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Appears that Cousins has gotten the shot
Quote: @VikingOracle said:
I just saw this one and I thought I would add:  (“Covid Took One Of My Best Friends! RIP Dick Farrel. He is the reason I took the shot! He texted me and told me to ‘Get it!’ He told me that this virus is no joke and he said: ‘I wish I had gotten it!’ #f---covid#takethevaccination,” she wrote on Facebook on Wednesday.).
One pert'near every day.


Quote: @VikingOracle said:
@Mattyman said:
  I agree with  Malone, using a non-sterile vaccine  as not the best option.

  I agree with Malones  that  the vaccines are creating a host  environment that allows for  Antibody Dependent Enhancement.

I also agree with  him  that by measuring the viral load  via blood titers in vaccinated vs. unvaccinated in the coming months  , it  will accurately indicate if/when? ADE is present.

I agree  with him, I am not an anti vaxer.  

I agree with him that an mRNA vaccine has not yet been studied in depth, consequently, "heard immunity"  level is an unknown.


I  agree that  anti-virals aren't being accurately reported as a viable treatment. 

\Of all his points this is the one I agree with the most.     Since 2015, I've been taking, taking  Hydro chloroquine, Ivermectin and Zithro max to treat Lyme disease.  

Perhaps you can imagine how the medias narrative  has gone  180 degrees counter to what I have experienced.

Lastly,  I haven't heard Malone say it, specifically, there are over 100?   vaccines, in use, globally.   

I find it unlikely that  ALL 108 will be free of complications. 


Thanks for your response; I am very sorry you have Lyme disease -- my friend's daughter has it and I realize it can be very debilitating.  Given your personal experiences, I can understand your embrace of anti-virals.  

As for ADE, I do think that concern has fallen by the wayside.  "If COVID-19 vaccines caused ADE, people who are vaccinated against COVID-19 would have more severe disease. This is not happening. On the contrary, people who are vaccinated typically have very mild disease or none at all. In fact, the majority of COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. are people who aren't fully vaccinated. In May, fully vaccinated people made up just 0.8% of COVID-19 deaths. That means 99.2% of COVID-19 deaths were in unvaccinated people."   See also, ("COVID-19 vaccines haven’t shown signs of antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) in animal studies or vaccinated people. On the contrary, evidence indicates that vaccination reduces the risk of infection and the severity of the disease.");   ("However, this is not accurate. While ADE was a concern initially contemplated by scientists creating COVID-19 vaccines (here), there have been no signs of cases happening during clinical trials or the roll-out (here , here and here).)". 

I truly hope the decisions you have made and will make in the future keep you and your loved one's safe. 
Thank you, thank you, and fucking thank you for being able to state your point without losing your civility.   I salute you.

Quote: @VikingOracle said:
@Mattyman said:
\Of all his points this is the one I agree with the most.     Since 2015, I've been taking, taking  Hydro chloroquine, Ivermectin and Zithro max to treat Lyme disease.  
Thanks for your response; I am very sorry you have Lyme disease -- my friend's daughter has it and I realize it can be very debilitating.  Given your personal experiences, I can understand your embrace of anti-virals.  

Mattyman is not taking anti-virals. 

Hydroxychloroquine (chloroquine, Plaquenil)  is an anti-parasitic (anti-malarial) with clinically significant secondary anti-inflammatory effects
Ivermectin is an anti-parasitic. 
Zithromax (azithromycin)  is an anti-biotic (anti-bacterial).

^^none are anti-virals.  

Lyme disease is a bacterial infection.  

Mattyman's treatment "cocktail" is anti-bacterial (specifically anti- Borrellia mayonnii - azithromycin)  & anti-inflammatory ( hydroxychloroquine) & anti-parasitic (ivermectin)

I've Rx'd Plaq & azithromycin often.  No Rx's for ivermectin.  No anecdotes. 
ClayKenny (on this board is a practicing physician (I think)).... and I'd be curious to know his experiences in prescribing.  

Quote: @VikingOracle said:
I truly hope the decisions you have made and will make in the future keep you and your loved one's safe. 

You're a classy guy, VO.  

I get the feeling you're "left" of me (lol, who isn't?) ....but you've never failed to "disagree" with others, with class.  

I've read somewhere we may be nominating mods?
Well....I give VO a full "right-wing-nut" endorsement!  If he (she?) should want to be a mod, I'd heartily agree.  


Quote: @savannahskol said:

@VikingOracle said:
I truly hope the decisions you have made and will make in the future keep you and your loved one's safe. 

You're a classy guy, VO.  

I get the feeling you're "left" of me (lol, who isn't?) ....but you've never failed to "disagree" with others, with class.  

I've read somewhere we may be nominating mods?
Well....I give VO a full "right-wing-nut" endorsement!  If he (she?) should want to be a mod, I'd heartily agree.  

Thank you for your kind words (I do sometimes regret the tenor of my words).  Yes, I am left of you.  But I grew up with Republicans -- my father actually ran for Congress as a Republican and my brother worked for Senator Bond for many years (others in my family worked for Democrats).  Mostly, I am curious in why people possess the beliefs they hold.  This board offers me a unique opportunity to rub shoulders with people on the other side of the political spectrum (I live in LA).  But I always keep in mind that I would gladly share a beer with any of you at a Vikings game (if I ever made that trip).  All I hope to do is plant a kernel of thought in the people with whom I engage. 

Unfortunately I don't have the time to moderate. -- it also is a totally thankless job which requires careful line drawing.

One thing to keep in mind whenever you are responding to another's posts, look at the post pinned to the top or the other posts on this board where this group of people from all walks of life and different portions of the country are reaching out and supporting others who have become sick or hit hard times.  As long as you keep that spirit in mind, you should be okay on this board.   

Quote: @VikingOracle said:

 Mostly, I am curious in why people possess the beliefs they hold.   

Our Constitution is a divinely inspired document.   (natural rights, Bill of Rights.... inalienable from God) 

It's what makes us (US) exceptional....not that "we're BETTER",  just "better" in recognizing where blessings flow.  

Next to the Bible, the US Constitution is the most magnificent idea, ever imagined.  
You're a lawyer, right?    Respect the majesty.  Wink

^^ well, that's "why" I possess.  



Quote: @savannahskol said:
@VikingOracle said:

 Mostly, I am curious in why people possess the beliefs they hold.   

Our Constitution is a divinely inspired document.   (natural rights, Bill of Rights.... inalienable from God) 

It's what makes us (US) exceptional....not that "we're BETTER",  just "better" in recognizing where blessings flow.  

Next to the Bible, the US Constitution is the most magnificent idea, ever imagined.  
You're a lawyer, right?    Respect the majesty.  Wink

^^ well, that's "why" I possess.  

Thomas Paine would disagree with you.  

He was a deist, not a believer in any organized religion, especially anything the Jews, Romans, and Protestants were selling.  He likened the story of Jesus to a pagan story.  He believed that any organized theology was a contrived invention fueled by the lust of power by man.  

He would consider your belief not as a revelation, but as hearsay.  

Thomas Paine, author of commonsense and the rights of man.  

The foundation on which the constitution was built.

Quote: @Mattyman said:

Is there any salient point or  warning Malone has given about covid and the vaccines that you agree with?

If so, what are they?
I agree with him that, at this time, children under the age of 13 should not be vaccinated. I also agree with the fact that anti-inflammatories are indeed used to treat COVID-19 in hospital settings. However, they cannot always alleviate COVID-19 symptoms by themselves.  Now, tell me each salient point or warning Malone has given about Covid that you agree with and why.  Thanks.
  I agree with  Malone, using a non-sterile vaccine  as not the best option.

  I agree with Malones  that  the vaccines are creating a host  environment that allows for  Antibody Dependent Enhancement.

I also agree with  him  that by measuring the viral load  via blood titers in vaccinated vs. unvaccinated in the coming months  , it  will accurately indicate if/when? ADE is present.

I agree  with him, I am not an anti vaxer.  

I agree with him that an mRNA vaccine has not yet been studied in depth, consequently, "heard immunity"  level is an unknown.


I  agree that  anti-virals aren't being accurately reported as a viable treatment. 

\Of all his points this is the one I agree with the most.     Since 2015, I've been taking, taking  Hydro chloroquine, Ivermectin and Zithro max to treat Lyme disease.  

Perhaps you can imagine how the medias narrative  has gone  180 degrees counter to what I have experienced.

Lastly,  I haven't heard Malone say it, specifically, there are over 100?   vaccines, in use, globally.   

I find it unlikely that  ALL 108 will be free of complications. 


So in horses Ivermectin is used as an anti-parasitic which I think we've all chatted about.  The problem is that since its early and often use for worming in horses the parasites themselves have become immune to it.  We don't even use it anymore because its ineffective. 

I would think the same thing would be happening in a human body??

Quote: @AGRforever said:
@Mattyman said:

Is there any salient point or  warning Malone has given about covid and the vaccines that you agree with?

If so, what are they?
I agree with him that, at this time, children under the age of 13 should not be vaccinated. I also agree with the fact that anti-inflammatories are indeed used to treat COVID-19 in hospital settings. However, they cannot always alleviate COVID-19 symptoms by themselves.  Now, tell me each salient point or warning Malone has given about Covid that you agree with and why.  Thanks.
  I agree with  Malone, using a non-sterile vaccine  as not the best option.

  I agree with Malones  that  the vaccines are creating a host  environment that allows for  Antibody Dependent Enhancement.

I also agree with  him  that by measuring the viral load  via blood titers in vaccinated vs. unvaccinated in the coming months  , it  will accurately indicate if/when? ADE is present.

I agree  with him, I am not an anti vaxer.  

I agree with him that an mRNA vaccine has not yet been studied in depth, consequently, "heard immunity"  level is an unknown.


I  agree that  anti-virals aren't being accurately reported as a viable treatment. 

\Of all his points this is the one I agree with the most.     Since 2015, I've been taking, taking  Hydro chloroquine, Ivermectin and Zithro max to treat Lyme disease.  

Perhaps you can imagine how the medias narrative  has gone  180 degrees counter to what I have experienced.

Lastly,  I haven't heard Malone say it, specifically, there are over 100?   vaccines, in use, globally.   

I find it unlikely that  ALL 108 will be free of complications. 


So in horses Ivermectin is used as an anti-parasitic which I think we've all chatted about.  The problem is that since its early and often use for worming in horses the parasites themselves have become immune to it.  We don't even use it anymore because its ineffective. 

I would think the same thing would be happening in a human body??
all drugs/chemicals run the risk of becoming ineffective if over used for the same purpose time and again. 

Quote: @AGRforever said:
@Mattyman said:

Is there any salient point or  warning Malone has given about covid and the vaccines that you agree with?

If so, what are they?
I agree with him that, at this time, children under the age of 13 should not be vaccinated. I also agree with the fact that anti-inflammatories are indeed used to treat COVID-19 in hospital settings. However, they cannot always alleviate COVID-19 symptoms by themselves.  Now, tell me each salient point or warning Malone has given about Covid that you agree with and why.  Thanks.
  I agree with  Malone, using a non-sterile vaccine  as not the best option.

  I agree with Malones  that  the vaccines are creating a host  environment that allows for  Antibody Dependent Enhancement.

I also agree with  him  that by measuring the viral load  via blood titers in vaccinated vs. unvaccinated in the coming months  , it  will accurately indicate if/when? ADE is present.

I agree  with him, I am not an anti vaxer.  

I agree with him that an mRNA vaccine has not yet been studied in depth, consequently, "heard immunity"  level is an unknown.


I  agree that  anti-virals aren't being accurately reported as a viable treatment. 

\Of all his points this is the one I agree with the most.     Since 2015, I've been taking, taking  Hydro chloroquine, Ivermectin and Zithro max to treat Lyme disease.  

Perhaps you can imagine how the medias narrative  has gone  180 degrees counter to what I have experienced.

Lastly,  I haven't heard Malone say it, specifically, there are over 100?   vaccines, in use, globally.   

I find it unlikely that  ALL 108 will be free of complications. 


So in horses Ivermectin is used as an anti-parasitic which I think we've all chatted about.  The problem is that since its early and often use for worming in horses the parasites themselves have become immune to it.  We don't even use it anymore because its ineffective. 

I would think the same thing would be happening in a human body??
similar to humans becoming more antibiotic resistant due to the consumption of animal products (that by themselves consume over 80% of the antibiotics produced in the US)

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