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I do have to say there was something concerning
Quote: @mjollnir_k said:
Yeah I like Wentz and all. But it is freaking funny.  How people are ga ga over him.  Stick is with San Diego, Billy Turner is with Green Bay, Joe Haeg is with Indy.  But since Wentz went #2 and is a QB everybody had to become Eagles Fans.  My brother in-law is a true Eagles Fan and he is sick of the player chaser fans.  Also hates that the only jerseys available in Bismarck are Wentz jerseys.  
how many eagles jerseys were available in bismark prior to wentz becoming an iggle?

Quote: @FSUVike said:
@Wetlander said:
You're smarter than that, FSU.
You know I am. That was some hyperbole to rile up the Forum Police who seem to think you can't say a single damned negative thing after a Win.

So here's some truth: the Defensive Guru who once said he could find CBs that can play Zone at 711 is using his pricey, Man to Man cover guy in zone. Like a lot.

I get the idea of switching to Zone to combat all the misdirection, rub routes etc. The whole League started doing it last year and that's when most of the high powered Offenses started slowing down.

But Belicheat went back to Man late last year against the Chiefs and again vs. the Rams. Zimmer seems to be going the other way playing more and more of it. All that soft coverage can lead to lots of easy pitch and catches ala the 3rd Quarter yesterday.

Frankly, I expect more from a Defense that has that much capital invested in it. 

Saw a bit on the news about how Belicheat showed the League how to beat KC by playing Man. The Colts did it. The Texans dis it. Soft Zone against the Chiefs will result in a big road loss, IMO.

To me there are only 2 explanations: Mike has gone way overboard with his use of Zone or Rhodes has completely fallen off a cliff and Mike is doing it to protect him.

Whatever the case is it's touch to watch so much soft coverage. Even in a win. And Mike is right to post about it.
You keep coming back to this idea that defense should be better than it is with "all the capital invested in it".

You also seem to be drawing conclusions that we are playing a certain way to protect players who you feel aren't playing good.  What if it was the game plan to combat what the Eagles like to do on offense?

Maybe the Defensive Guru is switching things up to adapt to the league and is waiting to adjust his scheme again in the 2nd half of the season?  I saw some new wrinkles this game...  one of them was Everson lined up over center in a Double A gap look.

This was a fun game to watch...  for some of us anyways...  ;-)

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@mjollnir_k said:
Yeah I like Wentz and all. But it is freaking funny.  How people are ga ga over him.  Stick is with San Diego, Billy Turner is with Green Bay, Joe Haeg is with Indy.  But since Wentz went #2 and is a QB everybody had to become Eagles Fans.  My brother in-law is a true Eagles Fan and he is sick of the player chaser fans.  Also hates that the only jerseys available in Bismarck are Wentz jerseys.  
how many eagles jerseys were available in bismark prior to wentz becoming an iggle?
A few as Scheels tried to have a few of every team.  I know he has a couple in glass cases in his bar.


Quote: @Wetlander said:
@FSUVike said:
@Wetlander said:
You're smarter than that, FSU.
You know I am. That was some hyperbole to rile up the Forum Police who seem to think you can't say a single damned negative thing after a Win.

So here's some truth: the Defensive Guru who once said he could find CBs that can play Zone at 711 is using his pricey, Man to Man cover guy in zone. Like a lot.

I get the idea of switching to Zone to combat all the misdirection, rub routes etc. The whole League started doing it last year and that's when most of the high powered Offenses started slowing down.

But Belicheat went back to Man late last year against the Chiefs and again vs. the Rams. Zimmer seems to be going the other way playing more and more of it. All that soft coverage can lead to lots of easy pitch and catches ala the 3rd Quarter yesterday.

Frankly, I expect more from a Defense that has that much capital invested in it. 

Saw a bit on the news about how Belicheat showed the League how to beat KC by playing Man. The Colts did it. The Texans dis it. Soft Zone against the Chiefs will result in a big road loss, IMO.

To me there are only 2 explanations: Mike has gone way overboard with his use of Zone or Rhodes has completely fallen off a cliff and Mike is doing it to protect him.

Whatever the case is it's touch to watch so much soft coverage. Even in a win. And Mike is right to post about it.
You keep coming back to this idea that defense should be better than it is with "all the capital invested in it".

You also seem to be drawing conclusions that we are playing a certain way to protect players who you feel aren't playing good.  What if it was the game plan to combat what the Eagles like to do on offense?

Maybe the Defensive Guru is switching things up to adapt to the league and is waiting to adjust his scheme again in the 2nd half of the season?  I saw some new wrinkles this game...  one of them was Everson lined up over center in a Double A gap look.

This was a fun game to watch...  for some of us anyways...  ;-)
Yeah, doubt Zimmer is worried about protecting anyone.  I just see it as the game plan for a certain team. 

One thing we all should appreciate is how the D finished.  I'm sure were some adjusments made by both teams during the game, but the Vikings 4th quarter defense shut down the Philly comeback.  Here are the Iggles 4th Qtr drives:
6 plays punt6 plays fumble1 play Int4 plays to run out the clock

Quote: @FSUVike said:
When you're giving up wide open 5 yard completions and the receiver gets another 3 yards before he goes down your Defense isn't going to see a lot of 3rd Downs, so that's a deceptive stat.

The Defense is fine. I'm expecting more than fine. And I bet you dollars to donuts we will see Zone against pocket passers too. I really don't think it's got much to do mobile QBs versus letting guys get wide open off of misdirection or Xavier falling off a cliff like Revis did.
They saw 12 3rd downs, so it is hardly deceptive.  And that seems about an average amount.  A defense that is successful on 3rd down will also have less 3rd downs. 

Quote: @Wetlander said:
@FSUVike said:
@Wetlander said:
You're smarter than that, FSU.
You know I am. That was some hyperbole to rile up the Forum Police who seem to think you can't say a single damned negative thing after a Win.

So here's some truth: the Defensive Guru who once said he could find CBs that can play Zone at 711 is using his pricey, Man to Man cover guy in zone. Like a lot.

I get the idea of switching to Zone to combat all the misdirection, rub routes etc. The whole League started doing it last year and that's when most of the high powered Offenses started slowing down.

But Belicheat went back to Man late last year against the Chiefs and again vs. the Rams. Zimmer seems to be going the other way playing more and more of it. All that soft coverage can lead to lots of easy pitch and catches ala the 3rd Quarter yesterday.

Frankly, I expect more from a Defense that has that much capital invested in it. 

Saw a bit on the news about how Belicheat showed the League how to beat KC by playing Man. The Colts did it. The Texans dis it. Soft Zone against the Chiefs will result in a big road loss, IMO.

To me there are only 2 explanations: Mike has gone way overboard with his use of Zone or Rhodes has completely fallen off a cliff and Mike is doing it to protect him.

Whatever the case is it's touch to watch so much soft coverage. Even in a win. And Mike is right to post about it.
You keep coming back to this idea that defense should be better than it is with "all the capital invested in it".

You also seem to be drawing conclusions that we are playing a certain way to protect players who you feel aren't playing good.  What if it was the game plan to combat what the Eagles like to do on offense?

Maybe the Defensive Guru is switching things up to adapt to the league and is waiting to adjust his scheme again in the 2nd half of the season?  I saw some new wrinkles this game...  one of them was Everson lined up over center in a Double A gap look.

This was a fun game to watch...  for some of us anyways...  ;-)
We all enjoyed the game. Some of us saw some things we'd like to see get addressed. A team missing a chunk of its weapons nearly rallied back to tie it up after being in a huge hole. Kudos to the coaches and players for rallying as well to put them away.

Some of you must really hate Nick Saban. Team wins by 40 and he's focused on how to get better vs. patting his team on the back.

Xavier Rhodes is a Man Corner inked to a large deal that is playing the most zone I ever remember him playing. And this time it wasnt against a shifty speed guy. That's cause for concern.

There has to be space on this forum for all three sides: the Optimists, the Pessimists and the Realists.

Realistically, I saw the Defense give up a 5 play, 75 yard score followed by a 6 play, 75 yard score. And they looked pedestrian on both drives. Lots of cushion. Couldn't cover the RB on routes.

It's OK to question that stretch of performances without automatically being dubbed a pessimist. There's way more high draft picks and contracts on that side of the ball.

And we all remember how most of those same guys couldn't stop the Colts at home to make the playoffs or stop the Bears at home last year to make the playoffs.

Top 10 or Top 5 in most statistical categories is nice. Actually Impacting the Game with Turnovers, 3 & Outs to flip Field Position, momentum changing sacks. These are things Elite Defenses do.

I'm starting to see the TOs and sacks. The Defense is flashing greatness. But it's not consistent yet and until it is I will remain critical based on recent meltdowns.

Quote: @FSUVike said:
@Wetlander said:
@FSUVike said:
@Wetlander said:
You're smarter than that, FSU.
You know I am. That was some hyperbole to rile up the Forum Police who seem to think you can't say a single damned negative thing after a Win.

So here's some truth: the Defensive Guru who once said he could find CBs that can play Zone at 711 is using his pricey, Man to Man cover guy in zone. Like a lot.

I get the idea of switching to Zone to combat all the misdirection, rub routes etc. The whole League started doing it last year and that's when most of the high powered Offenses started slowing down.

But Belicheat went back to Man late last year against the Chiefs and again vs. the Rams. Zimmer seems to be going the other way playing more and more of it. All that soft coverage can lead to lots of easy pitch and catches ala the 3rd Quarter yesterday.

Frankly, I expect more from a Defense that has that much capital invested in it. 

Saw a bit on the news about how Belicheat showed the League how to beat KC by playing Man. The Colts did it. The Texans dis it. Soft Zone against the Chiefs will result in a big road loss, IMO.

To me there are only 2 explanations: Mike has gone way overboard with his use of Zone or Rhodes has completely fallen off a cliff and Mike is doing it to protect him.

Whatever the case is it's touch to watch so much soft coverage. Even in a win. And Mike is right to post about it.
You keep coming back to this idea that defense should be better than it is with "all the capital invested in it".

You also seem to be drawing conclusions that we are playing a certain way to protect players who you feel aren't playing good.  What if it was the game plan to combat what the Eagles like to do on offense?

Maybe the Defensive Guru is switching things up to adapt to the league and is waiting to adjust his scheme again in the 2nd half of the season?  I saw some new wrinkles this game...  one of them was Everson lined up over center in a Double A gap look.

This was a fun game to watch...  for some of us anyways...  ;-)
We all enjoyed the game. Some of us saw some things we'd like to see get addressed. A team missing a chunk of its weapons nearly rallied back to tie it up after being in a huge hole. Kudos to the coaches and players for rallying as well to put them away.

Some of you must really hate Nick Saban. Team wins by 40 and he's focused on how to get better vs. patting his team on the back.

Xavier Rhodes is a Man Corner inked to a large deal that is playing the most zone I ever remember him playing. And this time it wasnt against a shifty speed guy. That's cause for concern.

There has to be space on this forum for all three sides: the Optimists, the Pessimists and the Realists.

Realistically, I saw the Defense give up a 5 play, 75 yard score followed by a 6 play, 75 yard score. And they looked pedestrian on both drives. Lots of cushion. Couldn't cover the RB on routes.

It's OK to question that stretch of performances without automatically being dubbed a pessimist. There's way more high draft picks and contracts on that side of the ball.

And we all remember how most of those same guys couldn't stop the Colts at home to make the playoffs or stop the Bears at home last year to make the playoffs.

Top 10 or Top 5 in most statistical categories is nice. Actually Impacting the Game with Turnovers, 3 & Outs to flip Field Position, momentum changing sacks. These are things Elite Defenses do.

I'm starting to see the TOs and sacks. The Defense is flashing greatness. But it's not consistent yet and until it is I will remain critical based on recent meltdowns.
Never claimed there wasn't room for any side.  I just called out the "turtling every time we get a lead".  As I said, Pederson adjusted.  Then so did Zimmer.  I like it.
As to Rhodes, I don't know.  I doubt Zimmer is protecting him, that just doesn't seem like a Zimmer trait.  I don't really know what Zimmer is doing most of the time either.  But he has a plan and it is working for the most part on D.  Perhaps he is going for the win rather than personal stats. 

And one thing to consider about Zimmer's D and the oft repeated criticism about them giving up an early drive.  Remember when BRob would basically use the 1st couple drives to learn their protections?  Then they used that against the offense.  I think Zimmer has two goals in the 1st couple of drives, obviously to give up as few points as possible, but also to set up the D for the rest of the game.  Like a great poker player, he doesn't show all his cards early, he reads the other team and sets his D up for the rest of the game.

Quote: @greediron said:
@FSUVike said:
@Wetlander said:
@FSUVike said:
@Wetlander said:
You're smarter than that, FSU.
You know I am. That was some hyperbole to rile up the Forum Police who seem to think you can't say a single damned negative thing after a Win.

So here's some truth: the Defensive Guru who once said he could find CBs that can play Zone at 711 is using his pricey, Man to Man cover guy in zone. Like a lot.

I get the idea of switching to Zone to combat all the misdirection, rub routes etc. The whole League started doing it last year and that's when most of the high powered Offenses started slowing down.

But Belicheat went back to Man late last year against the Chiefs and again vs. the Rams. Zimmer seems to be going the other way playing more and more of it. All that soft coverage can lead to lots of easy pitch and catches ala the 3rd Quarter yesterday.

Frankly, I expect more from a Defense that has that much capital invested in it. 

Saw a bit on the news about how Belicheat showed the League how to beat KC by playing Man. The Colts did it. The Texans dis it. Soft Zone against the Chiefs will result in a big road loss, IMO.

To me there are only 2 explanations: Mike has gone way overboard with his use of Zone or Rhodes has completely fallen off a cliff and Mike is doing it to protect him.

Whatever the case is it's touch to watch so much soft coverage. Even in a win. And Mike is right to post about it.
You keep coming back to this idea that defense should be better than it is with "all the capital invested in it".

You also seem to be drawing conclusions that we are playing a certain way to protect players who you feel aren't playing good.  What if it was the game plan to combat what the Eagles like to do on offense?

Maybe the Defensive Guru is switching things up to adapt to the league and is waiting to adjust his scheme again in the 2nd half of the season?  I saw some new wrinkles this game...  one of them was Everson lined up over center in a Double A gap look.

This was a fun game to watch...  for some of us anyways...  ;-)
We all enjoyed the game. Some of us saw some things we'd like to see get addressed. A team missing a chunk of its weapons nearly rallied back to tie it up after being in a huge hole. Kudos to the coaches and players for rallying as well to put them away.

Some of you must really hate Nick Saban. Team wins by 40 and he's focused on how to get better vs. patting his team on the back.

Xavier Rhodes is a Man Corner inked to a large deal that is playing the most zone I ever remember him playing. And this time it wasnt against a shifty speed guy. That's cause for concern.

There has to be space on this forum for all three sides: the Optimists, the Pessimists and the Realists.

Realistically, I saw the Defense give up a 5 play, 75 yard score followed by a 6 play, 75 yard score. And they looked pedestrian on both drives. Lots of cushion. Couldn't cover the RB on routes.

It's OK to question that stretch of performances without automatically being dubbed a pessimist. There's way more high draft picks and contracts on that side of the ball.

And we all remember how most of those same guys couldn't stop the Colts at home to make the playoffs or stop the Bears at home last year to make the playoffs.

Top 10 or Top 5 in most statistical categories is nice. Actually Impacting the Game with Turnovers, 3 & Outs to flip Field Position, momentum changing sacks. These are things Elite Defenses do.

I'm starting to see the TOs and sacks. The Defense is flashing greatness. But it's not consistent yet and until it is I will remain critical based on recent meltdowns.
Never claimed there wasn't room for any side.  I just called out the "turtling every time we get a lead".  As I said, Pederson adjusted.  Then so did Zimmer.  I like it.
As to Rhodes, I don't know.  I doubt Zimmer is protecting him, that just doesn't seem like a Zimmer trait.  I don't really know what Zimmer is doing most of the time either.  But he has a plan and it is working for the most part on D.  Perhaps he is going for the win rather than personal stats. 

And one thing to consider about Zimmer's D and the oft repeated criticism about them giving up an early drive.  Remember when BRob would basically use the 1st couple drives to learn their protections?  Then they used that against the offense.  I think Zimmer has two goals in the 1st couple of drives, obviously to give up as few points as possible, but also to set up the D for the rest of the game.  Like a great poker player, he doesn't show all his cards early, he reads the other team and sets his D up for the rest of the game.
Good post here, but the only slight point I differ on: I think Zimmer has learned to tweak his D quickly if he runs into a problem. Before he would remain entrenched, now he's picked enough offensive brains on his staff and players to his credit the last 2 years that he can ADJUST. I don't know if he's setting anyone up, I just think he just has the ability to be a lot better than the 'double A gap guru' box that most sports media people put him in. 

See, this week I actually think he came in with a plan and made Philly adjust first rather than the other way around. And once Pederson had things grooving on those two quick, long drives Zimmer went back on the attack again with A Gap looks, moving Harry around, etc.

I also LOVED putting Waynes on Kelce. That was brilliant. Hope Mike comes out aggressive again in Detroit but I think he'll probably play it a little more close to the vest on the road against a team that isn't so heavy on misdirection.

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