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So many questions in Charlottesville...
Quote: @MaroonBells said:
Hate on the part of BLM? Did you dislocated a shoulder trying to twist that logic?

Man, it just doesn't work. BLM is a largely non-violent group opposed to racism and profiling. Nazis are the opposite. When a rogue gunman killed police officers in Dallas, it was roundly condemned by BLM. I'm still waiting for the Nazi condemnation of Charlottesville. Or was that what we heard in Trump's press conference? 
JFC....   Here is a video...  At the :43 second mark Trump says "I've condemned neo Nazis, I've condemned many different groups"....    And again starting at the 1:40 mark...  "and you had people, and I'm not talking about the neo Nazis or the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally". 

How can people NOT hear it?.... 


Quote: @greediron said:
@MaroonBells said:
Nobody's calling you a racist, Jimmy. At least I'm not. And I have no idea what "scene" you're referring to.

You talk about the pissed off "middle america" as if "my ilk" are all godless, unpatriotic, Ivy league educated vegans. Dude, I'm from Montana. I'm the son of a TV repairman and the grandson of a man who was at Omaha Beach. I served in the military and then worked three jobs to pay for my community college. I hunt, fish, own three guns and I've been going to church on a regular basis for 53 years. I AM middle America. I have a decent job, but only because I worked my ass off to get here. 

But there is a very specific picture of "the liberal" that has been painted for you to despise. And I'll bet it's nothing like the one above. You are meant to be angry at my "ilk." Anger directed at a perceived enemy is what keeps your party together.
That is great to know.  And off the internet, we may have much in common.  But your responses mirror what you are critical of in Jimmy's response.  Most people that support/hope for the best with Trump are not racist, do not tolerate the KKK/Nazi crap and have no contact with people that do.  Your brush paints just as broad as Jimmy's.
It would be pretty ridiculous to suggest that "most people who support Trump" are racists.

But there is a sort of "white victimization" that has been a shared narrative among conservatives of all types for the last few years. And it was a key to Trump's election. "I can't get a job because of illegal immigrants." "There is a war on Christmas, a war on Easter, a war on Christians." "America isn't 'great' anymore because of multi-culturalism." Paint a picture of fear: Crime is out of control (despite at historic lows), abortion is rising rapidly (even though it's at its lowest level in 44 years), illegal immigration is out of control, yet it's been dropping since 2007, ban refugees despite the fact that the number of terrorist attacks committed by refugees is exactly zero.  

But you know what actually IS on the rise? Terrorist acts committed by white supremacists. The FBI recently warned that the threat posed by right wing terrorism was the bureau's most serious concern. 

And the scary thing is that after our President called them "very fine people," I fear many more will come out of the shadows. 

so. many. made. up. facts.

Carry on.  Now I remember why I ignore certain people in this ST forum.

Quote: @greediron said:
so. many. made. up. facts.
Oh I know. Fact is fiction. Up is down. Right is wrong. Right? If there is no "truth" anymore, then you can get people to believe anything. This is exactly how a huckster like Donald Trump conned his way into the White House.

Welcome to post-truth America. 

Kind of ironic that the guy who claims the right is hate filled, posts nothing but hate, and is obviously so blinded by his party's brain washing techniques from CNN and MSNBC and others that he cant even fathom the idea the what the right is reporting is the truth.... 

As for what I think, I personally want nothing to do with a One World Government, and that is exactly what Soros and Obama and others have been pushing for, TOTAL  Power over the Entire World everything provided for by the Government, no guns for us, just them, here is your rations as we will decide what you need. I mean, what could possibly go wrong???  the rest of the world is great, just America is messed up right??  Ever stop and think maybe there are way more people that love America the way it is and don't want it to change? especially after seeing what has become to England, France, Germany, Sweden and most all the other predominately white countries, to us, that is not what we want.  as for the people down south, that have southern pride and know the real history of the Civil War, and Confederate Flags, they don'e want the Robert E. Lee statue removed, as he is a member of their history, and not racism, no matter how much you and the Left want to tell you that it is.
I am not a fan of any supremacists, white or black!!  just tired of being called a racist because the color of my skin

Quote: @MaroonBells said:

It would be pretty ridiculous to suggest that "most people who support Trump" are racists.

But there is a sort of "white victimization" that has been a shared narrative among conservatives of all types for the last few years. And it was a key to Trump's election. "I can't get a job because of illegal immigrants." "There is a war on Christmas, a war on Easter, a war on Christians." "America isn't 'great' anymore because of multi-culturalism." Paint a picture of fear: Crime is out of control (despite at historic lows), abortion is rising rapidly (even though it's at its lowest level in 44 years), illegal immigration is out of control, yet it's been dropping since 2007, ban refugees despite the fact that the number of terrorist attacks committed by refugees is exactly zero.  

But you know what actually IS on the rise? Terrorist acts committed by white supremacists. The FBI recently warned that the threat posed by right wing terrorism was the bureau's most serious concern. 

And the scary thing is that after our President called them "very fine people," I fear many more will come out of the shadows. 
Are you suggesting that the complaints some white people have of how society is treating their culture are less of a problem than the problems other culture's face?

What I see is the right and the left both claiming to be victims for issues that I don't really see occurring with my own eyes, and they're pretending to be oppressed by "the other".

The end result is everyone points fingers at everyone and says "YOU need to change, because I feel threatened, but I don't have to change, because I'm fine the way I am." and nothing happens. 

Change doesn't happen because people point fingers at each other.  Change happens when we lead by example and take responsibility for our own lives and actions.

At this point, I'm bored with the victimhood olympics.  I'm ready to talk about real problems, problems that we all face together, problems like why the government doesn't serve any of us, why we pay so much in tax dollars and get so little in return.  Why has technology progressed so far, but we're economically regressing?  How do we transition from our current economy to one where automation is doing most of the work and doesn't need labor?


Quote: @medaille said:
@MaroonBells said:

It would be pretty ridiculous to suggest that "most people who support Trump" are racists.

But there is a sort of "white victimization" that has been a shared narrative among conservatives of all types for the last few years. And it was a key to Trump's election. "I can't get a job because of illegal immigrants." "There is a war on Christmas, a war on Easter, a war on Christians." "America isn't 'great' anymore because of multi-culturalism." Paint a picture of fear: Crime is out of control (despite at historic lows), abortion is rising rapidly (even though it's at its lowest level in 44 years), illegal immigration is out of control, yet it's been dropping since 2007, ban refugees despite the fact that the number of terrorist attacks committed by refugees is exactly zero.  

But you know what actually IS on the rise? Terrorist acts committed by white supremacists. The FBI recently warned that the threat posed by right wing terrorism was the bureau's most serious concern. 

And the scary thing is that after our President called them "very fine people," I fear many more will come out of the shadows. 
Are you suggesting that the complaints some white people have of how society is treating their culture are less of a problem than the problems other culture's face?

What I see is the right and the left both claiming to be victims for issues that I don't really see occurring with my own eyes, and they're pretending to be oppressed by "the other".

The end result is everyone points fingers at everyone and says "YOU need to change, because I feel threatened, but I don't have to change, because I'm fine the way I am." and nothing happens. 

Change doesn't happen because people point fingers at each other.  Change happens when we lead by example and take responsibility for our own lives and actions.

At this point, I'm bored with the victimhood olympics.  I'm ready to talk about real problems, problems that we all face together, problems like why the government doesn't serve any of us, why we pay so much in tax dollars and get so little in return.  Why has technology progressed so far, but we're economically regressing?  How do we transition from our current economy to one where automation is doing most of the work and doesn't need labor?

Actually, I think this is an excellent post. It's a point I've been making for years. The only thing I would say is in response to your first paragraph. That the White Christian American Man feels persecuted and passed over in our economy because of his race, religion and gender is ridiculous. That middle and lower income people in America of all colors and religions are struggling is very real. 

So white Christian and male are excluded from middle to lower class America?  So nice of Jesus to exempt us from any suffering.

Quote: @greediron said:
So white Christian and male are excluded from middle to lower class America?  So nice of Jesus to exempt us from any suffering.
Read my post again. Of course white Christian males are not excluded. But white Christian males who blame their suffering on their whiteness, their Christianity, or their maleness need a kick in the ass. 

Ladies and gentlemen, this is your typical White Nationalist. Pathetic. 


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