and starving in Africa constitute living, breathing "lives." Children of God, all of them. And we know by the policies you support and those you don't, how you feel about those lives. 
There's not one single child caged at the boarder that shouldn't be.  What should we do?  Not keep them safe while their parents get deported?  Let them roam the streets?  Turn a blind eye to our immigration laws and just let them all illegaly immigrate? 

The bombing of brown people world wide is bullshit and I'm very opposed to it.  Bring our troops home. 

We can't stop people from swimming the Mediterranean for a better life. 

The African's are getting all kinds of subsidies from us.  We can't feed them all and frankly by feeding some we're probably causing more to be born then would have and in turn hurting more then we're helpping. 

Quote: @MaroonBells said:
@pumpf said:
@MaroonBells said:
I have not said one word about Trump, except to quote the manifesto (interesting that you haven't read it, but somehow know the non-politically motivated Dayton shooter was a Democrat). No, I'm talking about the thing that you have so much trouble admitting is a big problem in America. RACISM. And I have no idea what stats you're referring to. You do this a lot. You refer to something you said somewhere and accuse someone else of not addressing that, as if you made some kind of great point that everyone should have read. 
Here's one "snippet" of the research that's been done... as presented by NPR (which, I assume, you won't have an issue with):

Here's a more comprehensive one, based on stats from various gov't sources.  But since it didn't come from a left-wing site, I'm doubtful that you'll believe it:

EDIT: Racism IS a problem; but I don't know that it is high on the list of "biggest" issues that our country is wrestling with.  I would counter by saying that our disposable view of life (that it's OK to destroy it if it becomes inconvenient to have around) is a much bigger issue.  The view of life- from the unborn to the elderly- has dramatically changed.  At one end of the spectrum, not only has abortion become a "cool" thing that is openly trumpeted (as opposed to the Clinton years when it was supposed to be rare but legal)... but a law that would prevent a child-born-alive from being killed was shot down as "controversial".  On the other end of the spectrum, you have more and more people being seduced by the "right to die" culture, which wants euthanasia legalized (even though we KNOW that it will be abused and used to put people to death against their will).  

Simply put: life is not considered precious anymore (at least not by large segments of our country, including the MSM).  What did you think would happen when "life" was reduced to nothing more than a commodity- which can be discarded (destroyed) when it fails to bring us the happiness that we crave. 
Didn't see anything about divorce in either of those links. And please, just stop the "life is precious" nonsense. We know how you feel about life. Good people can disagree on whether life begins at conception. But they can't disagree that children caged at the border, bombed in Syria, drowning in the Mediterranean, and starving in Africa constitute living, breathing "lives." Children of God, all of them. And we know by the policies you support and those you don't, how you feel about those lives. 
"Good" people are concerned about the issues that you raised ALL THE TIME... not just when there's someone in the Oval Office that they don't like.  That shows that they actually DO care about other lives- not just when it's politically convenient to do so.

So, please: show me all the posts you made 4 years ago when all of those things were happening.

Quote: @pumpf said:
@MaroonBells said:
@pumpf said:
@MaroonBells said:
I have not said one word about Trump, except to quote the manifesto (interesting that you haven't read it, but somehow know the non-politically motivated Dayton shooter was a Democrat). No, I'm talking about the thing that you have so much trouble admitting is a big problem in America. RACISM. And I have no idea what stats you're referring to. You do this a lot. You refer to something you said somewhere and accuse someone else of not addressing that, as if you made some kind of great point that everyone should have read. 
Here's one "snippet" of the research that's been done... as presented by NPR (which, I assume, you won't have an issue with):

Here's a more comprehensive one, based on stats from various gov't sources.  But since it didn't come from a left-wing site, I'm doubtful that you'll believe it:

EDIT: Racism IS a problem; but I don't know that it is high on the list of "biggest" issues that our country is wrestling with.  I would counter by saying that our disposable view of life (that it's OK to destroy it if it becomes inconvenient to have around) is a much bigger issue.  The view of life- from the unborn to the elderly- has dramatically changed.  At one end of the spectrum, not only has abortion become a "cool" thing that is openly trumpeted (as opposed to the Clinton years when it was supposed to be rare but legal)... but a law that would prevent a child-born-alive from being killed was shot down as "controversial".  On the other end of the spectrum, you have more and more people being seduced by the "right to die" culture, which wants euthanasia legalized (even though we KNOW that it will be abused and used to put people to death against their will).  

Simply put: life is not considered precious anymore (at least not by large segments of our country, including the MSM).  What did you think would happen when "life" was reduced to nothing more than a commodity- which can be discarded (destroyed) when it fails to bring us the happiness that we crave. 
Didn't see anything about divorce in either of those links. And please, just stop the "life is precious" nonsense. We know how you feel about life. Good people can disagree on whether life begins at conception. But they can't disagree that children caged at the border, bombed in Syria, drowning in the Mediterranean, and starving in Africa constitute living, breathing "lives." Children of God, all of them. And we know by the policies you support and those you don't, how you feel about those lives. 
"Good" people are concerned about the issues that you raised ALL THE TIME... not just when there's someone in the Oval Office that they don't like.  That shows that they actually DO care about other lives- not just when it's politically convenient to do so.

So, please: show me all the posts you made 4 years ago when all of those things were happening.
Fuck you. This is another thing you do. You think that if it didn't happen on this board, it didn't happen. Do you have a life outside this board? Are you active in organizations who support your beliefs? Do you engage in social, religious and political action/commentary anywhere other than this board? Yeah, I thought so. So don't assume the rest of us don't.

If you were to visit my facebook page, you'd discover that there were dozens of posts about Syria, the kids drowning in the Med and countries refusing to accept refugees LONG before the moron came along. I've been active in refugee organizations, Amnesty International, the ACLU and the ONE campaign, but I'm not here to give you my resume. I honestly don't give a shit about your approval. 



Quote: @MaroonBells said:
@pumpf said:
@MaroonBells said:
@pumpf said:
@MaroonBells said:
I have not said one word about Trump, except to quote the manifesto (interesting that you haven't read it, but somehow know the non-politically motivated Dayton shooter was a Democrat). No, I'm talking about the thing that you have so much trouble admitting is a big problem in America. RACISM. And I have no idea what stats you're referring to. You do this a lot. You refer to something you said somewhere and accuse someone else of not addressing that, as if you made some kind of great point that everyone should have read. 
Here's one "snippet" of the research that's been done... as presented by NPR (which, I assume, you won't have an issue with):

Here's a more comprehensive one, based on stats from various gov't sources.  But since it didn't come from a left-wing site, I'm doubtful that you'll believe it:

EDIT: Racism IS a problem; but I don't know that it is high on the list of "biggest" issues that our country is wrestling with.  I would counter by saying that our disposable view of life (that it's OK to destroy it if it becomes inconvenient to have around) is a much bigger issue.  The view of life- from the unborn to the elderly- has dramatically changed.  At one end of the spectrum, not only has abortion become a "cool" thing that is openly trumpeted (as opposed to the Clinton years when it was supposed to be rare but legal)... but a law that would prevent a child-born-alive from being killed was shot down as "controversial".  On the other end of the spectrum, you have more and more people being seduced by the "right to die" culture, which wants euthanasia legalized (even though we KNOW that it will be abused and used to put people to death against their will).  

Simply put: life is not considered precious anymore (at least not by large segments of our country, including the MSM).  What did you think would happen when "life" was reduced to nothing more than a commodity- which can be discarded (destroyed) when it fails to bring us the happiness that we crave. 
Didn't see anything about divorce in either of those links. And please, just stop the "life is precious" nonsense. We know how you feel about life. Good people can disagree on whether life begins at conception. But they can't disagree that children caged at the border, bombed in Syria, drowning in the Mediterranean, and starving in Africa constitute living, breathing "lives." Children of God, all of them. And we know by the policies you support and those you don't, how you feel about those lives. 
"Good" people are concerned about the issues that you raised ALL THE TIME... not just when there's someone in the Oval Office that they don't like.  That shows that they actually DO care about other lives- not just when it's politically convenient to do so.

So, please: show me all the posts you made 4 years ago when all of those things were happening.
Fuck you. This is another thing you do. You think that if it didn't happen on this board, it didn't happen. Do you have a life outside this board? Are you active in organizations who support your beliefs? Do you engage in social, religious and political action/commentary anywhere other than this board? Yeah, I thought so. So don't assume the rest of us don't.

If you were to visit my facebook page, you'd discover that there were dozens of posts about Syria, the kids drowning in the Med and countries refusing to accept refugees LONG before the moron came along. I've been active in refugee organizations, Amnesty International, the ACLU and the ONE campaign, but I'm not here to give you my resume. I honestly don't give a shit about your approval. 

I propose a cage fight live broadcast on Vikefan.  Pumpf vs Maroon.  Tom has the camera and mic.  They already have the twitter following to really advertise.  I think it would be fun.
Now we just need a venue and a prize. 

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