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Ryckophants Ain't Gonna Like These FACTS...
I see the original post was edited at 1:16 am. That probably says a lot about it.


Quote: @Viking1987 said:
In 2010 the Packers don't even make the playoffs  if   Shannon is  Givin the touchdown  instead off   it  being  ruled  incomplete   which would  meant vikings win the game  packers  miss playoffs  means  no  packer superb owl 
LOL....woulda, coulda, shoulda! The mantra of the worshipers in the Church of Saint Richard!

Quote: @purplefaithful said:
Simply  put, adding a franchise QB in his prime to a stacked 13/3 roster that just made the NFCCG makes lamenting the past 10 years kind of a moot point. 

What's the sense in it?
Not lamenting thr past 12 seasons, merely pointing out that they DID occur and Dicky is equally as culpable as the players and coaches for the atrocious playoff record.

Quote: @ArizonaViking said:
I really don't understand the point to this thread.  Regardless on how bad you want to make Rick Spielman or the Vikings look.  True fans will always cheer and root for this team no matter what.  All your useless bad-mouthing of the Viking Organization isn't going anywhere or changing anyone's' feelings towards this team.  The people on this board will always be loyal fans to the Minnesota Vikings.
How is pointing out the Vikings' and Ricky's ACTUAL record "bad mouthing" them? THAT'S my point. I'm not thrilled with the RESULTS during Ricky's reign, and I am TIRED of hearing about injuries, schedules, bad calls, missed/made FG's, etc. 

Seriously, WHY do Vikings fans get SOOO bent out of shape when I simply mention their recent playoff history? 

It's ALWAYS watch what will happen NEXT year.....but the results NEVER come to fruition.

I'll believe it when I SEE it, not before.

My apologies that I no longer blindly goose step to the current tune emanating from Vikings HQ. 

Let's see a couple of playoff wins this season and maybe I will be able to applaud RS. But until it HAPPENS, he'll remain the GM with 2 playoff wins in 12 seasons. All this other discussion about starters and pro bowlers is just meaningless. 



Quote: @pattersaur said:
All that matters is do you think Spielman has done enough to warrant at least one more season as Vikings GM. I think 99% of Vikings fans would say YES (We went to the NFCCG last year!).

If things go south this year and the year after and the NFCCG was our peak well that stinks. But you can't boot a guy with Rick's record here. You just can't. Look how much leash the Packers gave Ted Thompson? By those standards Spielman is safe for the next 5 years. May as well learn to love it.

I myself am hoping for another good draft and another solid playoff run. I'd also take a super bowl. Skol!
Well, first, Ricky would have been gone with both Chilly AND Frazier adter the 2010 sesson, if were up to me. Does he warrant THIS season? Not up to me, and he's obviously here for the  season, so its not even worth discussing.

Second, are you REALLY comparing the Packers 4 win playoff run, culminating in a Super Bowl VICTORY with the Vikings single, 1 in a million, home playoff win .followed by an ass kicking of monumental proportions? You can't be serious. 

Spielman is on his 3rd HC, God knows how many DC's, OC's and assistants, and Cousins will be, I think, his SIXTEENTH starting QB since he arrived as VP in 2006. At SOME point, accountability HAS to be expected from the guy in charge of putting together the roster, wouldn't you agree?

It really is comical to me that SOOO many Vikings fans are content with almost non-existent playoff success and HOPE for better "next year". 

Some might call it "optimism". I call it blissful ignorance of reality.

We'll see what happens in 2018.....many here are under the misconception that I WANT the Vikings to fail, but that's just juvenile minds hating on someone with the audacity to judge a highly paid executive on his ACTUAL results rather than the "hope" of next year.



Quote: @njvike said:
@ArizonaViking said:
I really don't understand the point to this thread.  Regardless on how bad you want to make Rick Spielman or the Vikings look.  True fans will always cheer and root for this team no matter what.  All your useless bad-mouthing of the Viking Organization isn't going anywhere or changing anyone's' feelings towards this team.  The people on this board will always be loyal fans to the Minnesota Vikings.
How is pointing the Vikings' and Ricky's ACTUAL record "bad mouthing" them? THAT'S my point. I'm not thrilled with the RESULTS during Ricky's reign, and I am TIRED of hearing about injuries, schedules, bad calls, missed/made FG's, etc. 

It's ALWAYS watch what will happen NEXT year.....but the results NEVER come to fruition.

I'll believe it when I SEE it, not before.

My apologies that I no longer blindly goose step to the current tune emanating from Vikings HQ. 

Let's see a couple of playoff wins this season and maybe I will be able to applaud RS. But until it HAPPENS, he'll remain the GM with 2 playoff wins in 12 seasons. All this other discussion about starters and pro bowlers is just meaningless. 

Maybe it isn’t about pointing out or stating “facts” or an opinion. Maybe it is the childish way you have gone about doing those things.
His name is Rick Spielman, not Schpielman, Ricky, Dicky, Dick...
You sound like a third grader. But, that is just my opinion.

Also, I don’t think you’ll ever be happy. If the Vikings win a Super Bowl in the next 3 years, you’ll say they should have won 3 and it is all Spielman’s fault they didn’t,  except you’ll wont call him that, you’ll call him some playground name.


Quote: @comet52 said:
@njvike said:

Why am I posting these non-debatable FACTS ?
Because you have a hard on for RS and no one else on this board gives a shit about your opinion, so you keep yelling about it in the hopes they might care but they still don't.   Carry on.
Actually, it's more a matter of me being puzzled why the guy who has been in charge of personnel for 12 years is given a free pass for the woeful playoff record of this team when numerous coaches and players have been dumped and made to be scapegoats. 

It's BEYOND time to hold Dicky's feet to the fire. He just made KC the highest paid player in NFL HISTORY (unless, of course, the Ricky fluffers will pin this one on Zim and the new OC.... only if it should it turn to crap, of course). 

I keep hearing about the 2017 Vikings being "1 win away from the SB", when it is EQUALLY accurate to say that they were 1 miracle play away from yet another 1 and done playoff appearance. Well, if they were THAT close and THAT good last year, getting the highest paid player in NFL HISTORY should mean an improvement on last year, correct? 

Carry on.


Quote: @Riphawkins said:
I see the original post was edited at 1:16 am. That probably says a lot about it.
Yeah, I'm sure that time, on a Friday night, seems late for a guy that wears Depends and goes to the local Denny's for the 5:00 early bird dinner specials. Hope you enjoyed your Tapioca pudding today, Rip!

funny thing about stray dogs and cats... if you dont feed them,  they move on.

the "ignore" function was created for a reason folks.  


Quote: @Purplemachine said:
Dude! You need to get back to the home and make sure the head nurse sees to it that you take your meds.

 OCD or what!
Guinness is just fine for me, "Dude". What's your excuse?

After 12 years,I expected more than 2 playoff wins. If you're  satisfied with sub-mediocrity, God bless. I expect more from exec's pulling down 7 digit salaries "promising" championships......Silly me, I know. I just cant help but judging people on their ACTUAL accomplishments instead of what they SAY will happen.  Maybe thats a result of being born and raised in the Bronx instead of the Mid-West, where everything is beautiful, and people are judged by their words rather than their deeds. 


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