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1 if by land, 2 if by sea, 3 if by air...
Damn, this is a seriously fucked-up bunch in here.

First of all...I've considered our current Oval Office Embarrassment to be a waste of carbon and oxygen for decades, my issues with him didn't start recently.  He's known to have the "family values" of a feral dog on testosterone boosters, his money is more from laundering his daddy's and from dodges/loopholes than through honest work, his school was a sham, and I can't find much about him that isn't chintzy, dishonest, or nauseating.  He's still a petulant, pathetic, little liar today...and likely still brags about every affair, every time he stiffed his employees, and any other number of qualities that should've shown him to be wildly unworthy of his current office.

Sorry if that's too wordy for the "orange man bad" moron society...but the people that continuously use that phrase make themselves look awfully, y'know, stupid.

Secondly, I showed and explained my support for Gary Johnson's presidential runs to the point where the main-party supporters were bitching about anything beyond the tiny-minded "GOP vs DNC" or "Trumplestilskin vs Hildebeast" vomit that was further dividing our country.  Apparently, not limiting myself to two horrid options was just so unthinkable...!!!

So, I showed plenty of what I actually like, politically, and for years.  Shitty people keep getting elected, so yeah...they tend to be the topics rather than those that didn't.  Groupthink, ignorance, viciousness, and panic continue to be the driving forces of the electorate.

But, just to be clear...I'm supposed to do a full-on critique of all the dnc candidates for your edification?  Golly, do I get a grade or a wage if/when I turn in my paper, professor?

Quote: @Zanary said:
Damn, this is a seriously fucked-up bunch in here.

First of all...I've considered our current Oval Office Embarrassment to be a waste of carbon and oxygen for decades, my issues with him didn't start recently.  He's known to have the "family values" of a feral dog on testosterone boosters, his money is more from laundering his daddy's and from dodges/loopholes than through honest work, his school was a sham, and I can't find much about him that isn't chintzy, dishonest, or nauseating.  He's still a petulant, pathetic, little liar today...and likely still brags about every affair, every time he stiffed his employees, and any other number of qualities that should've shown him to be wildly unworthy of his current office.

Sorry if that's too wordy for the "orange man bad" moron society...but the people that continuously use that phrase make themselves look awfully, y'know, stupid.

Secondly, I showed and explained my support for Gary Johnson's presidential runs to the point where the main-party supporters were bitching about anything beyond the tiny-minded "GOP vs DNC" or "Trumplestilskin vs Hildebeast" vomit that was further dividing our country.  Apparently, not limiting myself to two horrid options was just so unthinkable...!!!

So, I showed plenty of what I actually like, politically, and for years.  Shitty people keep getting elected, so yeah...they tend to be the topics rather than those that didn't.  Groupthink, ignorance, viciousness, and panic continue to be the driving forces of the electorate.

But, just to be clear...I'm supposed to do a full-on critique of all the dnc candidates for your edification?  Golly, do I get a grade or a wage if/when I turn in my paper, professor?
I was just curious if there were a politician who met with your approval. So Gary Johnson, huh? The guy who couldn't name the leader of North Korea, had no clue what Aleppo was, and wants the citizens of earth to move to another planet because the sun will swallow the earth in a billion years?

I think it's understandable to be frustrated by the two party system. Sure, it would be great to see a legitimate independent option crack our 2-party habit. But what's FAR worse is when we glamorize ignorance as the "fresh voice of an outsider." It's that kind of thinking that led to Trump. 


Quote: @MaroonBells said:
@Zanary said:
Damn, this is a seriously fucked-up bunch in here.

First of all...I've considered our current Oval Office Embarrassment to be a waste of carbon and oxygen for decades, my issues with him didn't start recently.  He's known to have the "family values" of a feral dog on testosterone boosters, his money is more from laundering his daddy's and from dodges/loopholes than through honest work, his school was a sham, and I can't find much about him that isn't chintzy, dishonest, or nauseating.  He's still a petulant, pathetic, little liar today...and likely still brags about every affair, every time he stiffed his employees, and any other number of qualities that should've shown him to be wildly unworthy of his current office.

Sorry if that's too wordy for the "orange man bad" moron society...but the people that continuously use that phrase make themselves look awfully, y'know, stupid.

Secondly, I showed and explained my support for Gary Johnson's presidential runs to the point where the main-party supporters were bitching about anything beyond the tiny-minded "GOP vs DNC" or "Trumplestilskin vs Hildebeast" vomit that was further dividing our country.  Apparently, not limiting myself to two horrid options was just so unthinkable...!!!

So, I showed plenty of what I actually like, politically, and for years.  Shitty people keep getting elected, so yeah...they tend to be the topics rather than those that didn't.  Groupthink, ignorance, viciousness, and panic continue to be the driving forces of the electorate.

But, just to be clear...I'm supposed to do a full-on critique of all the dnc candidates for your edification?  Golly, do I get a grade or a wage if/when I turn in my paper, professor?
I was just curious if there were a politician who met with your approval. So Gary Johnson, huh? The guy who couldn't name the leader of North Korea, had no clue what Aleppo was, and wants the citizens of earth to move to another planet because the sun will swallow the earth in a billion years?

I think it's understandable to be frustrated by the two party system. Sure, it would be great to see a legitimate independent option crack our 2-party habit. But what's FAR worse is when we glamorize ignorance as the "fresh voice of an outsider." It's that kind of thinking that led to Trump. 

Let's see:

1.  Anyone surprised that a Libertarian candidate is focused on our country knows nothing about the party.  While I'd have preferred him to have been more polished/prepared for those kinds of questions...NK's leadership can be accurately referred to "the current whackjob despot" and I'm not aware of anyone over here really giving a damn about Aleppo before or since that question.  Syria is a dog's dinner, and pretending otherwise is shameless PR much more than actual concern.

2.  The LP tendency, regarding climate issues, is to focus on adaptation more than fretting about what's the reports of the past are too often politicized.  I'm actually all for space exploration, and as the sun will eventually consume our solar system...I'm curious how that's such a bad thing?

3.  I easily see rewarding two horrible, treasonous, and consistently self-interest-prone parties for their misdeeds as real and undeniable ignorance.  These parties have been tearing the country apart, OBVIOUSLY, for at least my lifetime...yet, 170 million people hated the USA enough to hand it to one of theirs again.

Two prez candidates that were polled as "untrustable" by most Americans got the run-off.  That, by itself, shows the ignorance of panic by a huge number of people that chose to be idiots and to hate the country.

Quote: @MaroonBells said:
@Zanary said:
Damn, this is a seriously fucked-up bunch in here.

First of all...I've considered our current Oval Office Embarrassment to be a waste of carbon and oxygen for decades, my issues with him didn't start recently.  He's known to have the "family values" of a feral dog on testosterone boosters, his money is more from laundering his daddy's and from dodges/loopholes than through honest work, his school was a sham, and I can't find much about him that isn't chintzy, dishonest, or nauseating.  He's still a petulant, pathetic, little liar today...and likely still brags about every affair, every time he stiffed his employees, and any other number of qualities that should've shown him to be wildly unworthy of his current office.

Sorry if that's too wordy for the "orange man bad" moron society...but the people that continuously use that phrase make themselves look awfully, y'know, stupid.

Secondly, I showed and explained my support for Gary Johnson's presidential runs to the point where the main-party supporters were bitching about anything beyond the tiny-minded "GOP vs DNC" or "Trumplestilskin vs Hildebeast" vomit that was further dividing our country.  Apparently, not limiting myself to two horrid options was just so unthinkable...!!!

So, I showed plenty of what I actually like, politically, and for years.  Shitty people keep getting elected, so yeah...they tend to be the topics rather than those that didn't.  Groupthink, ignorance, viciousness, and panic continue to be the driving forces of the electorate.

But, just to be clear...I'm supposed to do a full-on critique of all the dnc candidates for your edification?  Golly, do I get a grade or a wage if/when I turn in my paper, professor?
I was just curious if there were a politician who met with your approval. So Gary Johnson, huh? The guy who couldn't name the leader of North Korea, had no clue what Aleppo was, and wants the citizens of earth to move to another planet because the sun will swallow the earth in a billion years?

I think it's understandable to be frustrated by the two party system. Sure, it would be great to see a legitimate independent option crack our 2-party habit. But what's FAR worse is when we glamorize ignorance as the "fresh voice of an outsider." It's that kind of thinking that led to Trump. 

I'd love to see us crack the 2 party system, not sure that will happen in my boomer lifetime.

Quote: @KingBash said:
@Sir Viking Bob VWO said:
Yeah, and the Fucknut Obuma visited all 57 states with his wife Michael..... 
He's not the president anymore, so this is irrelevant. 

Donald Trump is mentally ill. The people who support him are as well, or they're just stupid.

Airports in 1776?! Fuck him, fuck you, fuck all his supporters. 
Awww. Did I hurt your feelings?  Are you triggered now??  Fuck you too you fucking moron big mouth. Now we all know why the Bearded Dancing Man broke your fucking jaw you piece of shit!!! 

Quote: @Sir Viking Bob VWO said:
@KingBash said:
@Sir Viking Bob VWO said:
Yeah, and the Fucknut Obuma visited all 57 states with his wife Michael..... 
He's not the president anymore, so this is irrelevant. 

Donald Trump is mentally ill. The people who support him are as well, or they're just stupid.

Airports in 1776?! Fuck him, fuck you, fuck all his supporters. 
Awww. Did I hurt your feelings?  Are you triggered now??  Fuck you too you fucking moron big mouth. Now we all know why the Bearded Dancing Man broke your fucking jaw you piece of shit!!! 
Do you remember when you threatened to find me and shoot me dead? I remember that.

Quote: @SFVikeFan said:
I'm more interested in the oranges of this witch hunt by Mueller to be proven to be a hoax as A1 and Savannah have insisted is about to be exposed ... any day now.
Well took Mueller 2 years to issue his report....about nothing.  And certainly nothing like that (Trump's crimes/imminent demise)  was expected by ya'll. 
Barr/Durham have only been on the case for a few months.  

I can't speak for A1, but I promise, I think/still strongly predict, it's coming fairly soon.  My bet is A1 thinks likewise.  
(I say "think"... as unlike you, I'll reserve judgement and respect reports that try to seek the truth, even if the conclusions don't jive with my predictions)

There hasn't been much I've seen reported re: Barr/Durham/Horowitz's probes, but what I have read has been positive for my/A-1's (and many others) view. 
Just today. 
From Peter King (R-NY).  King is NO Trumpist.  Middling RINO, imo.  NOT "good news"... for you.
Pull quotes: 
"There is no doubt to me there was severe, serious abuses that were carried out in the FBI and, I believe, top levels of the CIA against the President of the United States or, at that time, presidential candidate Donald Trump," King said.
"There was no legal basis at all for them to begin this investigation of his campaign - and the way they carried it forward, and the way information was leaked," he added.
King said that the Justice Department's review, ordered by Attorney General William Barr, would prove that former officials acted improperly.

"All of this is going to come out. It’s going to show the bias. It’s going to show the baselessness of the investigation, and how dangerous it is to democracy. I would say the same thing if this were done to Hillary Clintonor Bernie Sanders," he continued, adding: "It’s just wrong."
During the interview, King also blames members of the media for fanning public speculation about the investigation, accusing reporters of suggesting that President Trump was himself working with Russia's government.

"The media was an accessory to this," King said. "The media went along with this - actually, keeping this farcical, ridiculous thought going that the President of the United States… was somehow involved in a conspiracy with Russia against his own country."
King just recently left the House Intelligence committee.  (He was privy)

And this today from Fox's Catherine Herridge.  (I know...Fox News)

Very well, could be...A-1 & I have to eat crow.  But, I doubt it.  We'll see.  Smile

You know what's odd?  Now that the investigations have been turned over to PROFESSIONAL INVESTIGATORS?  No daily felony leaks to a complicit MSM.  
I find that....refreshing.  


Quote: @Zanary said:
@MaroonBells said:
@Zanary said:
Damn, this is a seriously fucked-up bunch in here.

First of all...I've considered our current Oval Office Embarrassment to be a waste of carbon and oxygen for decades, my issues with him didn't start recently.  He's known to have the "family values" of a feral dog on testosterone boosters, his money is more from laundering his daddy's and from dodges/loopholes than through honest work, his school was a sham, and I can't find much about him that isn't chintzy, dishonest, or nauseating.  He's still a petulant, pathetic, little liar today...and likely still brags about every affair, every time he stiffed his employees, and any other number of qualities that should've shown him to be wildly unworthy of his current office.

Sorry if that's too wordy for the "orange man bad" moron society...but the people that continuously use that phrase make themselves look awfully, y'know, stupid.

Secondly, I showed and explained my support for Gary Johnson's presidential runs to the point where the main-party supporters were bitching about anything beyond the tiny-minded "GOP vs DNC" or "Trumplestilskin vs Hildebeast" vomit that was further dividing our country.  Apparently, not limiting myself to two horrid options was just so unthinkable...!!!

So, I showed plenty of what I actually like, politically, and for years.  Shitty people keep getting elected, so yeah...they tend to be the topics rather than those that didn't.  Groupthink, ignorance, viciousness, and panic continue to be the driving forces of the electorate.

But, just to be clear...I'm supposed to do a full-on critique of all the dnc candidates for your edification?  Golly, do I get a grade or a wage if/when I turn in my paper, professor?
I was just curious if there were a politician who met with your approval. So Gary Johnson, huh? The guy who couldn't name the leader of North Korea, had no clue what Aleppo was, and wants the citizens of earth to move to another planet because the sun will swallow the earth in a billion years?

I think it's understandable to be frustrated by the two party system. Sure, it would be great to see a legitimate independent option crack our 2-party habit. But what's FAR worse is when we glamorize ignorance as the "fresh voice of an outsider." It's that kind of thinking that led to Trump. 

I'm not aware of anyone over here really giving a damn about Aleppo before or since that question.  Syria is a dog's dinner, and pretending otherwise is shameless PR much more than actual concern.

FUCK YOU. Just because YOU don't give a shit about anyone other than yourself you assume that no one else does? You are a real fucking piece of work, Zanary. There are probably a dozen posts about Aleppo on my FB page months before the guy you wanted to lead the world told us he'd never even fucking heard of it. Hey, but who cares? They're not white or American, right? And I'm sure our resident follower of Christ will show up soon to tell us they will all burn in eternal hellfire because they don't believe in Jesus. 

[Image: maxresdefault.jpg]
[Image: baby26.jpg?itok=s463csPs&timestamp=1472139251]
[Image: Wright-Aleppo-Children3.jpg]


Who drew the "red line" in Syria? in Aug. 2012?  Obama/Clinton.

What Presidential administration, stood down/ignored their own 'red line'?
Like Rwanda and Srebrenica before it, Aleppo didn’t have to happen. But it did, because those who could have and should have done something did nothing.
Instead, while a great evil was being perpetrated in Aleppo, the U.S. and the Western Hemisphere stood by, and it is therefore with them that the shame for this modern tragedy squarely lies. 

From 2012 to 2016, what American Presidential regime was in charge?  Obama/Clinton. 

Should Johnson have been more aware of Obama's Aleppo failures?  Yes.  

I wonder why that failure of the Obama administration wasn't more well-known, topical? 


Quote: @KingBash said:
@Sir Viking Bob VWO said:
@KingBash said:
@Sir Viking Bob VWO said:
Yeah, and the Fucknut Obuma visited all 57 states with his wife Michael..... 
He's not the president anymore, so this is irrelevant. 

Donald Trump is mentally ill. The people who support him are as well, or they're just stupid.

Airports in 1776?! Fuck him, fuck you, fuck all his supporters. 
Awww. Did I hurt your feelings?  Are you triggered now??  Fuck you too you fucking moron big mouth. Now we all know why the Bearded Dancing Man broke your fucking jaw you piece of shit!!! 
Do you remember when you threatened to find me and shoot me dead? I remember that.
What? Omfg.

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