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OT 2021 Mass Shooters
Quote: @"AGRforever" said:
[Image: l1f7q1m8n0091.jpg]
Post of the Year!

Dreads >>>skin-heads.  Yes? 

Mebbe we should selectively target ugly young men?  Stop & Frisk em, at least?   Smile

BTW, is this where we Celebrate Diversity?(!)


Quote: @"purplefaithful" said:
There are too many poor people in this country, too high a % of people of color who are economically disadvantaged and the disparity between wealthy and not wealthy I suspect may be growing too. 

Add Covid into the mix? More polarization politically? Red/Blue parties ruled by their extremes?

You have a toxic soup in America today. 
Quote: @"Skodin" said:
Economic despair and mental illness are the fire
Guns are gasoline

America's a mess for a million reasons

Could we put you two in the Rio Grande, to dissuade the thousands of LatinX's from entering the US "toxic mess"?
I'll pay your bus-fare.  Smile


So NPR (moderately left-leaning)  is your "fact check", eh? 

Fair enough.  

So...I hate it when someone just dismisses something, just based on the source and never addressing the "substance" I won't, here. 

In your NPR link, NPR admits Sanger was a strong supporter of eugenics, gave a pro-eugenics speech before a chapter of the KKK, and was prime
influencer of the highly controversial (even for its time)  "negro project".  Nevertheless, gives her a "pass". 

USA Today (also leans left) gave Sanger,  No Quarter.


Quote: @"savannahskol" said:
@"AGRforever" said:
[Image: l1f7q1m8n0091.jpg]
Post of the Year!

Dreads >>>skin-heads.  Yes? 

Mebbe we should selectively target ugly young men?  Stop & Frisk em, at least?   Smile

BTW, is this where we Celebrate Diversity?(!)

My godmothers oxygen machine closed down TSA this weekend. I guess the TSA gal had never seen an oxygen machine before and thought the battery was a bomb. 

Told her they needed to work on their profiling. Old white ladies aren’t exactly the prime suspect in plane hijackings. 

Quote: @"MaroonBells" said:
@"Chuckf" said:
@"MaroonBells" said:
@"greediron" said:
@"MaroonBells" said:
@"AGRforever" said:
@"MaroonBells" said:
@"AGRforever" said:
@"Skodin" said:
@"AGRforever" said:
@"StickyBun" said:
@"Skodin" said:
Economic despair and mental illness are the fire
Guns are gasoline

America's a mess for a million reasons
Its the isolation, its starts there. But now you have social media to validate your crazed thoughts. Younger, white males mostly. lives. Easily manipulated and radicalized. Nothing to belong to and no feeling of belonging. Misguided hatred. Once you feel truly hopeless, what else matters? 

If you don't know what 4chan is, look it up. The worst of the worst.
Thats what you got out of the picture?  Really?  

Disfranchised white people are running around shooting people up?  

Maybe we should question why 6.5ish% of the population is commiting +50% of the murders in this country. 

Are crazy people a problem. Abso-fucking-loutley. But they come in all shades. 
Not disagreeing with you on racism being blanketed across the US on every issue but . . 

If this was a black man, who shot up a specifically white neighborhood and had an internet history that (what has been discussed, I haven't seen this confirmed) was hateful towards  the race that he intended to kill, you could easily say he was racist.

This douchebag was mentally ill, prey for bad ideology, and his motivations seem to be squarely racist.

No different than the Chinese man who just shot up a Taiwanese church in California.

Racism can be a motivation but it's not a motivation for everything (nor many of the mass shootings in the US).

You know what I don't see?  I don't see the likes of MSNBC, CNN, Politico running tv/video/articles/blogs about how all Chinese are racist because one Chinese dude shot up a church. 

You know what I did see?  There were articles about how all Republicans were racist.  There's been all kinds of stuff about white privilege. And now some bullshit that I'd guess most of us have never heard of but are some how all guilty of....."replacement theory". 
I doubt there's too many of us who haven't heard of replacement theory. Especially after Charlottesville.

I'll just say that I'm happy to hear you don't watch Tucker Carlson. He supposedly has mentioned it on 400 episodes. 

Not once have I heard of it.  Had no idea it was a thing.  Still don't think its a thing.  It sure sounds like some boogeyman that was made up in the effort to shame white people for being white. 

After that, isn't replacement what we're all striving for?  I found a mate and replaced myself to carry on our genetic background.  Every living being on the planet has been doing it since the beginning of time. 
No, it's the exact opposite. It says that white people around the world are being systematically replaced by non-white people. It leads to anger, resentment toward people of color, white victimization and islamophobia. 
So by that, these racist conservatives should be supporting planned parenthood in your mind?
Zero clue what this means. 
I think he means that since the majority of abortions performed in this country are on women of color.   The founder of Planned Parenthood openly and proudly admitted she started the organization to stop the proliferation of black people in the U.S.  Margaret Sanger was a terrible racist.  Hence, he asks if racist conservatives should support Planned Parenthood so they keep aborting babies of color?  I think that is what he means.
For those identifying historical figures with racist roots who should be removed from public view because of their evil histories, Planned Parenthood’s founder, Margaret Sanger, must join that list. In promoting birth control, she advanced a controversial "Negro Project," wrote in her autobiography about speaking to a Ku Klux Klan group and advocated for a eugenics approach to breeding for “the gradual suppression, elimination and eventual extinction, of defective stocks — those human weeds which threaten the blooming of the finest flowers of American civilization.”  USA today July 23, 2020


In a 1939 letter to Dr. C. J. Gamble, Sanger urged him to get over his reluctance to hire “a full time Negro physician” as the “colored Negroes…can get closer to their own members and more or less lay their cards on the table which means their ignorance, superstitions and doubt.”
Like the abortion lobby today, Sanger urged Dr. Gamble to enlist the help of spiritual leaders to justify their deadly work, writing, “We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.”


Quote: @"MaroonBells" said:
@"greediron" said:
@"MaroonBells" said:
@"AGRforever" said:
@"MaroonBells" said:
@"AGRforever" said:
@"Skodin" said:
@"AGRforever" said:
@"StickyBun" said:
@"Skodin" said:
Economic despair and mental illness are the fire
Guns are gasoline

America's a mess for a million reasons
Its the isolation, its starts there. But now you have social media to validate your crazed thoughts. Younger, white males mostly. lives. Easily manipulated and radicalized. Nothing to belong to and no feeling of belonging. Misguided hatred. Once you feel truly hopeless, what else matters? 

If you don't know what 4chan is, look it up. The worst of the worst.
Thats what you got out of the picture?  Really?  

Disfranchised white people are running around shooting people up?  

Maybe we should question why 6.5ish% of the population is commiting +50% of the murders in this country. 

Are crazy people a problem. Abso-fucking-loutley. But they come in all shades. 
Not disagreeing with you on racism being blanketed across the US on every issue but . . 

If this was a black man, who shot up a specifically white neighborhood and had an internet history that (what has been discussed, I haven't seen this confirmed) was hateful towards  the race that he intended to kill, you could easily say he was racist.

This douchebag was mentally ill, prey for bad ideology, and his motivations seem to be squarely racist.

No different than the Chinese man who just shot up a Taiwanese church in California.

Racism can be a motivation but it's not a motivation for everything (nor many of the mass shootings in the US).

You know what I don't see?  I don't see the likes of MSNBC, CNN, Politico running tv/video/articles/blogs about how all Chinese are racist because one Chinese dude shot up a church. 

You know what I did see?  There were articles about how all Republicans were racist.  There's been all kinds of stuff about white privilege. And now some bullshit that I'd guess most of us have never heard of but are some how all guilty of....."replacement theory". 
I doubt there's too many of us who haven't heard of replacement theory. Especially after Charlottesville.

I'll just say that I'm happy to hear you don't watch Tucker Carlson. He supposedly has mentioned it on 400 episodes. 

Not once have I heard of it.  Had no idea it was a thing.  Still don't think its a thing.  It sure sounds like some boogeyman that was made up in the effort to shame white people for being white. 

After that, isn't replacement what we're all striving for?  I found a mate and replaced myself to carry on our genetic background.  Every living being on the planet has been doing it since the beginning of time. 
No, it's the exact opposite. It says that white people around the world are being systematically replaced by non-white people. It leads to anger, resentment toward people of color, white victimization and islamophobia. 
So by that, these racist conservatives should be supporting planned parenthood in your mind?
Zero clue what this means. 
PP focuses on poor minority communities.  So if there is anyone advocating the replacement theory, it is planned parenthood.

Quote: @"MaroonBells" said:
@"Chuckf" said:
@"MaroonBells" said:
@"greediron" said:
@"MaroonBells" said:
@"AGRforever" said:
@"MaroonBells" said:
@"AGRforever" said:
@"Skodin" said:
@"AGRforever" said:
@"StickyBun" said:
@"Skodin" said:
Economic despair and mental illness are the fire
Guns are gasoline

America's a mess for a million reasons
Its the isolation, its starts there. But now you have social media to validate your crazed thoughts. Younger, white males mostly. lives. Easily manipulated and radicalized. Nothing to belong to and no feeling of belonging. Misguided hatred. Once you feel truly hopeless, what else matters? 

If you don't know what 4chan is, look it up. The worst of the worst.
Thats what you got out of the picture?  Really?  

Disfranchised white people are running around shooting people up?  

Maybe we should question why 6.5ish% of the population is commiting +50% of the murders in this country. 

Are crazy people a problem. Abso-fucking-loutley. But they come in all shades. 
Not disagreeing with you on racism being blanketed across the US on every issue but . . 

If this was a black man, who shot up a specifically white neighborhood and had an internet history that (what has been discussed, I haven't seen this confirmed) was hateful towards  the race that he intended to kill, you could easily say he was racist.

This douchebag was mentally ill, prey for bad ideology, and his motivations seem to be squarely racist.

No different than the Chinese man who just shot up a Taiwanese church in California.

Racism can be a motivation but it's not a motivation for everything (nor many of the mass shootings in the US).

You know what I don't see?  I don't see the likes of MSNBC, CNN, Politico running tv/video/articles/blogs about how all Chinese are racist because one Chinese dude shot up a church. 

You know what I did see?  There were articles about how all Republicans were racist.  There's been all kinds of stuff about white privilege. And now some bullshit that I'd guess most of us have never heard of but are some how all guilty of....."replacement theory". 
I doubt there's too many of us who haven't heard of replacement theory. Especially after Charlottesville.

I'll just say that I'm happy to hear you don't watch Tucker Carlson. He supposedly has mentioned it on 400 episodes. 

Not once have I heard of it.  Had no idea it was a thing.  Still don't think its a thing.  It sure sounds like some boogeyman that was made up in the effort to shame white people for being white. 

After that, isn't replacement what we're all striving for?  I found a mate and replaced myself to carry on our genetic background.  Every living being on the planet has been doing it since the beginning of time. 
No, it's the exact opposite. It says that white people around the world are being systematically replaced by non-white people. It leads to anger, resentment toward people of color, white victimization and islamophobia. 
So by that, these racist conservatives should be supporting planned parenthood in your mind?
Zero clue what this means. 
I think he means that since the majority of abortions performed in this country are on women of color.   The founder of Planned Parenthood openly and proudly admitted she started the organization to stop the proliferation of black people in the U.S.  Margaret Sanger was a terrible racist.  Hence, he asks if racist conservatives should support Planned Parenthood so they keep aborting babies of color?  I think that is what he means.
Hahaha, a fact check from taxpayer funded NPR to whitewash the image of taxpayer funded PP.  

You guys are going to put satire writers out of business.  Sanger was a huge eugenics fan.  Can't make this shit up.

Quote: @"savannahskol" said:

So NPR (moderately left-leaning)  is your "fact check", eh? 

Fair enough.  

So...I hate it when someone just dismisses something, just based on the source and never addressing the "substance" I won't, here. 

In your NPR link, NPR admits Sanger was a strong supporter of eugenics, gave a pro-eugenics speech before a chapter of the KKK, and was prime
influencer of the highly controversial (even for its time)  "negro project".  Nevertheless, gives her a "pass". 

USA Today (also leans left) gave Sanger,  No Quarter.

MB missed the talking point memo that Sanger is now a person non-grata.

I’m not convinced that your average democrat isnt just as racist as your average republican.

Which is to say that there are racist people and political party has next to nothing to do with it. With that said.  Theres also plenty of people who do identify with a political party, who dont have a racest bone in them. 

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