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please for the love of god let this be zimmers last year
Ugh.  So frustrating to see the over-reactions here.  A somewhat close loss to one of the best teams in the NFL while down 6 starters is not the end of the world, nor a good reason to blow everything up and start over.  I think Zim has proven to be a great coach who has led this team through some very difficult circumstances (losing starting QBs and RBs and basically half the O-line almost every single year, for instance) and has still managed to have quite a bit of success through all of the adversity.  He has also built one of the best rosters in the NFL and his players seem to love playing for him.

If this goddamn team can ever manage to have just a little bit of luck in the health department under Zimmer, I really think we'll make some serious noise, even more than we have the past couple of years.  By the way, it's just crazy that we haven't had a QB start every game for 2 consecutive years since the early 70s with Tarkenton; that blew me away.  Contrast that to teams like the Packers, Patriots, Steelers, Saints, etc.  Pretty amazing that the Vikings have been as successful as they have been over the years with so much constant turmoil and turnover at the most important position on the field.

Do some of you not remember the Tice, Childress, Frazier years?  Denny had one bad season and we ran him out of town.  How did that turn out for us?  Zim has proven for decades now to be an excellent coach.  Now we just need some consistency and patience.  Blowing everything up is the absolute wrong answer and is what shitty teams do over and over again.

Quote: @njvike said:
I agree that Zimmer has proven to be outclassed by "top level" coaches in key games, but when the hell is Saint Ricky gonna start feeling the heat?

Jaysus Christmas, this dude has had 100% control of BOTH College and NFL scouting since he was named VICE PRESIDENT OF PLAYER PERSONNEL in the Spring (or early Summer) of 2006. 

Since L'il Ricky came aboard, there have been :

3 Head Coaches
5 Offensive Coordinators
5 Defensive Coordinators 
17 ( yes, SEVENTEEN) starting QB's
3 Home stadiums
2 Training camp locations 
Literally HUNDREDS of players and assitant coaches

And.... A grand total of TWO playoff wins (both, btw, with mercenary F/A QB's, despite spending 5 draft picks including THREE FIRST ROUND PICKS on QB's between April 2011 and September 2016). 

Just to put that pathetic total of playoff wins in perspective, the Jacksonville Jaguars EQUALLED that total in the span of 2 WEEKS this past January. The Rex Ryan/Mark Sanchez Jets DOUBLED that playoff win total over the course of 2 years, all 4 of those victories on the ROAD.

Is it ALWAYS everybody elses fault except the guy that's "buying the groceries"!?

I understand that the Midwest Middle School contingent that rules this board will attack me for having the AUDACITY to state FACTS, but numbers don't lie.

At SOME point the Wilfs are going to realize the common denominator for this current LOSING stretch of Vikings history and FINALLY cut ties with this unbelievably over-rated personnel "guru" (cough-yak-erp). 

I have no doubt that the Vikings will make the playoffs this year. I also have no doubt that they will, once AGAIN, shit the bed, whether it be on the road or at home. The only question remaining is : Will they find yet ANOTHER unique way to lose a close game, or will they simply get steamrolled? I'm guessing that they will reach into their apparently inexhaustible bag of tricks-to-fuck-over-their-fans, and come up with yet ANOTHER doozy of a finish. 

12 men in a huddle? Perfect kicker missing a FG? The original "Hail Mary" play? Ridiculous, soul-crushing, head-scratching interception or fumble? Running out of bounds instead of going down and running crucial time off the clock? Dropping a game winning reception or interception? Your guess is as good as mine. I'll go with the ol' crucial fumble/interception being the scapegoat that once again saves Ricky's ass. 

Wash, rinse, repeat. Vikings tease their fans, then choke and serve up endless excuses why they fail while OTHER teams succeed. 
You're taking the words right out of my mouth nj!!! Do it on bro. 13 years and only 2 playoff wins. Most GMs would have already been fired. 
A GM that drafts and signs who he wants without consulting his coaches or not listening to them and ordering who will and who won t play.  FUCK RS he is the real problem!!! Wake up!!
I think it's already been said but if Treadwell catches the ball on 4th down and no fumble by AT, no int. by Cousins, we win and Zimmer is a great coach and we're SB bound. Let a coach coach the players he wants to and work with him on drafts, FAs, and players he wants. Don t put the players out there that you want and expect them to make it work.
I know AP is a sore subject around here but look at what he's doing at 33. Age is Just a number for some and AP is that way everyone griped when AP went 2 years getting a big salary but was injured.
I believe the current 1st round RB is doing that now.
Don't get me wrong I like DC but some of RSs bonehead moves without coaches opinions SUCK big time.
Keep Zim and his staff, get rid of the real problem Rick Spielman.
Look at me, I'm saying we. Like I'm part of this team. I'm not anymore, wish I was, but RS fixed that too. Yes I consider fans as a part of the team. I really don't root for any team now. I still watch some games but that's because I love football.
I still have a little insight into some of the things that are going on  with this team, but you wouldn't want to hear it and if you did you wouldn't believe it. But, that's another story.
NJ, thanks for beating me to the punch. At least I'm not the only one who thinks it.
Yeah, I'm a little bitter. I have no problem with admitting that. But don't ignore what nj is telling you. He looks like he's on the right track.
And don't think that RS hasn't been told what a dipshits he is because he has. I guess it is hard having a sibling who was everything you wanted to be, but didn't have the mind, insight, or abilities.
Ok, I'll get off my soap box, and disappear.
Jimmy, love ya bro, but yeah I do bitch and moan about RS even if it is a win. I don't think that has ever been a secret around here. I'vebeendoing it for 11yrs.

Quote: @dadevike said:
I've been critical of Zimmer for plenty of things. Too conservative, the game has passed him by, he is a defensive coordinator not really a head coach, can't manage the clock, etc.  But the Vikings were without a lot of key players against a really good Saints team.  Still, we were winning and driving at the end of the first half and we were getting the ball back to start the second half. Then the fumble. And later a pick 6.
Knowing it is the Saints, he goes for it on fourth and goal on the first drive. That's not conservative.  It was the right call. They mixed the run and pass well. (The early challenge was silly and costs us a T.O. and a challenge.) Going for it on 4th and one around midfield was risky, but not incompetent.  I doubt it was Zim's call to go empty backfield.
The reality is that our front 4 could hardly pressure Brees. Their O-line is really good.  And our O-line could not really protect Cousins.  Whether that is because of injuries (Reiff, Easton, Compton) or talent hardly matters. The Saints have a great QB, great RBs, a great receiver, and have really good Offensive and defensive lines.  That and the turnovers is why they won. 
Zimmer did not lose this game. The players did.
I criticize Zimmer when he deserves it, mostly when the team appears unprepared or he's outcoached in terms of game plan. And that's happened a handful of times over the last 3 or 4 years (SF in '15, Philly in the NFCC). But this was not one of those games. This was a game where we looked like we had their number, both offensively and defensively. Going for it on 4th down in our own territory was a ballsy, but unwise decision. But that's not why we lost the game. We lost because of turnovers. It happens. You take them away and this is an entirely different game, one that we very likely win. And this despite having several key starters out. 

The Lions lost, the Packers lost and now play the Patriots in New England. If the Vikings can get past the Lions and get everyone healthy after the bye, this will be a very dangerous team down the stretch.  

Somebody call the troops. If we get there early enough we can burn US bank to the ground before the day is out!!!!

Good grief. We have an impossible schedual. We have a new QB and O coordinator. Our Oline gave cousins no time at all AND we were without key starters against a very talented team. 

Teams that lose their championship game rarely repeat. Everyone knew this going into the season. 

For every game someone has to lose so tgeres a 50/50 shot. (except rare ties)

Of the 32 teams only one gets the trophy each year. 

Take a breath. Enjoy the season. Its entertainment. 

Quote: @dadevike said:

Zimmer did not lose this game. The players did.
We almost double the yardage on the Aints and kept Brees at 120 yards...third lowest in his career!  they had 270 yards TOTAL!!!  But the short passing game to Kamara was our undoing. 
Oh...and giving them 14 points.


Have to clarify.  We didn't win that challenge, but should have.  Waynes had his hand in their and jostled the ball loose.  Ball was moving when he was out of bounds.  I liked the challenge. 

Quote: @96POPS said:
@njvike said:
I agree that Zimmer has proven to be outclassed by "top level" coaches in key games, but when the hell is Saint Ricky gonna start feeling the heat?

Jaysus Christmas, this dude has had 100% control of BOTH College and NFL scouting since he was named VICE PRESIDENT OF PLAYER PERSONNEL in the Spring (or early Summer) of 2006. 

Since L'il Ricky came aboard, there have been :

3 Head Coaches
5 Offensive Coordinators
5 Defensive Coordinators 
17 ( yes, SEVENTEEN) starting QB's
3 Home stadiums
2 Training camp locations 
Literally HUNDREDS of players and assitant coaches

And.... A grand total of TWO playoff wins (both, btw, with mercenary F/A QB's, despite spending 5 draft picks including THREE FIRST ROUND PICKS on QB's between April 2011 and September 2016). 

Just to put that pathetic total of playoff wins in perspective, the Jacksonville Jaguars EQUALLED that total in the span of 2 WEEKS this past January. The Rex Ryan/Mark Sanchez Jets DOUBLED that playoff win total over the course of 2 years, all 4 of those victories on the ROAD.

Is it ALWAYS everybody elses fault except the guy that's "buying the groceries"!?

I understand that the Midwest Middle School contingent that rules this board will attack me for having the AUDACITY to state FACTS, but numbers don't lie.

At SOME point the Wilfs are going to realize the common denominator for this current LOSING stretch of Vikings history and FINALLY cut ties with this unbelievably over-rated personnel "guru" (cough-yak-erp). 

I have no doubt that the Vikings will make the playoffs this year. I also have no doubt that they will, once AGAIN, shit the bed, whether it be on the road or at home. The only question remaining is : Will they find yet ANOTHER unique way to lose a close game, or will they simply get steamrolled? I'm guessing that they will reach into their apparently inexhaustible bag of tricks-to-fuck-over-their-fans, and come up with yet ANOTHER doozy of a finish. 

12 men in a huddle? Perfect kicker missing a FG? The original "Hail Mary" play? Ridiculous, soul-crushing, head-scratching interception or fumble? Running out of bounds instead of going down and running crucial time off the clock? Dropping a game winning reception or interception? Your guess is as good as mine. I'll go with the ol' crucial fumble/interception being the scapegoat that once again saves Ricky's ass. 

Wash, rinse, repeat. Vikings tease their fans, then choke and serve up endless excuses why they fail while OTHER teams succeed. 
You're taking the words right out of my mouth nj!!! Do it on bro. 13 years and only 2 playoff wins. Most GMs would have already been fired. 
A GM that drafts and signs who he wants without consulting his coaches or not listening to them and ordering who will and who won t play.  FUCK RS he is the real problem!!! Wake up!!
I think it's already been said but if Treadwell catches the ball on 4th down and no fumble by AT, no int. by Cousins, we win and Zimmer is a great coach and we're SB bound. Let a coach coach the players he wants to and work with him on drafts, FAs, and players he wants. Don t put the players out there that you want and expect them to make it work.
I know AP is a sore subject around here but look at what he's doing at 33. Age is Just a number for some and AP is that way everyone griped when AP went 2 years getting a big salary but was injured.
I believe the current 1st round RB is doing that now.
Don't get me wrong I like DC but some of RSs bonehead moves without coaches opinions SUCK big time.
Keep Zim and his staff, get rid of the real problem Rick Spielman.
Look at me, I'm saying we. Like I'm part of this team. I'm not anymore, wish I was, but RS fixed that too. Yes I consider fans as a part of the team. I really don't root for any team now. I still watch some games but that's because I love football.
I still have a little insight into some of the things that are going on  with this team, but you wouldn't want to hear it and if you did you wouldn't believe it. But, that's another story.
NJ, thanks for beating me to the punch. At least I'm not the only one who thinks it.
Yeah, I'm a little bitter. I have no problem with admitting that. But don't ignore what nj is telling you. He looks like he's on the right track.
And don't think that RS hasn't been told what a dipshits he is because he has. I guess it is hard having a sibling who was everything you wanted to be, but didn't have the mind, insight, or abilities.
Ok, I'll get off my soap box, and disappear.
Jimmy, love ya bro, but yeah I do bitch and moan about RS even if it is a win. I don't think that has ever been a secret around here. I'vebeendoing it for 11yrs.
WOW POPS! If what you say is true, and the additional info that you are not saying but implying is accurate, that is very troubling. The picture has been painted that Zimmer and Spielman are in sync on decisions. 

Quote: @96POPS said:
@njvike said:
I agree that Zimmer has proven to be outclassed by "top level" coaches in key games, but when the hell is Saint Ricky gonna start feeling the heat?

Jaysus Christmas, this dude has had 100% control of BOTH College and NFL scouting since he was named VICE PRESIDENT OF PLAYER PERSONNEL in the Spring (or early Summer) of 2006. 

Since L'il Ricky came aboard, there have been :

3 Head Coaches
5 Offensive Coordinators
5 Defensive Coordinators 
17 ( yes, SEVENTEEN) starting QB's
3 Home stadiums
2 Training camp locations 
Literally HUNDREDS of players and assitant coaches

And.... A grand total of TWO playoff wins (both, btw, with mercenary F/A QB's, despite spending 5 draft picks including THREE FIRST ROUND PICKS on QB's between April 2011 and September 2016). 

Just to put that pathetic total of playoff wins in perspective, the Jacksonville Jaguars EQUALLED that total in the span of 2 WEEKS this past January. The Rex Ryan/Mark Sanchez Jets DOUBLED that playoff win total over the course of 2 years, all 4 of those victories on the ROAD.

Is it ALWAYS everybody elses fault except the guy that's "buying the groceries"!?

I understand that the Midwest Middle School contingent that rules this board will attack me for having the AUDACITY to state FACTS, but numbers don't lie.

At SOME point the Wilfs are going to realize the common denominator for this current LOSING stretch of Vikings history and FINALLY cut ties with this unbelievably over-rated personnel "guru" (cough-yak-erp). 

I have no doubt that the Vikings will make the playoffs this year. I also have no doubt that they will, once AGAIN, shit the bed, whether it be on the road or at home. The only question remaining is : Will they find yet ANOTHER unique way to lose a close game, or will they simply get steamrolled? I'm guessing that they will reach into their apparently inexhaustible bag of tricks-to-fuck-over-their-fans, and come up with yet ANOTHER doozy of a finish. 

12 men in a huddle? Perfect kicker missing a FG? The original "Hail Mary" play? Ridiculous, soul-crushing, head-scratching interception or fumble? Running out of bounds instead of going down and running crucial time off the clock? Dropping a game winning reception or interception? Your guess is as good as mine. I'll go with the ol' crucial fumble/interception being the scapegoat that once again saves Ricky's ass. 

Wash, rinse, repeat. Vikings tease their fans, then choke and serve up endless excuses why they fail while OTHER teams succeed. 
You're taking the words right out of my mouth nj!!! Do it on bro. 13 years and only 2 playoff wins. Most GMs would have already been fired. 
A GM that drafts and signs who he wants without consulting his coaches or not listening to them and ordering who will and who won t play.  FUCK RS he is the real problem!!! Wake up!!
I think it's already been said but if Treadwell catches the ball on 4th down and no fumble by AT, no int. by Cousins, we win and Zimmer is a great coach and we're SB bound. Let a coach coach the players he wants to and work with him on drafts, FAs, and players he wants. Don t put the players out there that you want and expect them to make it work.
I know AP is a sore subject around here but look at what he's doing at 33. Age is Just a number for some and AP is that way everyone griped when AP went 2 years getting a big salary but was injured.
I believe the current 1st round RB is doing that now.
Don't get me wrong I like DC but some of RSs bonehead moves without coaches opinions SUCK big time.
Keep Zim and his staff, get rid of the real problem Rick Spielman.
Look at me, I'm saying we. Like I'm part of this team. I'm not anymore, wish I was, but RS fixed that too. Yes I consider fans as a part of the team. I really don't root for any team now. I still watch some games but that's because I love football.
I still have a little insight into some of the things that are going on  with this team, but you wouldn't want to hear it and if you did you wouldn't believe it. But, that's another story.
NJ, thanks for beating me to the punch. At least I'm not the only one who thinks it.
Yeah, I'm a little bitter. I have no problem with admitting that. But don't ignore what nj is telling you. He looks like he's on the right track.
And don't think that RS hasn't been told what a dipshits he is because he has. I guess it is hard having a sibling who was everything you wanted to be, but didn't have the mind, insight, or abilities.
Ok, I'll get off my soap box, and disappear.
Jimmy, love ya bro, but yeah I do bitch and moan about RS even if it is a win. I don't think that has ever been a secret around here. I'vebeendoing it for 11yrs.
Thanks Pops! 

Vikings' fans adulation of Schpielman is truly puzzling. They have NO problem demonizing players (Walsh, Carlson, AD, etc), coaches, the refs and the NFL in general, but the common denominator remains unscathed in his Ivory Tower. 

He's always struck me as an arrogant, back-stabbing little weasel. But he's obviously VERY good at shifting blame away from himself. He definitely has the Wilfs fooled and the Purple Pollyannas REALLY think this dude  is a GREAT GM!  LMAO!!! Everybody else is judged (rightfully so in professional sports) by their RECORD. Can you name me a GREAT HC that has a losing record? Are there any great personnel execs that have atrocious post season records? Of course not. But for some reason, Viking fan use some other measuring stick when it comes to L'il Ricky. Don't know what that is exactly, it sure as hell isn't playoff successes! 

I appreciate your restraint, I'm sure you could divulge some inside glimpses that would get a lot of purple panties in a bunch. But I hope that in the future you will give us some examples of this asswipe's actions behind the scenes away from the cameras.

Hooe you and Brian are enjoying fishing and hunting! Best regards to you and your family!


Quote: 7u7@TBro said:
@96POPS said:
@njvike said:
I agree that Zimmer has proven to be outclassed by "top level" coaches in key games, but when the hell is Saint Ricky gonna start feeling the heat?

Jaysus Christmas, this dude has had 100% control of BOTH College and NFL scouting since he was named VICE PRESIDENT OF PLAYER PERSONNEL in the Spring (or early Summer) of 2006. 

Since L'il Ricky came aboard, there have been :

3 Head Coaches
5 Offensive Coordinators
5 Defensive Coordinators 
17 ( yes, SEVENTEEN) starting QB's
3 Home stadiums
2 Training camp locations 
Literally HUNDREDS of players and assitant coaches

And.... A grand total of TWO playoff wins (both, btw, with mercenary F/A QB's, despite spending 5 draft picks including THREE FIRST ROUND PICKS on QB's between April 2011 and September 2016). 

Just to put that pathetic total of playoff wins in perspective, the Jacksonville Jaguars EQUALLED that total in the span of 2 WEEKS this past January. The Rex Ryan/Mark Sanchez Jets DOUBLED that playoff win total over the course of 2 years, all 4 of those victories on the ROAD.

Is it ALWAYS everybody elses fault except the guy that's "buying the groceries"!?

I understand that the Midwest Middle School contingent that rules this board will attack me for having the AUDACITY to state FACTS, but numbers don't lie.

At SOME point the Wilfs are going to realize the common denominator for this current LOSING stretch of Vikings history and FINALLY cut ties with this unbelievably over-rated personnel "guru" (cough-yak-erp). 

I have no doubt that the Vikings will make the playoffs this year. I also have no doubt that they will, once AGAIN, shit the bed, whether it be on the road or at home. The only question remaining is : Will they find yet ANOTHER unique way to lose a close game, or will they simply get steamrolled? I'm guessing that they will reach into their apparently inexhaustible bag of tricks-to-fuck-over-their-fans, and come up with yet ANOTHER doozy of a finish. 

12 men in a huddle? Perfect kicker missing a FG? The original "Hail Mary" play? Ridiculous, soul-crushing, head-scratching interception or fumble? Running out of bounds instead of going down and running crucial time off the clock? Dropping a game winning reception or interception? Your guess is as good as mine. I'll go with the ol' crucial fumble/interception being the scapegoat that once again saves Ricky's ass. 

Wash, rinse, repeat. Vikings tease their fans, then choke and serve up endless excuses why they fail while OTHER teams succeed. 
You're taking the words right out of my mouth nj!!! Do it on bro. 13 years and only 2 playoff wins. Most GMs would have already been fired. 
A GM that drafts and signs who he wants without consulting his coaches or not listening to them and ordering who will and who won t play.  FUCK RS he is the real problem!!! Wake up!!
I think it's already been said but if Treadwell catches the ball on 4th down and no fumble by AT, no int. by Cousins, we win and Zimmer is a great coach and we're SB bound. Let a coach coach the players he wants to and work with him on drafts, FAs, and players he wants. Don t put the players out there that you want and expect them to make it work.
I know AP is a sore subject around here but look at what he's doing at 33. Age is Just a number for some and AP is that way everyone griped when AP went 2 years getting a big salary but was injured.
I believe the current 1st round RB is doing that now.
Don't get me wrong I like DC but some of RSs bonehead moves without coaches opinions SUCK big time.
Keep Zim and his staff, get rid of the real problem Rick Spielman.
Look at me, I'm saying we. Like I'm part of this team. I'm not anymore, wish I was, but RS fixed that too. Yes I consider fans as a part of the team. I really don't root for any team now. I still watch some games but that's because I love football.
I still have a little insight into some of the things that are going on  with this team, but you wouldn't want to hear it and if you did you wouldn't believe it. But, that's another story.
NJ, thanks for beating me to the punch. At least I'm not the only one who thinks it.
Yeah, I'm a little bitter. I have no problem with admitting that. But don't ignore what nj is telling you. He looks like he's on the right track.
And don't think that RS hasn't been told what a dipshits he is because he has. I guess it is hard having a sibling who was everything you wanted to be, but didn't have the mind, insight, or abilities.
Ok, I'll get off my soap box, and disappear.
Jimmy, love ya bro, but yeah I do bitch and moan about RS even if it is a win. I don't think that has ever been a secret around here. I'vebeendoing it for 11yrs.
WOW POPS! If what you say is true, and the additional info that you are not saying but implying is accurate, that is very troubling. The picture has been painted that Zimmer and Spielman are in sync on decisions. 
TBro, I'mnotsaying they disagree on everything but I know there are some things they disagree on and others I'm sure they are at odds with. For all I know it may be just a few things but one thing I do know is it goes through RS first and last so he should take the biggest part of the blame. As for me, never liked him, don't act like I do and i do know some things about decisions he's made. And Brian's agent seems to know him very well too. That's another story though. He does know his football.

Quote: @96POPS said:
@njvike said:
I agree that Zimmer has proven to be outclassed by "top level" coaches in key games, but when the hell is Saint Ricky gonna start feeling the heat?

Jaysus Christmas, this dude has had 100% control of BOTH College and NFL scouting since he was named VICE PRESIDENT OF PLAYER PERSONNEL in the Spring (or early Summer) of 2006. 

Since L'il Ricky came aboard, there have been :

3 Head Coaches
5 Offensive Coordinators
5 Defensive Coordinators 
17 ( yes, SEVENTEEN) starting QB's
3 Home stadiums
2 Training camp locations 
Literally HUNDREDS of players and assitant coaches

And.... A grand total of TWO playoff wins (both, btw, with mercenary F/A QB's, despite spending 5 draft picks including THREE FIRST ROUND PICKS on QB's between April 2011 and September 2016). 

Just to put that pathetic total of playoff wins in perspective, the Jacksonville Jaguars EQUALLED that total in the span of 2 WEEKS this past January. The Rex Ryan/Mark Sanchez Jets DOUBLED that playoff win total over the course of 2 years, all 4 of those victories on the ROAD.

Is it ALWAYS everybody elses fault except the guy that's "buying the groceries"!?

I understand that the Midwest Middle School contingent that rules this board will attack me for having the AUDACITY to state FACTS, but numbers don't lie.

At SOME point the Wilfs are going to realize the common denominator for this current LOSING stretch of Vikings history and FINALLY cut ties with this unbelievably over-rated personnel "guru" (cough-yak-erp). 

I have no doubt that the Vikings will make the playoffs this year. I also have no doubt that they will, once AGAIN, shit the bed, whether it be on the road or at home. The only question remaining is : Will they find yet ANOTHER unique way to lose a close game, or will they simply get steamrolled? I'm guessing that they will reach into their apparently inexhaustible bag of tricks-to-fuck-over-their-fans, and come up with yet ANOTHER doozy of a finish. 

12 men in a huddle? Perfect kicker missing a FG? The original "Hail Mary" play? Ridiculous, soul-crushing, head-scratching interception or fumble? Running out of bounds instead of going down and running crucial time off the clock? Dropping a game winning reception or interception? Your guess is as good as mine. I'll go with the ol' crucial fumble/interception being the scapegoat that once again saves Ricky's ass. 

Wash, rinse, repeat. Vikings tease their fans, then choke and serve up endless excuses why they fail while OTHER teams succeed. 
You're taking the words right out of my mouth nj!!! Do it on bro. 13 years and only 2 playoff wins. Most GMs would have already been fired. 
A GM that drafts and signs who he wants without consulting his coaches or not listening to them and ordering who will and who won t play.  FUCK RS he is the real problem!!! Wake up!!
I think it's already been said but if Treadwell catches the ball on 4th down and no fumble by AT, no int. by Cousins, we win and Zimmer is a great coach and we're SB bound. Let a coach coach the players he wants to and work with him on drafts, FAs, and players he wants. Don t put the players out there that you want and expect them to make it work.
I know AP is a sore subject around here but look at what he's doing at 33. Age is Just a number for some and AP is that way everyone griped when AP went 2 years getting a big salary but was injured.
I believe the current 1st round RB is doing that now.
Don't get me wrong I like DC but some of RSs bonehead moves without coaches opinions SUCK big time.
Keep Zim and his staff, get rid of the real problem Rick Spielman.
Look at me, I'm saying we. Like I'm part of this team. I'm not anymore, wish I was, but RS fixed that too. Yes I consider fans as a part of the team. I really don't root for any team now. I still watch some games but that's because I love football.
I still have a little insight into some of the things that are going on  with this team, but you wouldn't want to hear it and if you did you wouldn't believe it. But, that's another story.
NJ, thanks for beating me to the punch. At least I'm not the only one who thinks it.
Yeah, I'm a little bitter. I have no problem with admitting that. But don't ignore what nj is telling you. He looks like he's on the right track.
And don't think that RS hasn't been told what a dipshits he is because he has. I guess it is hard having a sibling who was everything you wanted to be, but didn't have the mind, insight, or abilities.
Ok, I'll get off my soap box, and disappear.
Jimmy, love ya bro, but yeah I do bitch and moan about RS even if it is a win. I don't think that has ever been a secret around here. I'vebeendoing it for 11yrs.
pops i really dont understand this.  No one is above critisicm and RS deserves his share for outcomes and probably alot more by those on the inside, but to encourage NJ is wrong in my opinion considering he is pretty much a 1 trick pony on this board and is on the edge of trolling frequently.  I assume nj is a die  hard that likes to spout off as we all do, bit then he disappears when things are going well for this team.  I think i speak for us all when we say we love your presence and your insight here and Love your sons legacy with the team both on and off the field. I must say in all fairness though you do sound bitter

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