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So ya wanna get into Trump?
Quote: @BigAl99 said:
@AGRforever said:
@Skodin said:
@AGRforever said:
@Skodin said:
@AGRforever said:
@Skodin said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@Skodin said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@Skodin said:
Good lord.  If he broke the law, he broke the law, being President doesn't make you immune.   Does anyone here falsify business records?

If NYC wants to prosecute businesses for illegal actions, they should.  The taxpayers should be happy that the city is prosecuting cheats, liars, and crooks.  That's where taxpayer money should go.  His CFO was found guilty, is there a witch hunt for Allan Weisselberg?  His attorney was found guilty of the crime of falsification.  Do we want accountability in the judicial system or not?

This is a weak case but still a case.  The bigger ones are coming, not just to derail his campaign, because he is a potential crook and fraud.  But if you feel that he needs money, donate to him for his campaign err legal fund.  Just make sure the campaign money isn't paid to pay off porn stars like it was in 2016

Let me guess, conservatives now want to defund the police and DOJ
let me ask,  why start here?  is he the biggest fish to fry?  is he the biggest crook in NY?   hell the statute of limitations on the case has past so its really a non-winable case for NY,  this is 100% about derailing his campaign and zero about justice in NY,  but like I said,  not my candidate, not my tax money,  but I am afraid that we will see more of this stupid bull shit in the future and the real losers will be the American voter/ tax payer.
It's election campaign finance fraud for the highest ranking position in the land, it needs to be tried considering how fucking bad campaign finance is broken.  It's also been ongoing for years now starting with Cohen.  If Trump wasn't running for POTUS again in 2024, then would this be acceptable?  Are the next cases on his plate only about stopping his campaign or they are about the justice?
Didnt hillarys campaign finance the bull shit russian story against trump?  seems that would be fraud as well,  where are those charges?  like I said,  if this is the direction we want to go,  so be it,  but if there is no over-sight and no rules,  this will become the way our dictators gain power.  once one party gains power they will use the federal government and lower branches to do what ever they can to maintain control.

as far as acceptable,  no, it shouldnt be,  my understanding is that the statute of limitations has expired on these charges,  and this whole thing wont stand up through the appeals process (assuming a corrupt NY judge over looks the laws and Trump is found guilty)  like I said,  this is a political ploy,  nothing more.
Here we go buttery males.  TRUMP WAS PRESIDENT FOR 4 YEARS, WHY DIDN'T HE PRESS HIS DOJ TO CHARGE HER?   That's right, he had Jeff Sessions look into it and they found nothing of significance

Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo……………………..EXACTLY what happened with Trump?  The DOJ controlled by Biden’s appointments found insufficient evidence to charge Trump. NY State, led by team Blue found insufficient evidence. Yet a rouge city district attorney decided to procecute a case that they cannot possibly win.  Even if you believe each and every part of “the charges” we’re past the point it can be brought to court. 

In a month or two, the charges will get dropped and there will be outcry that Trump got off on a “technically”. 
So you quote me but don't reference the point.  IF Hillary was so corrupt, why didn't Trump LOCK HER UP when he had his little toadie as AG?  

Jesus, these illegal business dealings aren't federal matters, they are NYS/NYC matters which have federal implications as they were involved in a federal election with campaign money and as the DA stated based on additional evidence they pressed forward with the charges.  So Trump's CFO and Attorney are guilty, no one here is saying they are innocent BTW, but the guy who directed them to do act is not.  

BTW are you guys cool with your donations going to the candidate so he can pay off his porn star fuck?  Real family fucking values here.

In a month or two bullshit, these charges will sit on the bottom of the totem pole beneath what's coming next.  Shit, he's a got a rape charge (which he already admitted to having dealings with) coming before Georgia gets kicked off.  Then the Mar-A-Lago documents. . . 

I thought you midwesterners knew that if walks like a duck, and talks like a duck, it's a duck
Theres always more charges “just around the corner” isnt there?

I didn’t donate nor did I vote for Trump.  Dudes always been a scumbag.   Certainly wanted him over the Hildabeast though. From a corruption standpoint he was the lesser of the evils. 

These charges thought?  They’re political theater and theyve got you hook line and sinker. 
Yes there are more charges coming for a perpetual liar.  You have to keep up with the lies which perpetuates more lying.  The ethics of honest people usually goes hand in hand with law abiding citizens, liars on the other hand . . . 

Glad to hear that you did not donate to that grifter, sadly millions do, but the grift has to keep grifting and it needs suckers to believe it.

I don't know how they have me hook line and sinker.  These are real charges based on real violations of the law.  Not what I would have lead with personally as they will just round up a base and it's about campaign finance (boring in the eyes of the American public), but still a law though.  Sorry that I respect the law.  

I'm more interested in Georgia, can't wait to hear more about that "perfect call"
Real charges don’t include ones past their limitations deadline. These are bullshit political theater. 
Multiple sources point to the fact that NY State statute of limitations has exceptions if you leave the state and some also say it's extended because he couldn't prosecuted be while President, as Trump himself proved in court.
Those multiple sources also say after their done talking about “leaving the state” that it traditionally meant for fugatives of the law not someone everyone agrees was findable. 

This is entirely political theater. Nothing more, nothing less. 

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
As long as those in power turn a blind eye to the atrocious the reported acts against young women on eastern island,  the rest of this is a joke.  So much hand wringing over sex between consenting adults and alleged hush money,  but real crimes go unpunished with hardly any calls for justice.

If Trump is guilty,  then prosecute,  but excuses as to why others aren't persecuted for similar or worse acts of campaign malfeasance need to be held to the same level of scrutiny.  I find it highly unlikely that is the case.   We've lost our government. 

Oh and I never donated a dime to Trump, nor voted for him in either primary nor would I vote for him in the future.
Exactly. If we’re going to start procecuting politicians for their wrong doings, I’ve got a whole list.  Start with the living ones.


Quote: @AGRforever said:
@BigAl99 said:
@AGRforever said:
Real charges don’t include ones past their limitations deadline. These are bullshit political theater. 
Multiple sources point to the fact that NY State statute of limitations has exceptions if you leave the state and some also say it's extended because he couldn't prosecuted be while President, as Trump himself proved in court.
Those multiple sources also say after their done talking about “leaving the state” that it traditionally meant for fugatives of the law not someone everyone agrees was findable. 

This is entirely political theater. Nothing more, nothing less. 
White collar criminals aren't fugitives of the law.  Financial rule breaking is what this DA goes after, illegal money dealings WHICH ACTUALLY DO HAPPEN in the financial capital of the world.  

Do how you know many millionaires and billionaires have residences in NY, business activities in NY using NY as a money laundering?  Most of the new skyscraper row around Central Park are foreign owned residences.  This law is to stop those who live there and then have the means to leave to run out the clock on illegal activities.  

This component of the law is not for regular city residents.  

Wow, a law that is stopping the wealthy from fucking over us, the common man.  I thought good ole regular Americans would like that.

Quote: @BigAl99 said:
He's being prosecuted for falsifying business records, not paying for sex. 
Business records using campaign finance money for a federal election.  This isn't just fucking around on your local NYC taxes.

Quote: @Skodin said:Wow, a law that is stopping the wealthy from fucking over us, the common man.  I thought good ole regular Americans would like that.
The basic assumption is "innocent until proven guilty".  I'm willing to let the situation play out in the courts, assuming it goes that far...  Legal talking heads on both sides of aisle are discussing weaknesses in the recent indictment.  We'll see what happens...

Quote: @IDVikingfan said:
@Skodin said:Wow, a law that is stopping the wealthy from fucking over us, the common man.  I thought good ole regular Americans would like that.
The basic assumption is "innocent until proven guilty".  I'm willing to let the situation play out in the courts, assuming it goes that far...  Legal talking heads on both sides of aisle are discussing weaknesses in the recent indictment.  We'll see what happens...
And applied equally,  which is highly unlikely coming from NY.

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@IDVikingfan said:
@Skodin said:Wow, a law that is stopping the wealthy from fucking over us, the common man.  I thought good ole regular Americans would like that.
The basic assumption is "innocent until proven guilty".  I'm willing to let the situation play out in the courts, assuming it goes that far...  Legal talking heads on both sides of aisle are discussing weaknesses in the recent indictment.  We'll see what happens...
And applied equally,  which is highly unlikely coming from NY.
Definitely a strong anti-Trump sentiment in NYC with a long history of going after him.  I do have reservations about the ability to get an unbiased jury in NYC.

Quote: @IDVikingfan said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@IDVikingfan said:
@Skodin said:Wow, a law that is stopping the wealthy from fucking over us, the common man.  I thought good ole regular Americans would like that.
The basic assumption is "innocent until proven guilty".  I'm willing to let the situation play out in the courts, assuming it goes that far...  Legal talking heads on both sides of aisle are discussing weaknesses in the recent indictment.  We'll see what happens...
And applied equally,  which is highly unlikely coming from NY.
Definitely a strong anti-Trump sentiment in NYC with a long history of going after him.  I do have reservations about the ability to get an unbiased jury in NYC.
Ga perhaps Wink


Quote: @purplefaithful said:
@IDVikingfan said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@IDVikingfan said:
@Skodin said:Wow, a law that is stopping the wealthy from fucking over us, the common man.  I thought good ole regular Americans would like that.
The basic assumption is "innocent until proven guilty".  I'm willing to let the situation play out in the courts, assuming it goes that far...  Legal talking heads on both sides of aisle are discussing weaknesses in the recent indictment.  We'll see what happens...
And applied equally,  which is highly unlikely coming from NY.
Definitely a strong anti-Trump sentiment in NYC with a long history of going after him.  I do have reservations about the ability to get an unbiased jury in NYC.
Ga perhaps Wink

Wink May be a challenge in Atlanta... 

Quote: @Skodin said:
@BigAl99 said:
He's being prosecuted for falsifying business records, not paying for sex. 
Business records using campaign finance money for a federal election.  This isn't just fucking around on your local NYC taxes.
Exactly. A federal election. Charges were seen as to weak by a Biden appointed DOJ. To weak by a state DA’s office entirely occupied by Democrats. 

There is no case. And I hate the pompous asshole. 

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