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“The truth is upon us”
Quote: @A1Janitor said:
You are acting foolishly.  And misrepresenting the truth.

I am sorry you have TDS.  
“I wish you would clean up your act ...”

Remember you crying about me calling you a hypocrite?


Just shows you have Trump sore pussy syndrome:  you love to dish it out in spades but can’t handle the slightest bit of criticism.

Again, you are by far the biggest overly sensitive hypocrite on this board and attack the messenger, not the message.


Quote: Atta boy SF...I see you got all the talking points from
@SFVikeFan said:
“The Mueller report doesn’t exonerate the President...lists more than 10 incidents for obstruction of justice for Congress to review, but declined to prosecute on the grounds a sitting President can’t be indicted...”

Actually what Mueller said is: “We did not make a determination as to whether” Trump “did commit a crime,” said Mueller.  We have an Impeachment Hearing / Clown show going on right now with articles of Impeachment.  Perfect time to bring in fact based witnesses and make that case....but I'm guessing they feel like they've made their case

As a third party guy who lives in WI, here's what I learned about these faux crises from our Recall Walker experience...after a year of protests and occupying the Capital and boycotting businesses and harassing the Governor's family (including his school age children), most voters saw the whole thing for what it attempt to overthrow an election....and the same is happening here.  Walker won the recall election by an even larger margin.  Whether they know it or not, the Dems are handing a gift to Trump with this whole thing.   The vast majority of the country is centrist left or right politically.  They'll see through this partisan witchhunt.

Mueller says no collusion and Barr says no obstruction!
On collusion...from the Washington Post (so we don't have to argue source):

Mueller found that there was “no coordination” rather than “no
collusion.” But to any normal viewer without a law degree, the meaning
is the same. As Mueller made clear, "In this investigation, the evidence
does not establish that the President was involved in an underlying
crime related to Russian election interference.” Trump was 100 percent
correct when he told Stephanopoulos, “There was no crime. There was no
Russia collusion. There was no Russia, I’ll put it in your language,
conspiracy, which is even better than collusion. You know, the word
‘collusion’ is a softer word than ‘conspiracy.’ ” No crime, no
collusion, no conspiracy — however you want to phrase it, the result is
the same

On obstruction....don't even get me started on obstruction...of a non-crime.  I do find it funny that the Democrats want to try to twist everything into obstruction.  If there's a clear case...than make it..the Impeachment hearings are waiting for some actual facts.
Do you even begin to understand the hypocrisy at work here?  Do you?  You want an easy obstruction case?  Congress subpoenaed Hillary Clinton's emails and electronic devices.  Subpoenaed devices were than destroyed "accidently" with a hammer after having their drives wiped clean.  How quick would that obstruction trial be?  How come a law and order kind of guy like you that sees right and wrong regardless of party doesn't have an issue with that?

Barr, the joke of an AG who is 100% working to protect the President and mislead the public on an investigation for now the 3rd time.
Not sure he rises to Holder's "Wingman" designation but keep trying.  I'm guessing the subpoenaed Fast and Furious documents just got lost in the mail.
You do realize there's an investigation on-going with a broader scope than the IG's scope.  They've empaneled a Grand Jury...usually means bad things to come.  Think I'll wait to see how it turns out.
Gloss over the details of Mueller’s findings and do a P. R. to declare the report found nothing and tout the end result.
Says the party that still claims Trump colluded with the Russians....
Now we have an A.G. slamming the IG’s findings of no illegal crimes, no bias, that the investigation was launched in a legal manner based on facts, and disputing the end result by cherry picking the mistakes and making a huge deal out of them.  Again,  a separate investigation is on-going.  Maybe the guy knows more that either you or I?  I gave Schiff the benefit of the doubt when he said seen clear evidence of Trump colluding with the Russians to affect the 2016 election.  I've since realized he was just a liar since he didn't provide any of that information in the Impeachment scam.
Nobody gives a shit about Carter Page’s FISA warrant.  Let me fix it for you "Democrats don't give a shit about Carter Page's FISA warrant".  Party over Country every time.

Declaring war on our intelligence agencies because 2 agents said mean things about Trump in personal texts, or one low level lawyer altered one email for a warrant is pathetic.  
Guess who declares another victory after Republicans finish neutering our intelligence agencies?  

Guess who wins with 3 years of Trump / Russian Collusion narrative?  PUTIN AND RUSSIA, AGAIN.  The Russian's have interfered in our elections for a long time (as have the Chinese).  Their efforts are usually not to help one candidate or another...but to delegitamize the eventual candidate.  A divided Country is a weak Country.  They got their money's worth this time (as did the DNC with the Steele dossier).
And just remember 3 top generals QUIT because Trump’s pro Russian policies.

Congrats on dismantling institutions that safeguard America because a corrupt con man is angry he was being watched and his people ended up in jail.  An unchecked intelligence community is dangerous to all citizens...regardless of political affiliation.

Good to see you btw SF.  You guys miss me while I was gone?  lol


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