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The Start of the Russian Hoax
If they can do FISA fraud against a sitting president they can do it to you.  That is the scary big picture issue here. The scarier thing is that almost ALL of the officials covered their tracks and lied repeatedly it took the inspector general to get to the abuse.  The issue here is if you or I for whatever reason had this abuse directed toward any of us as private citizens we would be in jail and remain there.  We would not have the recourse or the ability to have this made right.  The inspector General would not be looking into our case.

It used to be the people in the left were worried about law enforcement abuses but they are now defending and cheering them.  Just a shocking turn in attitude.  If you only promote rights and protections for those you agree with you are not a liberal. 

Quote: @A1Janitor said:

My first reaction when Levin first announced this FISA abuse (put together by piecemeal MSM news reporting, 2 yrs ago)... was, how could federal judges allow/condone this?  


And the chief FISC judge (Collyer) was motioned in amicus curiae briefs by conservative legal open EVIDENTIARY hearings, on the matter.  
She declined, stating "no jurisdiction".  WTAF?  If she had opened evidentiary hearings by all parties, our country could have spared ourselves the whole Mueller debacle for 2 yrs. 

Well now, she re-discovered "jurisdiction", under the umbrella/cover of the OIG's scathing report. ABOUT DAMN TIME.  

Quote: @SFVikeFan said:

What is the bombshell here?

Chief FISA judge admits they were lied to by FBI. 
"Bombshell" is over-used...but this is significant.  One more quiver for the bow which is Barr/Durham.  

It’s the FISA app for ONE guy, Carter Page.  According to Trump himself he was a nobody.

You clearly don't understand how FBI investigations work.  
First of all, the FBI was clearly using Page/his emails/communications as a conduit to the greater Trump campaign/Presidency.  
Secondly...what happened to that trite slogan "injustice anywhere, is a threat to justice everywhere".  Libs used to love that.  
But congrats.  Democrats (that think like you) have clearly abdicated the notion of individual American Liberty, uber alles. 

Carter Page has nothing to do with crimes committed by Gates, Manafort, Flynn and Stone all getting frog marched off to prison.

True.  Likewise, the crimes by Gates, Manafort, Flynn and Stone (et al) have NOTHING to do with Russian collusion...the raison d' etre for the Mueller investigation.  
All the above were "frog-marched" for process crimes.  

Carter Page was also not the reason the investigation started - that is also part of the IG report that you either didn’t read nor understand.  Typical.  

No, we understand that.  Supposedly Papadopolous was the "reason the investigation started".  
Some of us have been arguing for MONTHS, that the investigation was begat in equally as specious circumstances, as the FISA circumstances.  
But that was not under OIG Horowitz's purview (the predication/onset of 'crossfire hurricane). So his thoughts on the predicate of crossfire hurricane are superfluous.
(and indeed were immediately challenged by both Barr and Durham) 
OIG Horowitz was primarily charged with investigating potential FBI FISA abuse (which he found, in spades!)
US Atty Durham is in charge of investigating the predication of 'Crossfire Hurricane'.   
@SFVikeFan said:
There was Russian interference in our election, not Ukrainian.  
You keep saying that.  Yet there is liberal MSM reportage that conflicts.
I've posted (many times) that liberal Politico (here's evidence, Politico is liberal  allsides) has refuted you.  
How do you reconcile that?  

We've agreed/stated many times, the Russkies attempted to interfere with our last election.  As they always have, from time immemorial. 
Some 13 lame Russkie  players were id'd during the Mueller investigation...and upon being so named, they (offending Russkies) were deemed inconsequential, to the election.  
By Rosenstein.  Here.  

We've argued these facts for now well over 2 years on here...
Resolved:   The Obama-FBI holdovers at the top,  spied on the Trump campaign/Presidency. 
Resolved:   The Mueller report proved no collusion by Trump/surrogates, and no obstruction by oversight (AG) fiat.  
Resolved:   The Congressional (House & Senate) investigations showed no collusion. 
Resolved:   The DOJ OIG showed clear Obama-holdover FBI FISA abuse. 
Resolved:   The FISC court (FISC court chief judge Collyer) agreed to said FBI abuse...& is po'd...& wants answers. 

The last 'piece of the puzzle'/ 'was there proper predicate for the inception of crossfire hurricane, or was it improper/illegal? '  is pending, via US Atty Durham.  



I will miss SF for 6 months.  

Quote: @A1Janitor said:

I will miss SF for 6 months.  
A shame you have yet to be proven right about anything you have claimed.  

I missed where Obama was proven to be the guy who ordered it.  I missed the arrests you promised.  Yawn.  

Wake me when something interesting happens.

Lisa Page, the FBI official accused of harboring an anti-Trump bias, sent a text message in September 2016 saying that then-President Obama wanted "to know everything" about the FBI's probe into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server.
The text message exchange with Peter Strzok, another FBI official with whom she was having an affair, contains a message from Page about preparing talking points for then-FBI Director James Comey to give to Obama. 
The exchange, in which Strzok wrote that Obama "wants to know everything we're doing," was included in a reportreleased Tuesday by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) and Republican staff on the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. 

Arrests are Durham.  Pay attention. 

Quote: @A1Janitor said:
Lisa Page, the FBI official accused of harboring an anti-Trump bias, sent a text message in September 2016 saying that then-President Obama wanted "to know everything" about the FBI's probe into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server.
The text message exchange with Peter Strzok, another FBI official with whom she was having an affair, contains a message from Page about preparing talking points for then-FBI Director James Comey to give to Obama. 
The exchange, in which Strzok wrote that Obama "wants to know everything we're doing," was included in a reportreleased Tuesday by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) and Republican staff on the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. 
Aware of something vs ordering someone to do something ... hmmm

Is English your first language?  You seem to struggle with reading comprehension and fabricate shit based on what your half-baked brain THINKS it understands.


LOL We will see 

Quote: @A1Janitor said:
LOL We will see 
seems as though the last desperate ploy the politicians use in  these investigations is “obstruction of justice”. No original crime found but the accused has made the process  difficult because the accused has plead their lack of guilt and because of this  he is obviously obstructing.  this is all a waste of time.

Quote: @PSBLAKE said:
@A1Janitor said:
LOL We will see 
seems as though the last desperate ploy the politicians use in  these investigations is “obstruction of justice”. No original crime found but the accused has made the process  difficult because the accused has plead their lack of guilt and because of this  he is obviously obstructing.  this is all a waste of time.
You can be willfully ignorant about the fact Trump refuses to allow any of his administration to testify or to provide evidence that would corroborate the testimony of multiple witnesses who DID testify under oath but doesn’t change the fact it is in fact obstructing the investigation.

”Most transparent administration ever”


Unless we are caught trying to cover up crimes, then suddenly we change our minds about transparency

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