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Quote: @KingBash said:
@Sir Viking Bob VWO said:
@KingBash said:
@Sir Viking Bob VWO said:
Yeah, and the Fucknut Obuma visited all 57 states with his wife Michael..... 
He's not the president anymore, so this is irrelevant. 

Donald Trump is mentally ill. The people who support him are as well, or they're just stupid.

Airports in 1776?! Fuck him, fuck you, fuck all his supporters. 
Awww. Did I hurt your feelings?  Are you triggered now??  Fuck you too you fucking moron big mouth. Now we all know why the Bearded Dancing Man broke your fucking jaw you piece of shit!!! 
Do you remember when you threatened to find me and shoot me dead? I remember that.
Bob is nuts. Straight up. I've said as much ad nauseam. 

Quote: @savannahskol said:
@SFVikeFan said:
I'm more interested in the oranges of this witch hunt by Mueller to be proven to be a hoax as A1 and Savannah have insisted is about to be exposed ... any day now.
Well took Mueller 2 years to issue his report....about nothing.  And certainly nothing like that (Trump's crimes/imminent demise)  was expected by ya'll. 
Barr/Durham have only been on the case for a few months.  

I can't speak for A1, but I promise, I think/still strongly predict, it's coming fairly soon.  My bet is A1 thinks likewise.  
(I say "think"... as unlike you, I'll reserve judgement and respect reports that try to seek the truth, even if the conclusions don't jive with my predictions)

There hasn't been much I've seen reported re: Barr/Durham/Horowitz's probes, but what I have read has been positive for my/A-1's (and many others) view. 
Just today. 
From Peter King (R-NY).  King is NO Trumpist.  Middling RINO, imo.  NOT "good news"... for you.
Pull quotes: 
"There is no doubt to me there was severe, serious abuses that were carried out in the FBI and, I believe, top levels of the CIA against the President of the United States or, at that time, presidential candidate Donald Trump," King said.
"There was no legal basis at all for them to begin this investigation of his campaign - and the way they carried it forward, and the way information was leaked," he added.
King said that the Justice Department's review, ordered by Attorney General William Barr, would prove that former officials acted improperly.

"All of this is going to come out. It’s going to show the bias. It’s going to show the baselessness of the investigation, and how dangerous it is to democracy. I would say the same thing if this were done to Hillary Clintonor Bernie Sanders," he continued, adding: "It’s just wrong."
During the interview, King also blames members of the media for fanning public speculation about the investigation, accusing reporters of suggesting that President Trump was himself working with Russia's government.

"The media was an accessory to this," King said. "The media went along with this - actually, keeping this farcical, ridiculous thought going that the President of the United States… was somehow involved in a conspiracy with Russia against his own country."
King just recently left the House Intelligence committee.  (He was privy)

And this today from Fox's Catherine Herridge.  (I know...Fox News)

Very well, could be...A-1 & I have to eat crow.  But, I doubt it.  We'll see.  Smile

You know what's odd?  Now that the investigations have been turned over to PROFESSIONAL INVESTIGATORS?  No daily felony leaks to a complicit MSM.  
I find that....refreshing.  

You're completely delusional and purposely being a partisan prick.

Have you read the Mueller report yourself,  all 400+pages?  I have.  To say they found nothing is a fucking lie and you know it, and if you don't then you're solely listening to biased dingbats who are just as willfully ignorant.

And now you're accusing Mueller's team of daily leaks to the MSM?  Get the fuck outta here.  Only leaks are from  Trump's own White House. 

As for Barr, he should be thrown the fuck out of off office, and at leasr recused from the investigation.  He is a partisan hack who promised an friendly outcome to Trump before ever seeing any evidence, which is the only reason he was hired - not to mention of him pushing to pardon criminals in the White House under the Reagan and Bush transition.  

Would you allow a judge to hear a case who has already declared the defendant innocent before ever seeing any evidence?  You seriously think Barr is impartial, but Mueller wasn't?

What's far more dangerous to democracy are the traitorous Republicans who woefully ignore the FACT Russia meddled in our elections and wanted Trump to win, the Trump team willingly asked and received help from Russia, Trump actively tried to shut down the investigation by firing Comey, Trump then LIED along with several of his campaign staff on their Russian contacts. 

And now you think these idiots are correct, claiming it was all a hoax that had no reason, no grounds to be monitored, and should have never been investigated?  Our country was attacked for chrissakes. And the fact Trump's since admitted he would continue to accept help from foreigners and break the law, and after all this Trump and GOP have done NOTHING in response  to keep Russia out of our future elections??

Can you imagine the Democrats doing this shit, how nuclear you conservatives would be right now??

Fuck you and your treason. 


Quote: @savannahskol said:
Who drew the "red line" in Syria? in Aug. 2012?  Obama/Clinton. 
Is everything a red/blue fight for you? I said many times that while a few in my party held Obama blameless in the Syrian disaster, I was NOT one of them. He was the target of many of my posts on FB at the time.

Obama has said repeatedly that he felt responsible for what happened in Syria, calling it his biggest mistake. This despite the fact that the only reason he didn't act is because he wanted Congressional authorization--a reasonable position. The wrong position, in my opinion, but understandable. Bill Clinton has stated similar regrets about Rwanda.

Can you imagine our current fuckwad-in-chief admitting a mistake or taking responsibility for....ANYTHING? 

Quote: @StickyBun said:
@KingBash said:
@Sir Viking Bob VWO said:
@KingBash said:
@Sir Viking Bob VWO said:
Yeah, and the Fucknut Obuma visited all 57 states with his wife Michael..... 
He's not the president anymore, so this is irrelevant. 

Donald Trump is mentally ill. The people who support him are as well, or they're just stupid.

Airports in 1776?! Fuck him, fuck you, fuck all his supporters. 
Awww. Did I hurt your feelings?  Are you triggered now??  Fuck you too you fucking moron big mouth. Now we all know why the Bearded Dancing Man broke your fucking jaw you piece of shit!!! 
Do you remember when you threatened to find me and shoot me dead? I remember that.
Bob is nuts. Straight up. I've said as much ad nauseam. 
Yeah, I'll say some pretty terrible things, but legitimate threats - which he PM'd me years ago - is where I draw the line.

Quote: @KingBash said:
@pumpf said:
@MaroonBells said:
@Zanary said:
The only one of the dnc gaggle that doesn't make me want to vomit is Tulsi.  She's not great with economics, but is actually pretty solid on the other elements of her platform.
So let's hear it, Mr. Everything Sucks...what is it about Harris that brings your lunch up? Buttigieg? Or any of the other 17? We've heard so much from you about the things you hate (seemingly all parties, all platforms and all religions).

Here's your opportunity to say what policies/positions/beliefs you actually support. 
Why can't he just say, "Orange Man bad!" like everyone else?  
You're not a Christian. You're nice on the surface, I'm sure, but your values are seriously evil. If I were what you claim to be, I'd be dumping all of my calories into fixing the concentration camps on the border. Instead, your priorities are with the GOP.
Well I'm always curious to hear from atheists what they think of my relationship with Jesus.  Thanks for sharing.  And, actually, I AM dumping alot of my calories into stopping concentration camps.  They're not just at the border; they are all over.  They are called "Planned Parenthood".  It's where innocent children are taken- against their will- and murdered in various, horrific ways.  And all because some evil person has decided that their lives aren't as valuable as the lives of others.

Also, as someone who has traveled to Eastern Europe and seen "real" concentration camps (not to mention touring the Holocaust museum multiple times), I have to say that this comment by you might be the stupidest thing you've ever said.  The holocaust was real.  It was terrible.  And, unlike the folks who are being detained at the border, those murdered by the Nazis didn't have a choice.  I specifically remember visiting the actual site just outside of Riga, Latvia where 25,000 of the city's citizens were loaded onto trains, being told they were being evacuated to a safer place... and then ended up a few miles away, at a mass grave- where they were then shot and dumped into it.  

Yeah, that is JUST like what is going on down at the border.  Never mind the fact that the people who are "suffering" are doing so because they are trying to- ILLEGALLY- cross our border.  How many countries in the world have open borders?  Yet America is bad because we are enforcing our own immigration laws?  It is SO WEIRD that America wasn't bad when Clinton was enforcing immigrations laws... and when Obama was enforcing immigration laws.  But now the the Bad Orange Man is doing it... it's pure evil.  It's ALMOST like people don't care AT ALL about the people involved... they just want a cudgel with which to hit their political opponents.  WEIRD, right? 

Quote: @MaroonBells said:
@savannahskol said:
Who drew the "red line" in Syria? in Aug. 2012?  Obama/Clinton. 
Is everything a red/blue fight for you? I said many times that while a few in my party held Obama blameless in the Syrian disaster, I was NOT one of them. He was the target of many of my posts on FB at the time.

Obama has said repeatedly that he felt responsible for what happened in Syria, calling it his biggest mistake. This despite the fact that the only reason he didn't act is because he wanted Congressional authorization--a reasonable position. The wrong position, in my opinion, but understandable. Bill Clinton has stated similar regrets about Rwanda.

Can you imagine our current fuckwad-in-chief admitting a mistake or taking responsibility for....ANYTHING? 
Even if they're soulless politicians that the GOP likes to paint them as, at least they're putting the correct sentiments into the ether. 

Quote: @MaroonBells said:
 And I'm sure our resident follower of Christ will show up soon to tell us they will all burn in eternal hellfire because they don't believe in Jesus. 

If you have a problem with the idea that no one can be "saved" unless they believe in Jesus... you're problem isn't with me, it's with Jesus.  He's the one who said it.  I just happen to be one of those "crazy" Christians who ACTUALLY believe what He said (as opposed to those who think that they can substitute their opinions for the will of Almighty God).

If you REALLY loved these kids, you'd be just as concerned (if not more) with their eternal lives as you are their earthly, physical lives.  I guess that's why liberal "Christians" don't worry about the Great Commission much: they think everyone will go to heaven- just because.  So why bother being uncomfortable trying to tell other people about Jesus.  There's a good chance that persecution and rejection will be the result of that.  So, instead, just worry about giving those folks food and clothing- because no one will reject that... and then you can feel good (dare I say, even superior) about yourself.  

I don't doubt the sincerity of your concern for them.  But- based on your post- I'm concerned that your support of them is limited only to physical things.  At some point, all of us will die.  Some of us will have had way more earthly "stuff" than we needed... others will have been severely lacking in "stuff".  But all of us will die... and face judgment after that.  And that judgment will NOT be based on how good- or bad- we've been.  It will be based on whether or not we have received the Life that comes through faith.  Heaven isn't for good people... it is for people who belong to Christ (by faith).  Hell isn't for bad people.  It is for those who were unable (or unwilling) to be rescued by Christ. 

He came to heal those who were sick.  If they did not "see the Doctor", then they remain sick.  So our responsibility (as Christians) ought to be- first and foremost- to make sure they receive the true and abundant Life that Christ came to give them.  And, as "good Samaritans", we ALSO ought to provide them with the earthly things that they are lacking.  And even if they will not receive Christ, we STILL want to help meet their physical needs.  Our love / support of them should never be based on anything other than their need.  But to ONLY worry about their physical needs (and ignore their spiritual needs) would be like giving food and clothing to someone who was dying from an easily curable disease.  Shouldn't we ALSO want to give them the "cure"?

Quote: @pumpf said:
@KingBash said:
@pumpf said:
@MaroonBells said:
@Zanary said:
The only one of the dnc gaggle that doesn't make me want to vomit is Tulsi.  She's not great with economics, but is actually pretty solid on the other elements of her platform.
So let's hear it, Mr. Everything Sucks...what is it about Harris that brings your lunch up? Buttigieg? Or any of the other 17? We've heard so much from you about the things you hate (seemingly all parties, all platforms and all religions).

Here's your opportunity to say what policies/positions/beliefs you actually support. 
Why can't he just say, "Orange Man bad!" like everyone else?  
You're not a Christian. You're nice on the surface, I'm sure, but your values are seriously evil. If I were what you claim to be, I'd be dumping all of my calories into fixing the concentration camps on the border. Instead, your priorities are with the GOP.
Well I'm always curious to hear from atheists what they think of my relationship with Jesus.  Thanks for sharing.  And, actually, I AM dumping alot of my calories into stopping concentration camps.  They're not just at the border; they are all over.  They are called "Planned Parenthood".  It's where innocent children are taken- against their will- and murdered in various, horrific ways.  And all because some evil person has decided that their lives aren't as valuable as the lives of others.

Nice to hear you admit that. I'll openly admit I'm doing nothing except contributing to a political campaign I think can make a change and simply ranting on a message board, but at least I'm honest about it.

I can't even shit on your position on abortion. On it's face, aside from cases of rape and incest, it's an ethical position. But it's just not something I care about. At least not as much as people who are fully formed, can form memories, are capable of achieving great things... but they can't. Because a set of laws said that because they were born in a terrible place and they fled to find a better life means they're criminals and deserve terribly inhumane treatment, possibly death.

Also, as someone who has traveled to Eastern Europe and seen "real" concentration camps (not to mention touring the Holocaust museum multiple times), I have to say that this comment by you might be the stupidest thing you've ever said.  The holocaust was real.  It was terrible.  And, unlike the folks who are being detained at the border, those murdered by the Nazis didn't have a choice.  I specifically remember visiting the actual site just outside of Riga, Latvia where 25,000 of the city's citizens were loaded onto trains, being told they were being evacuated to a safer place... and then ended up a few miles away, at a mass grave- where they were then shot and dumped into it.  

I never said the word "holocaust." I said "concentration camps." That term is pre-WW2 (and post, actually), although I admit it's associated mostly with Jewish camps in Germany. 

Yeah, that is JUST like what is going on down at the border.  Never mind the fact that the people who are "suffering" are doing so because they are trying to- ILLEGALLY- cross our border.  How many countries in the world have open borders?  Yet America is bad because we are enforcing our own immigration laws?  It is SO WEIRD that America wasn't bad when Clinton was enforcing immigrations laws... and when Obama was enforcing immigration laws.  But now the the Bad Orange Man is doing it... it's pure evil.  It's ALMOST like people don't care AT ALL about the people involved... they just want a cudgel with which to hit their political opponents.  WEIRD, right? 

So what's happening is okay because of laws? Women and children trying to find a better life, they're put in these cages... and you can justify it because Obama/Clinton did it too? 

Nah, you're not a Christian. This is why I absolutely, completely despise organized religion. Would Christ say anything like this? "Welp, laws are laws!" You're a phony. Like I said above, I'm sure you're the perfect neighbor, a great friend, but your values are so misguided that I'm actually disgusted with you. And believe me, I'm no saint. I can just call out hypocrisy when I see it. 


Also, for the Trumpers: I can't wait until more about his connections with Epstein come out. Not because of that just at face value, but because you dummies were clamoring about his connections to Bill Clinton just a couple years ago. Mental illness doesn't have a political party. Looking forward to all your mental gymnastics! What's it gonna be? "Fake news?"

Quote: @KingBash said:

Yeah, that is JUST like what is going on down at the border.  Never mind the fact that the people who are "suffering" are doing so because they are trying to- ILLEGALLY- cross our border.  How many countries in the world have open borders?  Yet America is bad because we are enforcing our own immigration laws?  It is SO WEIRD that America wasn't bad when Clinton was enforcing immigrations laws... and when Obama was enforcing immigration laws.  But now the the Bad Orange Man is doing it... it's pure evil.  It's ALMOST like people don't care AT ALL about the people involved... they just want a cudgel with which to hit their political opponents.  WEIRD, right? 

So what's happening is okay because of laws? Women and children trying to find a better life, they're put in these cages... and you can justify it because Obama/Clinton did it too? 

Nah, you're not a Christian. This is why I absolutely, completely despise organized religion. Would Christ say anything like this? "Welp, laws are laws!" You're a phony. Like I said above, I'm sure you're the perfect neighbor, a great friend, but your values are so misguided that I'm actually disgusted with you. And believe me, I'm no saint. I can just call out hypocrisy when I see it. 

You know, you could say the same thing about those who rob banks (etc): they are just trying to provide a better life for themselves and their families.  In fact, I think a rapper (Notorious BIG maybe?) once included a line like that in a song: that selling drugs was his way of providing for his family.  (I'm not a big fan of rap, so I am most likely wrong in my identification.)  Yet what do we do with those who sell drugs or rob banks?  We separate them from their families (and put them in jail)... because of- wait for it- LAWS!  

I think the "cages" thing has been debunked... but, regardless, hiding behind women and children doesn't change the fact that they are breaking the law.  If they are really suffering at the border, maybe you should support the GOP's plan to provide more funding, so that their conditions will be better.  Better yet, support the wall: so that they will not have to be taken into custody.  But I don't think that you really care about the "women and children".  I think that you care about hating Trump... and this is one of the ways you can justify it.  Like I said, I'm not justifying anything by citing that previous presidents have enforced border policy.  I'm just pointing out that no one seemed to care about the situation until a Republican tried to address it.  In other words, their outrage sure does seem phony.  

What makes you think you're an expert on what Jesus would say?  If Americans were kidnapping these folks and forcing the come to our border, I would agree that this was an evil thing that needs to be stopped.  But these folks are willingly coming here and willingly risking everything that follows.  Why don't you tell THEM to stop?  

Seems like a wall would be the best for everyone.  It would stop all those people from suffering at "concentration camps" (a laughable term to use, no matter how you and AOC try to spin it)... and it would free up border patrol officers to focus on catching sex traffickers and drug dealers.

By the way, if you really do care about the "women and children", how come you haven't said anything about all the sex traffickers that are using our "open border" to abuse / torture / enslave women and children?

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