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I realize it’s early, but I think the Nuclear option is very possible
Quote: @supafreak84 said:
@Knucklehead said:
@supafreak84 said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@supafreak84 said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@supafreak84 said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@Bullazin said:
I’m sure half of us could run the team better than Kwesi, amirite?
depends on which half,  Im sure most think they could, without really understanding what all goes into the job.  theres likely a reason you never hear of fanBob getting a front office role with a team.
I think most of us could throw analytical darts at the board the same as KAM. I can say with certainty his overall football experience is less than some posters on this board, he just fits the league narrative and therefore is employed. I know people hate hearing that but it's far more likely the truth than him being hired because he was the most experienced and deserving candidate for the position. Is what it is...
I would guess the player evaluation and  acquisition part is likely pretty small part of what the GM does on a day to day,  the rest is where they are likely making their living.
I still contend that a GM's main job is the evaluation and acquisition part and we hired someone with no prior football experience himself or scouting experience. I know some still think it's "cutting edge" and "outside the box" making this kind of hire, but to me it's completely asinine to hire a GM with no real scouting experience. Thusfar it's played out about as expected...
seems to me there are plenty of people out there that can scout players,  the internet is full of them,  I suspect there is more to the GMs role than that,  otherwise  IMO they wouldnt be such an important part of the organization as they would be more easily replaced.
Most GM's are replaced every 4 or 5 years. I just don't think you hire someone who's main contributions are in analytics and has no prior scouting experience. I don't really care if he looks great in front of a microphone or attends every pride event in town the Wilfs want him at. Give me a guy that can evaluate talent and who's resume supports that 

Our previous GM had more than 20 years of scouting experience before he was hired as our GM. He had 10 chances to put a Lombardi in our trophy case. How did that work out?
It wasn't for a lack of supplying the roster with talent. Spielman did his job. 
It was definitely due to lack of talent.  His teams have been very average
talentwise.  We’ve had one side of the
ball solid and the other side was devoid of talent.  He had a great defense, but no OLine, and no
QB.  Then he built an offense but the
defense had no DLine and no CBs.  His
whole time here, his drafted QBs look like Ponder, Bridgewater, Mond.  His teams could probably be characterized as
star heavy but with holes everywhere and no depth.


Quote: @medaille said:
@supafreak84 said:
@Knucklehead said:
@supafreak84 said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@supafreak84 said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@supafreak84 said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@Bullazin said:
I’m sure half of us could run the team better than Kwesi, amirite?
depends on which half,  Im sure most think they could, without really understanding what all goes into the job.  theres likely a reason you never hear of fanBob getting a front office role with a team.
I think most of us could throw analytical darts at the board the same as KAM. I can say with certainty his overall football experience is less than some posters on this board, he just fits the league narrative and therefore is employed. I know people hate hearing that but it's far more likely the truth than him being hired because he was the most experienced and deserving candidate for the position. Is what it is...
I would guess the player evaluation and  acquisition part is likely pretty small part of what the GM does on a day to day,  the rest is where they are likely making their living.
I still contend that a GM's main job is the evaluation and acquisition part and we hired someone with no prior football experience himself or scouting experience. I know some still think it's "cutting edge" and "outside the box" making this kind of hire, but to me it's completely asinine to hire a GM with no real scouting experience. Thusfar it's played out about as expected...
seems to me there are plenty of people out there that can scout players,  the internet is full of them,  I suspect there is more to the GMs role than that,  otherwise  IMO they wouldnt be such an important part of the organization as they would be more easily replaced.
Most GM's are replaced every 4 or 5 years. I just don't think you hire someone who's main contributions are in analytics and has no prior scouting experience. I don't really care if he looks great in front of a microphone or attends every pride event in town the Wilfs want him at. Give me a guy that can evaluate talent and who's resume supports that 

Our previous GM had more than 20 years of scouting experience before he was hired as our GM. He had 10 chances to put a Lombardi in our trophy case. How did that work out?
It wasn't for a lack of supplying the roster with talent. Spielman did his job. 
It was definitely due to lack of talent.  His teams have been very average
talentwise.  We’ve had one side of the
ball solid and the other side was devoid of talent.  He had a great defense, but no OLine, and no
QB.  Then he built an offense but the
defense had no DLine and no CBs.  His
whole time here, his drafted QBs look like Ponder, Bridgewater, Mond.  His teams could probably be characterized as
star heavy but with holes everywhere and no depth.

IMO the Rickster was largely dependent on his coaches,  when he had an offensive minded coach his draft hits were on that side of the ball,  defensive coach his hits were that side... this wasnt his doing,  it was him just doing what his coaches told him to do,  when he strayed..... it wasnt pretty.

Quote: @medaille said:
@supafreak84 said:
@Knucklehead said:
@supafreak84 said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@supafreak84 said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@supafreak84 said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@Bullazin said:
I’m sure half of us could run the team better than Kwesi, amirite?
depends on which half,  Im sure most think they could, without really understanding what all goes into the job.  theres likely a reason you never hear of fanBob getting a front office role with a team.
I think most of us could throw analytical darts at the board the same as KAM. I can say with certainty his overall football experience is less than some posters on this board, he just fits the league narrative and therefore is employed. I know people hate hearing that but it's far more likely the truth than him being hired because he was the most experienced and deserving candidate for the position. Is what it is...
I would guess the player evaluation and  acquisition part is likely pretty small part of what the GM does on a day to day,  the rest is where they are likely making their living.
I still contend that a GM's main job is the evaluation and acquisition part and we hired someone with no prior football experience himself or scouting experience. I know some still think it's "cutting edge" and "outside the box" making this kind of hire, but to me it's completely asinine to hire a GM with no real scouting experience. Thusfar it's played out about as expected...
seems to me there are plenty of people out there that can scout players,  the internet is full of them,  I suspect there is more to the GMs role than that,  otherwise  IMO they wouldnt be such an important part of the organization as they would be more easily replaced.
Most GM's are replaced every 4 or 5 years. I just don't think you hire someone who's main contributions are in analytics and has no prior scouting experience. I don't really care if he looks great in front of a microphone or attends every pride event in town the Wilfs want him at. Give me a guy that can evaluate talent and who's resume supports that 

Our previous GM had more than 20 years of scouting experience before he was hired as our GM. He had 10 chances to put a Lombardi in our trophy case. How did that work out?
It wasn't for a lack of supplying the roster with talent. Spielman did his job. 
It was definitely due to lack of talent.  His teams have been very average
talentwise.  We’ve had one side of the
ball solid and the other side was devoid of talent.  He had a great defense, but no OLine, and no
QB.  Then he built an offense but the
defense had no DLine and no CBs.  His
whole time here, his drafted QBs look like Ponder, Bridgewater, Mond.  His teams could probably be characterized as
star heavy but with holes everywhere and no depth.

He drafted some of the greatest players in franchise history and I think at one point we had 8 or 9 guys in the Pro Bowl. He did his job in getting Zimmer the talent to get us to the Super Bowl. Unfortunately like our history in general, we had some tough breaks along the way that derailed our seasons for one reason or another. Rick absolutely had tendencies and did things I completely disagreed with, HOWEVER, he did his job in identifying and drafting enough talent to get to the Super Bowl. You can't ask for much more from a GM 

Quote: @supafreak84 said:
@medaille said:
@supafreak84 said:
@Knucklehead said:
@supafreak84 said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@supafreak84 said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@supafreak84 said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@Bullazin said:
I’m sure half of us could run the team better than Kwesi, amirite?
depends on which half,  Im sure most think they could, without really understanding what all goes into the job.  theres likely a reason you never hear of fanBob getting a front office role with a team.
I think most of us could throw analytical darts at the board the same as KAM. I can say with certainty his overall football experience is less than some posters on this board, he just fits the league narrative and therefore is employed. I know people hate hearing that but it's far more likely the truth than him being hired because he was the most experienced and deserving candidate for the position. Is what it is...
I would guess the player evaluation and  acquisition part is likely pretty small part of what the GM does on a day to day,  the rest is where they are likely making their living.
I still contend that a GM's main job is the evaluation and acquisition part and we hired someone with no prior football experience himself or scouting experience. I know some still think it's "cutting edge" and "outside the box" making this kind of hire, but to me it's completely asinine to hire a GM with no real scouting experience. Thusfar it's played out about as expected...
seems to me there are plenty of people out there that can scout players,  the internet is full of them,  I suspect there is more to the GMs role than that,  otherwise  IMO they wouldnt be such an important part of the organization as they would be more easily replaced.
Most GM's are replaced every 4 or 5 years. I just don't think you hire someone who's main contributions are in analytics and has no prior scouting experience. I don't really care if he looks great in front of a microphone or attends every pride event in town the Wilfs want him at. Give me a guy that can evaluate talent and who's resume supports that 

Our previous GM had more than 20 years of scouting experience before he was hired as our GM. He had 10 chances to put a Lombardi in our trophy case. How did that work out?
It wasn't for a lack of supplying the roster with talent. Spielman did his job. 
It was definitely due to lack of talent.  His teams have been very average
talentwise.  We’ve had one side of the
ball solid and the other side was devoid of talent.  He had a great defense, but no OLine, and no
QB.  Then he built an offense but the
defense had no DLine and no CBs.  His
whole time here, his drafted QBs look like Ponder, Bridgewater, Mond.  His teams could probably be characterized as
star heavy but with holes everywhere and no depth.

He drafted some of the greatest players in franchise history and I think at one point we had 8 or 9 guys in the Pro Bowl. He did his job in getting Zimmer the talent to get us to the Super Bowl. Unfortunately like our history in general, we had some tough breaks along the way that derailed our seasons for one reason or another. Rick absolutely had tendencies and did things I completely disagreed with, HOWEVER, he did his job in identifying and drafting enough talent to get to the Super Bowl. You can't ask for much more from a GM 
franchise history??? lets not get carried away here,  despite the empty trophy cabinet,  there have been a lot of damn great players prior to the rickster,  far more than in his tenure,  and you cant really count those taken under the TOA,  unless you want to lay the failures of that era on him as well.  he didnt suck,  but he wasnt a GM imo,  he was a glorified scout.

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@supafreak84 said:
@medaille said:
@supafreak84 said:
@Knucklehead said:
@supafreak84 said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@supafreak84 said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@supafreak84 said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@Bullazin said:
I’m sure half of us could run the team better than Kwesi, amirite?
depends on which half,  Im sure most think they could, without really understanding what all goes into the job.  theres likely a reason you never hear of fanBob getting a front office role with a team.
I think most of us could throw analytical darts at the board the same as KAM. I can say with certainty his overall football experience is less than some posters on this board, he just fits the league narrative and therefore is employed. I know people hate hearing that but it's far more likely the truth than him being hired because he was the most experienced and deserving candidate for the position. Is what it is...
I would guess the player evaluation and  acquisition part is likely pretty small part of what the GM does on a day to day,  the rest is where they are likely making their living.
I still contend that a GM's main job is the evaluation and acquisition part and we hired someone with no prior football experience himself or scouting experience. I know some still think it's "cutting edge" and "outside the box" making this kind of hire, but to me it's completely asinine to hire a GM with no real scouting experience. Thusfar it's played out about as expected...
seems to me there are plenty of people out there that can scout players,  the internet is full of them,  I suspect there is more to the GMs role than that,  otherwise  IMO they wouldnt be such an important part of the organization as they would be more easily replaced.
Most GM's are replaced every 4 or 5 years. I just don't think you hire someone who's main contributions are in analytics and has no prior scouting experience. I don't really care if he looks great in front of a microphone or attends every pride event in town the Wilfs want him at. Give me a guy that can evaluate talent and who's resume supports that 

Our previous GM had more than 20 years of scouting experience before he was hired as our GM. He had 10 chances to put a Lombardi in our trophy case. How did that work out?
It wasn't for a lack of supplying the roster with talent. Spielman did his job. 
It was definitely due to lack of talent.  His teams have been very average
talentwise.  We’ve had one side of the
ball solid and the other side was devoid of talent.  He had a great defense, but no OLine, and no
QB.  Then he built an offense but the
defense had no DLine and no CBs.  His
whole time here, his drafted QBs look like Ponder, Bridgewater, Mond.  His teams could probably be characterized as
star heavy but with holes everywhere and no depth.

He drafted some of the greatest players in franchise history and I think at one point we had 8 or 9 guys in the Pro Bowl. He did his job in getting Zimmer the talent to get us to the Super Bowl. Unfortunately like our history in general, we had some tough breaks along the way that derailed our seasons for one reason or another. Rick absolutely had tendencies and did things I completely disagreed with, HOWEVER, he did his job in identifying and drafting enough talent to get to the Super Bowl. You can't ask for much more from a GM 
franchise history??? lets not get carried away here,  despite the empty trophy cabinet,  there have been a lot of damn great players prior to the rickster,  far more than in his tenure,  and you cant really count those taken under the TOA,  unless you want to lay the failures of that era on him as well.  he didnt suck,  but he wasnt a GM imo,  he was a glorified scout.
Yes...franchise history! He was VP of Player Personnel for this franchise starting in 2006 and was the defacto GM before given the official title. In that time look at the players we've drafted. Adrian Peterson, Harrison Smith, Kyle Rudolph, Danielle Hunter, Stephen Diggs, Justin Jefferson, Christian Darrisaw, and the list goes on. Like I said, Rick did his job supplying the roster with upper echelon players that made us a contender for several years. Give me the glorified scout over the analytics Poindexter aby day of the week 

Quote: @supafreak84 said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@supafreak84 said:
@medaille said:
@supafreak84 said:
@Knucklehead said:
@supafreak84 said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@supafreak84 said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@supafreak84 said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@Bullazin said:
I’m sure half of us could run the team better than Kwesi, amirite?
depends on which half,  Im sure most think they could, without really understanding what all goes into the job.  theres likely a reason you never hear of fanBob getting a front office role with a team.
I think most of us could throw analytical darts at the board the same as KAM. I can say with certainty his overall football experience is less than some posters on this board, he just fits the league narrative and therefore is employed. I know people hate hearing that but it's far more likely the truth than him being hired because he was the most experienced and deserving candidate for the position. Is what it is...
I would guess the player evaluation and  acquisition part is likely pretty small part of what the GM does on a day to day,  the rest is where they are likely making their living.
I still contend that a GM's main job is the evaluation and acquisition part and we hired someone with no prior football experience himself or scouting experience. I know some still think it's "cutting edge" and "outside the box" making this kind of hire, but to me it's completely asinine to hire a GM with no real scouting experience. Thusfar it's played out about as expected...
seems to me there are plenty of people out there that can scout players,  the internet is full of them,  I suspect there is more to the GMs role than that,  otherwise  IMO they wouldnt be such an important part of the organization as they would be more easily replaced.
Most GM's are replaced every 4 or 5 years. I just don't think you hire someone who's main contributions are in analytics and has no prior scouting experience. I don't really care if he looks great in front of a microphone or attends every pride event in town the Wilfs want him at. Give me a guy that can evaluate talent and who's resume supports that 

Our previous GM had more than 20 years of scouting experience before he was hired as our GM. He had 10 chances to put a Lombardi in our trophy case. How did that work out?
It wasn't for a lack of supplying the roster with talent. Spielman did his job. 
It was definitely due to lack of talent.  His teams have been very average
talentwise.  We’ve had one side of the
ball solid and the other side was devoid of talent.  He had a great defense, but no OLine, and no
QB.  Then he built an offense but the
defense had no DLine and no CBs.  His
whole time here, his drafted QBs look like Ponder, Bridgewater, Mond.  His teams could probably be characterized as
star heavy but with holes everywhere and no depth.

He drafted some of the greatest players in franchise history and I think at one point we had 8 or 9 guys in the Pro Bowl. He did his job in getting Zimmer the talent to get us to the Super Bowl. Unfortunately like our history in general, we had some tough breaks along the way that derailed our seasons for one reason or another. Rick absolutely had tendencies and did things I completely disagreed with, HOWEVER, he did his job in identifying and drafting enough talent to get to the Super Bowl. You can't ask for much more from a GM 
franchise history??? lets not get carried away here,  despite the empty trophy cabinet,  there have been a lot of damn great players prior to the rickster,  far more than in his tenure,  and you cant really count those taken under the TOA,  unless you want to lay the failures of that era on him as well.  he didnt suck,  but he wasnt a GM imo,  he was a glorified scout.
Yes...franchise history! He was VP of Player Personnel for this franchise starting in 2006 and was the defacto GM before given the official title. In that time look at the players we've drafted. Adrian Peterson, Harrison Smith, Kyle Rudolph, Danielle Hunter, Stephen Diggs, Justin Jefferson, Christian Darrisaw, and the list goes on. Like I said, Rick did his job supplying the roster with upper echelon players that made us a contender for several years. Give me the glorified scout over the analytics Poindexter aby day of the week 
It's also the GMs job to create a coaching system that can turn those players into championships,  he wasn't able to do that part very well so...  yes he did his job in finding talent,  but imo failed as a GM overall because of the issues they had in other areas.  Like I said,  picking players is the easy part,  all kinds of knowledgeable player analysts all over the internet.

Quote: @pattersaur said:
I'm not as doomsday as OP but there's a very real possibility at this point that we fricked this whole thing up.
I was all for trading for Dobbs at the time, especially while he was winning games, but as more info has come to light and it seems more and more clear that the team planned to move off of Kirk all along, I have to really question the wisdom in trying to win more games once Kirk and JJ were both out. The goal of winning games was diametrically opposed to the ultimate goal of drafting a rookie QB.
The history books aren't going to see that as a Herschel Walker type blunder, but it may very well cost us just as much if we miss out on all these QBs and go yet another year in limbo.
I've been saying all offseason: pay what it takes to move to 3 or 4. I don't care about the price. Sadly, there's a real possibility that no matter what we offer, "our money's no good here". If that's the case it's a real shame. Hoping for the best but officially nervous.
He's had several successes, but I think in retrospect Kwesi's biggest mistake could be that he let Cousins go before drafting our QBOTF, specifically not signing Cousins long term after the '22 season.

The Vikings would still be trying hard to move into the top 5 for a QB, but with Cousins under contract, there would not be such a sense of desperation about it. The kind of desperation for a QB that leads to Hershel Walker type trades. All of it unfortunately tied to negotiations with Justin Jefferson, who just wants to see a plan for the future at QB. If you signed Jefferson early in '23 like you should have, that's no longer an issue. Nor are you dealing with contracts that are 12% higher due to the cap increase.

And what about Christian Wilkins?  He clearly wanted to come play for Flores, but the Raiders upped their offer and Kwesi didn't match. Dude, the cap is made of elastic, not concrete. 

I like that Kwesi is budget conscious, but you have to play the game. I worry that he's stepping over dimes to pick up pennies. 

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@supafreak84 said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@supafreak84 said:
@medaille said:
@supafreak84 said:
@Knucklehead said:
@supafreak84 said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@supafreak84 said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@supafreak84 said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@Bullazin said:
I’m sure half of us could run the team better than Kwesi, amirite?
depends on which half,  Im sure most think they could, without really understanding what all goes into the job.  theres likely a reason you never hear of fanBob getting a front office role with a team.
I think most of us could throw analytical darts at the board the same as KAM. I can say with certainty his overall football experience is less than some posters on this board, he just fits the league narrative and therefore is employed. I know people hate hearing that but it's far more likely the truth than him being hired because he was the most experienced and deserving candidate for the position. Is what it is...
I would guess the player evaluation and  acquisition part is likely pretty small part of what the GM does on a day to day,  the rest is where they are likely making their living.
I still contend that a GM's main job is the evaluation and acquisition part and we hired someone with no prior football experience himself or scouting experience. I know some still think it's "cutting edge" and "outside the box" making this kind of hire, but to me it's completely asinine to hire a GM with no real scouting experience. Thusfar it's played out about as expected...
seems to me there are plenty of people out there that can scout players,  the internet is full of them,  I suspect there is more to the GMs role than that,  otherwise  IMO they wouldnt be such an important part of the organization as they would be more easily replaced.
Most GM's are replaced every 4 or 5 years. I just don't think you hire someone who's main contributions are in analytics and has no prior scouting experience. I don't really care if he looks great in front of a microphone or attends every pride event in town the Wilfs want him at. Give me a guy that can evaluate talent and who's resume supports that 

Our previous GM had more than 20 years of scouting experience before he was hired as our GM. He had 10 chances to put a Lombardi in our trophy case. How did that work out?
It wasn't for a lack of supplying the roster with talent. Spielman did his job. 
It was definitely due to lack of talent.  His teams have been very average
talentwise.  We’ve had one side of the
ball solid and the other side was devoid of talent.  He had a great defense, but no OLine, and no
QB.  Then he built an offense but the
defense had no DLine and no CBs.  His
whole time here, his drafted QBs look like Ponder, Bridgewater, Mond.  His teams could probably be characterized as
star heavy but with holes everywhere and no depth.

He drafted some of the greatest players in franchise history and I think at one point we had 8 or 9 guys in the Pro Bowl. He did his job in getting Zimmer the talent to get us to the Super Bowl. Unfortunately like our history in general, we had some tough breaks along the way that derailed our seasons for one reason or another. Rick absolutely had tendencies and did things I completely disagreed with, HOWEVER, he did his job in identifying and drafting enough talent to get to the Super Bowl. You can't ask for much more from a GM 
franchise history??? lets not get carried away here,  despite the empty trophy cabinet,  there have been a lot of damn great players prior to the rickster,  far more than in his tenure,  and you cant really count those taken under the TOA,  unless you want to lay the failures of that era on him as well.  he didnt suck,  but he wasnt a GM imo,  he was a glorified scout.
Yes...franchise history! He was VP of Player Personnel for this franchise starting in 2006 and was the defacto GM before given the official title. In that time look at the players we've drafted. Adrian Peterson, Harrison Smith, Kyle Rudolph, Danielle Hunter, Stephen Diggs, Justin Jefferson, Christian Darrisaw, and the list goes on. Like I said, Rick did his job supplying the roster with upper echelon players that made us a contender for several years. Give me the glorified scout over the analytics Poindexter aby day of the week 
It's also the GMs job to create a coaching system that can turn those players into championships,  he wasn't able to do that part very well so...  yes he did his job in finding talent,  but imo failed as a GM overall because of the issues they had in other areas.  Like I said,  picking players is the easy part,  all kinds of knowledgeable player analysts all over the internet.
I'll disagree and think picking the players is the hardest part and not every knowledgeable analyst can get it right...ask Mayock. 

Quote: @MaroonBells said:
@pattersaur said:
I'm not as doomsday as OP but there's a very real possibility at this point that we fricked this whole thing up.
I was all for trading for Dobbs at the time, especially while he was winning games, but as more info has come to light and it seems more and more clear that the team planned to move off of Kirk all along, I have to really question the wisdom in trying to win more games once Kirk and JJ were both out. The goal of winning games was diametrically opposed to the ultimate goal of drafting a rookie QB.
The history books aren't going to see that as a Herschel Walker type blunder, but it may very well cost us just as much if we miss out on all these QBs and go yet another year in limbo.
I've been saying all offseason: pay what it takes to move to 3 or 4. I don't care about the price. Sadly, there's a real possibility that no matter what we offer, "our money's no good here". If that's the case it's a real shame. Hoping for the best but officially nervous.
He's had several successes, but I think in retrospect Kwesi's biggest mistake could be that he let Cousins go before drafting our QBOTF, specifically not signing Cousins long term after the '22 season.

The Vikings would still be trying hard to move into the top 5 for a QB, but with Cousins under contract, there would not be such a sense of desperation about it. The kind of desperation for a QB that leads to Hershel Walker type trades. All of it unfortunately tied to negotiations with Justin Jefferson, who just wants to see a plan for the future at QB. If you signed Jefferson early in '23 like you should have, that's no longer an issue. Nor are you dealing with contracts that are 12% higher due to the cap increase.

And what about Christian Wilkins?  He clearly wanted to come play for Flores, but the Raiders upped their offer and Kwesi didn't match. Dude, the cap is made of elastic, not concrete. 

I like that Kwesi is budget conscious, but you have to play the game. I worry that he's stepping over dimes to pick up pennies. 

Not signing KC 2 seasons ago was a big miss. The football gods smite the Vikings in 23 with a perfect situation in ATL.

Top 10 teams know how desperate the Vikings are (Denver too) and its not an advantageous situation by any means for MN. 

I got me some concerns looking ahead:

1). They draft the wrong guy
2). They are not able to find a willing trade partner
 - Ruderless for 2 + seasons
 - Stuck in 7 win territory
 - Unhappy JJ
 - Ferrari surround ages more years

Other than that? They dont concern me at all...


Quote: @purplefaithful said:
@MaroonBells said:
@pattersaur said:
I'm not as doomsday as OP but there's a very real possibility at this point that we fricked this whole thing up.
I was all for trading for Dobbs at the time, especially while he was winning games, but as more info has come to light and it seems more and more clear that the team planned to move off of Kirk all along, I have to really question the wisdom in trying to win more games once Kirk and JJ were both out. The goal of winning games was diametrically opposed to the ultimate goal of drafting a rookie QB.
The history books aren't going to see that as a Herschel Walker type blunder, but it may very well cost us just as much if we miss out on all these QBs and go yet another year in limbo.
I've been saying all offseason: pay what it takes to move to 3 or 4. I don't care about the price. Sadly, there's a real possibility that no matter what we offer, "our money's no good here". If that's the case it's a real shame. Hoping for the best but officially nervous.
He's had several successes, but I think in retrospect Kwesi's biggest mistake could be that he let Cousins go before drafting our QBOTF, specifically not signing Cousins long term after the '22 season.

The Vikings would still be trying hard to move into the top 5 for a QB, but with Cousins under contract, there would not be such a sense of desperation about it. The kind of desperation for a QB that leads to Hershel Walker type trades. All of it unfortunately tied to negotiations with Justin Jefferson, who just wants to see a plan for the future at QB. If you signed Jefferson early in '23 like you should have, that's no longer an issue. Nor are you dealing with contracts that are 12% higher due to the cap increase.

And what about Christian Wilkins?  He clearly wanted to come play for Flores, but the Raiders upped their offer and Kwesi didn't match. Dude, the cap is made of elastic, not concrete. 

I like that Kwesi is budget conscious, but you have to play the game. I worry that he's stepping over dimes to pick up pennies. 

Not signing KC 2 seasons ago was a big miss. The football gods smite the Vikings in 23 with a perfect situation in ATL.

Top 10 teams know how desperate the Vikings are (Denver too) and its not an advantageous situation by any means for MN. 

I got me some concerns looking ahead:

1). They draft the wrong guy
2). They are not able to find a willing trade partner
 - Ruderless for 2 + seasons
 - Stuck in 7 win territory
 - Unhappy JJ
 - Ferrari surround ages more years

Other than that? They dont concern me at all...

All legit concerns that could've been avoided. Draft the right QB and it all goes away. But they've left themselves zero margin for error. 

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