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I really don't want Biden vs Trump in 24...
Quote: @greediron said:
@Zanary said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@AGRforever said:
@Zanary said:

Seriously, at some point, it HAS to occur to people that settling for that level of f**king manipulated stupidity remains a horrible idea...right?!?!?

We won't have 140 million Americans settle for the same lying fan clubs again, right?  RIGHT?!!?

Yeah, I know.  Just...hopeful, despite decades of proof that every 4 years, this country is truly, fatally stupid.
Me and 70ish others in my county keep voting libertarian. Some day Z. Some day.  
Why don't your libertarian candidate just run as a D or an R?  We see it in SD where a D switches teams and suddenly can get shit done.  There's always those that look for the letter before they look for the quality of the candidate,  take advantage of that.

IMO, the only way a viable 3rd party ever comes to the game is if a large chunk of either main party splinters off ,  a decent fraction of both parties join up on some common ground like fiscal issues and let's the hot button election fodder shit fall away until the real problems are solved.
Yeah, but get WHAT done?  Paint themselves in traitor's colors, knowing that they have to salute/spit at the image of Trumplestilskin in today's climate?

Some people have principles, unlike the "big 2", and won't be counted among that s**t.

The voters need to learn to count to at least 3, which will mean asking for something better than skyrocketing debt, insane inflation, and a country violently divided by two power-mongering hatred factories.  Sadly, if they don't figure that out...the country deserves to fail, doesn't it?
Won't happen until people turn off their televisions.  Too many on both sided get everything from the TV.  And so they have an easy time controlling what that group thinks about.
or social media,  or print media, or about any form of information dissemination known to man.... as soon as we come up with some new way to communicate,  some special interest group is trying to figure out how to manipulate the message that it carries.

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@Zanary said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@AGRforever said:
@Zanary said:

Seriously, at some point, it HAS to occur to people that settling for that level of f**king manipulated stupidity remains a horrible idea...right?!?!?

We won't have 140 million Americans settle for the same lying fan clubs again, right?  RIGHT?!!?

Yeah, I know.  Just...hopeful, despite decades of proof that every 4 years, this country is truly, fatally stupid.
Me and 70ish others in my county keep voting libertarian. Some day Z. Some day.  
Why don't your libertarian candidate just run as a D or an R?  We see it in SD where a D switches teams and suddenly can get shit done.  There's always those that look for the letter before they look for the quality of the candidate,  take advantage of that.

IMO, the only way a viable 3rd party ever comes to the game is if a large chunk of either main party splinters off ,  a decent fraction of both parties join up on some common ground like fiscal issues and let's the hot button election fodder shit fall away until the real problems are solved.
Yeah, but get WHAT done?  Paint themselves in traitor's colors, knowing that they have to salute/spit at the image of Trumplestilskin in today's climate?

Some people have principles, unlike the "big 2", and won't be counted among that s**t.

The voters need to learn to count to at least 3, which will mean asking for something better than skyrocketing debt, insane inflation, and a country violently divided by two power-mongering hatred factories.  Sadly, if they don't figure that out...the country deserves to fail, doesn't it?
well... when you reach your grave and your candidates have accomplished absolutely nothing because they cant get on stage to make their voices heard... you will at least still have your principals.

in the real world there is how we wish things worked,  and how things actually work.  those with the money have rigged the game,  so either play the rigged game or go find a new game,  but standing around stomping your feet because nobody will change the game to the way you want to play it accomplishes absolutely nothing.

There is nothing that says every R has to be a RINO or a Trumper,  anymore than every D has to be a ( whatever they will accept being called )  grab whichever party you most closely identify with and run under that banner and then once you are in the game... work from the inside to change it.... or find really damn rich 3rd party guys that can just buy their way into a party and create your own reform of that party like Trump has tried to do with the Rs.
I find it to be woefully defeatist to just assume everything has to be part of, or grown from, the "big 2".  They're both horror shows that are killing the country.

I think it's time for people with the resources to simply advertise that supporting endless foreign wars without exit strategies, dozens of trillions in debt, and media manipulation to make Americans hate Americans is treason...and to treat traitors like anti-American filth.  Rub their faces in it until the flies are inescapable, because there have been countless attempts to approach them through more reasonable means.

Quote: @AGRforever said:
It damn well better not be Trump. We cant possibly be that stupid can we?
Are you freaking sterile? You like the shit this country has been through in the last year and a half? I guess so.

I'd take Trump in a second. Get some sense man.

Good Lord I can see why I don’t come here often. 95% of you all are just insane or fricking dumb as a box of rocks. And that's being insulting to the rocks. 

Quote: @Purplemachine said:
@AGRforever said:
It damn well better not be Trump. We cant possibly be that stupid can we?
Are you freaking sterile? You like the shit this country has been through in the last year and a half? I guess so.

I'd take Trump in a second. Get some sense man.

Good Lord I can see why I don’t come here often. 95% of you all are just insane or fricking dumb as a box of rocks. And that's being insulting to the rocks. 
That first question is...odd...and if anyone likes the shit this country has been through in the last several years, you're not paying attention.

The inflation and ridiculousness of the current spineless babbling tool and his vapid political harlot (I kinda triple dare anyone offended by that to even hint that the "other side" wouldn't have made a label at least that bad, in a reverse situation) were preceded by an ongoing moron-a-thon of lies, subterfuge, other types of babbling, and finally piles of outright BS leading to an attempted insurrection.  Even Trumplestilskin's pet judges are calling his  prattle what it has always been.

Why does anyone defend either of these horrid camps?  The babbling vacancy vs. the sputtering liar...WE CAN DO BETTER.

Quote: @Zanary said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@Zanary said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@AGRforever said:
@Zanary said:

Seriously, at some point, it HAS to occur to people that settling for that level of f**king manipulated stupidity remains a horrible idea...right?!?!?

We won't have 140 million Americans settle for the same lying fan clubs again, right?  RIGHT?!!?

Yeah, I know.  Just...hopeful, despite decades of proof that every 4 years, this country is truly, fatally stupid.
Me and 70ish others in my county keep voting libertarian. Some day Z. Some day.  
Why don't your libertarian candidate just run as a D or an R?  We see it in SD where a D switches teams and suddenly can get shit done.  There's always those that look for the letter before they look for the quality of the candidate,  take advantage of that.

IMO, the only way a viable 3rd party ever comes to the game is if a large chunk of either main party splinters off ,  a decent fraction of both parties join up on some common ground like fiscal issues and let's the hot button election fodder shit fall away until the real problems are solved.
Yeah, but get WHAT done?  Paint themselves in traitor's colors, knowing that they have to salute/spit at the image of Trumplestilskin in today's climate?

Some people have principles, unlike the "big 2", and won't be counted among that s**t.

The voters need to learn to count to at least 3, which will mean asking for something better than skyrocketing debt, insane inflation, and a country violently divided by two power-mongering hatred factories.  Sadly, if they don't figure that out...the country deserves to fail, doesn't it?
well... when you reach your grave and your candidates have accomplished absolutely nothing because they cant get on stage to make their voices heard... you will at least still have your principals.

in the real world there is how we wish things worked,  and how things actually work.  those with the money have rigged the game,  so either play the rigged game or go find a new game,  but standing around stomping your feet because nobody will change the game to the way you want to play it accomplishes absolutely nothing.

There is nothing that says every R has to be a RINO or a Trumper,  anymore than every D has to be a ( whatever they will accept being called )  grab whichever party you most closely identify with and run under that banner and then once you are in the game... work from the inside to change it.... or find really damn rich 3rd party guys that can just buy their way into a party and create your own reform of that party like Trump has tried to do with the Rs.
I find it to be woefully defeatist to just assume everything has to be part of, or grown from, the "big 2".  They're both horror shows that are killing the country.

I think it's time for people with the resources to simply advertise that supporting endless foreign wars without exit strategies, dozens of trillions in debt, and media manipulation to make Americans hate Americans is treason...and to treat traitors like anti-American filth.  Rub their faces in it until the flies are inescapable, because there have been countless attempts to approach them through more reasonable means.
Those people with resources you are looking to for help have built and protect those resources through those who you despise in politics.  You arent going to change the system from the outside,   you will need a coup from within IMO.

Quote: @Purplemachine said:
@AGRforever said:
It damn well better not be Trump. We cant possibly be that stupid can we?
Are you freaking sterile? You like the shit this country has been through in the last year and a half? I guess so.

I'd take Trump in a second. Get some sense man.

Good Lord I can see why I don’t come here often. 95% of you all are just insane or fricking dumb as a box of rocks. And that's being insulting to the rocks. 
Lol, Trump is a whiny crying bitch. Had he shut his piehole he’d still be President.

There is a zero percent chance I would vote for either Trump or Biden. I don’t want either of their views for America. 

Quote: @AGRforever said:
@Purplemachine said:
@AGRforever said:
It damn well better not be Trump. We cant possibly be that stupid can we?
Are you freaking sterile? You like the shit this country has been through in the last year and a half? I guess so.

I'd take Trump in a second. Get some sense man.

Good Lord I can see why I don’t come here often. 95% of you all are just insane or fricking dumb as a box of rocks. And that's being insulting to the rocks. 
Lol, Trump is a whiny crying bitch. 

Quote: @AGRforever said:
@Purplemachine said:
@AGRforever said:
It damn well better not be Trump. We cant possibly be that stupid can we?
Are you freaking sterile? You like the shit this country has been through in the last year and a half? I guess so.

I'd take Trump in a second. Get some sense man.

Good Lord I can see why I don’t come here often. 95% of you all are just insane or fricking dumb as a box of rocks. And that's being insulting to the rocks. 
Lol, Trump is a whiny crying bitch. Had he shut his piehole he’d still be President.

There is a zero percent chance I would vote for either Trump or Biden. I don’t want either of their views for America. 
Not only a whiny bitch, but a lying POS...

Trump is going to announce his candidacy b4 mid-terms, he cant help himself.

Plus he wants to freeze-out other candidates early in a money grab...

I agree with George Conway; there is one candidate who might beat him for Repub nomination and that is DeSantis. 

And if that does happen? Trump would run as an independent because that's how he's wired. And that would pretty much insure you get a Dem as POTUS again.

@StickyBun, what are your thoughts on your Gov down there and do you think he's going to toss his hat in the ring?

Quote: @purplefaithful said:
@AGRforever said:
@Purplemachine said:
@AGRforever said:
It damn well better not be Trump. We cant possibly be that stupid can we?
Are you freaking sterile? You like the shit this country has been through in the last year and a half? I guess so.

I'd take Trump in a second. Get some sense man.

Good Lord I can see why I don’t come here often. 95% of you all are just insane or fricking dumb as a box of rocks. And that's being insulting to the rocks. 
Lol, Trump is a whiny crying bitch. Had he shut his piehole he’d still be President.

There is a zero percent chance I would vote for either Trump or Biden. I don’t want either of their views for America. 
Not only a whiny bitch, but a lying POS...

Trump is going to announce his candidacy b4 mid-terms, he cant help himself.

Plus he wants to freeze-out other candidates early in a money grab...

I agree with George Conway; there is one candidate who might beat him for Repub nomination and that is DeSantis. 

And if that does happen? Trump would run as an independent because that's how he's wired. And that would pretty much insure you get a Dem as POTUS again.

@StickyBun, what are your thoughts on your Gov down there and do you think he's going to toss his hat in the ring?
This is EXACTLY what is going to happen.  He has to run to keep the cash cow mooing and keep the criminal probes at bay.

IF Desantis beats him in a primary, he will run on the "freedom" or "maga" party platform and destroy any chance the GOP has.  That's what a deal with the devil looks like.

Announces in September, potentially wrecks the midterms, runs as independent, wrecks the GOP ticket.  It is going to happen, he's not bowing down to a guy he felt he made in Desantis.

I don't know why sane conservatives aren't out condemning him and his actions on January 6th.  

Quote: @Skodin said:
@purplefaithful said:
@AGRforever said:
@Purplemachine said:
@AGRforever said:
It damn well better not be Trump. We cant possibly be that stupid can we?
Are you freaking sterile? You like the shit this country has been through in the last year and a half? I guess so.

I'd take Trump in a second. Get some sense man.

Good Lord I can see why I don’t come here often. 95% of you all are just insane or fricking dumb as a box of rocks. And that's being insulting to the rocks. 
Lol, Trump is a whiny crying bitch. Had he shut his piehole he’d still be President.

There is a zero percent chance I would vote for either Trump or Biden. I don’t want either of their views for America. 
Not only a whiny bitch, but a lying POS...

Trump is going to announce his candidacy b4 mid-terms, he cant help himself.

Plus he wants to freeze-out other candidates early in a money grab...

I agree with George Conway; there is one candidate who might beat him for Repub nomination and that is DeSantis. 

And if that does happen? Trump would run as an independent because that's how he's wired. And that would pretty much insure you get a Dem as POTUS again.

@StickyBun, what are your thoughts on your Gov down there and do you think he's going to toss his hat in the ring?
This is EXACTLY what is going to happen.  He has to run to keep the cash cow mooing and keep the criminal probes at bay.

IF Desantis beats him in a primary, he will run on the "freedom" or "maga" party platform and destroy any chance the GOP has.  That's what a deal with the devil looks like.

Announces in September, potentially wrecks the midterms, runs as independent, wrecks the GOP ticket.  It is going to happen, he's not bowing down to a guy he felt he made in Desantis.

I don't know why sane conservatives aren't out condemning him and his actions on January 6th.  
Because most conservatives see jan 6th for what it is,  an overblown, manufactured,  charade made to distract the lefts voter base from the real crimes being committed to the American people.

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