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Trump tweet feud with a 16 yr old
Quote: @pumpf said:
@SFVikeFan said:
@pumpf said:
@MaroonBells said:
@pumpf said:
@MaroonBells said:
It's just hard to put into words just how incredibly disgusting it is that this man is our president. 
And yet you and SF never stop trying (and- luckily for the rest of us- using this board as your medium). 
You too, Pumpf. I seem to remember quite a few posts from you detailing why you refused to vote for him. I don't think it was about his tax policy or his stance on climate change or his predilection toward the court, was it? Of course not. You and the rest of the "he's a dick, but..." crowd saw the same sort of juvenile, piggish and petulant behavior that is exemplified in this tweet and a hundred more beside. So why are you suddenly offended when people criticize him for very obviously unpresidential behavior? Just curious. 

I  wish I could go back and see how many posts I actually started.  But I'm pretty sure it was less than the posts I started about Obama... and I don't think I started very many of them, either.  Some, to be sure... but not anything like what we see nowadays from a couple of you.  And, you're right: I saw all his (past) behaviors and was repulsed by them.  But, a couple of things should be mentioned here:

1) Other Republicans have been good, kind, charitable people... and liberals savaged them anyway.  So, it's not like Trump's behavior is the cause of "your" hatred of him.  You'd hate him no matter what he said/did.  Trump just happens to give you lots and lots of reasons, whereas- previously- "you" had to pretend like the hatred was due to polices.  Frankly, the way that liberalism has evolved, I think that this is the kind of Republican (not necessarily conservative) that needs to be in that Office.  Anyone with a lesser ego might not survive the constant, unwarranted (because it's personal, not policy) attacks.  While I'm not a fan of his responses, I'm not sure what choice he has, given the things that he is accused of on a minute-by-minute basis.

2) I'm not offended that you (and others) attack him.  I'm irritated (big difference from being offended) that you do it CONSTANTLY!  There was a poster who "used to be here", who- literally- came here JUST to rant about his particular hatred for our GM.  How is this post any different?  At least he came here to complain about someone associated with the Vikings!  Yes, we have a "Sensitive Topics" area, where this kind of stuff is allowed.  But I'm pretty sure the goal was not to make trolling an accepted form of discourse.  If anything, the goal was to DISCUSS these kinds of topics- something that "you guys" are clearly not interested in doing.  You said it yourself: you won't have discussions with idiots... and everyone who holds a different opinion- from your own- is an idiot.  So much for "discussion".  By the way, I left the "other" board... at a time when ALL they did was praise Trump... and bash liberals.  So, you see: I don't like it when ANYBODY uses one of these Viking boards for their personal or political agenda.  Discussions are great... but the rantings are irritating- and just as juvenile as anything that Trump tweets (see SF's response for an example).  

You are going to equate my “rantings” and my disdain for the shitty, immoral and juvenile behavior by the President are just as juvenile as anything Trump tweets or says?

Hilarious.  So juvenile to bring up others bad behavior who represent our country, shame on me!  I mean the respect shown to Hillary and Obama by conservatives over the years was truly adult behavior.

In other words, you have no expectation for the leader of the free world to be able to communicate with any dignity or grace, and instead it’s acceptable if he talks at a level that’s no better than some jaded asshole ranting on a football message board.  As long as he votes in favor of guns, God and outlawing abortion, he can be a complete douchebag tweet-hating at kids and it’s all good.

With that reasoning, since you have no expectation for the office of POTUS to behave with any kind of morals or values, why should I have any respect for Trump, let alone those who support and condone his behavior?

Sounds like a shitty world we are building in the image of the Orange Almighty but I guess for conservatives and the Christian right it’s ok as long as the ends justify the means.

Truly sad.  
Actually, I'm not OK with it.  And, if you had read what I wrote (I know, I have pretty high standards sometimes), you'd have seen that what I DID say... was that- based on how he is treated (by "you guys"), I don't think he has any choice but to fight fire with fire.  As I said, other conservatives (who have behaved with morals, values, etc) get hated and attacked by "you guys" anyway... so rather than sit there and take it, why not give it right back?  Do 2 wrongs make a right?  Nope.  And I wouldn't do it.  But, unfortunately, that is the political climate that we're in now (thanks, in large part, to the same people who are decrying the lack of virtue and class that they see in Trump). 

By the way, rather than whine about Trump picking on some poor child... shouldn't you be giving us daily impeachment updates?
Yes you are right, Trump had no choice but to fight fire with fire ...

against a 16 yr old?  Because she forced herself onto a magazine cover and made them give her the award, and he had to defend himself over it because it was such a hot button issue??

Are you fucking high?

Because during his entire presidency there was never an option to act like an adult or act civil towards others who criticize you?  Because that’s what leaders are supposed to do?

Because he is the first President to be criticized we have to feel sorry for him after he attacks others like an angry nutjob?  Because all the other Presidents would lash out like hormonal teenagers any time someone said something negative about them?

Keep digging that hole, just shows how fucking warped your mindset is and how you continue to lower the bar of your own so called morals and values to continue to justify his shitty behavior.

You also seem oblivious to the fact you have done this his entire presidency.



Quote: @A1Janitor said:

1.  She is a tool of the globalists.  Nothing more and nothing less.  How does a 16 year old get this gig?  Who supervises her? Who pays for this year long tour on jets and yachts?  Who takes a 16 year old kid as an expert?

2.  They attack this president with this stupid shit all the time.  David Hogg for instance.  How did get into Harvard?  Who is paying for it?  The kid got rejected by a state school in California.  Low SATs.  Runs his 2nd amendment scam - who the fuck is he?  Let’s get real discussion from experts.  Not tools of the globalists to push their agenda.  You want to take away the gun rights of honest citizens (who go through background checks and are responsible) because the mentally ill snap.  They aren’t real Christians like Pumpf doing this shit.  Fix the mental health issue.  Shit the fuck up David Hogg.  You aren’t an expert that can find compromise.  

How dare you?

Trump was reacting to the hilarious Time shit.  
@A1Janitor said:
Let’s look at results of policies between Obama and Trump!  This is what you guys are afraid to discuss.  That is why you throw the impeachment and Russian hoax at Trump.  

Hint.  Compare the corruption of Obama and Trump.

CF gave McCabe’s wife a million for her election campaign while he was running the rigged email and private server scam investigations.  

Bill met with Loretta on the tarmac.  Quid Pro Quo.  Fix the Hillary email scandal for a SCOTUS nomination.  

FBI and Hillary paid Christopher Steele for a fake dossier.  She paid foreigners to influence the election.  HaHa.  What they falsely accused Trump of with the Russian Hoax.  

Comey leaked and lied.  Created fake evidence.  Obama spied.  Media complicit and duplicitous.  

This is getting good.  

Keep clinging to your fake storylines.  Man made climate change is a money making scam.  Are their research papers peer reviewed?  Haha.  Let a real scientist review their work.  

Blacks are waling up.  Jobs.  That’s the key.  He isn’t racist.  Look at his record.  
So Trump was reacting to Time by chastising the child winner instead of Time itself.

Solid argument.

Ateele dossier was bought and paid for foreigners to help win the election.

Except it was never used by Hillary or Dems, they turned it over to the FBI and never brought it up.  

Hillary lost an election because Comey announced the FBI re-opening an investigation into her emails a few days before the election.  He said NOTHING about the fact Trump and his campaign were also under investigation.  But that was part of his evil plan, throw shade on Hillary on national tv and stay silent about Trump and his campaign just days before the election to help Trump get elected ...

You’re clearly a genius who can’t even make your conspiracy theories and pathetic excuses make any fucking sense


This thread is really close to losing participants. 

The subject is the stupid tweet by the president.  Either you agree that it was uncalled for or not is the point of this thread. 

I think the way that girls mental illness has been used by the climate hoax side is sickening ( yes she has been a pawn because of her age,  emotional issues,  and to some extent her sex )  however when I heard about the juvenile response by our president I was once  again shaking my head in disgust,  he needs to be better and make better choices with his responses.  Somebody needs to make him realize he could be doing more to make his goals more attainable .

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
This thread is really close to losing participants. 

The subject is the stupid tweet by the president.  Either you agree that it was uncalled for or not is the point of this thread. 

I think the way that girls mental illness has been used by the climate hoax side is sickening ( yes she has been a pawn because of her age,  emotional issues,  and to some extent her sex )  however when I heard about the juvenile response by our president I was once  again shaking my head in disgust,  he needs to be better and make better choices with his responses.  Somebody needs to make him realize he could be doing more to make his goals more attainable .
What participants said anything wrong?

Quote: @A1Janitor said:
@JimmyinSD said:
This thread is really close to losing participants. 

The subject is the stupid tweet by the president.  Either you agree that it was uncalled for or not is the point of this thread. 

I think the way that girls mental illness has been used by the climate hoax side is sickening ( yes she has been a pawn because of her age,  emotional issues,  and to some extent her sex )  however when I heard about the juvenile response by our president I was once  again shaking my head in disgust,  he needs to be better and make better choices with his responses.  Somebody needs to make him realize he could be doing more to make his goals more attainable .
What participants said anything wrong?
reread from the top if you want,  I am not calling anybody out,  but will give a group warning.   the petty name calling will lead to removal from threads,  and if people get pissy about being removed they will get a vacation from the board.  (this includes PMs as well)   

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@A1Janitor said:
@JimmyinSD said:
This thread is really close to losing participants. 

The subject is the stupid tweet by the president.  Either you agree that it was uncalled for or not is the point of this thread. 

I think the way that girls mental illness has been used by the climate hoax side is sickening ( yes she has been a pawn because of her age,  emotional issues,  and to some extent her sex )  however when I heard about the juvenile response by our president I was once  again shaking my head in disgust,  he needs to be better and make better choices with his responses.  Somebody needs to make him realize he could be doing more to make his goals more attainable .
What participants said anything wrong?
reread from the top if you want,  I am not calling anybody out,  but will give a group warning.   the petty name calling will lead to removal from threads,  and if people get pissy about being removed they will get a vacation from the board.  (this includes PMs as well)   
I stand by what I wrote.  

I only see one person being abusive.  He is allowed to carry on like this for some reason. 

Quote: @SFVikeFan said:
Yes you are right, Trump had no choice but to fight fire with fire ...

against a 16 yr old?  Because she forced herself onto a magazine cover and made them give her the award, and he had to defend himself over it because it was such a hot button issue??

Are you fucking high?

Because during his entire presidency there was never an option to act like an adult or act civil towards others who criticize you?  Because that’s what leaders are supposed to do?

Because he is the first President to be criticized we have to feel sorry for him after he attacks others like an angry nutjob?  Because all the other Presidents would lash out like hormonal teenagers any time someone said something negative about them?

Keep digging that hole, just shows how fucking warped your mindset is and how you continue to lower the bar of your own so called morals and values to continue to justify his shitty behavior.

You also seem oblivious to the fact you have done this his entire presidency.

I wasn't talking specifically about Greta; I was talking about the political climate.  
Question for you: do you hold any other human beings to the same standard that you hold Trump?  I ask because you seem to do alot of the things that you say he does.  Yeah, I know: you're not the president... but that's beside the point.  If it's only wrong because he's the president... then, really, anyone else can do it and it's OK.  Right?  That's some strange virtue-signaling.

It is  partially the condescending contempt that the left feels for anyone who disagrees with their opinions and politics that motivated voters to vote for change and that change was Trump.

Quote: @PSBLAKE said:
It is  partially the condescending contempt that the left feels for anyone who disagrees with their opinions and politics that motivated voters to vote for change and that change was Trump.
I'd say more than partially.  Trump didn't get me to "support" Trump; the left did.  Given the choice between them... and Trump... I chose Trump.  And if they weren't so bereft of self-awareness (or humility), they might recognize that they were the problem, and strive more for civility and unity.  But, nope: intersectionality and partisan divisions continue to rule the day.  I think alot of it has to do with thinking that people on Twitter (or other social media platforms) are a good representation of the country.  Those folks (on social media) seem to be the ones that liberals are trying to please with their policies.  And a big swath of Americans- including a majority of independents- just aren't "down with that".  So, where else do they have to turn... other than to Trump?  It's not like there is a realistic 3rd party option.  

People are forced to choose between Trump-haters and Trump-supporters (if we're going to be honest).  And, after looking at both, the majority (by a slim margin) are choosing Trump.  Having an historic, roaring economy doesn't hurt, either.

You voted in support of Trump because of the platforms of humility, civility and unity??



Just like this tweet exemplifies Trump and the GOP’s ongoing displays of humility, civility and unity towards a child?  Or the media?  Dems?  Our allies?  

But daring to point out this ongoing pattern of behavior of lashing out and ridiculing others, name calling in the most juvenile way.... that  is what you find so mean, so uncivil??


Every time you guys open your mouth with the “I didn’t like Trump/didn’t vote for the guy, BUT ....”  statements, you sell a little more of your soul to justify his asshole attitude and anti-Christian behavior while blaming someone else for having done something worse and forcing you to support him.  But once again you prove that the family values platform was always bullshit because what really matters to GOP voters - the economy.  

But if you think humility, civility and unity is what pushed you into voting Republican you are only trying to convince yourself because nobody is buying that bullshit.  

Even Jesus furrowed his brow at that one.  

Be Best pumpf


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