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Trump tweets kickin ass & takin' names
LOL you do not understand.  you will see. 

i do not understand what?  what will i see? that McCabe and the FBI was investigating Trump for ties to an adversary previous to an election?  What does any of this prove?  How does this change the fact that this President is a lying moronic con man

this is the prime example of the lunacy most americans ahould be afraid of. your willingness to defend a president not fit for office

A President, you admitted voting for (below) ?

then spew Mark levin, which is borderline Alex Jones. 

I've read all of Mark's books (multiple NYT best-seller), listen to his radio show as often as I can. 
I've not given Alex Jones 5 minutes of my time.  I do know he has a site called "info wars"... which I've not frequented, ever. 
Mark Levin is a former COS to an AG and constitutional scholar.  Why don't you do me a favor, listen to my above post and tell me where he's wrong. 

Oh btw the Preesident loves him some Alex Jones as well. I just do not understand the end goal of intelligent people to defend this administration. Is it because he is more conservative than Reagan?  Seriously?  You want to go back 30 years as a way of seeing the world?  governing?  More conservative than Reagan is not possible in todays day and age, its akin to believing the world is 6000 years old, when science day after day tells us it wasnt. The process of evolving is a bitch for some, but damn man whats the end goal here?  im guessing you are a hugr fan of Mike Pence as well?

Wow.  Could you be more condescending? 
First you called us (any Trump defender) a rube, then 'backwards', then anti-science, then anti-evolution. (Meanwhile, I've not labelled you anything)
The only thing I can understand/respond to  in this part of your post... is the "Is he more conservative than Reagan?" 
Well... yes he is.  According to my experience having lived thru both... and the Heritage Foundation.

So this is a deep state op to rid of Trump all arranged by Comey who was working under the direction of an Obama initiative? i am not going to profess to knowing the ins and outs, the exact
details of this case and neither should you (and neither should any of the talking heads you listen to) 

LOL.  Well, this is the basis of our disagreement.  I've based my opinions from what's been presented in the public record.  
& there's a-plenty.  

but in regards to Flynn and McCabe, they should both be tried. The reason the one has a bigger target on his back is due to the fact that he took his honor and medals and badges and went on Fox News and then in front  of the nation and SCREAMED about a liar while being one.   they will get their time in court, justice will be served. 

LT GEN (please use his a former fellow serviceman, he earned it) Flynn and McCabe (no title) should both be tried? 
Actually, one (Lt Gen Flynn WAS tried, in front of a Mueller grand jury) and one wasn't (McCabe).  McCabe was 'tried' (& convicted) in front of his own peers at the FBI, internally. 
McCabe's pension must be uber-special, tho... as that's all anyone's worried about.  (The POOR man!) 
Flynn's sentencing judge recently recused himself, opening his conviction to review.  Why did the judge recuse himself?  Turns out, he was friends with the lead investigator of the FBI, Strozk. 
(one of those pesky ins/outs, you admit to be ignorant of) 
McCabe should face grand jury trial, soon, agreed.  

Trump fires Mueller, which we all know he can direct, he needs someone else to do it,

Just wait a cotton-picking minute.  You previously opined, in a previous post,  that if Trump fired Mueller.... it would be the "end of order of the political system".  
Happy to have talked you off that ledge.  Glad you now agree with me.  
Trump ABSOLUTELY DOES NOT need anyone else to do it.  Would he prefer Sessions fire Mueller?  SURE.  
But it's not a pre-requisite, to do so.  
BTW, this is an FBI counterintelligence investigation, right?  Never-Trumper Andrew McCarthy --via National Review-- has proffered this whole FBI investigation is null/void, criminally,  by fiat.  
President Trump cannot possibly be in legal peril in an FBI counterintelligence operation.  
Pull quotes: 
"Counterintelligence investigations, on the other hand, are not criminal investigations. They are not a rule-of-law issue or a judicial matter. The objective is not to prosecute someone who has violated the penal law, so we are not worried that political officials, rather than legal principles, control the outcome. That’s because counterintelligence is national security work, which is the principal duty of the political branches under the Constitution.

To be more succinct: Counterintelligence is an information-gathering exercise undertaken for one purpose and one purpose alone: to inform the president, through his subordinate intelligence officials, of information about threats to, and opportunities to advance, American interests...
...Just the same, President Trump cannot obstruct a counterintelligence investigation. Such investigations are not undertaken to build prosecutions but to inform him.
That’s the point."
And before you try to malign Andrew McCarthy, like you did Levin, ...he's the former federal prosecutor, SDNY, who jailed "Blind Sheik" Abdel-Rahman in the first WTC bombing.
Similarly, he knows from which he opines.   


sure the world is stays the same until someone grows a fucking pair in the GOP and sides with the DEMS to rid of this clown. If he fires Mueller, he is in the bounds of his position, albeit using intimidation over Sessions to get it done, but shows that NO ONE CAN CHALLENGE TRUMP, NO ONE. 

So again, you admit Trump can fire Mueller (thanks!) but claim NO ONE CAN CHALLENGE TRUMP, NO ONE.
Have you not heard of the CONGRESS, who has the ability to IMPEACH?  I'm trying not to get personal, but your basic lack of understanding of the Constitution, is growing weary. 
All they (Congress) need, is the majority... which Trump may have just given them with his non-veto of the omnibus, two nights ago.  

 We would be at the whim of a fucking idiot who is unraveling American influence around the world. These are things that moronic dictators and thugs do, not thr office of the President of the United States.

I would propose Netenyahu would disagree?  
And Putin?  He's "all-in" for Trump, as well, right?  That's all we've been hearing for months.  
Well, let me put it this way.  What countries have 'unraveled", and what does it matter?  
I'll posit one your way.... Turkey (Erdogan) is prolly less 'raveled'.  OMG!! 

hypocrisy is what is going to turn this whole thing upside down, if everyone is a hypocrite then no one will be trusted. if you cant trust your political leaders even at face value now, the system has collapsed. Thomas Jefferson stated eloquently

“He who permits himself to tell a lie once, finds it much easier to do it a second and third time, till at length it becomes habitual; he tells lies without attending to it, and truths without the world's believing him. This falsehood of the tongue leads to that of the heart, and in time depraves all its good dispositions.“

i dont understand how rational people want to defend a man and his cronies who have proven to be nothing but liars. Not only defend but actually trust, its almost a level of Stockholm Syndrome. I guess i dont see the overall and ending benefit in this type of belief (UNLESS all you want is to be right no matter what the truth is OR you want a social civil war). I hated HRC, her and her whole outfit, was glad when Trump won, but man it looks worse and worse every day

Again... "I (you- by admission) voted for him... but I had NO IDEA!"
Blindfully ignorant, or willfully ignorant.  Take your pick.  
But please, continue to lecture us rubes.  

If Comey, a Republican and head of one of the most valued institutions in keeping world order, 

The FBI is an internal executive branch law enforcement bureau.  
They have little to do (by themselves) with 'keeping world order'.  
That's the CIA & NSA's collective jobs.  

was investigating Trump because they knew there was a history of compromise with trump and the Soviets (thats who we are dealing with here, not the Russians) i am believing there is fire to all this smoke.  Wouldnt you?

"history of (Trump) compromise".  PLEASE... show us some. 

jesus, republicans and former GOP voters:

FBI = good, RUSSIA = bad

What?  This makes no sense.  

finally. this is the most disturbing part of all . . .  
“To some of us, this SC was designed by the 'deep-state' senior level intelligence leaders (& holdovers from Obama admin) to hound Trump. 
It was ideated during the '16 Prexy election, and put into action soon after (egads!) Trump won.  
(I'm willing to defend the above 2 statements, at length, if you want to debate it. )“

I said "ideated during the '16 Prexy election"
My source, for that statement?  
"Shattered:  Inside Hillary Clinton's Doomed Campaign"  
^^ This book was not a hatchet-job right-winger authored book.  
It was seriously reviewed by The Guardian, the NYT, and Vox.  << hardly right-wingers.  
The authors of that serious book told us:  
“Within 24 hours of her concession speech, [campaign chair John Podesta and manager Robby Mook] assembled her communications team at the Brooklyn headquarters to engineer the case that the election wasn’t entirely on the up-and-up. For a couple of hours, with Shake Shack containers littering the room, they went over the script they would pitch to the press and the public. Already, Russian hacking was the centerpiece of the argument.”
The plan, according to the book, was to push journalists to cover how “Russian hacking was the major unreported story of the campaign,” and it succeeded to a fare-thee-well. After the election, coverage of the Russian “collusion” story was relentless, and it helped pressure investigations and hearings on Capitol Hill and even the naming of a special counsel, which in turn has triggered virtually nonstop coverage."
BTW, I want to point out I've posted Mark Levin... yet I've cited (as sources for my argument) the NYT, the NYT book-review division,  WaPo, the Guardian, and Vox. 
But please, continue to negate my POV as a sole consumer of right-wing news.  

“To some of us?” Meaning my conspiracy theory echo chamber, this is done by the “deep state”. Yikes man, yikes.

Even more condescension.  Rube, anti-science, anti-evolution, backwards.  Nee, conspiracist. 
Wanna rank em, please?  Would like to know the hierarchy.  

 Somehow you know more than even regular political ops, there is nothing wrong with believing there are two sides to every story but your stated willingness to defend something that is based on rumors, accusations and hypotheticals is concerning.

Add arrogant naivete (!) to my basket of deplorability.  

Sounds like the firsr 5 minutes of the Hannity show, just burying yourself deeper and deeper into the bullshit. 

Add bullshit artist.  

So if the feds come back with evidence that the trump team was manipulated or aided by the Russians due to relationships and compromise, you are ready and willing to give credit to the deep state for protecting this country, correct?

 No, you won’t, youll question the evidence that is presented and people involved as an even “deeper” state.  Proving that truth is dead and the system is truly in a position of total collapse. Which means congrats, you played yourself. 

Add willful denier.  

Nice chatting with you! 

Quote: @Skodin said:
i do not understand what?  what will i see? that McCabe and the FBI was investigating Trump for ties to an adversary previous to an election?  What does any of this prove?  How does this change the fact that this President is a lying moronic con man
The Special Counsel  investigating Trump just leaked to the Wa-Po (felony leak, btw) that Trump is not a 'criminal target'.

Forget the machinations the Wa-Po goes thru, in the rest of the story (that he's still a subject   :p ) , and focus on the big news. 

"Trump is not a criminal target".   Sorry, Trump hatas.  Gotta hurt when it comes from the Wa-Po.... yes?

NYT/REUTERS confirms.

Can't wait for OIG Democrat Horowitz's report (due soon) that accurately flips the script and confirms the Comey/Rosenstein/Strozk/Page/Bohr coup.  


Well, this is a game-changer.

WOW.  A sitting President's personal lawyer's office(s) is raided by the FBI.  ALL RECORDS SEIZED. 
By the Southern District of NY (Manhattan), on a referred tip by SC Mueller (who just relayed, above post, that Trump not criminal target.   PSYCH!)

At least Clinton got to embarrass himself on what the definition of is, is ;  in front of a grand jury.  


Well skodin & Trump-o-phobes....this must be a great day.  


He basically is a Clinton:

quoting him is somehow unfair, any s****y thing he does gets explained with "they should be looking at the other side" and babble about "unfair" and "double standards".

It's no wonder they hung out previously, they obviously share a playbook.

Why is anyone a "major party voter", again?  Seriously?

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