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OT: Says the guy worth $240 billion....
Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@minny65 said:
@StickyBun said:
Crank it up!  :p

Bottom line: no other entity has done a better job of harming American values and culture than American corporations. 
Yes, Greed is King (Corporations) all the while manipulating the government to their whims but they portraying to the public that they have to move HQ for cheaper taxes (will never admit for cheaper labor of course).  It's a Corporate mantra for decades about how they have to pay such high taxes and want it lowered but it will never be low enough for the to stay anyway.  Lastly, in 2018 the Corporate tax rate became a flat 21% vs a progressive (like indiv) that topped out at 35% .

Back when it was topped out at 38%:

Some Key Findings:
  • As a group, the 258 corporations paid an effective federal income tax rate of 21.2 percent over the eight-year period, slightly over half the statutory 35 percent tax rate.
  • Eighteen of the corporations, including General Electric, International Paper, and PG&E, paid no federal income tax at all over the eight-year period. A fifth of the corporations (48) paid an effective tax rate of less than 10 percent over that period.
  • Of those corporations in our sample with significant offshore profits, more than half paid higher corporate tax rates to foreign governments where they operate than they paid in the United States on their U.S. profits.
These findings refute the prevailing view inside the Beltway that America’s corporate income tax is more burdensome than the corporate income taxes levied by other countries, and that this purported (but false) excess burden somehow makes the U.S. “uncompetitive.
These Corporations have tax account departments (I was one briefly) that will ensure they find every single loophole.
They are also experts at portraying to the general public that they are the victim of the government rules, regs, tax code that forces them to China while they rack in Billions.  
The America Dream is no longer to have a nice home/car/vacation and family.  It is now, how much money can I accumulate using every loophole humanly possible and some others that aren't loopholes to max my profits.  If I get caught doing anything illegal, I just hire the best attorney and pay a fine from my pile of money.  Most of the time the public sides with that person because they are million/billionaires that used the Capitalistic system to the extreme and didn't pay their taxes and screwed the very government which is their money being siphoned to the Billionaire.
Oh well, there is no stopping the Corporate machine of greed corruption IMO.  All these pie-in-the-sky ideas have never worked because the general public does not have the will...or the way to do anything about it.  We are a Corporate run Country that can give to shitz about small business and individuals unless it affects their bottom line...then they really care!!!

I agree with everything you said there, but are we as individuals really not the same?  How many of us dont look for every tax break we can get?  How many Americans are turning down govt handouts?  ( price supports for health care, crop insurance, education, child tax credits, covid money, etc and the list goes on. )  Is this really anything unique to American people or businesses,  or just a human trait?  Sure we all like to think of ourselves as noble givers,  but dont we all have limits and exceptions,  instances where we say fuck it,  or fuck them,  and do what is in our, or our families best interest, even when it may not be in the best interest of our neighbor or country as a whole? 

hell look at how we vote,  we all agree that our govt is run by a bunch of corrupt fucks that are on the take,  but yet how many of us actively vote against the incumbent after they have been in for a while?  sure some will do it in a primary,  but when it comes to the general election we are right back to the same ol party bull shit for most of their ballot,  but yet what has voting for my party or your party got us?  JACK SHIT, same problems we were discussing 30 years ago are still a problem today, even though both parties have had more than ample opportunities to correct the issues.

its greed all right,  but I dont think there are many among us that cant find instances of greed in our own lives.  and those that are running those companies are just human as well ( bigger bank accounts for sure )  but its average people with 401ks like those on this board that also want to see those positive returns,  we kind of demand it so is greed all bad?  is it really as much about corporate greed as it is our own greed?
Oh no, as I said in other posts Greed is human nature no doubt.   But my main point, and I think the difference is, that group greed that can influence the rules, regulations etc like Corporations can are a major problem.  It is group greed that can change the playing field and already has.  That is why wealth distribution in this Country just keeps going to the very few who benefit from all kinds of connections in this Country and throughout the World to make Billions.  All the while playing the Victim to the general public about paying taxes and having to abide by rules and regulations (heaven forbid).  Which circles back to Musk and Chinese workers vs American workers...sure he wants to have Chinese regulations (none) vs Americans because we demand too much that effects their bottom line and the faceless stockholders which are really in the hands of very few wealthy people.  I have 40 shares of Tesla stock do you think I have any influence over Tesla Coprorate?  No, the majority stockholders/board do. But again we are sold that we are part owners because we own a few shares.  


Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@Akvike said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@StickyBun said:
@greediron said:
@Vikergirl said:
He wants a labor force he can control and doesn't want protections for. Look at China and the lack of freedom. There is a philosophy that is not supposed to be allowed since 2021 but is still occurring. It is called 996. It means working from 9am-9pm 6 days a week. Is this something that could or should be adopted in the United States? I would say no, others may disagree. Calling workers lazy is not at all helpful. China has had high suicide rates due to toxic work culture. 
Wish more people would be willing to criticize China and ALL the mega corps that build their stuff on slave labor.   
It sounds like you really have no idea exactly HOW many U.S. companies get their stuff manufactured and shipped from Asia. If you think its just the 'MEGA' corps, you are in for a huge surprise. All of these 'patriotic' companies like Home Depot, Lowes, Tractor Supply, etc. get a shit ton of product either directly from China on their own private label products (Kobalt for Lowes, Husky for Home Depot) or deal with companies that import at least some, if not most of their product from China. Air compressors, power tools, wet saws, tile cutters, etc. know, all of those manly blue collar type tools the country music listeners and singers love while singing God Bless America....China. And much smaller companies do the same thing and save money but obviously, the more product you order the higher the savings. Doesn't have to be a Home Depot. You buy products by containers to ship from Asia. A container used to cost around $3000 for a container full of say, wet saws to ship. Now it costs around $24,000 per container. There's a global transportation crisis.

The only reason China is where they are is because of American corporations. Period. So who's deserving of the criticism again?? Just Apple and Intel? Hardly. And the Chinese companies that have popped up to sell directly into the U.S. market got all their engineering and know-how from American companies. It was just handed over to them to manufacture. And also blame the everyday American consumer: as much as they raise that flag and say they'll 'Buy American Made', you know what the reality is? They won't. Because it costs more. 8 out of 10 Americans say'll they want to buy a product made in the USA. That goes down to 4.5 out of 10 if that item costs 18% more. Want to know who is contributing more to the downfall of rural society here domestically than any corporation? The dollar store channel. They are devastating what remains of the small businesses. They are popping up everywhere, selling dirt cheap garbage. 
AGREE totally with your sentiment,  blame definitely falls on the American consumer as well as the Americans supplying them.

Question,  is it just country music man's that can use air compressors and wet saws,  or can I crank the motorhead while framing up a new garage? :p
Jimmy:  If you aren't crankin up some Kenny Loggins on your radio/power station, put your damn tie back on--git off the ladder and leave it to the Real Mericans.
Kenny Loggins caddy shak or Kenny Loggins top gun?  I mean are we talking Carl Spackler  or  Pete Mitchell?
Well there is also Kenny Loggins Footloose. My mom's favorite.

Quote: @minny65 said:
@medaille said:
It is what it is. 
When you are desperate, you’ll submit yourself to worse working
conditions.  The 996 schedule isn’t a
musk thing, but a China thing and it’s one of the selling factors to
businessmen.  We have a lot of
regulations that have improved our standard of living (and also a lot of
regulations designed to suppress businesses). 
These drive up costs.  It’s
important for our government to impose the same standards on products that are
imported as are manufactured here.  If we
value a regulation enough to have it here, we should value it enough to have it
everywhere.  We need to have a system of
tariffs that level the playing fields between countries that care less about
their people and the earth as they import into countries that care more.

This is a governmental problem, not a single person
problem.  Obviously people shouldn’t
produce goods in these countries, but they’ve shown time and again that profits
are the driving factor, and we as a society need to remove the profit motive.

Secondarily, there’s a pretty big motivation difference
between an employee and owner in terms of how much they’re willing to work
because of how much is at stake.  The
issue has less to do with employees being less motivated, but more to do with
we need to make it much easier for people to become owners.  We’ve been put within an employee framework
through schooling, where we were trained to work for other people, and it’s hard
to see outside that box, but we need to work together to become owners of the
work and equipment that are in our daily life.
That is all true but it has also been talked about for the last 40 years since Buy American.  Then all the American companies moved oversees for cheap labor, lower taxes, and less worker protections all for the investors (ha!).   You mention remove the profit motive but again how...we are an uber capitalistic economy where big business/corporations literally own our government officials.  The trend in this country is more advantages for Corporate not less.  The small business people think they are part of this pro corporate/capitalistic band of brothers and the corporate world only cares about 1 thing - making more money at all cost because the faceless investor demands it.  Greed is part of human nature and any unchecked economic system is bound to swing wealth to the very few.  The workers and small business owners be damned.  Elon wants American workers to be like the Chinese workers again cheap labor, no protections, long hours about a step back into the 1900's before regulations and unions.

Lastly, not everyone is capable or should be an owner.  

(Disclaimer - I love my Tesla but that doesn't mean I agree with everything Musk says and doesSmile  He is a great mind but I would never want to work with him, he is a douchebag.  
One of my initial posts - no doubt Greed is human nature but do we just let it flourish or reign in it with rules, laws, regulations or do we just pretend that the very few are above all of that.  Because in the end most of the money is coming from the lower, middle class and upper middle class (non multi-millionaires).  At this point even a person who is worth a few million has no influence I'm talking about the faceless Corporations that rake in Billions that is distributed to a very few.  

Here is an example I try to make:  The general public will always here about someone who rips off welfare if they are just another poor shmoo....not like Brett Favre and his "alleged" Mississippi welfare scheme that is in the courts - very little publicity on that because it involves a multi-millionaire football player, a former WWE /converted Evangelical preacher, and a Mother and son who started a charter school using millions of welfare money.  Not a lot from the media on was disclosed 2 years ago.  

But no one wants to talk about corporate welfare and endless tax loopholes that allow Billion dollar companies to pay zero taxes (which affects all of us but we don't care when anyone rips off the government which is really our money but we don't have a will or a way to stop it).  

One example is the talking point about Tesla/Electric cares being forced upon us through tax payor subsidies...oh about we take away the corporate subsidies we give to the Oil and Gas companies before we try to support an alternative/good old American competition which benefits the consumer. Again, lets focus on the pennies being ripped off by the welfare queens and ignore the millions from corporate welfare. 

Quote: @minny65 said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@minny65 said:
@StickyBun said:
Crank it up!  :p

Bottom line: no other entity has done a better job of harming American values and culture than American corporations. 
Yes, Greed is King (Corporations) all the while manipulating the government to their whims but they portraying to the public that they have to move HQ for cheaper taxes (will never admit for cheaper labor of course).  It's a Corporate mantra for decades about how they have to pay such high taxes and want it lowered but it will never be low enough for the to stay anyway.  Lastly, in 2018 the Corporate tax rate became a flat 21% vs a progressive (like indiv) that topped out at 35% .

Back when it was topped out at 38%:

Some Key Findings:
  • As a group, the 258 corporations paid an effective federal income tax rate of 21.2 percent over the eight-year period, slightly over half the statutory 35 percent tax rate.
  • Eighteen of the corporations, including General Electric, International Paper, and PG&E, paid no federal income tax at all over the eight-year period. A fifth of the corporations (48) paid an effective tax rate of less than 10 percent over that period.
  • Of those corporations in our sample with significant offshore profits, more than half paid higher corporate tax rates to foreign governments where they operate than they paid in the United States on their U.S. profits.
These findings refute the prevailing view inside the Beltway that America’s corporate income tax is more burdensome than the corporate income taxes levied by other countries, and that this purported (but false) excess burden somehow makes the U.S. “uncompetitive.
These Corporations have tax account departments (I was one briefly) that will ensure they find every single loophole.
They are also experts at portraying to the general public that they are the victim of the government rules, regs, tax code that forces them to China while they rack in Billions.  
The America Dream is no longer to have a nice home/car/vacation and family.  It is now, how much money can I accumulate using every loophole humanly possible and some others that aren't loopholes to max my profits.  If I get caught doing anything illegal, I just hire the best attorney and pay a fine from my pile of money.  Most of the time the public sides with that person because they are million/billionaires that used the Capitalistic system to the extreme and didn't pay their taxes and screwed the very government which is their money being siphoned to the Billionaire.
Oh well, there is no stopping the Corporate machine of greed corruption IMO.  All these pie-in-the-sky ideas have never worked because the general public does not have the will...or the way to do anything about it.  We are a Corporate run Country that can give to shitz about small business and individuals unless it affects their bottom line...then they really care!!!

I agree with everything you said there, but are we as individuals really not the same?  How many of us dont look for every tax break we can get?  How many Americans are turning down govt handouts?  ( price supports for health care, crop insurance, education, child tax credits, covid money, etc and the list goes on. )  Is this really anything unique to American people or businesses,  or just a human trait?  Sure we all like to think of ourselves as noble givers,  but dont we all have limits and exceptions,  instances where we say fuck it,  or fuck them,  and do what is in our, or our families best interest, even when it may not be in the best interest of our neighbor or country as a whole? 

hell look at how we vote,  we all agree that our govt is run by a bunch of corrupt fucks that are on the take,  but yet how many of us actively vote against the incumbent after they have been in for a while?  sure some will do it in a primary,  but when it comes to the general election we are right back to the same ol party bull shit for most of their ballot,  but yet what has voting for my party or your party got us?  JACK SHIT, same problems we were discussing 30 years ago are still a problem today, even though both parties have had more than ample opportunities to correct the issues.

its greed all right,  but I dont think there are many among us that cant find instances of greed in our own lives.  and those that are running those companies are just human as well ( bigger bank accounts for sure )  but its average people with 401ks like those on this board that also want to see those positive returns,  we kind of demand it so is greed all bad?  is it really as much about corporate greed as it is our own greed?
Oh no, as I said in other posts Greed is human nature no doubt.   But my main point, and I think the difference is, that group greed that can influence the rules, regulations etc like Corporations can are a major problem.  It is group greed that can change the playing field and already has.  That is why wealth distribution in this Country just keeps going to the very few who benefit from all kinds of connections in this Country and throughout the World to make Billions.  All the while playing the Victim to the general public about paying taxes and having to abide by rules and regulations (heaven forbid).  Which circles back to Musk and Chinese workers vs American workers...sure he wants to have Chinese regulations (none) vs Americans because we demand too much that effects their bottom line and the faceless stockholders which are really in the hands of very few wealthy people.  I have 40 shares of Tesla stock do you think I have any influence over Tesla Coprorate?  No, the majority stockholders/board do. But again we are sold that we are part owners because we own a few shares.  

do you want anything different from your 40  share investment vs the guy with 400,000 shares?  I doubt it,  I think you both put your money into it with the primary goal of making money,  will you benefit as much from Musks greedy ways...nope,  but I would guess you are both expecting to see a return on investment and not excuses why your shares are not worth a crap.

Quote: @Vikergirl said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@Akvike said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@StickyBun said:
@greediron said:
@Vikergirl said:
He wants a labor force he can control and doesn't want protections for. Look at China and the lack of freedom. There is a philosophy that is not supposed to be allowed since 2021 but is still occurring. It is called 996. It means working from 9am-9pm 6 days a week. Is this something that could or should be adopted in the United States? I would say no, others may disagree. Calling workers lazy is not at all helpful. China has had high suicide rates due to toxic work culture. 
Wish more people would be willing to criticize China and ALL the mega corps that build their stuff on slave labor.   
It sounds like you really have no idea exactly HOW many U.S. companies get their stuff manufactured and shipped from Asia. If you think its just the 'MEGA' corps, you are in for a huge surprise. All of these 'patriotic' companies like Home Depot, Lowes, Tractor Supply, etc. get a shit ton of product either directly from China on their own private label products (Kobalt for Lowes, Husky for Home Depot) or deal with companies that import at least some, if not most of their product from China. Air compressors, power tools, wet saws, tile cutters, etc. know, all of those manly blue collar type tools the country music listeners and singers love while singing God Bless America....China. And much smaller companies do the same thing and save money but obviously, the more product you order the higher the savings. Doesn't have to be a Home Depot. You buy products by containers to ship from Asia. A container used to cost around $3000 for a container full of say, wet saws to ship. Now it costs around $24,000 per container. There's a global transportation crisis.

The only reason China is where they are is because of American corporations. Period. So who's deserving of the criticism again?? Just Apple and Intel? Hardly. And the Chinese companies that have popped up to sell directly into the U.S. market got all their engineering and know-how from American companies. It was just handed over to them to manufacture. And also blame the everyday American consumer: as much as they raise that flag and say they'll 'Buy American Made', you know what the reality is? They won't. Because it costs more. 8 out of 10 Americans say'll they want to buy a product made in the USA. That goes down to 4.5 out of 10 if that item costs 18% more. Want to know who is contributing more to the downfall of rural society here domestically than any corporation? The dollar store channel. They are devastating what remains of the small businesses. They are popping up everywhere, selling dirt cheap garbage. 
AGREE totally with your sentiment,  blame definitely falls on the American consumer as well as the Americans supplying them.

Question,  is it just country music man's that can use air compressors and wet saws,  or can I crank the motorhead while framing up a new garage? :p
Jimmy:  If you aren't crankin up some Kenny Loggins on your radio/power station, put your damn tie back on--git off the ladder and leave it to the Real Mericans.
Kenny Loggins caddy shak or Kenny Loggins top gun?  I mean are we talking Carl Spackler  or  Pete Mitchell?
Well there is also Kenny Loggins Footloose. My mom's favorite.
thats more for after the work is done,  thats more of a party song and there is no room for booze and power tools on my jobsite.

Quote: @Vikergirl said:
@medaille said:
@Vikergirl said:
@greediron said:
@Vikergirl said:
He wants a labor force he can control and doesn't want protections for. Look at China and the lack of freedom. There is a philosophy that is not supposed to be allowed since 2021 but is still occurring. It is called 996. It means working from 9am-9pm 6 days a week. Is this something that could or should be adopted in the United States? I would say no, others may disagree. Calling workers lazy is not at all helpful. China has had high suicide rates due to toxic work culture. 
Wish more people would be willing to criticize China and ALL the mega corps that build their stuff on slave labor.  Apple, Intel, NBA...  Wish anyone gave a rats ass about the genocide going on over there with the Uyghurs and even the Chinese in Shanghai.  But it probably would be hypocritical to type up a mean tweet on the apple iphone...

But this is exactly why I don't give a rats ass about Musk.  The left now hates him and many on the right think he is 'one of us' when the truth is somewhere in the middle.  He is a genius that has made lots of money off govt subsidies of environment disaster battery operated cars.  So, yeah just like the rest of the oligarchs, he is a hypocrite. 
Yeah that would be hypocritical, the United States can only say so much about China since so many products that we use everyday come from there. The corporations use cheap foreign labor to make more money, Musk is an example of exploiting cheap labor. It is awful and scary what is happening to the Uyghurs. So many corporations use the subsidies, no one seems to care that corporate welfare is a thing. 
When you frame it like "Musk is an example of exploiting cheap labor" you are putting the blame on Musk, and removing it from yourself/ourselves.  Musk is following the rules that our government put in place on our behalf.  We have declared what is appropriate behavior and he is following it.  When you say that "no one seems to care", that is the crux of the matter.  In areas of our life where we don't care, we are allowing others to shape what happens to us.
There you go. He is following the rules of the government. The rich set up the system for their benefit, that is nothing new. That is why people call them geniuses for conning the people. And yet his greed has him complaining that the United States workers are not like Chinese workers. So yeah there is responsibility and blame there. As a voter, I make my voice heard. I do what I can. We have a 2 party system with both sides working to gain advantage, influence and power. It is what it is. 
I would argue (not that I'm disagreeing with you) that the vast majority of the politicians at
the federal level belong to the same party, the establishment party.  They pretend to be republicans or
democrats.  They say words that sound
like what we would expect them to say, and they say words to get elected.  But when it comes to action, they don’t act
in alignment with the values they say. 
They act in alignment with what their donors want and the same people
fund both parties.  When it comes to doing
something that we went, they have very visible confrontation, and arguments,
and nothing happens.  They always
conveniently fall just short.  When it
comes to tax cuts for their donors, or buying bombs or subsidizing oil or
eliminating liability for vaccine companies. 
No problem.  Unanimous decision
after unanimous decision.  Probably don’t
even need to read the bill.

We either need to reclaim our government by eliminating
career politicians and voting 3rd party or we need to build an alternative
that works better and then opt out of the government by not paying taxes.  There’s always going to be some existential
crisis as to why you have to keep voting for the establishment democrat or
establishment republican.  Either they’re
going to take away your guns or abortion or something else.  There’s always something to corral you into
voting Red or Blue.


Quote: @Canthony said:
Good for Elon. I am glad that there is an elite to punch the Gates' and Fauci's of the world. 
Amen.  How dare he speak his mind when hes obviously not totally aligned with NWO thinking.  

Quote: @medaille said:
@Vikergirl said:
@medaille said:
@Vikergirl said:
@greediron said:
@Vikergirl said:
He wants a labor force he can control and doesn't want protections for. Look at China and the lack of freedom. There is a philosophy that is not supposed to be allowed since 2021 but is still occurring. It is called 996. It means working from 9am-9pm 6 days a week. Is this something that could or should be adopted in the United States? I would say no, others may disagree. Calling workers lazy is not at all helpful. China has had high suicide rates due to toxic work culture. 
Wish more people would be willing to criticize China and ALL the mega corps that build their stuff on slave labor.  Apple, Intel, NBA...  Wish anyone gave a rats ass about the genocide going on over there with the Uyghurs and even the Chinese in Shanghai.  But it probably would be hypocritical to type up a mean tweet on the apple iphone...

But this is exactly why I don't give a rats ass about Musk.  The left now hates him and many on the right think he is 'one of us' when the truth is somewhere in the middle.  He is a genius that has made lots of money off govt subsidies of environment disaster battery operated cars.  So, yeah just like the rest of the oligarchs, he is a hypocrite. 
Yeah that would be hypocritical, the United States can only say so much about China since so many products that we use everyday come from there. The corporations use cheap foreign labor to make more money, Musk is an example of exploiting cheap labor. It is awful and scary what is happening to the Uyghurs. So many corporations use the subsidies, no one seems to care that corporate welfare is a thing. 
When you frame it like "Musk is an example of exploiting cheap labor" you are putting the blame on Musk, and removing it from yourself/ourselves.  Musk is following the rules that our government put in place on our behalf.  We have declared what is appropriate behavior and he is following it.  When you say that "no one seems to care", that is the crux of the matter.  In areas of our life where we don't care, we are allowing others to shape what happens to us.
There you go. He is following the rules of the government. The rich set up the system for their benefit, that is nothing new. That is why people call them geniuses for conning the people. And yet his greed has him complaining that the United States workers are not like Chinese workers. So yeah there is responsibility and blame there. As a voter, I make my voice heard. I do what I can. We have a 2 party system with both sides working to gain advantage, influence and power. It is what it is. 
I would argue (not that I'm disagreeing with you) that the vast majority of the politicians at
the federal level belong to the same party, the establishment party.  They pretend to be republicans or
democrats.  They say words that sound
like what we would expect them to say, and they say words to get elected.  But when it comes to action, they don’t act
in alignment with the values they say. 
They act in alignment with what their donors want and the same people
fund both parties.  When it comes to doing
something that we went, they have very visible confrontation, and arguments,
and nothing happens.  They always
conveniently fall just short.  When it
comes to tax cuts for their donors, or buying bombs or subsidizing oil or
eliminating liability for vaccine companies. 
No problem.  Unanimous decision
after unanimous decision.  Probably don’t
even need to read the bill.

We either need to reclaim our government by eliminating
career politicians and voting 3rd party or we need to build an alternative
that works better and then opt out of the government by not paying taxes.  There’s always going to be some existential
crisis as to why you have to keep voting for the establishment democrat or
establishment republican.  Either they’re
going to take away your guns or abortion or something else.  There’s always something to corral you into
voting Red or Blue.

In the upper reaches of wealth, all of these people are friends. Democrat or Republican. Keeping things established just as they are, as you mention, is exactly what they want to maintain. Career politicians and lobbyists are what is fucking things up. Nothing motivates our media more than spreading fear. And the beat goes on.....


Quote: @medaille said:
I would argue (not that I'm disagreeing with you) that the vast majority of the politicians at
the federal level belong to the same party, the establishment party.  They pretend to be republicans or
democrats.  They say words that sound
like what we would expect them to say, and they say words to get elected.  But when it comes to action, they don’t act
in alignment with the values they say. 
They act in alignment with what their donors want and the same people
fund both parties.  When it comes to doing
something that we went, they have very visible confrontation, and arguments,
and nothing happens.  They always
conveniently fall just short.  When it
comes to tax cuts for their donors, or buying bombs or subsidizing oil or
eliminating liability for vaccine companies. 
No problem.  Unanimous decision
after unanimous decision.  Probably don’t
even need to read the bill.

We either need to reclaim our government by eliminating
career politicians and voting 3rd party or we need to build an alternative
that works better and then opt out of the government by not paying taxes.  There’s always going to be some existential
crisis as to why you have to keep voting for the establishment democrat or
establishment republican.  Either they’re
going to take away your guns or abortion or something else.  There’s always something to corral you into
voting Red or Blue.

Man if I could give this 50 likes...

The warmonger party, the central party, the establishment party.  Whatever they are called, this is so spot on.  They spout whatever will keep getting them elected and then do what their handlers want.  I have long been critical of the pro-life movement in politics.  They are too easily swayed, a cheep date if you will.  And we are the ones that keep getting F*ed.  

Quote: @greediron said:
@medaille said:
I would argue (not that I'm disagreeing with you) that the vast majority of the politicians at
the federal level belong to the same party, the establishment party.  They pretend to be republicans or
democrats.  They say words that sound
like what we would expect them to say, and they say words to get elected.  But when it comes to action, they don’t act
in alignment with the values they say. 
They act in alignment with what their donors want and the same people
fund both parties.  When it comes to doing
something that we went, they have very visible confrontation, and arguments,
and nothing happens.  They always
conveniently fall just short.  When it
comes to tax cuts for their donors, or buying bombs or subsidizing oil or
eliminating liability for vaccine companies. 
No problem.  Unanimous decision
after unanimous decision.  Probably don’t
even need to read the bill.

We either need to reclaim our government by eliminating
career politicians and voting 3rd party or we need to build an alternative
that works better and then opt out of the government by not paying taxes.  There’s always going to be some existential
crisis as to why you have to keep voting for the establishment democrat or
establishment republican.  Either they’re
going to take away your guns or abortion or something else.  There’s always something to corral you into
voting Red or Blue.

Man if I could give this 50 likes...

The warmonger party, the central party, the establishment party.  Whatever they are called, this is so spot on.  They spout whatever will keep getting them elected and then do what their handlers want.  I have long been critical of the pro-life movement in politics.  They are too easily swayed, a cheep date if you will.  And we are the ones that keep getting F*ed.  
2 words


Ends the career politician mentality, the civil servants who make 10X the people they represent annually.  

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