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25th Amendment
Quote: @MaroonBells said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@mblack said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@MaroonBells said:
Yeah, cuz just like these ass hats protesting a free and fair election with no evidence of any wrongdoing, BLM protested police brutality with no evidence of such. 
but there has been evidence of fucked up ballots,  not near to the point of what Trump was needing, but there has been evidence of wrong doing such as multiple votes, and others... small potatoes in the grand number...just like the small number of actual unwarranted police actions against black people,  in the grand scheme its a small number vs the number of interactions between police and citizens.   regardless,  do you really want it to be acceptable for people to act out like we saw last summer and we saw this week because people arent happy with a result or a situation?   thats fucking stupid and is the real embarrassment to our nation.
Lets take the case of Georgia
TWO dead people may have voted (That's the max. The number could be less we are told). Remember Trump claimed up to 5000
While we are at it please educate yourself here with what happened or is being "claimed" in GA by Trump and now you. The response is from a long time Republican. Of course now hated by Trump because all he did was tell the truth

In the case of PA

Quote: Forbes said

The Trump campaign wants the Supreme Court to consider rulings concerning mail-in voting rules like whether election observers can challenge ballots as they’re being counted and their access to the vote counting process, and whether mail-in ballots should be thrown out because of small issues like a missing address or date on the outer envelope.

The campaign argues that the Pennsylvania Supreme Court did not have the authority to impose those rules, which liberally interpreted laws set by the GOP-majority Pennsylvania legislature, because Article II of the U.S. Constitution says presidential electors should be appointed “in such manner” as the state legislature directs, a legal argument that a Trump-appointed federal judge has already shot down.

Though the campaign notes that changing the voting rules “contribute[s] more to the appearance of fraud,” the case does not make any specific allegations or provide any evidence of voter fraud.

They are protesting against an APPEARANCE of fraud. Not that there was actual fraud. Also part of the complain is that people were allowed to use mail in voting (specifically that mail in voting rules were relaxed).
The best part is the laws were enacted by Republicans and somehow it is the Democrats and Biden to blame. No part of this stupidity has an actual claim. That is why it was thrown out by a Trump appointed judge.
The same rules they are complaining about are the same rules that elected the people doing the complaining. But of course they have another pathetic excuse... it did not happen for down ballot races, just the president. The rules were not enacted in November 2020 just as an FYI but no one bothered making a meaningful complaint until after the election - you know... after they lost.
How stupid does stupid has to get before people realize these claims are just baloney?
you act like I am defending/condoning them... I am not,  I am saying that there are actually a small number of cases of fraudulent ballots,  Maroon claimed "NO EVIDENCE OF WRONG DOING",  which was factually incorrect.

Oh fer fuck sake, Jimmy. You're being intellectually dishonest. I'm obviously talking about wrongdoing on a level that would have even the slightest impact on an election. As you know, EVERY election has errors, mistakes, and isolated examples of attempted fraud on both sides, like anything requiring the participation of 150 million Americans would. 

Propagandists take those isolated instances and yell "FRAUD!" knowing that the Q-ball and duck dynasty crowd won't know any better. Follow that up with Trump claiming that he "won by a landslide" and that the election "was stolen" and you get what we got in Washington. 
And I said shoot the fuckers....what the fuck you want me to say?   There has not been any condoning on my part so what the fuck are you still yapping about?  

This is why I just have been using emoticons,  its a waste if time to try and engage some of you that are just wanting a fight.   Fuck it,  have a good weekend.

Quote: @SFVikeFan said:
Well folks there you have it.  The lowest of the low for the bar to be set at:  Trump spouting conspiracy theories that led to encouraging an attempted coup that killed 4.

You boys finally did it!  Rock bottom for the rightwing has now been reached.   Would you like to denounce this anti-American violent bullshit, or are you going to see if you can slink under that bar and just stay silent?

24 hours later and no Savannah, Greed, Jimmy or anyone from the right to condemn this fucking treason.  It just shows where their morals and alliances were all along .... 
Well....the owner of this site told me recently my views disgust him.  Ergo, I was happy to walk away. much as I enjoy a good debate....I'm self-aware enough to know when I've out-worn my welcome.  "Disgust" qualifies?.....yet you beg me back.  So here I am.   Sorry, Mike. 

Actually, despite me recently volunteering  my $ dues, and being the earliest of founders on this site, and promising Stickybuns long ago I was short for this site......I'll respond.  

Since this is my penultimate post....I'd like to review.  

Like Greed, Jimmy, Pumpf, IdViking, PSBlake(?) 1/2 Zanary  and many others a few years ago.....we were Cruz fans/Trump skeptical. 
A1-Janitor was full-Trump, from the get, iirc.   & I soon joined him.  

Since, we battled over  1) Trump inauguration crowd size  2) General Flynn  3) Trump XO's (obamacare, etc)  4) SC Mueller  5) Impeachment.  
(and about 10 other various and sundry Trump "outrages")....and we neo-Trumps more than held our own, imo.  
As a matter of fact, I think "we" won most 'debates'....I'm proud of my VIkeFan OT record.  If you disagree on who won topical debates on this site, let me know which thread. 
I'd love to revisit them. 

I will echo what Jimmy (and IDVike)  posted earlier.... "I fully denounce any call to violence, at the Capitol".  

BTW, could one of you show me where Trump incited violence in this 01/06 speech?  Here it is:  Donald Trump Speech "Save America" Rally Transcript January 6 - Rev
(You can't)

I realize you THINK you have Trump by the shorts....but ya don't.  
Whenever I think the GOP has gone too far, I'm comforted by the fact ya'll will reach way too far yonder.  (Section 25/Impeachment, lmao.   GO FOR IT!). 


So, that's my response, SFVF..  Enjoy it.  I helped build  this site before Mike and you were in diapers.  But you carry on.  Good luck!


Spreading lies ... unfounded lies and playing the victim card while blaming everyone else and the institutions riles up people especially who are already in a fragile state.
Encouraging people to "stop the steal" because no one can but them and calling them the "last option" bestows false power to fragile crowd.
The result is what you have.

Anyway, everyone else who blames Trump for inciting or flaming what happened (including prominent Republicans, his cabinet members)  is/are wrong and you are right.

Boasting that people think they have Trump by the ropes when they don't is as lame as it gets at defending such a failure if a president. 

Care to comment on his actions the last few days if they resemble that of a president of the United States? I bet you can't so you resort to some irrelevant self promotion with a lame statement that you denounce violence.
How about those that promote it or tell lies that threaten the institutions of the US? 

By the way, how are the Barr, Durham and Horowitz investigations about 2016 coming along? I thought those would expose everything? How is Giuliani doing these days?

I also noticed Flynn won his case or should I say was exonerated without any dubious interventions nor pardons from the president.
You sure won a lot of your arguements including the hoax that was the corona virus that was exergerated by the media.

Have you for a moment wondered why Trump is contemplating pardoning himself, kids and close family and friends or why his close aides are asking for pardons? Heck have you wondered why pardons are being discussed so much in this administration? Or thats just fake news too.

The president of the United States was barred from social media and some social media platforms are taking their services offline to curb the spread of disinformation and potential violence all attributed to Trump but hey.... everyone is wrong and Trump is the victim right?

You were begged to comeback so we should be thankful for your "wisdom" and unquestionable insight.

Like you said... you have more black friends on Facebook and helped build this site when some were in diapers so you cant be wrong and what you say is fact


Quote: @savannahskol said:
@SFVikeFan said:
Well folks there you have it.  The lowest of the low for the bar to be set at:  Trump spouting conspiracy theories that led to encouraging an attempted coup that killed 4.

You boys finally did it!  Rock bottom for the rightwing has now been reached.   Would you like to denounce this anti-American violent bullshit, or are you going to see if you can slink under that bar and just stay silent?

24 hours later and no Savannah, Greed, Jimmy or anyone from the right to condemn this fucking treason.  It just shows where their morals and alliances were all along .... 
Well....the owner of this site told me recently my views disgust him.  Ergo, I was happy to walk away. much as I enjoy a good debate....I'm self-aware enough to know when I've out-worn my welcome.  "Disgust" qualifies?.....yet you beg me back.  So here I am.   Sorry, Mike. 

Actually, despite me recently volunteering  my $ dues, and being the earliest of founders on this site, and promising Stickybuns long ago I was short for this site......I'll respond.  

Since this is my penultimate post....I'd like to review.  

Like Greed, Jimmy, Pumpf, IdViking, PSBlake(?) 1/2 Zanary  and many others a few years ago.....we were Cruz fans/Trump skeptical. 
A1-Janitor was full-Trump, from the get, iirc.   & I soon joined him.  

Since, we battled over  1) Trump inauguration crowd size  2) General Flynn  3) Trump XO's (obamacare, etc)  4) SC Mueller  5) Impeachment.  
(and about 10 other various and sundry Trump "outrages")....and we neo-Trumps more than held our own, imo.  
As a matter of fact, I think "we" won most 'debates'....I'm proud of my VIkeFan OT record.  If you disagree on who won topical debates on this site, let me know which thread. 
I'd love to revisit them. 

I will echo what Jimmy (and IDVike)  posted earlier.... "I fully denounce any call to violence, at the Capitol".  

BTW, could one of you show me where Trump incited violence in this 01/06 speech?  Here it is:  Donald Trump Speech "Save America" Rally Transcript January 6 - Rev
(You can't)

I realize you THINK you have Trump by the shorts....but ya don't.  
Whenever I think the GOP has gone too far, I'm comforted by the fact ya'll will reach way too far yonder.  (Section 25/Impeachment, lmao.   GO FOR IT!). 


So, that's my response, SFVF..  Enjoy it.  I helped build  this site before Mike and you were in diapers.  But you carry on.  Good luck!

I see you took out the Facebook black friends reference where you were boasting having more friends than @SFVikeFan and even challanged him for a count. Nice try.

I did not think you will be comparing "crowd size" this early? Whats next? Who is more wealthy? I see we got the I am smarter than you comparison done too... Sounds familiar...

1/6 (a new day in infamy) is the culmination of every bit of narcissistic tantrums and egging on "the base" since the election.

Even when due process was over in December, the rhetoric was loud, clear and falling on dangerous ears.

The only good that might come from this is impeachment and/or banned from ever holding Fed office again. The Trump scar on Amerika is long and deep. 


Quote: @savannahskol said:
@SFVikeFan said:
Well folks there you have it.  The lowest of the low for the bar to be set at:  Trump spouting conspiracy theories that led to encouraging an attempted coup that killed 4.

You boys finally did it!  Rock bottom for the rightwing has now been reached.   Would you like to denounce this anti-American violent bullshit, or are you going to see if you can slink under that bar and just stay silent?

24 hours later and no Savannah, Greed, Jimmy or anyone from the right to condemn this fucking treason.  It just shows where their morals and alliances were all along .... 
Well....the owner of this site told me recently my views disgust him.  Ergo, I was happy to walk away. much as I enjoy a good debate....I'm self-aware enough to know when I've out-worn my welcome.  "Disgust" qualifies?.....yet you beg me back.  So here I am.   Sorry, Mike. 

Actually, despite me recently volunteering  my $ dues, and being the earliest of founders on this site, and promising Stickybuns long ago I was short for this site......I'll respond.  

Since this is my penultimate post....I'd like to review.  

Like Greed, Jimmy, Pumpf, IdViking, PSBlake(?) 1/2 Zanary  and many others a few years ago.....we were Cruz fans/Trump skeptical. 
A1-Janitor was full-Trump, from the get, iirc.   & I soon joined him.  

Since, we battled over  1) Trump inauguration crowd size  2) General Flynn  3) Trump XO's (obamacare, etc)  4) SC Mueller  5) Impeachment.  
(and about 10 other various and sundry Trump "outrages")....and we neo-Trumps more than held our own, imo.  
As a matter of fact, I think "we" won most 'debates'....I'm proud of my VIkeFan OT record.  If you disagree on who won topical debates on this site, let me know which thread. 
I'd love to revisit them. 

I will echo what Jimmy (and IDVike)  posted earlier.... "I fully denounce any call to violence, at the Capitol".  

BTW, could one of you show me where Trump incited violence in this 01/06 speech?  Here it is:  Donald Trump Speech "Save America" Rally Transcript January 6 - Rev
(You can't)

I realize you THINK you have Trump by the shorts....but ya don't.  
Whenever I think the GOP has gone too far, I'm comforted by the fact ya'll will reach way too far yonder.  (Section 25/Impeachment, lmao.   GO FOR IT!). 


So, that's my response, SFVF..  Enjoy it.  I helped build  this site before Mike and you were in diapers.  But you carry on.  Good luck!


The fact you think you and your boys “won” the OT debates just shows how detached from reality you are.

I have busted your crew disproving dozens of your wackadoodle consoiracy theories in the last few years posting actual facts while you boys re-blog conspiracy theory shit and rightwing opinion blogs.  

A1 was probably 0-100 in OT with his nuthob claims.  Yes, you totally held your own LOL

It’s amazing to me how you guys view yourselves:  (patriots, well informed, claim to love the Constitution))
vs your reality:  (gullible, willing to believe anything that supports your crackpot views horribly misled and un-informed, hate the Constitution and free press).

You want an eye opening view look at  the thread on Michael Flynn A1 started and the responses in there.  What an embarrassment for you.  Flynn ends up being a traitor to our country, clamors for “martial law and to suspend the Constitution”.  Some patriot you support.

Fucking hysterical if it wasn’t so pathetic.



Quote: @mblack said:
Spreading lies ... unfounded lies and playing the victim card while blaming everyone else and the institutions riles up people especially who are already in a fragile state.
Encouraging people to "stop the steal" because no one can but them and calling them the "last option" bestows false power to fragile crowd.
The result is what you have.

Anyway, everyone else who blames Trump for inciting or flaming what happened (including prominent Republicans, his cabinet members)  is/are wrong and you are right.

Boasting that people think they have Trump by the ropes when they don't is as lame as it gets at defending such a failure if a president. 

Care to comment on his actions the last few days if they resemble that of a president of the United States? I bet you can't so you resort to some irrelevant self promotion with a lame statement that you denounce violence.
How about those that promote it or tell lies that threaten the institutions of the US? 

By the way, how are the Barr, Durham and Horowitz investigations about 2016 coming along? I thought those would expose everything? How is Giuliani doing these days?

I also noticed Flynn won his case or should I say was exonerated without any dubious interventions nor pardons from the president.
You sure won a lot of your arguements including the hoax that was the corona virus that was exergerated by the media.

Have you for a moment wondered why Trump is contemplating pardoning himself, kids and close family and friends or why his close aides are asking for pardons? Heck have you wondered why pardons are being discussed so much in this administration? Or thats just fake news too.

The president of the United States was barred from social media and some social media platforms are taking their services offline to curb the spread of disinformation and potential violence all attributed to Trump but hey.... everyone is wrong and Trump is the victim right?

You were begged to comeback so we should be thankful for your "wisdom" and unquestionable insight.

Like you said... you have more black friends on Facebook and helped build this site when some were in diapers so you cant be wrong and what you say is fact
Couldn’t have said it better.

After the quick “violence is not ok” then we get the excuses

”Show me where he said it”

Not all of us have drank the koolaid so much it filters our hearing.  Your own GOP Senators heard it.  White House staff heard it and cited in their resignations they were so disgusted by it.  World leaders, global newspapers all heard it.

The real question here is Savannah:  if the whole world heard his rhetoric and understood the implications it had on the crowd ....

Why didn’t you hear it?? 

If you at least understand that question from my perspective, maybe you will understand why I desrcribe you guys as a cult.


[Image: 191124135920-rs-trump-cult.jpg]

Another prominent Republican ....

Ari Fleischer says Trump 'on his own' after Capitol riot: 'I won't defend him anymore
Quote:Ari said:

Fox News contributor and former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer has vowed to no longer "defend" President Trump following Wednesday's pro-Trump riot that overtook the Capitol.

"At this point, I won't defend him anymore," Fleischer, who served in the George W. Bush administration and who voted for Trump in 2020, told The Associated Press.

 "I won't defend him for stirring the pot that incited the mob," the GOP strategist added. "He's on his own."

Source: The Hill
I guess Ari is wrong and the "all knowing" and "infallible" @savannahskol is right.

You know,  he has many black friends on Facebook and paid money to build this site so that accounts for impeccable judgement and opinions that should be considered as fact.

Quote: @savannahskol said:
@SFVikeFan said:
Well folks there you have it.  The lowest of the low for the bar to be set at:  Trump spouting conspiracy theories that led to encouraging an attempted coup that killed 4.

You boys finally did it!  Rock bottom for the rightwing has now been reached.   Would you like to denounce this anti-American violent bullshit, or are you going to see if you can slink under that bar and just stay silent?

24 hours later and no Savannah, Greed, Jimmy or anyone from the right to condemn this fucking treason.  It just shows where their morals and alliances were all along .... 
Well....the owner of this site told me recently my views disgust him.  Ergo, I was happy to walk away. much as I enjoy a good debate....I'm self-aware enough to know when I've out-worn my welcome.  "Disgust" qualifies?.....yet you beg me back.  So here I am.   Sorry, Mike. 

Actually, despite me recently volunteering  my $ dues, and being the earliest of founders on this site, and promising Stickybuns long ago I was short for this site......I'll respond.  

Since this is my penultimate post....I'd like to review.  

Like Greed, Jimmy, Pumpf, IdViking, PSBlake(?) 1/2 Zanary  and many others a few years ago.....we were Cruz fans/Trump skeptical. 
A1-Janitor was full-Trump, from the get, iirc.   & I soon joined him.  

Since, we battled over  1) Trump inauguration crowd size  2) General Flynn  3) Trump XO's (obamacare, etc)  4) SC Mueller  5) Impeachment.  
(and about 10 other various and sundry Trump "outrages")....and we neo-Trumps more than held our own, imo.  
As a matter of fact, I think "we" won most 'debates'....I'm proud of my VIkeFan OT record.  If you disagree on who won topical debates on this site, let me know which thread. 
I'd love to revisit them. 

I will echo what Jimmy (and IDVike)  posted earlier.... "I fully denounce any call to violence, at the Capitol".  

BTW, could one of you show me where Trump incited violence in this 01/06 speech?  Here it is:  Donald Trump Speech "Save America" Rally Transcript January 6 - Rev
(You can't)

I realize you THINK you have Trump by the shorts....but ya don't.  
Whenever I think the GOP has gone too far, I'm comforted by the fact ya'll will reach way too far yonder.  (Section 25/Impeachment, lmao.   GO FOR IT!). 


So, that's my response, SFVF..  Enjoy it.  I helped build  this site before Mike and you were in diapers.  But you carry on.  Good luck!

Yep you do disgust me. Get over it snowflake. 

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